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Total number of driver genes:  857

Identifier UniProt Accession UniProt Gene UniProt Name Chromosome Database Role in Cancer Number of missense mutations Missense mutation per residues Number of disordered residues Number of mutations in disordered regions Disordered missense mutations per residues
TP53-201 P04637 TP53 Cellular tumor antigen p53 chr17 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG, fusion 2742 6.977099236641221 282 1364 3.470737913486005
CDKN2A-201 P42771 CDKN2A Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A chr9 Census, Compendium TSG 151 0.967948717948718 83 81 0.5192307692307693
CTNNB1-201 P35222 CTNNB1 Catenin beta-1 chr3 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 363 0.4647887323943662 288 291 0.3725992317541613
FAM47C-201 Q5HY64 FAM47C Putative protein FAM47C chrX Census 378 0.3652173913043478 876 326 0.314975845410628
RUNX1T1-245 Q06455 RUNX1T1 Protein CBFA2T1 chr8 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG, fusion 216 0.3576158940397351 469 171 0.2831125827814569
BCLAF1-214 Q9NYF8 BCLAF1 Bcl-2-associated transcription factor 1 chr6 Census, Compendium 245 0.266304347826087 900 236 0.2565217391304348
MAX-205 P61244 MAX Protein max chr14 Census, Compendium TSG 37 0.23125 160 37 0.23125
MUC16-201 Q8WXI7 MUC16 Mucin-16 chr19 Census oncogene 3348 0.2307851382091404 13118 3090 0.2130006203901564
PEG3-201 Q9GZU2 PEG3 Paternally-expressed gene 3 protein chr19 Compendium 482 0.3035264483627204 1073 334 0.2103274559193954
CDH10-201 Q9Y6N8 CDH10 Cadherin-10 chr5 Census, Compendium TSG 410 0.5203045685279187 287 149 0.1890862944162436
CTNND2-201 Q9UQB3 CTNND2 Catenin delta-2 chr5 Census oncogene 338 0.2759183673469387 841 228 0.1861224489795918
FAM135B-204 Q49AJ0 FAM135B Protein FAM135B chr8 Census, Compendium 645 0.4587482219061166 581 256 0.182076813655761
RBFOX1-211 Q9NWB1 RBFOX1 RNA binding protein fox-1 homolog 1 chr16 Compendium 139 0.3501259445843829 182 72 0.181360201511335
GATA3-201 P23771 GATA3 Trans-acting T-cell-specific transcription factor GATA-3 chr10 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG 99 0.2234762979683973 368 79 0.1783295711060948
TP63-201 Q9H3D4 TP63 Tumor protein 63 chr3 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG 198 0.2911764705882353 398 120 0.1764705882352941
BCL11A-213 Q9H165 BCL11A B-cell lymphoma/leukemia 11A chr2 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 165 0.1976047904191616 678 141 0.1688622754491018
PAX3-204 P23760 PAX3 Paired box protein Pax-3 chr2 Census oncogene, fusion 95 0.1983298538622129 391 80 0.1670146137787056
AMER1-201 Q5JTC6 AMER1 APC membrane recruitment protein 1 chrX Census, Compendium TSG 196 0.1726872246696035 1041 185 0.1629955947136563
TMSB4X-204 P62328 TMSB4X Thymosin beta-4 chrX Census oncogene 7 0.1590909090909091 45 7 0.1590909090909091
TCF4-202 P15884 TCF4 Transcription factor 4 chr18 Compendium 105 0.1574212893553223 662 104 0.1559220389805097
CDKN1A-201 P38936 CDKN1A Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1 chr6 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG 38 0.2317073170731707 121 25 0.1524390243902439
PCDH17-201 O14917 PCDH17 Protocadherin-17 chr13 Compendium 322 0.2778257118205349 643 176 0.1518550474547023
MAP2-218 P11137 MAP2 Microtubule-associated protein 2 chr2 Compendium 294 0.160919540229885 1734 277 0.1516146688560481
PRRX1-201 P54821 PRRX1 Paired mesoderm homeobox protein 1 chr1 Census, Compendium fusion 54 0.2204081632653061 206 37 0.1510204081632653
SETBP1-203 Q9Y6X0 SETBP1 SET-binding protein chr18 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 272 0.1704260651629072 1456 240 0.150375939849624
KNSTRN-201 Q9Y448 KNSTRN Small kinetochore-associated protein chr15 Census oncogene 53 0.1677215189873417 248 47 0.1487341772151898
ROBO2-202 Q9HCK4 ROBO2 Roundabout homolog 2 chr3 Census TSG 324 0.2351233671988389 876 203 0.1473149492017416
FAM131B-202 Q86XD5 FAM131B Protein FAM131B chr7 Census fusion 65 0.1957831325301204 276 48 0.144578313253012
HLF-201 Q16534 HLF Hepatic leukemia factor chr17 Census oncogene, fusion 46 0.1559322033898305 264 42 0.1423728813559322
NRG1-203 Q02297 NRG1 Pro-neuregulin-1, membrane-bound isoform chr8 Census, Compendium TSG, fusion 104 0.1625 532 91 0.1421875
TAL1-206 P17542 TAL1 T-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia protein 1 chr1 Census oncogene, fusion 48 0.1450151057401812 305 47 0.1419939577039275
POU2AF1-201 Q16633 POU2AF1 POU domain class 2-associating factor 1 chr11 Census oncogene, fusion 48 0.1875 181 36 0.140625
IKZF1-201 Q13422 IKZF1 DNA-binding protein Ikaros chr7 Census, Compendium TSG, fusion 106 0.2042389210019267 328 72 0.1387283236994219
SSX1-201 Q16384 SSX1 Protein SSX1 chrX Census oncogene, fusion 31 0.1648936170212765 142 26 0.1382978723404255
AFF3-221 P51826 AFF3 AF4/FMR2 family member 3 chr2 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 197 0.1606851549755301 1025 169 0.1378466557911908
PAX5-201 Q02548 PAX5 Paired box protein Pax-5 chr9 Census oncogene, TSG, fusion 69 0.1764705882352941 292 53 0.1355498721227621
ZEB1-201 P37275 ZEB1 Zinc finger E-box-binding homeobox 1 chr10 Census, Compendium oncogene 189 0.1681494661921708 835 152 0.1352313167259786
NFATC2-202 Q13469 NFATC2 Nuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic 2 chr20 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 144 0.1556756756756756 726 124 0.134054054054054
DCC-202 P43146 DCC Netrin receptor DCC chr18 Census, Compendium 447 0.308914996544575 632 192 0.1326883206634416
SOX9-201 P48436 SOX9 Transcription factor SOX-9 chr17 Compendium 69 0.1355599214145383 497 66 0.1296660117878192
CIC-206 Q96RK0 CIC Protein capicua homolog chr19 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG, fusion 216 0.1343283582089552 1552 207 0.1287313432835821
CDH11-201 P55287 CDH11 Cadherin-11 chr16 Census, Compendium TSG, fusion 220 0.2763819095477386 401 102 0.1281407035175879
SALL4-201 Q9UJQ4 SALL4 Sal-like protein 4 chr20 Census, Compendium oncogene 172 0.1633428300094966 744 134 0.1272554605887939
MYCN-201 P04198 MYCN N-myc proto-oncogene protein chr2 Census, Compendium oncogene 65 0.1400862068965517 415 59 0.1271551724137931
GLI1-201 P08151 GLI1 Zinc finger protein GLI1 chr12 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 156 0.1410488245931284 1018 138 0.1247739602169981
TFPT-203 P0C1Z6 TFPT TCF3 fusion partner chr19 Census fusion 32 0.1264822134387351 237 31 0.1225296442687747
TFAP4-201 Q01664 TFAP4 Transcription factor AP-4 chr16 Compendium 49 0.1449704142011834 287 41 0.1213017751479289
NUTM1-201 Q86Y26 NUTM1 NUT family member 1 chr15 Census oncogene, fusion 156 0.1378091872791519 975 137 0.1210247349823321
PAX7-203 P23759 PAX7 Paired box protein Pax-7 chr1 Census fusion 78 0.1544554455445544 396 61 0.1207920792079207
ZBTB7B-205 O15156 ZBTB7B Zinc finger and BTB domain-containing protein 7B chr1 Compendium 100 0.1855287569573283 355 65 0.1205936920222634
POU2F2-204 P09086 POU2F2 POU domain, class 2, transcription factor 2 chr19 Compendium 66 0.1377870563674321 387 57 0.1189979123173277
LEF1-201 Q9UJU2 LEF1 Lymphoid enhancer-binding factor 1 chr4 Census oncogene, TSG 51 0.1278195488721804 372 47 0.1177944862155388
PDE4DIP-205 Q5VU43 PDE4DIP Myomegalin chr1 Census, Compendium fusion 380 0.1619778346121057 1640 276 0.1176470588235294
GRIN2A-201 Q12879 GRIN2A Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 2A chr16 Census, Compendium TSG 439 0.2998633879781421 507 172 0.1174863387978142
BCL9-201 O00512 BCL9 B-cell CLL/lymphoma 9 protein chr1 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 164 0.1150070126227209 1431 164 0.1150070126227209
CTNNA2-203 P26232 CTNNA2 Catenin alpha-2 chr2 Census oncogene 328 0.3441762854144806 308 108 0.1133263378803777
BCL9L-205 Q86UU0 BCL9L B-cell CLL/lymphoma 9-like protein chr11 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG 166 0.1107404936624416 1501 166 0.1107404936624416
SP140-203 Q13342 SP140 Nuclear body protein SP140 chr2 Compendium 151 0.1741637831603229 462 96 0.1107266435986159
FLI1-205 Q01543 FLI1 Friend leukemia integration 1 transcription factor chr11 Census oncogene, fusion 82 0.1814159292035398 282 50 0.1106194690265486
HOXA9-201 P31269 HOXA9 Homeobox protein Hox-A9 chr7 Census oncogene, TSG, fusion 41 0.150735294117647 189 30 0.1102941176470588
ISX-202 Q2M1V0 ISX Intestine-specific homeobox chr22 Census 50 0.2040816326530612 103 27 0.110204081632653
SOX17-201 Q9H6I2 SOX17 Transcription factor SOX-17 chr8 Compendium 64 0.1545893719806763 379 45 0.108695652173913
FIP1L1-202 Q6UN15 FIP1L1 Pre-mRNA 3'-end-processing factor FIP1 chr4 Census fusion 66 0.1111111111111111 574 64 0.1077441077441077
PRR14-202 Q9BWN1 PRR14 Proline-rich protein 14 chr16 Compendium 66 0.1128205128205128 573 63 0.1076923076923077
NCOR1-201 O75376 NCOR1 Nuclear receptor corepressor 1 chr17 Census, Compendium TSG 265 0.1086065573770491 2348 258 0.1057377049180327
HNF1A-201 P20823 HNF1A Hepatocyte nuclear factor 1-alpha chr12 Census, Compendium TSG 83 0.1315372424722662 567 66 0.1045958795562599
SS18L1-201 O75177 SS18L1 Calcium-responsive transactivator chr20 Census fusion 44 0.1111111111111111 359 41 0.1035353535353535
MITF-203 O75030 MITF Microphthalmia-associated transcription factor chr3 Census oncogene 62 0.11787072243346 409 54 0.1026615969581749
ASXL2-203 Q76L83 ASXL2 Putative Polycomb group protein ASXL2 chr2 Census, Compendium TSG 167 0.116376306620209 1274 147 0.1024390243902439
PBX1-203 P40424 PBX1 Pre-B-cell leukemia transcription factor 1 chr1 Census oncogene, fusion 64 0.1488372093023255 291 44 0.1023255813953488
IKZF3-203 Q9UKT9 IKZF3 Zinc finger protein Aiolos chr17 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG, fusion 89 0.174852652259332 286 52 0.1021611001964636
RUNX1-202 Q01196 RUNX1 Runt-related transcription factor 1 chr21 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG, fusion 62 0.1368653421633554 361 46 0.1015452538631346
LSM14A-201 Q8ND56 LSM14A Protein LSM14 homolog A chr19 Census fusion 51 0.1101511879049676 408 47 0.101511879049676
SOX2-201 P48431 SOX2 Transcription factor SOX-2 chr3 Census oncogene 32 0.1009463722397476 312 32 0.1009463722397476
GAS7-203 O60861 GAS7 Growth arrest-specific protein 7 chr17 Census fusion 65 0.1365546218487394 318 48 0.1008403361344537
MLF1-201 P58340 MLF1 Myeloid leukemia factor 1 chr3 Census TSG, fusion 29 0.1082089552238805 244 27 0.1007462686567164
DDIT3-201 P35638 DDIT3 DNA damage-inducible transcript 3 protein chr12 Census oncogene, fusion 19 0.1124260355029585 161 17 0.1005917159763313
CARD11-203 Q9BXL7 CARD11 Caspase recruitment domain-containing protein 11 chr7 Census, Compendium oncogene 251 0.2175043327556325 534 116 0.1005199306759098
TCF7L2-206 Q9NQB0 TCF7L2 Transcription factor 7-like 2 chr10 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 76 0.122778675282714 517 62 0.1001615508885298
BCL11B-202 Q9C0K0 BCL11B B-cell lymphoma/leukemia 11B chr14 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG, fusion 121 0.1353467561521252 700 89 0.0995525727069351
BCOR-202 Q6W2J9 BCOR BCL-6 corepressor chrX Census, Compendium TSG, fusion 219 0.1247863247863247 1289 174 0.0991452991452991
BMP5-201 P22003 BMP5 Bone morphogenetic protein 5 chr6 Census 127 0.2797356828193832 112 45 0.0991189427312775
SMARCA4-201 P51532 SMARCA4 Transcription activator BRG1 chr19 Census, Compendium TSG 300 0.1821493624772313 1078 163 0.0989678202792957
PTPRD-203 P23468 PTPRD Receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase delta chr9 Census, Compendium TSG 475 0.2484309623430962 751 188 0.0983263598326359
MRTFA-204 Q969V6 MRTFA Myocardin-related transcription factor A chr22 Census oncogene, TSG, fusion 96 0.1031149301825993 843 91 0.0977443609022556
NONO-201 Q15233 NONO Non-POU domain-containing octamer-binding protein chrX Census, Compendium fusion 70 0.1486199575371549 349 46 0.0976645435244161
MECOM-217 Q03112 MECOM Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase MECOM chr3 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 225 0.1829268292682926 751 120 0.0975609756097561
NFE2L2-201 Q16236 NFE2L2 Nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 chr2 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG 235 0.3884297520661157 402 59 0.0975206611570247
BRD4-213 O60885 BRD4 Bromodomain-containing protein 4 chr19 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 143 0.1049926578560939 1184 132 0.0969162995594713
MYCL-202 P12524 MYCL Protein L-Myc chr1 Census oncogene 38 0.1043956043956044 275 35 0.0961538461538461
ATF1-201 P18846 ATF1 Cyclic AMP-dependent transcription factor ATF-1 chr12 Census oncogene, fusion 28 0.1033210332103321 241 26 0.0959409594095941
TCF12-201 Q99081 TCF12 Transcription factor 12 chr15 Census fusion 65 0.095307917888563 683 65 0.095307917888563
CRTC3-201 Q6UUV7 CRTC3 CREB-regulated transcription coactivator 3 chr15 Census fusion 59 0.0953150242326332 612 58 0.0936995153473344
FOXA1-201 P55317 FOXA1 Hepatocyte nuclear factor 3-alpha chr14 Census, Compendium oncogene 85 0.1800847457627118 295 44 0.0932203389830508
IRF4-201 Q15306 IRF4 Interferon regulatory factor 4 chr6 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG, fusion 85 0.188470066518847 155 42 0.0931263858093126
CBFA2T3-201 O75081 CBFA2T3 Protein CBFA2T3 chr16 Census, Compendium TSG, fusion 68 0.1041347626339969 504 60 0.0918836140888208
PRDM16-201 Q9HAZ2 PRDM16 Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase PRDM16 chr1 Census oncogene, fusion 196 0.1536050156739812 834 117 0.091692789968652
FGD5-201 Q6ZNL6 FGD5 FYVE, RhoGEF and PH domain-containing protein 5 chr3 Compendium 197 0.1347469220246238 917 134 0.0916552667578659
NCOA2-201 Q15596 NCOA2 Nuclear receptor coactivator 2 chr8 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 152 0.1038251366120218 1283 134 0.0915300546448087
LPP-220 Q93052 LPP Lipoma-preferred partner chr3 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 98 0.1601307189542483 406 56 0.0915032679738562
HOXC13-201 P31276 HOXC13 Homeobox protein Hox-C13 chr12 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 42 0.1272727272727272 203 30 0.0909090909090909
CUX1-201 P39880 CUX1 Homeobox protein cut-like 1 chr7 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG 154 0.1023255813953488 1342 136 0.0903654485049833
MYC-206 P01106 MYC Myc proto-oncogene protein chr8 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 72 0.158590308370044 325 41 0.0903083700440528
GATA2-201 P23769 GATA2 Endothelial transcription factor GATA-2 chr3 Census, Compendium oncogene 60 0.125 372 43 0.0895833333333333
LARP4B-201 Q92615 LARP4B La-related protein 4B chr10 Census TSG 92 0.1246612466124661 522 66 0.089430894308943
FOXO4-202 P98177 FOXO4 Forkhead box protein O4 chrX Census oncogene, TSG, fusion 56 0.1108910891089108 441 45 0.0891089108910891
ZBTB20-220 Q9HC78 ZBTB20 Zinc finger and BTB domain-containing protein 20 chr3 Compendium 135 0.1821862348178137 433 66 0.0890688259109311
MYB-205 P10242 MYB Transcriptional activator Myb chr6 Census oncogene, fusion 69 0.1078125 528 57 0.0890625
RAD21-201 O60216 RAD21 Double-strand-break repair protein rad21 homolog chr8 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG 84 0.1331220285261489 421 56 0.0887480190174326
FCRL4-201 Q96PJ5 FCRL4 Fc receptor-like protein 4 chr1 Census oncogene, fusion 113 0.2194174757281553 174 45 0.087378640776699
APC-201 P25054 APC Adenomatous polyposis coli protein chr5 Census, Compendium TSG 295 0.1037636299683433 2412 248 0.0872317973971157
IL7R-201 P16871 IL7R Interleukin-7 receptor subunit alpha chr5 Census, Compendium oncogene 140 0.3050108932461873 89 40 0.0871459694989106
RGS7-205 P49802 RGS7 Regulator of G-protein signaling 7 chr1 Census, Compendium 169 0.3414141414141414 150 43 0.0868686868686868
MAFB-201 Q9Y5Q3 MAFB Transcription factor MafB chr20 Census oncogene, fusion 29 0.0897832817337461 301 28 0.0866873065015479
DCAF12L2-201 Q5VW00 DCAF12L2 DDB1- and CUL4-associated factor 12-like protein 2 chrX Census, Compendium 198 0.427645788336933 99 40 0.0863930885529157
NKX2-1-203 P43699 NKX2-1 Homeobox protein Nkx-2.1 chr14 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG 34 0.091644204851752 336 32 0.0862533692722372
TFEB-204 P19484 TFEB Transcription factor EB chr6 Census oncogene, fusion 46 0.0966386554621848 431 41 0.0861344537815126
GPC5-201 P78333 GPC5 Glypican-5 chr13 Census TSG 198 0.3461538461538461 117 49 0.0856643356643356
CTCF-201 P49711 CTCF Transcriptional repressor CTCF chr16 Census, Compendium TSG 122 0.1678129298486932 482 62 0.0852819807427785
SPECC1-204 Q5M775 SPECC1 Cytospin-B chr17 Census fusion 111 0.1039325842696629 838 91 0.0852059925093633
ERC1-203 Q8IUD2 ERC1 ELKS/Rab6-interacting/CAST family member 1 chr12 Census fusion 100 0.089605734767025 1017 95 0.0851254480286738
THRAP3-201 Q9Y2W1 THRAP3 Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 chr1 Census fusion 78 0.081675392670157 957 81 0.0848167539267015
CCND1-201 P24385 CCND1 G1/S-specific cyclin-D1 chr11 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 47 0.159322033898305 32 25 0.0847457627118644
KIFC1-211 Q9BW19 KIFC1 Kinesin-like protein KIFC1 chr6 Compendium 83 0.1233283803863298 450 57 0.0846953937592867
TPM4-218 P67936 TPM4 Tropomyosin alpha-4 chain chr19 Census fusion 21 0.0846774193548387 216 21 0.0846774193548387
MLLT3-202 P42568 MLLT3 Protein AF-9 chr9 Census, Compendium fusion 57 0.1003521126760563 414 48 0.0845070422535211
CCDC6-201 Q16204 CCDC6 Coiled-coil domain-containing protein 6 chr10 Census, Compendium TSG, fusion 48 0.1012658227848101 373 40 0.0843881856540084
LASP1-201 Q14847 LASP1 LIM and SH3 domain protein 1 chr17 Census fusion 26 0.0996168582375478 200 22 0.0842911877394636
ATF7IP-201 Q6VMQ6 ATF7IP Activating transcription factor 7-interacting protein 1 chr12 Compendium 124 0.0976377952755905 1138 107 0.084251968503937
ETV1-208 P50549 ETV1 ETS translocation variant 1 chr7 Census oncogene, fusion 71 0.1488469601677149 284 40 0.0838574423480083
ELF3-203 P78545 ELF3 ETS-related transcription factor Elf-3 chr1 Census, Compendium TSG 84 0.2264150943396226 147 31 0.0835579514824797
AFF4-201 Q9UHB7 AFF4 AF4/FMR2 family member 4 chr5 Census oncogene, fusion 106 0.0911435941530524 994 97 0.0834049871023215
DEK-212 P35659 DEK Protein DEK chr6 Census oncogene, fusion 34 0.0906666666666666 300 31 0.0826666666666666
FNBP1-202 Q96RU3 FNBP1 Formin-binding protein 1 chr9 Census fusion 61 0.0988654781199351 461 51 0.0826580226904376
HMGA2-204 P52926 HMGA2 High mobility group protein HMGI-C chr12 Census oncogene, fusion 9 0.0825688073394495 109 9 0.0825688073394495
SATB1-201 Q01826 SATB1 DNA-binding protein SATB1 chr3 Compendium 104 0.1363040629095675 487 63 0.0825688073394495
GATA1-202 P15976 GATA1 Erythroid transcription factor chrX Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG 57 0.1380145278450363 242 34 0.0823244552058111
ZNF479-201 Q96JC4 ZNF479 Zinc finger protein 479 chr7 Census 219 0.4179389312977099 96 43 0.08206106870229
TET1-201 Q8NFU7 TET1 Methylcytosine dioxygenase TET1 chr10 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG, fusion 235 0.1100187265917603 1558 175 0.0819288389513108
SIRPA-202 P78324 SIRPA Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type substrate 1 chr20 Census, Compendium TSG 60 0.119047619047619 282 41 0.0813492063492063
MYOD1-201 P15172 MYOD1 Myoblast determination protein 1 chr11 Census oncogene 35 0.109375 246 26 0.08125
ASXL1-202 Q8IXJ9 ASXL1 Polycomb group protein ASXL1 chr20 Census, Compendium TSG 145 0.0940947436729396 1307 125 0.081116158338741
SPEN-201 Q96T58 SPEN Msx2-interacting protein chr1 Census, Compendium TSG 341 0.0930676855895196 3072 297 0.0810589519650655
BCL7A-201 Q4VC05 BCL7A B-cell CLL/lymphoma 7 protein family member A chr12 Census, Compendium fusion 18 0.0857142857142857 207 17 0.0809523809523809
MAF-202 O75444 MAF Transcription factor Maf chr16 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 31 0.0831099195710455 333 30 0.0804289544235924
AXIN1-201 O15169 AXIN1 Axin-1 chr16 Census, Compendium TSG 91 0.105568445475638 623 69 0.0800464037122969
EGR2-201 P11161 EGR2 E3 SUMO-protein ligase EGR2 chr10 Compendium 58 0.1218487394957983 352 38 0.0798319327731092
ENST00000647725 Q9H334 FOXP1 Forkhead box protein P1 chr3 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 83 0.1225997045790251 449 54 0.0797636632200886
FOXP1-254 Q9H334 FOXP1 Forkhead box protein P1 chr3 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 83 0.1225997045790251 449 54 0.0797636632200886
MN1-201 Q10571 MN1 Transcriptional activator MN1 chr22 Census oncogene, fusion 110 0.0833333333333333 1289 105 0.0795454545454545
EBF1-201 Q9UH73 EBF1 Transcription factor COE1 chr5 Census, Compendium TSG, fusion 116 0.1962774957698815 231 47 0.0795262267343485
CDH1-201 P12830 CDH1 Cadherin-1 chr16 Census, Compendium TSG 125 0.1417233560090703 401 70 0.0793650793650793
ERG-201 P11308 ERG Transcriptional regulator ERG chr21 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 68 0.1419624217118998 297 38 0.0793319415448851
PSIP1-203 O75475 PSIP1 PC4 and SFRS1-interacting protein chr9 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 45 0.0849056603773584 482 42 0.0792452830188679
S100A7-202 P31151 S100A7 Protein S100-A7 chr1 Census fusion 24 0.2376237623762376 28 8 0.0792079207920792
SRGAP3-202 O43295 SRGAP3 SLIT-ROBO Rho GTPase-activating protein 3 chr3 Census, Compendium fusion 166 0.1510464058234759 551 87 0.0791628753412193
NRK-201 Q7Z2Y5 NRK Nik-related protein kinase chrX Compendium 253 0.1599241466498103 814 125 0.0790139064475347
WNK4-201 Q96J92 WNK4 Serine/threonine-protein kinase WNK4 chr17 Compendium 134 0.1078037007240547 921 98 0.078841512469831
CBLB-201 Q13191 CBLB E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase CBL-B chr3 Census TSG 126 0.1283095723014256 565 77 0.0784114052953156
TPR-201 P12270 TPR Nucleoprotein TPR chr1 Census fusion 215 0.0909860347016504 1994 184 0.0778671180702496
FOXO1-201 Q12778 FOXO1 Forkhead box protein O1 chr13 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG, fusion 52 0.0793893129770992 586 51 0.0778625954198473
RBM10-203 P98175 RBM10 RNA-binding protein 10 chrX Census, Compendium TSG 86 0.0924731182795698 777 72 0.0774193548387096
DAXX-202 Q9UER7 DAXX Death domain-associated protein 6 chr6 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG 79 0.1067567567567567 549 57 0.077027027027027
ZFP36L1-202 Q07352 ZFP36L1 mRNA decay activator protein ZFP36L1 chr14 Compendium 50 0.1479289940828402 212 26 0.0769230769230769
TCEA1-208 P23193 TCEA1 Transcription elongation factor A protein 1 chr8 Census fusion 26 0.0863787375415282 223 23 0.0764119601328903
PER1-201 O15534 PER1 Period circadian protein homolog 1 chr17 Census TSG, fusion 128 0.0992248062015503 950 98 0.075968992248062
SDC4-201 P31431 SDC4 Syndecan-4 chr20 Census, Compendium fusion 20 0.101010101010101 111 15 0.0757575757575757
CNOT3-201 O75175 CNOT3 CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 3 chr19 Census, Compendium TSG 91 0.1208499335989375 538 57 0.0756972111553784
PAX8-205 Q06710 PAX8 Paired box protein Pax-8 chr2 Census fusion 60 0.1333333333333333 291 34 0.0755555555555555
PRCC-201 Q92733 PRCC Proline-rich protein PRCC chr1 Census fusion 39 0.0794297352342158 470 37 0.075356415478615
CREB3L1-206 Q96BA8 CREB3L1 Cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein 3-like protein 1 chr11 Census TSG, fusion 54 0.1040462427745664 373 39 0.0751445086705202
KMT2C-201 Q8NEZ4 KMT2C Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase 2C chr7 Census, Compendium TSG 599 0.1219710853186723 3606 368 0.0749338220321726
RBM15-201 Q96T37 RBM15 RNA-binding protein 15 chr1 Census, Compendium fusion 96 0.0982599795291709 690 73 0.074718526100307
KLF5-201 Q13887 KLF5 Krueppel-like factor 5 chr13 Compendium 68 0.1487964989059081 367 34 0.074398249452954
ZNF148-201 Q9UQR1 ZNF148 Zinc finger protein 148 chr3 Compendium 84 0.105793450881612 601 59 0.0743073047858942
FOXO3-202 O43524 FOXO3 Forkhead box protein O3 chr6 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG, fusion 54 0.0802377414561664 597 50 0.0742942050520059
NCOA1-202 Q15788 NCOA1 Nuclear receptor coactivator 1 chr2 Census, Compendium fusion 135 0.0936849410131853 1217 107 0.0742539902845246
FCGR2B-202 P31994 FCGR2B Low affinity immunoglobulin gamma Fc region receptor II-b chr1 Census oncogene, fusion 38 0.1225806451612903 100 23 0.0741935483870967
SS18-203 Q15532 SS18 Protein SSXT chr18 Census fusion 31 0.0741626794258373 417 31 0.0741626794258373
TAL2-201 Q16559 TAL2 T-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia protein 2 chr9 Census oncogene, fusion 11 0.1018518518518518 81 8 0.074074074074074
CAMTA1-201 Q9Y6Y1 CAMTA1 Calmodulin-binding transcription activator 1 chr1 Census, Compendium TSG, fusion 233 0.1392707710699342 886 123 0.0735206216377764
SH3GL1-201 Q99961 SH3GL1 Endophilin-A2 chr19 Census oncogene, fusion 37 0.1005434782608695 247 27 0.0733695652173913
PLCB4-215 Q15147 PLCB4 1-phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate phosphodiesterase beta-4 chr20 Compendium 250 0.2127659574468085 404 86 0.0731914893617021
CREB3L2-201 Q70SY1 CREB3L2 Cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein 3-like protein 2 chr7 Census oncogene, fusion 49 0.0942307692307692 365 38 0.073076923076923
MYH11-201 P35749 MYH11 Myosin-11 chr16 Census, Compendium fusion 244 0.1237322515212981 1186 144 0.0730223123732251
BRD3-201 Q15059 BRD3 Bromodomain-containing protein 3 chr9 Census oncogene, fusion 64 0.0881542699724518 567 53 0.0730027548209366
RNF6-203 Q9Y252 RNF6 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF6 chr13 Compendium 54 0.0788321167883211 607 50 0.072992700729927
ERBB4-202 Q15303 ERBB4 Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4 chr2 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG 376 0.2874617737003058 324 95 0.0726299694189602
WWTR1-201 Q9GZV5 WWTR1 WW domain-containing transcription regulator protein 1 chr3 Census oncogene, fusion 29 0.0725 389 29 0.0725
SRSF2-202 Q01130 SRSF2 Serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 2 chr17 Census, Compendium oncogene 16 0.0723981900452488 221 16 0.0723981900452488
UBE2A-202 P49459 UBE2A Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 A chrX Compendium 23 0.1513157894736842 67 11 0.0723684210526315
PTPRT-203 O14522 PTPRT Receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase T chr20 Census, Compendium TSG 460 0.3192227619708536 298 104 0.0721721027064538
TLX3-201 O43711 TLX3 T-cell leukemia homeobox protein 3 chr5 Census oncogene, fusion 33 0.1134020618556701 180 21 0.0721649484536082
TFE3-201 P19532 TFE3 Transcription factor E3 chrX Census oncogene, fusion 44 0.0765217391304347 526 41 0.0713043478260869
CRTC1-201 Q6UUV9 CRTC1 CREB-regulated transcription coactivator 1 chr19 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 46 0.0725552050473186 607 45 0.0709779179810725
ETV6-202 P41212 ETV6 Transcription factor ETV6 chr12 Census, Compendium TSG, fusion 72 0.1592920353982301 252 32 0.0707964601769911
CDKN1B-201 P46527 CDKN1B Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1B chr12 Census, Compendium TSG 14 0.0707070707070707 199 14 0.0707070707070707
IL21R-201 Q9HBE5 IL21R Interleukin-21 receptor chr16 Census fusion 113 0.2100371747211896 184 38 0.070631970260223
VHL-201 P40337 VHL von Hippel-Lindau disease tumor suppressor chr3 Census, Compendium TSG 85 0.3990610328638497 117 15 0.0704225352112676
MUC4-209 Q99102 MUC4 Mucin-4 chr3 Census oncogene 491 0.0907243163340724 4368 379 0.0700295639320029
BCORL1-204 Q5H9F3 BCORL1 BCL-6 corepressor-like protein 1 chrX Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG 161 0.0901960784313725 1439 125 0.0700280112044818
TBX3-201 O15119 TBX3 T-box transcription factor TBX3 chr12 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG 102 0.1372812920592193 353 52 0.0699865410497981
KIAA1549-201 Q9HCM3 KIAA1549 UPF0606 protein KIAA1549 chr7 Census fusion 213 0.1092307692307692 1135 136 0.0697435897435897
PTPRC-209 P08575 PTPRC Receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase C chr1 Census, Compendium TSG 257 0.1967840735068912 462 91 0.0696784073506891
ANK1-205 P16157 ANK1 Ankyrin-1 chr8 Census 315 0.1674641148325359 813 131 0.0696438064859117
NUMA1-205 Q14980 NUMA1 Nuclear mitotic apparatus protein 1 chr11 Census, Compendium fusion 169 0.0799054373522458 1869 147 0.0695035460992907
TET2-203 Q6N021 TET2 Methylcytosine dioxygenase TET2 chr4 Census, Compendium TSG 150 0.0749250749250749 1671 139 0.0694305694305694
ATRX-201 P46100 ATRX Transcriptional regulator ATRX chrX Census, Compendium TSG 306 0.1227929373996789 1673 173 0.069422150882825
ELF4-201 Q99607 ELF4 ETS-related transcription factor Elf-4 chrX Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG, fusion 63 0.0950226244343891 487 46 0.0693815987933635
MGA-201 Q8IWI9 MGA MAX gene-associated protein chr15 Compendium 273 0.0890701468189233 2321 212 0.0691680261011419
PIK3R1-211 P27986 PIK3R1 Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase regulatory subunit alpha chr5 Census, Compendium TSG 122 0.1685082872928177 271 50 0.0690607734806629
KAT6B-201 Q8WYB5 KAT6B Histone acetyltransferase KAT6B chr10 Census, Compendium TSG, fusion 174 0.0839363241678726 1555 143 0.0689821514712976
FOXR1-201 Q6PIV2 FOXR1 Forkhead box protein R1 chr11 Census oncogene, fusion 32 0.1095890410958904 153 20 0.0684931506849315
MAP3K13-201 O43283 MAP3K13 Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 13 chr3 Census oncogene, TSG 108 0.1118012422360248 593 66 0.0683229813664596
BRCA1-203 P38398 BRCA1 Breast cancer type 1 susceptibility protein chr17 Census, Compendium TSG 167 0.0896403650026838 1466 127 0.0681696188942565
SMARCE1-202 Q969G3 SMARCE1 SWI/SNF-related matrix-associated actin-dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily E member 1 chr17 Census TSG 36 0.0875912408759124 332 28 0.0681265206812652
PLAG1-201 Q6DJT9 PLAG1 Zinc finger protein PLAG1 chr8 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 77 0.154 209 34 0.068
PRDM1-203 O75626 PRDM1 PR domain zinc finger protein 1 chr6 Census, Compendium TSG 122 0.1478787878787879 339 56 0.0678787878787878
MSN-201 P26038 MSN Moesin chrX Census, Compendium fusion 78 0.1351819757365684 286 39 0.0675909878682842
ZNF384-203 Q8TF68 ZNF384 Zinc finger protein 384 chr12 Census fusion 54 0.0935875216637781 403 39 0.0675909878682842
SMARCB1-213 Q12824 SMARCB1 SWI/SNF-related matrix-associated actin-dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily B member 1 chr22 Census, Compendium TSG 55 0.1428571428571428 141 26 0.0675324675324675
AFDN-211 P55196 AFDN Afadin chr6 Census oncogene, fusion 162 0.0888157894736842 1247 123 0.0674342105263157
SMC1A-201 Q14683 SMC1A Structural maintenance of chromosomes protein 1A chrX Census, Compendium TSG 142 0.1151662611516626 717 83 0.0673154906731549
KLF6-206 Q99612 KLF6 Krueppel-like factor 6 chr10 Census TSG 36 0.127208480565371 139 19 0.0671378091872791
FUBP1-203 Q96AE4 FUBP1 Far upstream element-binding protein 1 chr1 Census, Compendium oncogene 45 0.0698757763975155 597 43 0.0667701863354037
ARHGEF12-202 Q9NZN5 ARHGEF12 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 12 chr11 Census, Compendium TSG, fusion 141 0.091321243523316 974 103 0.0667098445595855
SHTN1-202 A0MZ66 SHTN1 Shootin-1 chr10 Census fusion 52 0.0824088748019017 471 42 0.0665610142630744
PTPN14-201 Q15678 PTPN14 Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 14 chr1 Compendium 130 0.109519797809604 584 79 0.0665543386689132
NCOR2-202 Q9Y618 NCOR2 Nuclear receptor corepressor 2 chr12 Census, Compendium TSG 167 0.0664280031821798 2369 167 0.0664280031821798
PDGFB-201 P01127 PDGFB Platelet-derived growth factor subunit B chr22 Census oncogene, fusion 30 0.1244813278008298 99 16 0.0663900414937759
KMT2A-201 Q03164 KMT2A Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase 2A chr11 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 342 0.0861678004535147 3148 263 0.0662635424540186
SFMBT2-204 Q5VUG0 SFMBT2 Scm-like with four MBT domains protein 2 chr10 Compendium 172 0.192393736017897 241 59 0.0659955257270693
MARK2-204 Q7KZI7 MARK2 Serine/threonine-protein kinase MARK2 chr11 Compendium 84 0.1065989847715736 445 52 0.065989847715736
ERCC5-212 P28715 ERCC5 DNA excision repair protein ERCC-5 chr13 Census TSG 115 0.096964586846543 819 78 0.0657672849915683
DCTN1-226 Q14203 DCTN1 Dynactin subunit 1 chr2 Census fusion 129 0.1009389671361502 818 84 0.0657276995305164
LATS1-207 O95835 LATS1 Serine/threonine-protein kinase LATS1 chr6 Census, Compendium TSG 122 0.1079646017699115 790 74 0.0654867256637168
SNX29-205 Q8TEQ0 SNX29 Sorting nexin-29 chr16 Census fusion 105 0.1291512915129151 401 53 0.065190651906519
CTNND1-205 O60716 CTNND1 Catenin delta-1 chr11 Census 108 0.1115702479338843 571 63 0.0650826446280991
ARID1B-203 Q8NFD5 ARID1B AT-rich interactive domain-containing protein 1B chr6 Census, Compendium TSG 202 0.0871065114273393 1891 150 0.0646830530401035
NPM1-201 P06748 NPM1 Nucleophosmin chr5 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 25 0.0850340136054421 249 19 0.064625850340136
IRF1-201 P10914 IRF1 Interferon regulatory factor 1 chr5 Compendium 38 0.1169230769230769 228 21 0.0646153846153846
MLLT10-201 P55197 MLLT10 Protein AF-10 chr10 Census oncogene, fusion 93 0.0870786516853932 836 69 0.0646067415730337
QKI-203 Q96PU8 QKI KH domain-containing RNA-binding protein QKI chr6 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG 43 0.126099706744868 176 22 0.064516129032258
MYH9-201 P35579 MYH9 Myosin-9 chr22 Census, Compendium TSG, fusion 247 0.1260204081632653 1124 126 0.0642857142857142
CASZ1-202 Q86V15 CASZ1 Zinc finger protein castor homolog 1 chr1 Compendium 178 0.1011938601478112 1083 113 0.0642410460488914
CNBD1-202 Q8NA66 CNBD1 Cyclic nucleotide-binding domain-containing protein 1 chr8 Census 120 0.2752293577981651 107 28 0.0642201834862385
ING1-203 Q9UK53 ING1 Inhibitor of growth protein 1 chr13 Compendium 55 0.1303317535545023 213 27 0.0639810426540284
BCL6-202 P41182 BCL6 B-cell lymphoma 6 protein chr3 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 91 0.1288951841359773 328 45 0.0637393767705382
IRS4-202 O14654 IRS4 Insulin receptor substrate 4 chrX Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG 98 0.0779634049323786 801 80 0.0636435958631662
FOXA2-201 Q9Y261 FOXA2 Hepatocyte nuclear factor 3-beta chr20 Compendium 60 0.1312910284463894 260 29 0.0634573304157549
LDB1-204 Q86U70 LDB1 LIM domain-binding protein 1 chr10 Compendium 49 0.1192214111922141 178 26 0.0632603406326034
ZBTB16-201 Q05516 ZBTB16 Zinc finger and BTB domain-containing protein 16 chr11 Census, Compendium TSG, fusion 105 0.1560178306092124 268 42 0.0624071322436849
NKTR-201 P30414 NKTR NK-tumor recognition protein chr3 Compendium 102 0.0697674418604651 1303 91 0.0622435020519835
RHOA-202 P61586 RHOA Transforming protein RhoA chr3 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG 92 0.4766839378238341 46 12 0.0621761658031088
ARID1A-201 O14497 ARID1A AT-rich interactive domain-containing protein 1A chr1 Census, Compendium TSG, fusion 204 0.0892778993435448 1857 142 0.062144420131291
EPAS1-201 Q99814 EPAS1 Endothelial PAS domain-containing protein 1 chr2 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG 109 0.125287356321839 451 54 0.0620689655172413
OLIG2-202 Q13516 OLIG2 Oligodendrocyte transcription factor 2 chr21 Census oncogene, fusion 20 0.0619195046439628 256 20 0.0619195046439628
NFIB-205 O00712 NFIB Nuclear factor 1 B-type chr9 Census fusion 48 0.1142857142857142 254 26 0.0619047619047619
CDK12-202 Q9NYV4 CDK12 Cyclin-dependent kinase 12 chr17 Census, Compendium TSG 142 0.0953020134228188 1203 92 0.061744966442953
JAZF1-201 Q86VZ6 JAZF1 Juxtaposed with another zinc finger protein 1 chr7 Census fusion 19 0.0781893004115226 172 15 0.0617283950617283
CHD4-206 Q14839 CHD4 Chromodomain-helicase-DNA-binding protein 4 chr12 Census, Compendium oncogene 312 0.1631799163179916 978 118 0.0617154811715481
HOOK3-201 Q86VS8 HOOK3 Protein Hook homolog 3 chr8 Census fusion 65 0.0905292479108635 493 44 0.0612813370473537
FOXD4L1-201 Q9NU39 FOXD4L1 Forkhead box protein D4-like 1 chr2 Compendium 37 0.0906862745098039 296 25 0.0612745098039215
FLNA-202 P21333 FLNA Filamin-A chrX Census 314 0.1186248583301851 1460 162 0.0612013600302229
TCF3-201 P15923 TCF3 Transcription factor E2-alpha chr19 Census oncogene, TSG, fusion 40 0.0611620795107033 658 40 0.0611620795107033
ZCCHC8-210 Q6NZY4 ZCCHC8 Zinc finger CCHC domain-containing protein 8 chr12 Census fusion 62 0.0876944837340877 503 43 0.0608203677510608
AXIN2-201 Q9Y2T1 AXIN2 Axin-2 chr17 Census, Compendium TSG 82 0.0972716488730723 551 51 0.0604982206405693
ARID2-201 Q68CP9 ARID2 AT-rich interactive domain-containing protein 2 chr12 Census, Compendium TSG 205 0.1117166212534059 1144 111 0.0604904632152588
CDC73-201 Q6P1J9 CDC73 Parafibromin chr1 Census, Compendium TSG 78 0.1468926553672316 210 32 0.0602636534839924
ZNF521-201 Q96K83 ZNF521 Zinc finger protein 521 chr18 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 274 0.2090007627765064 366 79 0.0602593440122044
GOLGA5-201 Q8TBA6 GOLGA5 Golgin subfamily A member 5 chr14 Census fusion 56 0.0766073871409028 593 44 0.0601915184678522
BCL10-202 O95999 BCL10 B-cell lymphoma/leukemia 10 chr1 Census, Compendium TSG, fusion 20 0.0858369098712446 153 14 0.0600858369098712
NBN-201 O60934 NBN Nibrin chr8 Census TSG 63 0.0835543766578249 420 45 0.059681697612732
ELL-201 P55199 ELL RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL chr19 Census, Compendium TSG, fusion 48 0.0772946859903381 448 37 0.0595813204508856
ARNT-202 P27540 ARNT Aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator chr1 Census oncogene, TSG, fusion 61 0.0773130544993662 511 47 0.0595690747782002
PRPF40B-209 Q6NWY9 PRPF40B Pre-mRNA-processing factor 40 homolog B chr12 Census 68 0.0762331838565022 651 53 0.0594170403587443
MED12-202 Q93074 MED12 Mediator of RNA polymerase II transcription subunit 12 chrX Census, Compendium TSG 300 0.1378043178686265 975 129 0.0592558566835094
PAK2-201 Q13177 PAK2 Serine/threonine-protein kinase PAK 2 chr3 Compendium 61 0.116412213740458 242 31 0.0591603053435114
DNAJB1-201 P25685 DNAJB1 DnaJ homolog subfamily B member 1 chr19 Census, Compendium fusion 26 0.0764705882352941 196 20 0.0588235294117647
ETV5-201 P41161 ETV5 ETS translocation variant 5 chr3 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 58 0.1137254901960784 301 30 0.0588235294117647
RNF43-201 Q68DV7 RNF43 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF43 chr17 Census, Compendium TSG 99 0.1264367816091954 440 46 0.0587484035759897
GOPC-202 Q9HD26 GOPC Golgi-associated PDZ and coiled-coil motif-containing protein chr6 Census fusion 40 0.0865800865800865 263 27 0.0584415584415584
RELA-202 Q04206 RELA Transcription factor p65 chr11 Compendium 53 0.0961887477313974 401 32 0.058076225045372
NIN-202 Q8N4C6 NIN Ninein chr14 Census, Compendium fusion 177 0.084688995215311 1402 121 0.0578947368421052
HIP1-201 O00291 HIP1 Huntingtin-interacting protein 1 chr7 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 118 0.1137897782063645 514 60 0.0578592092574734
MAP2K4-201 P45985 MAP2K4 Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 4 chr17 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG 72 0.1804511278195488 137 23 0.0576441102756892
BAP1-202 Q92560 BAP1 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase BAP1 chr3 Census, Compendium TSG 116 0.1591220850480109 419 42 0.0576131687242798
NSD1-204 Q96L73 NSD1 Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase, H3 lysine-36 specific chr5 Census, Compendium fusion 263 0.0975519287833827 1873 155 0.0574925816023738
FAT4-202 Q6V0I7 FAT4 Protocadherin Fat 4 chr4 Census, Compendium TSG 992 0.1990768613285169 1402 285 0.0571944611679711
TRIP11-201 Q15643 TRIP11 Thyroid receptor-interacting protein 11 chr14 Census, Compendium fusion 147 0.0742799393633148 1374 113 0.057099545224861
RGPD3-202 A6NKT7 RGPD3 RanBP2-like and GRIP domain-containing protein 3 chr2 Census, Compendium 203 0.1154721274175199 607 100 0.0568828213879408
REL-201 Q04864 REL Proto-oncogene c-Rel chr2 Census oncogene 53 0.08562197092084 365 35 0.0565428109854604
SIX1-205 Q15475 SIX1 Homeobox protein SIX1 chr14 Census, Compendium oncogene 27 0.0950704225352112 144 16 0.056338028169014
CEP89-201 Q96ST8 CEP89 Centrosomal protein of 89 kDa chr19 Census fusion 67 0.0855683269476372 542 44 0.0561941251596424
PCBP1-201 Q15365 PCBP1 Poly(rC)-binding protein 1 chr2 Census, Compendium 58 0.1629213483146067 166 20 0.0561797752808988
SETD2-202 Q9BYW2 SETD2 Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase SETD2 chr3 Census, Compendium TSG 233 0.0908736349453978 1949 144 0.0561622464898595
MAP2K1-201 Q02750 MAP2K1 Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1 chr15 Census, Compendium oncogene 83 0.2111959287531806 96 22 0.0559796437659033
WAS-201 P42768 WAS Actin nucleation-promoting factor WAS chrX Census, Compendium oncogene 44 0.0876494023904382 400 28 0.0557768924302788
DGCR8-201 Q8WYQ5 DGCR8 Microprocessor complex subunit DGCR8 chr22 Census, Compendium oncogene 77 0.0996119016817593 466 43 0.055627425614489
ZMYM3-201 Q14202 ZMYM3 Zinc finger MYM-type protein 3 chrX Census TSG 158 0.1153284671532846 538 76 0.0554744525547445
DROSHA-201 Q9NRR4 DROSHA Ribonuclease 3 chr5 Census, Compendium TSG 139 0.1011644832605531 688 76 0.0553129548762736
FN1-203 P02751 FN1 Fibronectin chr2 Compendium 289 0.1166733952361727 1249 137 0.055308841340331
ABI1-207 Q8IZP0 ABI1 Abl interactor 1 chr10 Census, Compendium TSG, fusion 37 0.0728346456692913 360 28 0.0551181102362204
SIX2-201 Q9NPC8 SIX2 Homeobox protein SIX2 chr2 Census oncogene 38 0.1305841924398625 151 16 0.0549828178694158
DTX1-204 Q86Y01 DTX1 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase DTX1 chr12 Compendium 78 0.1258064516129032 304 34 0.0548387096774193
FHIT-207 P49789 FHIT Bis(5'-adenosyl)-triphosphatase chr3 Census, Compendium TSG, fusion 31 0.2108843537414966 45 8 0.0544217687074829
ENST00000648873 Q68DV7 RNF43 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF43 chr17 Census, Compendium TSG 99 0.127906976744186 414 42 0.0542635658914728
NUP214-201 P35658 NUP214 Nuclear pore complex protein Nup214 chr9 Census, Compendium fusion 168 0.0803827751196172 1483 113 0.054066985645933
MLLT1-201 Q03111 MLLT1 Protein ENL chr19 Census, Compendium fusion 51 0.0912343470483005 415 30 0.0536672629695885
PCMTD1-207 Q96MG8 PCMTD1 Protein-L-isoaspartate O-methyltransferase domain-containing protein 1 chr8 Compendium 40 0.1120448179271708 102 19 0.0532212885154061
DOT1L-201 Q8TEK3 DOT1L Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase, H3 lysine-79 specific chr19 Compendium 135 0.0878334417696811 990 81 0.0527000650618087
HOXC11-202 O43248 HOXC11 Homeobox protein Hox-C11 chr12 Census oncogene, fusion 31 0.1019736842105263 157 16 0.0526315789473684
EPS15-203 P42566 EPS15 Epidermal growth factor receptor substrate 15 chr1 Census, Compendium TSG, fusion 74 0.0825892857142857 544 47 0.0524553571428571
LATS2-201 Q9NRM7 LATS2 Serine/threonine-protein kinase LATS2 chr13 Census, Compendium TSG 101 0.0928308823529411 690 57 0.0523897058823529
PRF1-202 P14222 PRF1 Perforin-1 chr10 Census, Compendium TSG 94 0.1693693693693693 145 29 0.0522522522522522
KLF4-201 O43474 KLF4 Krueppel-like factor 4 chr9 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG 41 0.0855949895615866 417 25 0.0521920668058455
MEF2B-205 Q02080 MEF2B Myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2B chr19 Compendium 28 0.0767123287671232 297 19 0.0520547945205479
CHD2-201 O14647 CHD2 Chromodomain-helicase-DNA-binding protein 2 chr15 Census, Compendium TSG 151 0.0826039387308534 1056 94 0.0514223194748358
JUN-201 P05412 JUN Transcription factor Jun chr1 Census oncogene 26 0.0785498489425981 283 17 0.0513595166163142
FUS-201 P35637 FUS RNA-binding protein FUS chr16 Census TSG, fusion 27 0.0513307984790874 525 27 0.0513307984790874
LMNA-205 P02545 LMNA Prelamin-A/C chr1 Census fusion 50 0.0753012048192771 547 34 0.0512048192771084
AKAP9-201 Q99996 AKAP9 A-kinase anchor protein 9 chr7 Census fusion 352 0.090094701817251 2287 200 0.0511901714870744
HOXA11-201 P31270 HOXA11 Homeobox protein Hox-A11 chr7 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG, fusion 25 0.0798722044728434 205 16 0.0511182108626198
ELK4-202 P28324 ELK4 ETS domain-containing protein Elk-4 chr1 Census oncogene, fusion 35 0.0812064965197215 240 22 0.0510440835266821
BRD7-201 Q9NPI1 BRD7 Bromodomain-containing protein 7 chr16 Compendium 58 0.0890937019969278 485 33 0.0506912442396313
CD74-201 P04233 CD74 HLA class II histocompatibility antigen gamma chain chr5 Census oncogene, fusion 24 0.081081081081081 186 15 0.0506756756756756
KEL-201 P23276 KEL Kell blood group glycoprotein chr7 Compendium 189 0.2581967213114754 117 37 0.0505464480874316
U2AF2-201 P26368 U2AF2 Splicing factor U2AF 65 kDa subunit chr19 Compendium 61 0.1284210526315789 191 24 0.0505263157894736
TLL1-201 O43897 TLL1 Tolloid-like protein 1 chr4 Compendium 268 0.2645607107601184 139 51 0.050345508390918
PABPC1-201 P11940 PABPC1 Polyadenylate-binding protein 1 chr8 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG 53 0.0833333333333333 317 32 0.050314465408805
BARD1-201 Q99728 BARD1 BRCA1-associated RING domain protein 1 chr2 Census TSG 71 0.0913770913770913 390 39 0.0501930501930501
KMT2B-201 Q9UMN6 KMT2B Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase 2B chr19 Compendium 248 0.0913443830570902 1900 136 0.0500920810313075
CLIP1-219 P30622 CLIP1 CAP-Gly domain-containing linker protein 1 chr12 Census, Compendium fusion 98 0.0681502086230876 1200 72 0.0500695410292072
KMT2D-201 O14686 KMT2D Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase 2D chr12 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG 313 0.0565288062127505 4394 276 0.0498464872674733
STIL-202 Q15468 STIL SCL-interrupting locus protein chr1 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 106 0.0823620823620823 735 64 0.0497280497280497
HLA-B-249 P01889 HLA-B HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, B alpha chain chr6 Compendium 49 0.1353591160220994 169 18 0.0497237569060773
NAB2-201 Q15742 NAB2 NGFI-A-binding protein 2 chr12 Census TSG, fusion 37 0.0704761904761904 396 26 0.0495238095238095
PATZ1-202 Q9HBE1 PATZ1 POZ-, AT hook-, and zinc finger-containing protein 1 chr22 Census TSG, fusion 80 0.1164483260553129 301 34 0.049490538573508
CNTRL-205 Q7Z7A1 CNTRL Centriolin chr9 Census fusion 166 0.0713978494623655 1560 115 0.0494623655913978
CBFB-201 Q13951 CBFB Core-binding factor subunit beta chr16 Census, Compendium TSG, fusion 29 0.1593406593406593 95 9 0.0494505494505494
NIPBL-201 Q6KC79 NIPBL Nipped-B-like protein chr5 Compendium 262 0.0934379457917261 1530 138 0.0492154065620542
IRAK1-203 P51617 IRAK1 Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 1 chrX Compendium 60 0.0842696629213483 338 35 0.0491573033707865
TAF15-214 Q92804 TAF15 TATA-binding protein-associated factor 2N chr17 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 30 0.0506756756756756 585 29 0.0489864864864864
MDM2-224 Q00987 MDM2 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase Mdm2 chr12 Census, Compendium oncogene 39 0.0794297352342158 298 24 0.0488798370672097
KIF5B-201 P33176 KIF5B Kinesin-1 heavy chain chr10 Census, Compendium fusion 88 0.0913811007268951 586 47 0.0488058151609553
ALK-201 Q9UM73 ALK ALK tyrosine kinase receptor chr2 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 233 0.1438271604938271 577 79 0.0487654320987654
KTN1-205 Q86UP2 KTN1 Kinectin chr14 Census fusion 93 0.0685335298452468 969 66 0.0486366985998526
CBL-201 P22681 CBL E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase CBL chr11 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG, fusion 84 0.0927152317880794 513 44 0.0485651214128035
DDX3X-244 O00571 DDX3X ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX3X chrX Census, Compendium TSG 91 0.1374622356495468 302 32 0.0483383685800604
DNMT3A-202 Q9Y6K1 DNMT3A DNA (cytosine-5)-methyltransferase 3A chr2 Census, Compendium TSG 143 0.156798245614035 372 44 0.0482456140350877
UBR5-207 O95071 UBR5 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase UBR5 chr8 Census, Compendium oncogene 260 0.0928903179707038 1299 135 0.0482315112540192
NTHL1-201 P78549 NTHL1 Endonuclease III-like protein 1 chr16 Census TSG 34 0.1089743589743589 147 15 0.048076923076923
SETDB1-201 Q15047 SETDB1 Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase SETDB1 chr1 Census, Compendium oncogene 133 0.1030209140201394 598 62 0.0480247869868319
CSMD3-201 Q7Z407 CSMD3 CUB and sushi domain-containing protein 3 chr8 Census TSG 1528 0.4121931480981926 427 177 0.0477475047207984
PICALM-202 Q13492 PICALM Phosphatidylinositol-binding clathrin assembly protein chr11 Census fusion 64 0.0981595092024539 320 31 0.0475460122699386
TFG-201 Q92734 TFG Protein TFG chr3 Census, Compendium fusion 25 0.0625 292 19 0.0475
ZNF165-202 P49910 ZNF165 Zinc finger protein 165 chr6 Compendium 52 0.1072164948453608 206 23 0.0474226804123711
RBFOX2-210 O43251 RBFOX2 RNA binding protein fox-1 homolog 2 chr22 Compendium 31 0.081578947368421 163 18 0.0473684210526315
CNTNAP2-201 Q9UHC6 CNTNAP2 Contactin-associated protein-like 2 chr7 Census TSG 470 0.3531179564237415 162 63 0.0473328324567994
PALB2-201 Q86YC2 PALB2 Partner and localizer of BRCA2 chr16 Census TSG 95 0.0801011804384485 772 56 0.0472175379426644
BMPR2-202 Q13873 BMPR2 Bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-2 chr2 Compendium 100 0.0963391136801541 601 49 0.0472061657032755
SIN3A-202 Q96ST3 SIN3A Paired amphipathic helix protein Sin3a chr15 Compendium 137 0.1076197957580518 617 60 0.0471327572663
SOX21-201 Q9Y651 SOX21 Transcription factor SOX-21 chr13 Census, Compendium TSG 14 0.0507246376811594 110 13 0.0471014492753623
CHCHD7-202 Q9BUK0 CHCHD7 Coiled-coil-helix-coiled-coil-helix domain-containing protein 7 chr8 Census fusion 7 0.0823529411764705 36 4 0.0470588235294117
ABL1-201 P00519 ABL1 Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 chr9 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 106 0.0938053097345132 609 53 0.0469026548672566
MAML2-201 Q8IZL2 MAML2 Mastermind-like protein 2 chr11 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 52 0.0449826989619377 1159 54 0.046712802768166
KDM3B-201 Q7LBC6 KDM3B Lysine-specific demethylase 3B chr5 Compendium 170 0.0965360590573537 946 82 0.0465644520159
PCM1-201 Q15154 PCM1 Pericentriolar material 1 protein chr8 Census fusion 104 0.0513833992094861 1673 94 0.0464426877470355
NR4A3-203 Q92570 NR4A3 Nuclear receptor subfamily 4 group A member 3 chr9 Census oncogene, fusion 52 0.0830670926517571 298 29 0.0463258785942492
RAF1-201 P04049 RAF1 RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase chr3 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 64 0.0987654320987654 169 30 0.0462962962962962
ZCRB1-201 Q8TBF4 ZCRB1 Zinc finger CCHC-type and RNA-binding motif-containing protein 1 chr12 Compendium 24 0.1105990783410138 100 10 0.0460829493087557
PPP3CA-203 Q08209 PPP3CA Protein phosphatase 3 catalytic subunit alpha chr4 Compendium 63 0.1209213051823416 140 24 0.0460652591170825
STAT6-201 P42226 STAT6 Signal transducer and activator of transcription 6 chr12 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 86 0.101534828807556 325 39 0.0460448642266824
PRDM2-202 Q13029 PRDM2 PR domain zinc finger protein 2 chr1 Census, Compendium TSG 93 0.0541327124563445 1347 79 0.0459837019790454
NSD3-202 Q9BZ95 NSD3 Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase NSD3 chr8 Census oncogene, fusion 119 0.0828114126652748 679 66 0.045929018789144
N4BP2-201 Q86UW6 N4BP2 NEDD4-binding protein 2 chr4 Census TSG 137 0.0774011299435028 970 81 0.0457627118644067
NDRG1-201 Q92597 NDRG1 Protein NDRG1 chr8 Census TSG, fusion 44 0.1116751269035533 141 18 0.0456852791878172
TPM3-224 P06753 TPM3 Tropomyosin alpha-3 chain chr1 Census TSG, fusion 17 0.0596491228070175 230 13 0.0456140350877193
TSC1-201 Q92574 TSC1 Hamartin chr9 Census, Compendium TSG 94 0.0807560137457044 735 53 0.0455326460481099
PTPN11-201 Q06124 PTPN11 Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 11 chr12 Census, Compendium oncogene 92 0.1551433389544688 260 27 0.0455311973018549
NXF1-201 Q9UBU9 NXF1 Nuclear RNA export factor 1 chr11 Compendium 85 0.1373182552504038 163 28 0.0452342487883683
BCR-201 P11274 BCR Breakpoint cluster region protein chr22 Census, Compendium fusion 112 0.088119590873328 607 57 0.044846577498033
ABL2-203 P42684 ABL2 Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL2 chr1 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 125 0.1057529610829103 644 53 0.0448392554991539
GPHN-201 Q9NQX3 GPHN Gephyrin chr14 Census fusion 98 0.1331521739130435 305 33 0.0448369565217391
ZXDB-201 P98169 ZXDB Zinc finger X-linked protein ZXDB chrX Compendium 75 0.0933997509339975 458 36 0.0448318804483188
FAS-221 P25445 FAS Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 6 chr10 Census, Compendium TSG 35 0.1044776119402985 63 15 0.044776119402985
RECQL4-209 O94761 RECQL4 ATP-dependent DNA helicase Q4 chr8 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG 105 0.0869205298013245 612 54 0.0447019867549668
BRCA2-201 P51587 BRCA2 Breast cancer type 2 susceptibility protein chr13 Census, Compendium TSG 310 0.0906963136337039 1545 152 0.0444704505558806
EZR-202 P15311 EZR Ezrin chr6 Census fusion 51 0.0870307167235494 296 26 0.0443686006825938
PTPN13-202 Q12923 PTPN13 Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 13 chr4 Census, Compendium TSG 213 0.0857142857142857 1235 110 0.0442655935613682
KAT7-201 O95251 KAT7 Histone acetyltransferase KAT7 chr17 Census oncogene 64 0.1047463175122749 327 27 0.044189852700491
WNK2-201 Q9Y3S1 WNK2 Serine/threonine-protein kinase WNK2 chr9 Census, Compendium TSG 107 0.0465824989116238 1876 101 0.0439703961689159
ERBB3-201 P21860 ERBB3 Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-3 chr12 Census, Compendium oncogene 265 0.1974664679582712 398 59 0.0439642324888226
HLA-A-203 P04439 HLA-A HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, A alpha chain chr6 Census, Compendium fusion 38 0.1041095890410958 125 16 0.0438356164383561
USP8-201 P40818 USP8 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 8 chr15 Census, Compendium oncogene 82 0.073345259391771 603 49 0.0438282647584973
CD79B-201 P40259 CD79B B-cell antigen receptor complex-associated protein beta chain chr17 Census, Compendium oncogene 18 0.0786026200873362 43 10 0.0436681222707423
ETV4-201 P43268 ETV4 ETS translocation variant 4 chr17 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 32 0.0661157024793388 321 21 0.0433884297520661
SFRP4-201 Q6FHJ7 SFRP4 Secreted frizzled-related protein 4 chr7 Census TSG 59 0.1705202312138728 69 15 0.0433526011560693
CCNB1IP1-202 Q9NPC3 CCNB1IP1 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase CCNB1IP1 chr14 Census TSG, fusion 28 0.1010830324909747 70 12 0.0433212996389891
SUZ12-201 Q15022 SUZ12 Polycomb protein SUZ12 chr17 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG, fusion 55 0.074424898511502 483 32 0.0433017591339648
ZNF331-202 Q9NQX6 ZNF331 Zinc finger protein 331 chr19 Census TSG, fusion 91 0.1965442764578833 112 20 0.0431965442764578
INO80-209 Q9ULG1 INO80 Chromatin-remodeling ATPase INO80 chr15 Compendium 137 0.0880462724935732 682 67 0.0430591259640102
NUP98-203 P52948 NUP98 Nuclear pore complex protein Nup98-Nup96 chr11 Census oncogene, fusion 161 0.0886075949367088 1012 78 0.042927903137039
ARAF-202 P10398 ARAF Serine/threonine-protein kinase A-Raf chrX Census, Compendium oncogene 61 0.1006600660066006 181 26 0.0429042904290429
EZH2-203 Q15910 EZH2 Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase EZH2 chr7 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG 74 0.099195710455764 284 32 0.0428954423592493
TRIM24-201 O15164 TRIM24 Transcription intermediary factor 1-alpha chr7 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG, fusion 90 0.0857142857142857 537 45 0.0428571428571428
ZFHX3-201 Q15911 ZFHX3 Zinc finger homeobox protein 3 chr16 Census, Compendium TSG 248 0.0669727248177153 2535 158 0.0426681069403186
FOXL2-201 P58012 FOXL2 Forkhead box protein L2 chr3 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG 33 0.0877659574468085 258 16 0.0425531914893617
MNX1-201 P50219 MNX1 Motor neuron and pancreas homeobox protein 1 chr7 Census fusion 20 0.0498753117206982 298 17 0.0423940149625935
STRN-201 O43815 STRN Striatin chr2 Census, Compendium fusion 63 0.0807692307692307 349 33 0.0423076923076923
ATP2B3-201 Q16720 ATP2B3 Plasma membrane calcium-transporting ATPase 3 chrX Census TSG 176 0.1442622950819672 328 51 0.0418032786885245
RIPK1-201 Q13546 RIPK1 Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 chr6 Compendium 59 0.0879284649776453 277 28 0.0417287630402384
ZNRF3-203 Q9ULT6 ZNRF3 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase ZNRF3 chr22 Census, Compendium TSG 74 0.079059829059829 510 39 0.0416666666666666
PPFIBP1-202 Q86W92 PPFIBP1 Liprin-beta-1 chr12 Census fusion 72 0.0712166172106825 557 42 0.0415430267062314
ZNF429-201 Q86V71 ZNF429 Zinc finger protein 429 chr19 Census, Compendium 93 0.1379821958456973 123 28 0.0415430267062314
CDX2-201 Q99626 CDX2 Homeobox protein CDX-2 chr13 Census, Compendium TSG, fusion 15 0.047923322683706 272 13 0.0415335463258785
FGFR2-206 P21802 FGFR2 Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 chr10 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 193 0.2350791717417783 229 34 0.0414129110840438
SF3B1-201 O75533 SF3B1 Splicing factor 3B subunit 1 chr2 Census, Compendium oncogene 205 0.1572085889570552 479 54 0.0414110429447852
KDM6A-201 O15550 KDM6A Lysine-specific demethylase 6A chrX Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG 143 0.1020699500356887 648 58 0.0413990007137758
SET-204 Q01105 SET Protein SET chr9 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 19 0.0655172413793103 221 12 0.0413793103448275
AR-201 P10275 AR Androgen receptor chrX Census, Compendium oncogene 116 0.1260869565217391 443 38 0.0413043478260869
HOXA13-202 P31271 HOXA13 Homeobox protein Hox-A13 chr7 Census oncogene, fusion 27 0.0695876288659793 171 16 0.0412371134020618
LTB-210 Q06643 LTB Lymphotoxin-beta chr6 Compendium 23 0.0942622950819672 91 10 0.040983606557377
MAP2K7-201 O14733 MAP2K7 Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 7 chr19 Compendium 78 0.1861575178997613 145 17 0.0405727923627685
HSP90AB1-203 P08238 HSP90AB1 Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta chr6 Census, Compendium fusion 70 0.0966850828729281 255 29 0.0400552486187845
CREB1-201 P16220 CREB1 Cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein 1 chr2 Census oncogene, fusion 14 0.0428134556574923 278 13 0.0397553516819571
AKT3-217 Q9Y243 AKT3 RAC-gamma serine/threonine-protein kinase chr1 Census, Compendium oncogene 71 0.1482254697286012 131 19 0.0396659707724425
MSI2-201 Q96DH6 MSI2 RNA-binding protein Musashi homolog 2 chr17 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 34 0.1036585365853658 118 13 0.0396341463414634
AKT1-218 P31749 AKT1 RAC-alpha serine/threonine-protein kinase chr14 Census, Compendium oncogene 99 0.20625 158 19 0.0395833333333333
HEY1-202 Q9Y5J3 HEY1 Hairy/enhancer-of-split related with YRPW motif protein 1 chr8 Census oncogene, fusion 26 0.0855263157894736 172 12 0.0394736842105263
DAZAP1-201 Q96EP5 DAZAP1 DAZ-associated protein 1 chr19 Compendium 24 0.0589680589680589 327 16 0.0393120393120393
LYL1-201 P12980 LYL1 Protein lyl-1 chr19 Census oncogene, fusion 13 0.0464285714285714 245 11 0.0392857142857142
BRAF-220 P15056 BRAF Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf chr7 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 755 0.9856396866840732 311 30 0.0391644908616188
DUSP16-202 Q9BY84 DUSP16 Dual specificity protein phosphatase 16 chr12 Compendium 55 0.0827067669172932 273 26 0.0390977443609022
RXRA-202 P19793 RXRA Retinoic acid receptor RXR-alpha chr9 Compendium 70 0.1515151515151515 184 18 0.0389610389610389
AFF1-201 P51825 AFF1 AF4/FMR2 family member 1 chr4 Census, Compendium fusion 63 0.0520661157024793 1023 47 0.0388429752066115
RANBP2-201 P49792 RANBP2 E3 SUMO-protein ligase RanBP2 chr2 Census, Compendium TSG, fusion 295 0.091501240694789 1392 125 0.0387717121588089
PRKCB-201 P05771 PRKCB Protein kinase C beta type chr16 Census, Compendium 153 0.2280178837555886 148 26 0.0387481371087928
MUTYH-245 Q9UIF7 MUTYH Adenine DNA glycosylase chr1 Census TSG 71 0.13003663003663 198 21 0.0384615384615384
CACNA1D-202 Q01668 CACNA1D Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1D chr3 Census, Compendium oncogene 227 0.1050439611291069 736 83 0.0384081443776029
IGF2BP2-202 Q9Y6M1 IGF2BP2 Insulin-like growth factor 2 mRNA-binding protein 2 chr3 Census TSG 51 0.0851419031719532 237 23 0.0383973288814691
CALR-201 P27797 CALR Calreticulin chr19 Census oncogene 28 0.0671462829736211 245 16 0.0383693045563549
PHF6-204 Q8IWS0 PHF6 PHD finger protein 6 chrX Census, Compendium TSG 34 0.0931506849315068 172 14 0.0383561643835616
PHOX2B-201 Q99453 PHOX2B Paired mesoderm homeobox protein 2B chr4 Census TSG 23 0.0732484076433121 219 12 0.0382165605095541
SFPQ-201 P23246 SFPQ Splicing factor, proline- and glutamine-rich chr1 Census TSG, fusion 37 0.0523338048090523 596 27 0.0381895332390381
STAG1-202 Q8WVM7 STAG1 Cohesin subunit SA-1 chr3 Census TSG 166 0.1319554848966613 391 48 0.0381558028616852
KNL1-201 Q8NG31 KNL1 Kinetochore scaffold 1 chr15 Census TSG, fusion 175 0.0747224594363791 1271 89 0.0380017079419299
NFKB2-211 Q00653 NFKB2 Nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p100 subunit chr10 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG, fusion 61 0.0677777777777777 513 34 0.0377777777777777
CRNKL1-202 Q9BZJ0 CRNKL1 Crooked neck-like protein 1 chr20 Census, Compendium 102 0.1202830188679245 243 32 0.0377358490566037
COL2A1-202 P02458 COL2A1 Collagen alpha-1(II) chain chr12 Census fusion 86 0.0578345662407531 1217 56 0.0376597175521183
BLM-201 P54132 BLM RecQ-like DNA helicase BLM chr15 Census TSG 112 0.0790402258292166 671 53 0.0374029640084686
ZRSR2-201 Q15696 ZRSR2 U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein auxiliary factor 35 kDa subunit-related protein 2 chrX Census, Compendium TSG 25 0.0518672199170124 324 18 0.0373443983402489
CREBBP-201 Q92793 CREBBP CREB-binding protein chr16 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG, fusion 217 0.0888615888615888 1801 91 0.0372645372645372
SKI-201 P12755 SKI Ski oncogene chr1 Census oncogene 41 0.0563186813186813 434 27 0.037087912087912
VTI1A-201 Q96AJ9 VTI1A Vesicle transport through interaction with t-SNAREs homolog 1A chr10 Census fusion 14 0.064516129032258 138 8 0.0368663594470046
HNRNPA2B1-201 P22626 HNRNPA2B1 Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins A2/B1 chr7 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 35 0.0991501416430594 255 13 0.036827195467422
DNM2-201 P50570 DNM2 Dynamin-2 chr19 Census TSG 95 0.1091954022988505 271 32 0.0367816091954023
CCNE1-201 P24864 CCNE1 G1/S-specific cyclin-E1 chr19 Census oncogene 44 0.1073170731707317 142 15 0.0365853658536585
ARHGEF10-204 O15013 ARHGEF10 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 10 chr8 Census, Compendium TSG 114 0.08327246165084 587 50 0.0365230094959824
HSPG2-203 P98160 HSPG2 Basement membrane-specific heparan sulfate proteoglycan core protein chr1 Compendium 414 0.0942837622409474 1724 160 0.0364381689820086
POLQ-201 O75417 POLQ DNA polymerase theta chr3 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG 274 0.1057915057915057 956 94 0.0362934362934362
SND1-201 Q7KZF4 SND1 Staphylococcal nuclease domain-containing protein 1 chr7 Census oncogene, fusion 97 0.1065934065934065 258 33 0.0362637362637362
XPC-201 Q01831 XPC DNA repair protein complementing XP-C cells chr3 Census, Compendium TSG 64 0.0680851063829787 484 34 0.0361702127659574
PDGFRB-201 P09619 PDGFRB Platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta chr5 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 134 0.1211573236889692 233 40 0.0361663652802893
PBRM1-201 Q86U86 PBRM1 Protein polybromo-1 chr3 Census, Compendium TSG 162 0.0959147424511545 704 61 0.0361160449970396
RABEP1-202 Q15276 RABEP1 Rab GTPase-binding effector protein 1 chr17 Census, Compendium fusion 47 0.0545243619489559 520 31 0.0359628770301624
MLLT6-211 P55198 MLLT6 Protein AF-17 chr17 Census fusion 42 0.0384263494967978 842 39 0.0356816102470265
TNC-202 P24821 TNC Tenascin chr9 Census, Compendium oncogene 241 0.1094956837800999 575 78 0.0354384370740572
DDX10-201 Q13206 DDX10 Probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX10 chr11 Census TSG, fusion 60 0.0685714285714285 400 31 0.0354285714285714
CIITA-201 P33076 CIITA MHC class II transactivator chr16 Census, Compendium TSG, fusion 142 0.1256637168141593 320 40 0.0353982300884955
SMAD3-201 P84022 SMAD3 Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 3 chr15 Census, Compendium TSG 80 0.188235294117647 113 15 0.0352941176470588
SOS1-202 Q07889 SOS1 Son of sevenless homolog 1 chr2 Compendium 155 0.1162790697674418 459 47 0.0352588147036759
CHEK2-206 O96017 CHEK2 Serine/threonine-protein kinase Chk2 chr22 Census, Compendium TSG 72 0.1325966850828729 157 19 0.0349907918968692
PREX2-201 Q70Z35 PREX2 Phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate-dependent Rac exchanger 2 protein chr8 Census, Compendium oncogene 404 0.2515566625155666 235 56 0.0348692403486924
USP6-205 P35125 USP6 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 6 chr17 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 154 0.1095305832147937 540 49 0.034850640113798
PMS2-201 P54278 PMS2 Mismatch repair endonuclease PMS2 chr7 Census, Compendium TSG 85 0.0986078886310904 336 30 0.0348027842227378
EP300-201 Q09472 EP300 Histone acetyltransferase p300 chr22 Census, Compendium TSG, fusion 203 0.084092792046396 1792 84 0.0347970173985087
NBEA-203 Q8NFP9 NBEA Neurobeachin chr13 Census, Compendium 397 0.1347589952477936 719 102 0.0346232179226069
FLCN-201 Q8NFG4 FLCN Folliculin chr17 Census, Compendium TSG 49 0.0846286701208981 159 20 0.0345423143350604
FEN1-201 P39748 FEN1 Flap endonuclease 1 chr11 Census TSG 29 0.0763157894736842 111 13 0.0342105263157894
NCOA4-204 Q13772 NCOA4 Nuclear receptor coactivator 4 chr10 Census TSG, fusion 60 0.0977198697068403 239 21 0.0342019543973941
ZMYM2-210 Q9UBW7 ZMYM2 Zinc finger MYM-type protein 2 chr13 Census fusion 105 0.0762527233115468 583 47 0.0341321713870733
PRKD1-201 Q15139 PRKD1 Serine/threonine-protein kinase D1 chr14 Census fusion 164 0.1798245614035087 190 31 0.0339912280701754
HIF1A-202 Q16665 HIF1A Hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha chr14 Census oncogene 54 0.0653753026634382 436 28 0.0338983050847457
EPHA2-201 P29317 EPHA2 Ephrin type-A receptor 2 chr1 Compendium 147 0.1506147540983606 188 33 0.033811475409836
RPL5-202 P46777 RPL5 Large ribosomal subunit protein uL18 chr1 Census TSG 39 0.1313131313131313 96 10 0.0336700336700336
FGFR4-201 P22455 FGFR4 Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 chr5 Census, Compendium oncogene 101 0.1259351620947631 163 27 0.0336658354114713
EML4-201 Q9HC35 EML4 Echinoderm microtubule-associated protein-like 4 chr2 Census, Compendium fusion 78 0.0795107033639143 387 33 0.0336391437308868
PTPN6-201 P29350 PTPN6 Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 6 chr12 Census, Compendium TSG 52 0.0873949579831932 194 20 0.0336134453781512
RFWD3-201 Q6PCD5 RFWD3 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RFWD3 chr16 Census TSG 59 0.0762273901808785 319 26 0.0335917312661498
KAT6A-201 Q92794 KAT6A Histone acetyltransferase KAT6A chr8 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 119 0.0593812375249501 1424 67 0.0334331337325349
MCM3AP-201 O60318 MCM3AP Germinal-center associated nuclear protein chr21 Compendium 171 0.0863636363636363 763 66 0.0333333333333333
MLLT11-201 Q13015 MLLT11 Protein AF1q chr1 Census fusion 7 0.0777777777777777 18 3 0.0333333333333333
PMS1-213 P54277 PMS1 PMS1 protein homolog 1 chr2 Census 86 0.0922746781115879 284 31 0.0332618025751072
PDGFRA-201 P16234 PDGFRA Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha chr4 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 213 0.1955922865013774 173 36 0.0330578512396694
BRIP1-201 Q9BX63 BRIP1 Fanconi anemia group J protein chr17 Census TSG 118 0.0944755804643715 399 41 0.032826261008807
MAP2K2-201 P36507 MAP2K2 Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 2 chr19 Census oncogene 45 0.1125 107 13 0.0325
CDH17-201 Q12864 CDH17 Cadherin-17 chr8 Census oncogene 131 0.157451923076923 188 27 0.032451923076923
CSF3R-203 Q99062 CSF3R Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor receptor chr1 Census, Compendium oncogene 108 0.1291866028708134 210 27 0.0322966507177033
HOXD13-201 P35453 HOXD13 Homeobox protein Hox-D13 chr2 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 34 0.0991253644314868 114 11 0.032069970845481
EWSR1-206 Q01844 EWSR1 RNA-binding protein EWS chr22 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 21 0.0320121951219512 646 21 0.0320121951219512
ESR1-201 P03372 ESR1 Estrogen receptor chr6 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG, fusion 92 0.1546218487394958 198 19 0.0319327731092436
BTK-201 Q06187 BTK Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK chrX Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG 109 0.165402124430956 114 21 0.0318664643399089
NCKIPSD-201 Q9NZQ3 NCKIPSD NCK-interacting protein with SH3 domain chr3 Census fusion 53 0.0734072022160664 260 23 0.0318559556786703
GNAS-214 Q5JWF2 GNAS Guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(s) subunit alpha isoforms XLas chr20 Census, Compendium oncogene 112 0.1080038572806171 718 33 0.0318225650916104
PWWP2A-201 Q96N64 PWWP2A PWWP domain-containing protein 2A chr5 Census fusion 32 0.0423841059602649 604 24 0.0317880794701986
PML-201 P29590 PML Protein PML chr15 Census, Compendium TSG, fusion 87 0.0986394557823129 312 28 0.0317460317460317
FGFR1-214 P11362 FGFR1 Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 chr8 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 92 0.1119221411192214 231 26 0.0316301703163017
NFKBIA-201 P25963 NFKBIA NF-kappa-B inhibitor alpha chr14 Compendium 34 0.1072555205047318 102 10 0.0315457413249211
SYK-204 P43405 SYK Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK chr9 Census oncogene, fusion 75 0.1181102362204724 131 20 0.0314960629921259
FBLN2-201 P98095 FBLN2 Fibulin-2 chr3 Census TSG 118 0.0996621621621621 344 37 0.03125
ZFX-201 P17010 ZFX Zinc finger X-chromosomal protein chrX Compendium 68 0.084472049689441 370 25 0.031055900621118
CD274-202 Q9NZQ7 CD274 Programmed cell death 1 ligand 1 chr9 Census TSG, fusion 26 0.0896551724137931 54 9 0.0310344827586206
SUFU-202 Q9UMX1 SUFU Suppressor of fused homolog chr10 Census TSG 48 0.0991735537190082 200 15 0.03099173553719
RGL3-201 Q3MIN7 RGL3 Ral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator-like 3 chr19 Compendium 42 0.0591549295774647 401 22 0.0309859154929577
NSD2-218 O96028 NSD2 Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase NSD2 chr4 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 121 0.0886446886446886 553 42 0.0307692307692307
RALGDS-202 Q12967 RALGDS Ral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator chr9 Census, Compendium fusion 72 0.0787746170678337 382 28 0.0306345733041575
MDM4-203 O15151 MDM4 Protein Mdm4 chr1 Census, Compendium oncogene 33 0.0673469387755102 203 15 0.0306122448979591
PTPRK-206 Q15262 PTPRK Receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase kappa chr6 Census, Compendium TSG, fusion 233 0.1619179986101459 302 44 0.0305767894371091
ENPEP-201 Q07075 ENPEP Glutamyl aminopeptidase chr4 Compendium 157 0.1640543364681295 130 29 0.0303030303030303
RARA-201 P10276 RARA Retinoic acid receptor alpha chr17 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 60 0.1298701298701298 167 14 0.0303030303030303
TLX1-201 P31314 TLX1 T-cell leukemia homeobox protein 1 chr10 Census oncogene, fusion 19 0.0575757575757575 223 10 0.0303030303030303
FAT3-201 Q8TDW7 FAT3 Protocadherin Fat 3 chr11 Census, Compendium 925 0.2029844195742813 752 138 0.0302830809743252
NF2-202 P35240 NF2 Merlin chr22 Census, Compendium TSG 49 0.0823529411764705 252 18 0.0302521008403361
RBM39-201 Q14498 RBM39 RNA-binding protein 39 chr20 Compendium 53 0.1 228 16 0.030188679245283
TRIM33-201 Q9UPN9 TRIM33 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRIM33 chr1 Census, Compendium TSG, fusion 71 0.0629991126885536 618 34 0.0301685891748003
SGK1-201 O00141 SGK1 Serine/threonine-protein kinase Sgk1 chr6 Census, Compendium oncogene 43 0.099767981438515 86 13 0.0301624129930394
TOP2A-201 P11388 TOP2A DNA topoisomerase 2-alpha chr17 Compendium 115 0.0751143043762246 509 46 0.0300457217504898
FANCE-201 Q9HB96 FANCE Fanconi anemia group E protein chr6 Census TSG 31 0.0578358208955223 200 16 0.0298507462686567
CDKN2C-202 P42773 CDKN2C Cyclin-dependent kinase 4 inhibitor C chr1 Census, Compendium TSG 17 0.1011904761904761 49 5 0.0297619047619047
PRKD2-201 Q9BZL6 PRKD2 Serine/threonine-protein kinase D2 chr19 Compendium 89 0.1013667425968109 247 26 0.0296127562642369
KDR-201 P35968 KDR Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 chr4 Census, Compendium oncogene 276 0.2035398230088495 276 40 0.0294985250737463
DDX5-201 P17844 DDX5 Probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX5 chr17 Census oncogene, fusion 61 0.0993485342019544 225 18 0.0293159609120521
PDCD1LG2-201 Q9BQ51 PDCD1LG2 Programmed cell death 1 ligand 2 chr9 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 26 0.0952380952380952 42 8 0.0293040293040293
DDR2-201 Q16832 DDR2 Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2 chr1 Census oncogene 129 0.1508771929824561 120 25 0.0292397660818713
FES-201 P07332 FES Tyrosine-protein kinase Fes/Fps chr15 Census oncogene, TSG 70 0.0851581508515815 246 24 0.0291970802919708
IKBKB-216 O14920 IKBKB Inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit beta chr8 Census, Compendium oncogene 83 0.1097883597883597 211 22 0.0291005291005291
SMAD4-201 Q13485 SMAD4 Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 4 chr18 Census, Compendium TSG 172 0.3115942028985507 195 16 0.0289855072463768
ARHGAP35-205 Q9NRY4 ARHGAP35 Rho GTPase-activating protein 35 chr19 Census, Compendium TSG 192 0.1280853902601734 410 43 0.028685790527018
MYO5A-204 Q9Y4I1 MYO5A Unconventional myosin-Va chr15 Census, Compendium fusion 159 0.0857142857142857 499 53 0.0285714285714285
MAP3K1-201 Q13233 MAP3K1 Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 1 chr5 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG 137 0.0906084656084656 829 43 0.0284391534391534
CHST11-201 Q9NPF2 CHST11 Carbohydrate sulfotransferase 11 chr12 Census oncogene, fusion 47 0.1335227272727272 46 10 0.0284090909090909
IL6ST-204 P40189 IL6ST Interleukin-6 receptor subunit beta chr5 Census, Compendium oncogene 76 0.0827886710239651 315 26 0.0283224400871459
LIFR-202 P42702 LIFR Leukemia inhibitory factor receptor chr5 Census, Compendium fusion 149 0.1358249772105743 259 31 0.0282588878760255
HERPUD1-204 Q15011 HERPUD1 Homocysteine-responsive endoplasmic reticulum-resident ubiquitin-like domain member 1 protein chr16 Census fusion 28 0.0716112531969309 249 11 0.0281329923273657
PPM1D-201 O15297 PPM1D Protein phosphatase 1D chr17 Census, Compendium oncogene 32 0.052892561983471 370 17 0.028099173553719
FAT2-201 Q9NYQ8 FAT2 Protocadherin Fat 2 chr5 Compendium 477 0.1096803862957001 1128 122 0.0280524258450218
HMGA1-201 P17096 HMGA1 High mobility group protein HMG-I/HMG-Y chr6 Census oncogene, fusion 3 0.02803738317757 107 3 0.02803738317757
RB1-201 P06400 RB1 Retinoblastoma-associated protein chr13 Census, Compendium TSG 89 0.0959051724137931 282 26 0.0280172413793103
CEBPA-201 P49715 CEBPA CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein alpha chr19 Census, Compendium TSG 10 0.0279329608938547 343 10 0.0279329608938547
NOTCH1-204 P46531 NOTCH1 Neurogenic locus notch homolog protein 1 chr9 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG, fusion 312 0.1221135029354207 690 71 0.0277886497064579
STK11-201 Q15831 STK11 Serine/threonine-protein kinase STK11 chr19 Census, Compendium TSG 63 0.1454965357967667 135 12 0.0277136258660508
CTNNA1-201 P35221 CTNNA1 Catenin alpha-1 chr5 Census TSG, fusion 90 0.0993377483443708 268 25 0.0275938189845474
CD28-201 P10747 CD28 T-cell-specific surface glycoprotein CD28 chr2 Census oncogene 26 0.1181818181818181 18 6 0.0272727272727272
TBL1XR1-214 Q9BZK7 TBL1XR1 F-box-like/WD repeat-containing protein TBL1XR1 chr3 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG, fusion 68 0.1322957198443579 136 14 0.0272373540856031
KDM5A-201 P29375 KDM5A Lysine-specific demethylase 5A chr12 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 153 0.0905325443786982 504 46 0.0272189349112426
SMARCD1-202 Q96GM5 SMARCD1 SWI/SNF-related matrix-associated actin-dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily D member 1 chr12 Census, Compendium TSG 37 0.0718446601941747 216 14 0.0271844660194174
NRP1-206 O14786 NRP1 Neuropilin-1 chr10 Compendium 112 0.1213434452871072 212 25 0.0270855904658721
GTF2I-212 P78347 GTF2I General transcription factor II-I chr7 Compendium 122 0.1222444889779559 365 27 0.0270541082164328
EIF4A2-201 Q14240 EIF4A2 Eukaryotic initiation factor 4A-II chr3 Census fusion 64 0.1572481572481572 27 11 0.027027027027027
PTMA-201 P06454 PTMA Prothymosin alpha chr2 Compendium 3 0.027027027027027 113 3 0.027027027027027
BAZ1A-202 Q9NRL2 BAZ1A Bromodomain adjacent to zinc finger domain protein 1A chr14 Census TSG 105 0.0674807197943444 752 42 0.0269922879177377
PTCH1-201 Q13635 PTCH1 Protein patched homolog 1 chr9 Census, Compendium TSG 156 0.1078092605390463 383 39 0.0269523151347615
NACA-203 E9PAV3 NACA Nascent polypeptide-associated complex subunit alpha, muscle-specific form chr12 Census fusion 63 0.0303176130895091 1906 56 0.026948989412897
ARHGAP5-202 Q13017 ARHGAP5 Rho GTPase-activating protein 5 chr14 Census, Compendium oncogene 127 0.0845539280958721 420 40 0.0266311584553928
HOXD11-201 P31277 HOXD11 Homeobox protein Hox-D11 chr2 Census oncogene, fusion 20 0.059171597633136 219 9 0.0266272189349112
IFNGR1-201 P15260 IFNGR1 Interferon gamma receptor 1 chr6 Compendium 38 0.0777096114519427 176 13 0.0265848670756646
TNFAIP3-206 P21580 TNFAIP3 Tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced protein 3 chr6 Census, Compendium TSG 69 0.0873417721518987 231 21 0.0265822784810126
SMARCA1-202 P28370 SMARCA1 Probable global transcription activator SNF2L1 chrX Compendium 99 0.0939278937381404 309 28 0.0265654648956356
TGFBR2-201 P37173 TGFBR2 TGF-beta receptor type-2 chr3 Census, Compendium TSG 93 0.164021164021164 61 15 0.0264550264550264
EPHA3-201 P29320 EPHA3 Ephrin type-A receptor 3 chr3 Census, Compendium 285 0.2899287894201424 74 26 0.0264496439471007
SH2B3-201 Q9UQQ2 SH2B3 SH2B adapter protein 3 chr12 Census, Compendium TSG 39 0.0678260869565217 336 15 0.0260869565217391
AJUBA-201 Q96IF1 AJUBA LIM domain-containing protein ajuba chr14 Compendium 42 0.0780669144981412 308 14 0.0260223048327137
CPEB3-201 Q8NE35 CPEB3 Cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein 3 chr10 Census, Compendium TSG 45 0.0644699140401146 413 18 0.0257879656160458
PIM1-201 P11309 PIM1 Serine/threonine-protein kinase pim-1 chr6 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 61 0.194888178913738 27 8 0.0255591054313099
BIRC6-201 Q9NR09 BIRC6 Baculoviral IAP repeat-containing protein 6 chr2 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 468 0.0963557751698579 1314 124 0.0255301626518427
ERBB2-201 P04626 ERBB2 Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 chr17 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 249 0.198406374501992 315 32 0.0254980079681274
SMO-201 Q99835 SMO Protein smoothened chr7 Census, Compendium oncogene 88 0.1118170266836086 242 20 0.025412960609911
CBLC-203 Q9ULV8 CBLC E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase CBL-C chr19 Census oncogene, TSG 43 0.090717299578059 126 12 0.0253164556962025
ID3-201 Q02535 ID3 DNA-binding protein inhibitor ID-3 chr1 Census, Compendium TSG 10 0.0840336134453781 34 3 0.0252100840336134
STAG2-211 Q8N3U4 STAG2 Cohesin subunit SA-2 chrX Census, Compendium TSG 123 0.099918765231519 331 31 0.025182778229082
FAM174B-201 Q3ZCQ3 FAM174B Membrane protein FAM174B chr15 Compendium 8 0.050314465408805 77 4 0.0251572327044025
POLG-201 P54098 POLG DNA polymerase subunit gamma-1 chr15 Census TSG 95 0.0766747376916868 421 31 0.0250201775625504
TOP1-201 P11387 TOP1 DNA topoisomerase 1 chr20 Census, Compendium fusion 50 0.065359477124183 391 19 0.0248366013071895
EGFR-201 P00533 EGFR Epidermal growth factor receptor chr7 Census, Compendium oncogene 346 0.2859504132231405 223 30 0.024793388429752
BUB1B-201 O60566 BUB1B Mitotic checkpoint serine/threonine-protein kinase BUB1 beta chr15 Census TSG 69 0.0657142857142857 484 26 0.0247619047619047
NOTCH2-201 Q04721 NOTCH2 Neurogenic locus notch homolog protein 2 chr1 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG 191 0.0772966410360178 631 61 0.0246863617968433
ADGRB1-201 O14514 ADGRB1 Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor B1 chr8 Compendium 170 0.1073232323232323 487 39 0.0246212121212121
KIT-201 P10721 KIT Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit chr4 Census, Compendium oncogene 186 0.1905737704918032 84 24 0.0245901639344262
SRSF3-202 P84103 SRSF3 Serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 3 chr6 Census oncogene, fusion 8 0.048780487804878 125 4 0.024390243902439
KDM5C-204 P41229 KDM5C Lysine-specific demethylase 5C chrX Census, Compendium TSG 129 0.0826923076923076 499 38 0.0243589743589743
FLT4-201 P35916 FLT4 Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3 chr5 Census, Compendium oncogene 203 0.1489361702127659 259 33 0.0242112986060161
PTPRB-201 P23467 PTPRB Receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase beta chr12 Census, Compendium TSG 321 0.1607411116675012 302 48 0.0240360540811216
CCND3-203 P30281 CCND3 G1/S-specific cyclin-D3 chr6 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 24 0.0821917808219178 46 7 0.023972602739726
DHX9-201 Q08211 DHX9 ATP-dependent RNA helicase A chr1 Compendium 125 0.0984251968503937 332 30 0.0236220472440944
MPL-201 P40238 MPL Thrombopoietin receptor chr1 Census oncogene 58 0.0913385826771653 129 15 0.0236220472440944
LCK-202 P06239 LCK Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck chr1 Census oncogene, fusion 76 0.1493123772102161 95 12 0.0235756385068762
SMAD2-201 Q15796 SMAD2 Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 2 chr18 Census, Compendium TSG 58 0.1241970021413276 137 11 0.0235546038543897
SOHLH2-202 Q9NX45 SOHLH2 Spermatogenesis- and oogenesis-specific basic helix-loop-helix-containing protein 2 chr13 Compendium 71 0.1670588235294117 70 10 0.0235294117647058
ARHGEF10L-202 Q9HCE6 ARHGEF10L Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 10-like protein chr1 Census, Compendium TSG 114 0.0891321344800625 436 30 0.0234558248631743
CUL3-201 Q13618 CUL3 Cullin-3 chr2 Census, Compendium TSG 98 0.1276041666666666 168 18 0.0234375
HERC2-201 O95714 HERC2 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase HERC2 chr15 Compendium 517 0.1069507654116673 971 113 0.0233760860570955
ARHGAP26-201 Q9UNA1 ARHGAP26 Rho GTPase-activating protein 26 chr5 Census TSG, fusion 72 0.0884520884520884 259 19 0.0233415233415233
SUSD2-201 Q9UGT4 SUSD2 Sushi domain-containing protein 2 chr22 Compendium 84 0.1021897810218978 133 19 0.0231143552311435
CASP8-218 Q14790 CASP8 Caspase-8 chr2 Census, Compendium TSG 116 0.2421711899791231 106 11 0.022964509394572
EED-201 O75530 EED Polycomb protein EED chr11 Census TSG 42 0.0952380952380952 79 10 0.0226757369614512
EFTUD2-202 Q15029 EFTUD2 116 kDa U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein component chr17 Compendium 100 0.102880658436214 179 22 0.022633744855967
LRIG3-201 Q6UXM1 LRIG3 Leucine-rich repeats and immunoglobulin-like domains protein 3 chr12 Census, Compendium TSG, fusion 104 0.0929401251117068 231 25 0.0223413762287756
FGFR3-205 P22607 FGFR3 Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 chr4 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 134 0.1662531017369727 241 18 0.0223325062034739
POU5F1-201 Q01860 POU5F1 POU domain, class 5, transcription factor 1 chr6 Census oncogene, fusion 27 0.075 186 8 0.0222222222222222
TSC2-201 P49815 TSC2 Tuberin chr16 Census, Compendium TSG 156 0.0863309352517985 568 40 0.0221361372440509
RSPO3-201 Q9BXY4 RSPO3 R-spondin-3 chr6 Census oncogene, fusion 26 0.0955882352941176 101 6 0.0220588235294117
NFKBIE-201 O00221 NFKBIE NF-kappa-B inhibitor epsilon chr6 Census, Compendium TSG 26 0.052 287 11 0.022
HGF-201 P14210 HGF Hepatocyte growth factor chr7 Compendium 196 0.2692307692307692 43 16 0.0219780219780219
XPA-201 P23025 XPA DNA repair protein complementing XP-A cells chr9 Census TSG 12 0.0439560439560439 121 6 0.0219780219780219
CYLD-203 Q9NQC7 CYLD Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase CYLD chr16 Census, Compendium TSG 76 0.0794979079497908 213 21 0.0219665271966527
STAT5B-201 P51692 STAT5B Signal transducer and activator of transcription 5B chr17 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG, fusion 73 0.0927573062261753 145 17 0.0216010165184243
LZTR1-221 Q8N653 LZTR1 Leucine-zipper-like transcriptional regulator 1 chr22 Census, Compendium TSG 125 0.1488095238095238 106 18 0.0214285714285714
OMD-201 Q99983 OMD Osteomodulin chr9 Census fusion 41 0.0973871733966745 59 9 0.0213776722090261
VAV1-210 P15498 VAV1 Proto-oncogene vav chr19 Census, Compendium fusion 128 0.1514792899408284 113 18 0.0213017751479289
ESRRA-201 P11474 ESRRA Steroid hormone receptor ERR1 chr11 Compendium 27 0.0638297872340425 101 9 0.0212765957446808
FBXW7-201 Q969H0 FBXW7 F-box/WD repeat-containing protein 7 chr4 Census, Compendium TSG 289 0.4087694483734088 232 15 0.0212164073550212
BCL2-201 P10415 BCL2 Apoptosis regulator Bcl-2 chr18 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 21 0.0878661087866108 73 5 0.0209205020920502
ZNF626-203 Q68DY1 ZNF626 Zinc finger protein 626 chr19 Compendium 93 0.1761363636363636 72 11 0.0208333333333333
STAT3-201 P40763 STAT3 Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 chr17 Census, Compendium oncogene 93 0.1207792207792207 152 16 0.0207792207792207
ERCC4-201 Q92889 ERCC4 DNA repair endonuclease XPF chr16 Census TSG 81 0.0884279475982532 226 19 0.0207423580786026
RSPO2-201 Q6UXX9 RSPO2 R-spondin-2 chr8 Census TSG, fusion 67 0.2757201646090535 41 5 0.0205761316872428
HSP90AA1-201 P07900 HSP90AA1 Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha chr14 Census, Compendium fusion 44 0.0601092896174863 258 15 0.0204918032786885
CYP2C8-201 P10632 CYP2C8 Cytochrome P450 2C8 chr10 Census, Compendium 85 0.173469387755102 30 10 0.0204081632653061
RMI2-201 Q96E14 RMI2 RecQ-mediated genome instability protein 2 chr16 Census TSG, fusion 6 0.0408163265306122 88 3 0.0204081632653061
WRN-201 Q14191 WRN Bifunctional 3'-5' exonuclease/ATP-dependent helicase WRN chr8 Census, Compendium TSG 133 0.092877094972067 374 29 0.0202513966480446
A1CF-201 Q9NQ94 A1CF APOBEC1 complementation factor chr10 Census oncogene 108 0.1818181818181818 63 12 0.0202020202020202
ASPSCR1-202 Q9BZE9 ASPSCR1 Tether containing UBX domain for GLUT4 chr17 Census fusion 18 0.0325497287522604 298 11 0.0198915009041591
LYN-202 P07948 LYN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lyn chr8 Census oncogene, fusion 78 0.15234375 85 10 0.01953125
TRAF7-201 Q6Q0C0 TRAF7 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRAF7 chr16 Census TSG 65 0.0970149253731343 121 13 0.0194029850746268
MGMT-205 P16455 MGMT Methylated-DNA--protein-cysteine methyltransferase chr10 Census TSG 23 0.1111111111111111 39 4 0.0193236714975845
LOX-201 P28300 LOX Protein-lysine 6-oxidase chr5 Compendium 31 0.0743405275779376 172 8 0.0191846522781774
ROS1-202 P08922 ROS1 Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase ROS chr6 Census oncogene, fusion 356 0.1516829995739241 197 45 0.0191734128674904
FLT3-201 P36888 FLT3 Receptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase FLT3 chr13 Census, Compendium oncogene 153 0.1540785498489426 64 19 0.0191339375629405
MSH6-201 P52701 MSH6 DNA mismatch repair protein Msh6 chr2 Census TSG 92 0.0676470588235294 389 26 0.0191176470588235
CLP1-205 Q92989 CLP1 Polyribonucleotide 5'-hydroxyl-kinase Clp1 chr11 Census fusion 42 0.0988235294117647 58 8 0.0188235294117647
DIS3-201 Q9Y2L1 DIS3 Exosome complex exonuclease RRP44 chr13 Compendium 72 0.0751565762004175 236 18 0.0187891440501043
AKT2-206 P31751 AKT2 RAC-beta serine/threonine-protein kinase chr19 Census oncogene 57 0.1185031185031185 84 9 0.0187110187110187
SRC-204 P12931 SRC Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src chr20 Census oncogene 40 0.0746268656716417 130 10 0.0186567164179104
FAT1-201 Q14517 FAT1 Protocadherin Fat 1 chr4 Census, Compendium TSG 432 0.094158674803836 1060 85 0.0185265911072362
FBXO11-202 Q86XK2 FBXO11 F-box only protein 11 chr2 Census, Compendium TSG 85 0.0916936353829557 242 17 0.0183387270765911
MB21D2-201 Q8IYB1 MB21D2 Nucleotidyltransferase MB21D2 chr3 Census, Compendium 78 0.1588594704684317 104 9 0.0183299389002036
POLR2A-210 P24928 POLR2A DNA-directed RNA polymerase II subunit RPB1 chr17 Census 138 0.0700507614213198 847 36 0.0182741116751269
RASA1-201 P20936 RASA1 Ras GTPase-activating protein 1 chr5 Compendium 118 0.1127029608404966 181 19 0.0181470869149952
ERCC3-201 P19447 ERCC3 General transcription and DNA repair factor IIH helicase subunit XPB chr2 Census, Compendium TSG 67 0.0856777493606138 208 14 0.0179028132992327
NTRK3-217 Q16288 NTRK3 NT-3 growth factor receptor chr15 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 214 0.2550655542312277 56 15 0.0178784266984505
ZNF93-201 P35789 ZNF93 Zinc finger protein 93 chr19 Compendium 64 0.1032258064516129 74 11 0.0177419354838709
BCL3-201 P20749 BCL3 B-cell lymphoma 3 protein chr19 Census oncogene, fusion 28 0.0616740088105726 259 8 0.0176211453744493
RAD17-208 O75943 RAD17 Cell cycle checkpoint protein RAD17 chr5 Census TSG 53 0.0778267254038179 207 12 0.0176211453744493
TRIM27-202 P14373 TRIM27 Zinc finger protein RFP chr6 Census oncogene, fusion 46 0.0896686159844054 87 9 0.0175438596491228
ZNF814-201 B7Z6K7 ZNF814 Zinc finger protein 814 chr19 Compendium 66 0.0771929824561403 172 15 0.0175438596491228
TEC-201 P42680 TEC Tyrosine-protein kinase Tec chr4 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 66 0.1045958795562599 57 11 0.0174326465927099
CCND2-201 P30279 CCND2 G1/S-specific cyclin-D2 chr12 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 29 0.1003460207612456 30 5 0.0173010380622837
RSPH10B2-203 B2RC85 RSPH10B2 Radial spoke head 10 homolog B2 chr7 Compendium 49 0.0563218390804597 227 15 0.0172413793103448
MLH1-201 P40692 MLH1 DNA mismatch repair protein Mlh1 chr3 Census TSG 65 0.0859788359788359 208 13 0.0171957671957671
CASP9-201 P55211 CASP9 Caspase-9 chr1 Census TSG 26 0.0625 71 7 0.016826923076923
FAM186A-201 A6NE01 FAM186A Protein FAM186A chr12 Compendium 58 0.024670353041259 1562 39 0.0165886856656741
BIRC3-201 Q13489 BIRC3 Baculoviral IAP repeat-containing protein 3 chr11 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG, fusion 53 0.0877483443708609 98 10 0.0165562913907284
PARP4-201 Q9UKK3 PARP4 Protein mono-ADP-ribosyltransferase PARP4 chr13 Compendium 153 0.0887470997679814 327 28 0.0162412993039443
DICER1-201 Q9UPY3 DICER1 Endoribonuclease Dicer chr14 Census, Compendium TSG 183 0.0952133194588969 363 31 0.0161290322580645
RHPN2-201 Q8IUC4 RHPN2 Rhophilin-2 chr19 Compendium 79 0.1151603498542274 89 11 0.0160349854227405
LCP1-201 P13796 LCP1 Plastin-2 chr13 Census fusion 77 0.1228070175438596 73 10 0.0159489633173843
SLC34A2-201 O95436 SLC34A2 Sodium-dependent phosphate transport protein 2B chr4 Census TSG, fusion 98 0.1420289855072463 65 11 0.0159420289855072
FKBP9-201 O95302 FKBP9 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP9 chr7 Census 46 0.0807017543859649 40 9 0.0157894736842105
ACVR1-207 Q04771 ACVR1 Activin receptor type-1 chr2 Census, Compendium oncogene 71 0.1394891944990176 21 8 0.0157170923379174
RHOH-201 Q15669 RHOH Rho-related GTP-binding protein RhoH chr4 Census TSG, fusion 32 0.1675392670157068 12 3 0.0157068062827225
POLD1-201 P28340 POLD1 DNA polymerase delta catalytic subunit chr19 Census, Compendium TSG 118 0.1065943992773261 210 17 0.015356820234869
RASA2-201 Q15283 RASA2 Ras GTPase-activating protein 2 chr3 Compendium 69 0.0812720848056537 142 13 0.0153121319199057
HTRA2-201 O43464 HTRA2 Serine protease HTRA2, mitochondrial chr2 Compendium 33 0.0720524017467248 127 7 0.0152838427947598
EHD2-201 Q9NZN4 EHD2 EH domain-containing protein 2 chr19 Compendium 59 0.1086556169429097 126 8 0.0147329650092081
MEN1-203 O00255 MEN1 Menin chr11 Census, Compendium TSG 50 0.08130081300813 230 9 0.0146341463414634
ITK-201 Q08881 ITK Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK chr5 Census fusion 106 0.1709677419354838 43 9 0.014516129032258
KCNJ5-202 P48544 KCNJ5 G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channel 4 chr11 Census oncogene 68 0.162291169451074 53 6 0.0143198090692124
ZNF721-201 Q8TF20 ZNF721 Zinc finger protein 721 chr4 Compendium 96 0.1053787047200878 146 13 0.0142700329308452
SOCS1-201 O15524 SOCS1 Suppressor of cytokine signaling 1 chr16 Census, Compendium TSG 20 0.0947867298578199 66 3 0.0142180094786729
TNFRSF14-201 Q92956 TNFRSF14 Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 14 chr1 Census, Compendium TSG 26 0.0918727915194346 54 4 0.0141342756183745
MACC1-202 Q6ZN28 MACC1 Metastasis-associated in colon cancer protein 1 chr7 Census oncogene 115 0.1349765258215962 93 12 0.0140845070422535
TRAF3-202 Q13114 TRAF3 TNF receptor-associated factor 3 chr14 Compendium 49 0.0862676056338028 101 8 0.0140845070422535
ZNF780A-212 O75290 ZNF780A Zinc finger protein 780A chr19 Compendium 77 0.1201248049921996 84 9 0.0140405616224648
EIF1AX-202 P47813 EIF1AX Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1A, X-chromosomal chrX Census, Compendium 12 0.0833333333333333 67 2 0.0138888888888888
CR1-206 P17927 CR1 Complement receptor type 1 chr1 Compendium 273 0.1338891613536047 153 28 0.0137322216772927
ATP1A1-201 P05023 ATP1A1 Sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit alpha-1 chr1 Census oncogene, TSG 76 0.0742913000977517 115 14 0.0136852394916911
POLE-201 Q07864 POLE DNA polymerase epsilon catalytic subunit A chr12 Census, Compendium TSG 234 0.1023622047244094 240 31 0.0135608048993875
SDHA-201 P31040 SDHA Succinate dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] flavoprotein subunit, mitochondrial chr5 Census TSG 87 0.1310240963855421 72 9 0.0135542168674698
RPS6KA3-201 P51812 RPS6KA3 Ribosomal protein S6 kinase alpha-3 chrX Compendium 72 0.0972972972972973 146 10 0.0135135135135135
LRP1B-201 Q9NZR2 LRP1B Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1B chr2 Census, Compendium TSG 1459 0.3172428788867145 177 62 0.0134811915633833
PRKAR1A-216 P10644 PRKAR1A cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit chr17 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG, fusion 26 0.0682414698162729 66 5 0.0131233595800524
USP9X-202 Q93008 USP9X Probable ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase FAF-X chrX Census, Compendium fusion 243 0.0951448707909162 405 33 0.0129209083790133
NF1-202 P21359 NF1 Neurofibromin chr17 Census, Compendium TSG, fusion 285 0.1003874603733709 406 36 0.0126805213103205
BTG2-201 P78543 BTG2 Protein BTG2 chr1 Census TSG 30 0.189873417721519 7 2 0.0126582278481012
DDX6-206 P26196 DDX6 Probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX6 chr11 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 29 0.0600414078674948 129 6 0.0124223602484472
PTEN-201 P60484 PTEN Phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate 3-phosphatase and dual-specificity protein phosphatase PTEN chr10 Census, Compendium TSG 425 1.054590570719603 76 5 0.0124069478908188
CD209-203 Q9NNX6 CD209 CD209 antigen chr19 Census 74 0.1831683168316831 42 5 0.0123762376237623
CSF1R-210 P07333 CSF1R Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor chr5 Census oncogene 101 0.1039094650205761 124 12 0.0123456790123456
TRRAP-202 Q9Y4A5 TRRAP Transformation/transcription domain-associated protein chr7 Census, Compendium oncogene 431 0.1116869655351127 402 47 0.0121793210676341
GPC3-201 P51654 GPC3 Glypican-3 chrX Census oncogene, TSG 55 0.0948275862068965 87 7 0.0120689655172413
SDHAF2-201 Q9NX18 SDHAF2 Succinate dehydrogenase assembly factor 2, mitochondrial chr11 Census TSG 21 0.1265060240963855 22 2 0.0120481927710843
ABCB1-211 P08183 ABCB1 ATP-dependent translocase ABCB1 chr7 Compendium 275 0.21484375 103 15 0.01171875
DDB2-201 Q92466 DDB2 DNA damage-binding protein 2 chr11 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG 35 0.081967213114754 71 5 0.0117096018735363
PLCG1-202 P19174 PLCG1 1-phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate phosphodiesterase gamma-1 chr20 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 129 0.1 187 15 0.0116279069767441
RNF213-220 Q63HN8 RNF213 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF213 chr17 Census, Compendium fusion 408 0.0783560591511426 628 60 0.011522949875168
KLK2-201 P20151 KLK2 Kallikrein-2 chr19 Census fusion 41 0.1570881226053639 11 3 0.0114942528735632
RPS3A-201 P61247 RPS3A Small ribosomal subunit protein eS1 chr4 Compendium 15 0.0568181818181818 85 3 0.0113636363636363
KEAP1-201 Q14145 KEAP1 Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1 chr19 Census, Compendium TSG 217 0.3477564102564102 57 7 0.0112179487179487
P2RY8-201 Q86VZ1 P2RY8 P2Y purinoceptor 8 chrX Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 84 0.233983286908078 23 4 0.011142061281337
MTOR-201 P42345 MTOR Serine/threonine-protein kinase mTOR chr1 Census, Compendium oncogene 298 0.1169085916045508 298 28 0.0109846998823067
MALT1-208 Q9UDY8 MALT1 Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma translocation protein 1 chr18 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 55 0.0667475728155339 139 9 0.0109223300970873
NT5C2-203 P49902 NT5C2 Cytosolic purine 5'-nucleotidase chr10 Census oncogene 30 0.053475935828877 85 6 0.0106951871657754
GNA13-201 Q14344 GNA13 Guanine nucleotide-binding protein subunit alpha-13 chr17 Compendium 45 0.1193633952254641 32 4 0.0106100795755968
HRAS-201 P01112 HRAS GTPase HRas chr11 Census, Compendium oncogene 129 0.6825396825396826 16 2 0.0105820105820105
KRAS-201 P01116 KRAS GTPase KRas chr12 Census, Compendium oncogene 771 4.079365079365079 7 2 0.0105820105820105
WIF1-201 Q9Y5W5 WIF1 Wnt inhibitory factor 1 chr12 Census TSG, fusion 62 0.1635883905013192 30 4 0.0105540897097625
BAX-202 Q07812 BAX Apoptosis regulator BAX chr19 Census TSG 24 0.125 39 2 0.0104166666666666
PRKCD-201 Q05655 PRKCD Protein kinase C delta type chr3 Compendium 52 0.0769230769230769 43 7 0.0103550295857988
GMPS-203 P49915 GMPS GMP synthase [glutamine-hydrolyzing] chr3 Census, Compendium fusion 67 0.0966810966810966 76 7 0.0101010101010101
NTRK1-206 P04629 NTRK1 High affinity nerve growth factor receptor chr1 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG, fusion 133 0.1670854271356784 57 8 0.0100502512562814
EPHA7-202 Q15375 EPHA7 Ephrin type-A receptor 7 chr6 Census, Compendium 226 0.2264529058116232 71 10 0.0100200400801603
CANT1-202 Q8WVQ1 CANT1 Soluble calcium-activated nucleotidase 1 chr17 Census fusion 46 0.1147132169576059 48 4 0.0099750623441396
CDK4-201 P11802 CDK4 Cyclin-dependent kinase 4 chr12 Census, Compendium oncogene 38 0.1254125412541254 52 3 0.0099009900990099
RET-202 P07949 RET Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret chr10 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 176 0.1579892280071813 108 11 0.0098743267504488
NEFH-201 P12036 NEFH Neurofilament heavy polypeptide chr22 Compendium 16 0.0156862745098039 866 10 0.0098039215686274
TERT-201 O14746 TERT Telomerase reverse transcriptase chr5 Census oncogene, TSG 86 0.0759717314487632 213 11 0.0097173144876325
WDCP-201 Q9H6R7 WDCP WD repeat and coiled-coil-containing protein chr2 Census fusion 51 0.0707350901525658 126 7 0.0097087378640776
ATM-229 Q13315 ATM Serine-protein kinase ATM chr11 Census, Compendium TSG 358 0.1171465968586387 226 29 0.0094895287958115
EXT1-201 Q16394 EXT1 Exostosin-1 chr8 Census TSG, fusion 75 0.1005361930294906 60 7 0.0093833780160857
RPL10-202 P27635 RPL10 Large ribosomal subunit protein uL16 chrX Census, Compendium TSG 41 0.1915887850467289 9 2 0.0093457943925233
CDK6-202 Q00534 CDK6 Cyclin-dependent kinase 6 chr7 Census oncogene, fusion 25 0.0766871165644171 24 3 0.00920245398773
TSHR-201 P16473 TSHR Thyrotropin receptor chr14 Census oncogene 100 0.1308900523560209 38 7 0.0091623036649214
SETD1B-202 Q9UPS6 SETD1B Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase SETD1B chr12 Census, Compendium TSG 22 0.0111902339776195 1482 18 0.0091556459816887
SLC45A3-201 Q96JT2 SLC45A3 Solute carrier family 45 member 3 chr1 Census, Compendium fusion 50 0.0904159132007233 25 5 0.0090415913200723
KDSR-212 Q06136 KDSR 3-ketodihydrosphingosine reductase chr18 Census fusion 26 0.0783132530120482 35 3 0.0090361445783132
FANCA-202 O15360 FANCA Fanconi anemia group A protein chr16 Census, Compendium TSG 121 0.0831615120274914 157 13 0.00893470790378
ETNK1-207 Q9HBU6 ETNK1 Ethanolamine kinase 1 chr12 Census TSG 35 0.077433628318584 81 4 0.0088495575221238
TCL1A-201 P56279 TCL1A T-cell leukemia/lymphoma protein 1A chr14 Census oncogene, fusion 28 0.2456140350877192 5 1 0.0087719298245614
ATG7-226 O95352 ATG7 Ubiquitin-like modifier-activating enzyme ATG7 chr3 Compendium 60 0.0853485064011379 54 6 0.0085348506401137
PIK3CA-201 P42336 PIK3CA Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha isoform chr3 Census, Compendium oncogene 1425 1.3342696629213484 38 9 0.0084269662921348
TMEM127-201 O75204 TMEM127 Transmembrane protein 127 chr2 Census TSG 16 0.0672268907563025 41 2 0.0084033613445378
RBM38-203 Q9H0Z9 RBM38 RNA-binding protein 38 chr20 Compendium 24 0.100418410041841 50 2 0.00836820083682
LPAR4-204 Q99677 LPAR4 Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 4 chrX Compendium 91 0.2459459459459459 10 3 0.0081081081081081
KLHL6-201 Q8WZ60 KLHL6 Kelch-like protein 6 chr3 Compendium 99 0.1594202898550724 25 5 0.0080515297906602
CD58-202 P19256 CD58 Lymphocyte function-associated antigen 3 chr1 Compendium 23 0.092 12 2 0.008
POT1-201 Q9NUX5 POT1 Protection of telomeres protein 1 chr7 Census, Compendium TSG 98 0.1545741324921135 31 5 0.0078864353312302
FH-201 P07954 FH Fumarate hydratase, mitochondrial chr1 Census, Compendium TSG 54 0.1058823529411764 76 4 0.0078431372549019
ACVR2A-201 P27037 ACVR2A Activin receptor type-2A chr2 Census, Compendium TSG 64 0.124756335282651 56 4 0.0077972709551656
ITGAV-201 P06756 ITGAV Integrin alpha-V chr2 Census 100 0.0954198473282442 92 8 0.0076335877862595
NUTM2D-201 Q5VT03 NUTM2D NUT family member 2D chr10 Census fusion 14 0.0173697270471464 644 6 0.0074441687344913
FBN2-201 P35556 FBN2 Fibrillin-2 chr5 Compendium 476 0.1634615384615384 137 21 0.0072115384615384
MET-202 P08581 MET Hepatocyte growth factor receptor chr7 Census, Compendium oncogene 161 0.1158273381294964 62 10 0.0071942446043165
IFNAR1-201 P17181 IFNAR1 Interferon alpha/beta receptor 1 chr21 Compendium 36 0.0646319569120287 50 4 0.0071813285457809
USP44-201 Q9H0E7 USP44 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 44 chr12 Census, Compendium TSG 58 0.0814606741573033 115 5 0.0070224719101123
COL1A1-201 P02452 COL1A1 Collagen alpha-1(I) chain chr17 Census, Compendium fusion 36 0.0245901639344262 1213 10 0.0068306010928961
UBE2D2-201 P62837 UBE2D2 Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 D2 chr5 Compendium 14 0.0952380952380952 13 1 0.0068027210884353
MYD88-209 Q99836 MYD88 Myeloid differentiation primary response protein MyD88 chr3 Census, Compendium oncogene 29 0.0979729729729729 47 2 0.0067567567567567
ECT2L-204 Q008S8 ECT2L Epithelial cell-transforming sequence 2 oncogene-like chr6 Census 91 0.1006637168141593 32 6 0.0066371681415929
DCSTAMP-201 Q9H295 DCSTAMP Dendritic cell-specific transmembrane protein chr8 Compendium 127 0.2702127659574468 6 3 0.0063829787234042
FANCD2-212 Q9BXW9 FANCD2 Fanconi anemia group D2 protein chr3 Census, Compendium TSG 116 0.0799448656099241 182 9 0.0062026188835286
TMPRSS2-201 O15393 TMPRSS2 Transmembrane protease serine 2 chr21 Census fusion 47 0.0955284552845528 25 3 0.0060975609756097
PPARG-201 P37231 PPARG Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma chr3 Census TSG, fusion 60 0.1188118811881188 44 3 0.0059405940594059
ZNF680-201 Q8NEM1 ZNF680 Zinc finger protein 680 chr7 Compendium 54 0.1018867924528302 36 3 0.0056603773584905
FANCF-201 Q9NPI8 FANCF Fanconi anemia group F protein chr11 Census, Compendium TSG 23 0.0614973262032085 51 2 0.0053475935828877
NPRL2-201 Q8WTW4 NPRL2 GATOR complex protein NPRL2 chr3 Compendium 24 0.0631578947368421 10 2 0.0052631578947368
TFRC-201 P02786 TFRC Transferrin receptor protein 1 chr3 Census fusion 66 0.0868421052631579 80 4 0.0052631578947368
JAK1-201 P23458 JAK1 Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 chr1 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG 109 0.0944540727902946 120 6 0.0051993067590987
RPN1-201 P04843 RPN1 Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycosyltransferase subunit 1 chr3 Census fusion 32 0.0527182866556836 69 3 0.0049423393739703
RRAS2-201 P62070 RRAS2 Ras-related protein R-Ras2 chr11 Compendium 27 0.1323529411764706 37 1 0.0049019607843137
IDH1-201 O75874 IDH1 Isocitrate dehydrogenase [NADP] cytoplasmic chr2 Census, Compendium oncogene 522 1.2608695652173914 37 2 0.0048309178743961
TCIRG1-201 Q13488 TCIRG1 V-type proton ATPase 116 kDa subunit a 3 chr11 Compendium 53 0.0638554216867469 103 4 0.0048192771084337
XPO1-201 O14980 XPO1 Exportin-1 chr2 Census, Compendium oncogene 84 0.0784313725490196 33 5 0.0046685340802987
EIF3E-201 P60228 EIF3E Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit E chr8 Census, Compendium TSG, fusion 59 0.1325842696629213 27 2 0.0044943820224719
CD79A-201 P11912 CD79A B-cell antigen receptor complex-associated protein alpha chain chr19 Census oncogene 20 0.0884955752212389 28 1 0.0044247787610619
TRIM49C-201 P0CI26 TRIM49C Tripartite motif-containing protein 49C chr11 Compendium 89 0.1969026548672566 26 2 0.0044247787610619
PAFAH1B2-204 P68402 PAFAH1B2 Platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase IB subunit alpha2 chr11 Census fusion 18 0.0786026200873362 43 1 0.0043668122270742
ACSL3-201 O95573 ACSL3 Fatty acid CoA ligase Acsl3 chr2 Census, Compendium fusion 55 0.0763888888888889 47 3 0.0041666666666666
ATR-201 Q13535 ATR Serine/threonine-protein kinase ATR chr3 Census, Compendium TSG 261 0.098714069591528 107 11 0.0041603630862329
COL3A1-201 P02461 COL3A1 Collagen alpha-1(III) chain chr2 Census fusion 49 0.0334242837653478 1183 6 0.0040927694406548
SBDS-201 Q9Y3A5 SBDS Ribosome maturation protein SBDS chr7 Census TSG 26 0.104 12 1 0.004
YWHAE-201 P62258 YWHAE 14-3-3 protein epsilon chr17 Census TSG, fusion 24 0.0941176470588235 41 1 0.0039215686274509
FSTL3-201 O95633 FSTL3 Follistatin-related protein 3 chr19 Census oncogene, fusion 15 0.0570342205323193 28 1 0.0038022813688212
CASP3-201 P42574 CASP3 Caspase-3 chr4 Census TSG 19 0.0685920577617328 64 1 0.003610108303249
SDHB-201 P21912 SDHB Succinate dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] iron-sulfur subunit, mitochondrial chr1 Census TSG 30 0.1071428571428571 17 1 0.0035714285714285
JAK3-201 P52333 JAK3 Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 chr19 Census, Compendium oncogene 131 0.1165480427046263 63 4 0.0035587188612099
CCNC-210 P24863 CCNC Cyclin-C chr6 Census TSG 23 0.0812720848056537 33 1 0.0035335689045936
JAK2-201 O60674 JAK2 Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 chr9 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 81 0.0715547703180212 59 4 0.0035335689045936
PDPR-201 Q8NCN5 PDPR Pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphatase regulatory subunit, mitochondrial chr16 Compendium 94 0.1069397042093287 36 3 0.0034129692832764
KLHL36-204 Q8N4N3 KLHL36 Kelch-like protein 36 chr16 Compendium 58 0.0941558441558441 48 2 0.0032467532467532
CLTC-201 Q00610 CLTC Clathrin heavy chain 1 chr17 Census, Compendium TSG, fusion 132 0.0788059701492537 71 5 0.0029850746268656
ENST00000652469 Q9UKU0 ACSL6 Long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase 6 chr5 Census fusion 86 0.1242774566473988 29 2 0.0028901734104046
ACSL6-203 Q9UKU0 ACSL6 Long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase 6 chr5 Census fusion 98 0.1406025824964132 34 2 0.0028694404591104
PIK3CB-214 P42338 PIK3CB Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit beta isoform chr3 Census, Compendium oncogene 112 0.1046728971962616 42 3 0.002803738317757
GNAQ-201 P50148 GNAQ Guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(q) subunit alpha chr9 Census, Compendium oncogene 82 0.2284122562674094 14 1 0.0027855153203342
WDR45-206 Q9Y484 WDR45 WD repeat domain phosphoinositide-interacting protein 4 chrX Compendium 51 0.1416666666666666 10 1 0.0027777777777777
SPOP-206 O43791 SPOP Speckle-type POZ protein chr17 Census, Compendium TSG 136 0.3636363636363636 25 1 0.0026737967914438
CMTR2-202 Q8IYT2 CMTR2 Cap-specific mRNA (nucleoside-2'-O-)-methyltransferase 2 chr16 Compendium 72 0.0935064935064935 10 2 0.0025974025974025
RRAGC-201 Q9HB90 RRAGC Ras-related GTP-binding protein C chr1 Compendium 20 0.050125313283208 61 1 0.0025062656641604
GRM3-201 Q14832 GRM3 Metabotropic glutamate receptor 3 chr7 Census oncogene 277 0.3151308304891922 8 2 0.0022753128555176
NPEPPS-201 P55786 NPEPPS Puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase chr17 Compendium 69 0.0750816104461371 45 2 0.0021762785636561
ALDH2-201 P05091 ALDH2 Aldehyde dehydrogenase, mitochondrial chr12 Census fusion 43 0.0831721470019342 44 1 0.0019342359767891
UGT2B17-201 O75795 UGT2B17 UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B17 chr4 Compendium 89 0.1679245283018867 12 1 0.0018867924528301
ATIC-201 P31939 ATIC Bifunctional purine biosynthesis protein ATIC chr2 Census fusion 49 0.0827702702702702 25 1 0.0016891891891891
FANCG-201 O15287 FANCG Fanconi anemia group G protein chr9 Census TSG 43 0.0691318327974276 48 1 0.0016077170418006
ZNF208-201 O43345 ZNF208 Zinc finger protein 208 chr19 Compendium 368 0.2875 8 2 0.0015625
FBLN1-202 P23142 FBLN1 Fibulin-1 chr22 Compendium 98 0.139402560455192 22 1 0.0014224751066856
EXT2-208 Q93063 EXT2 Exostosin-2 chr11 Census, Compendium TSG 69 0.096100278551532 12 1 0.0013927576601671
MSH2-201 P43246 MSH2 DNA mismatch repair protein Msh2 chr2 Census TSG 55 0.0588865096359743 37 1 0.0010706638115631
CLTCL1-202 P53675 CLTCL1 Clathrin heavy chain 2 chr22 Census, Compendium TSG, fusion 160 0.0975609756097561 10 1 0.0006097560975609
ACKR3-201 P25106 ACKR3 Atypical chemokine receptor 3 chr2 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 54 0.149171270718232 0 0 0.0
ACVR1B-201 P36896 ACVR1B Activin receptor type-1B chr12 Census TSG 95 0.1881188118811881 0 0 0.0
ALB-201 P02768 ALB Albumin chr4 Compendium 127 0.2085385878489326 6 0 0.0
APOBEC3B-201 Q9UH17 APOBEC3B DNA dC->dU-editing enzyme APOBEC-3B chr22 Census oncogene, TSG 40 0.1047120418848167 1 0 0.0
B2M-211 P61769 B2M Beta-2-microglobulin chr15 Census, Compendium TSG 25 0.2100840336134453 5 0 0.0
BMPR1A-201 P36894 BMPR1A Bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-1A chr10 Census, Compendium oncogene, TSG 37 0.0695488721804511 21 0 0.0
BTG1-201 P62324 BTG1 Protein BTG1 chr12 Census, Compendium TSG, fusion 22 0.1286549707602339 19 0 0.0
CCR4-201 P51679 CCR4 C-C chemokine receptor type 4 chr3 Census oncogene 34 0.0944444444444444 0 0 0.0
CCR7-201 P32248 CCR7 C-C chemokine receptor type 7 chr17 Census, Compendium oncogene 42 0.1111111111111111 0 0 0.0
CHIC2-201 Q9UKJ5 CHIC2 Cysteine-rich hydrophobic domain-containing protein 2 chr4 Census fusion 9 0.0545454545454545 6 0 0.0
CNBP-201 P62633 CNBP CCHC-type zinc finger nucleic acid binding protein chr3 Census TSG, fusion 8 0.0451977401129943 19 0 0.0
CNOT9-201 Q92600 CNOT9 CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 9 chr2 Compendium 32 0.1070234113712374 30 0 0.0
COX6C-205 P09669 COX6C Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6C chr8 Census fusion 9 0.12 0 0 0.0
CRLF2-202 Q9HC73 CRLF2 Cytokine receptor-like factor 2 chrX Census oncogene, fusion 37 0.0997304582210242 62 0 0.0
CXCR4-201 P61073 CXCR4 C-X-C chemokine receptor type 4 chr2 Census, Compendium oncogene 45 0.1278409090909091 5 0 0.0
CYSLTR2-206 Q9NS75 CYSLTR2 Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 2 chr13 Census, Compendium oncogene 54 0.1560693641618497 0 0 0.0
ELN-235 P15502 ELN Elastin chr7 Census, Compendium fusion 1 0.0012722646310432 107 0 0.0
ERCC2-204 P18074 ERCC2 General transcription and DNA repair factor IIH helicase subunit XPD chr19 Census, Compendium TSG 103 0.1355263157894737 5 0 0.0
FANCC-201 Q00597 FANCC Fanconi anemia group C protein chr9 Census, Compendium TSG 38 0.068100358422939 13 0 0.0
FEV-201 Q99581 FEV Protein FEV chr2 Census oncogene, fusion 8 0.0336134453781512 55 0 0.0
GNA11-201 P29992 GNA11 Guanine nucleotide-binding protein subunit alpha-11 chr19 Census, Compendium oncogene 74 0.2061281337047353 10 0 0.0
GNAI2-202 P04899 GNAI2 Guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(i) subunit alpha-2 chr3 Compendium 37 0.104225352112676 24 0 0.0
IDH2-201 P48735 IDH2 Isocitrate dehydrogenase [NADP], mitochondrial chr15 Census, Compendium oncogene 51 0.1128318584070796 61 0 0.0
IL2-201 P60568 IL2 Interleukin-2 chr4 Census fusion 16 0.1045751633986928 6 0 0.0
LEPROTL1-201 O95214 LEPROTL1 Leptin receptor overlapping transcript-like 1 chr8 Census TSG 0 0.0 0 0 0.0
LHFPL6-201 Q9Y693 LHFPL6 LHFPL tetraspan subfamily member 6 protein chr13 Census fusion 34 0.17 0 0 0.0
LMO1-201 P25800 LMO1 Rhombotin-1 chr11 Census oncogene, fusion 13 0.0833333333333333 0 0 0.0
LMO2-202 P25791 LMO2 Rhombotin-2 chr11 Census oncogene, fusion 24 0.1518987341772152 14 0 0.0
MAPK1-201 P28482 MAPK1 Mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 chr22 Census, Compendium oncogene 52 0.1444444444444444 2 0 0.0
MTCP1-202 P56278 MTCP1 Protein p13 MTCP-1 chrX Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 11 0.102803738317757 6 0 0.0
NRAS-201 P01111 NRAS GTPase NRas chr1 Census, Compendium oncogene 272 1.439153439153439 10 0 0.0
NT5C3A-209 Q9H0P0 NT5C3A Cytosolic 5'-nucleotidase 3A chr7 Compendium 26 0.0785498489425981 0 0 0.0
NUTM2B-202 A6NNL0 NUTM2B NUT family member 2B chr10 Census fusion 0 0.0 612 0 0.0
PPP2R1A-201 P30153 PPP2R1A Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 2A 65 kDa regulatory subunit A alpha isoform chr19 Census, Compendium TSG 169 0.2869269949066214 0 0 0.0
PPP6C-201 O00743 PPP6C Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 6 catalytic subunit chr9 Census, Compendium TSG 51 0.1672131147540983 0 0 0.0
PPT2-244 Q9UMR5 PPT2 Lysosomal thioesterase PPT2 chr6 Compendium 31 0.1026490066225165 0 0 0.0
PRKACA-201 P17612 PRKACA cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit alpha chr19 Census oncogene 49 0.1396011396011396 24 0 0.0
PTK6-202 Q13882 PTK6 Protein-tyrosine kinase 6 chr20 Census oncogene, TSG 31 0.0687361419068736 12 0 0.0
RAC1-201 P63000 RAC1 Ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1 chr7 Census, Compendium oncogene 61 0.3177083333333333 2 0 0.0
RAD51B-209 O15315 RAD51B DNA repair protein RAD51 homolog 2 chr14 Census TSG, fusion 32 0.0833333333333333 12 0 0.0
RAP1GDS1-205 P52306 RAP1GDS1 Rap1 GTPase-GDP dissociation stimulator 1 chr4 Census, Compendium oncogene, fusion 69 0.1136738056013179 13 0 0.0
RPL22-201 P35268 RPL22 Large ribosomal subunit protein eL22 chr1 Census, Compendium TSG, fusion 19 0.1484375 15 0 0.0
SDHC-202 Q99643 SDHC Succinate dehydrogenase cytochrome b560 subunit, mitochondrial chr1 Census TSG 10 0.059171597633136 0 0 0.0
SDHD-201 O14521 SDHD Succinate dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] cytochrome b small subunit, mitochondrial chr11 Census TSG 15 0.0943396226415094 0 0 0.0
TENT5C-201 Q5VWP2 TENT5C Terminal nucleotidyltransferase 5C chr1 Census TSG 50 0.1278772378516624 1 0 0.0
TNFRSF17-201 Q02223 TNFRSF17 Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 17 chr16 Census oncogene, fusion 17 0.092391304347826 1 0 0.0
U2AF1-201 Q01081 U2AF1 Splicing factor U2AF 35 kDa subunit chr21 Census, Compendium oncogene 0 0.0 73 0 0.0