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AGO3-203 ,AGO3 ,Q9H9G7
  • Number of GO Term: 30
GO term GO name GO namespace GO def
GO:0035279 miRNA-mediated gene silencing by mRNA destabilization biological_process An RNA interference pathway in which microRNAs (miRNAs) direct the cleavage of target mRNAs. Once incorporated into a RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), a miRNA base pairing with near-perfect complementarity to the target mRNA will typically direct targeted endonucleolytic cleavage of the mRNA. Many plant miRNAs downregulate gene expression through this mechanism. [GOC:dph, GOC:mtg_lung, PMID:14744438, PMID:15196554, PMID:21118121, PMID:23209154]
GO:0090625 siRNA-mediated gene silencing by mRNA destabilization biological_process An siRNA-mediated post-transcriptional gene silencing pathway in which small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) direct the cleavage of target mRNAs. Once incorporated into a RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), an siRNA will typically direct cleavage by base pairing with perfect or near-perfect complementarity to the target mRNA. [GOC:BHF, GOC:BHF_miRNA, GOC:rph, PMID:15260970]
GO:0003723 RNA binding molecular_function Binding to an RNA molecule or a portion thereof. [GOC:jl, GOC:mah]
GO:0003725 double-stranded RNA binding molecular_function Binding to double-stranded RNA. [GOC:jl]
GO:0003727 single-stranded RNA binding molecular_function Binding to single-stranded RNA. [GOC:jl]
GO:0004521 RNA endonuclease activity molecular_function Catalysis of the hydrolysis of ester linkages within ribonucleic acid by creating internal breaks. [GOC:mah, ISBN:0198547684]
GO:0005515 protein binding molecular_function Binding to a protein. [GOC:go_curators]
GO:0035198 miRNA binding molecular_function Binding to a microRNA, a 21-23 nucleotide RNA that is processed from a stem-loop RNA precursor (pre-miRNA) that is encoded within plant and animal genomes. [PMID:15066283]
GO:0046872 metal ion binding molecular_function Binding to a metal ion. [GOC:ai]
GO:0090624 endoribonuclease activity, cleaving miRNA-paired mRNA molecular_function Catalysis of the endonucleolytic cleavage of the mRNA in a double-stranded RNA molecule formed by the base pairing of an mRNA with an miRNA. [GOC:BHF, GOC:BHF_miRNA, GOC:rph, PMID:15260970, PMID:19239888]
GO:0006402 mRNA catabolic process biological_process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of mRNA, messenger RNA, which is responsible for carrying the coded genetic 'message', transcribed from DNA, to sites of protein assembly at the ribosomes. [ISBN:0198506732]
GO:0010501 RNA secondary structure unwinding biological_process The process in which a secondary structure of RNA are broken or 'melted'. [PMID:17169986]
GO:0010628 positive regulation of gene expression biological_process Any process that increases the frequency, rate or extent of gene expression. Gene expression is the process in which a gene's coding sequence is converted into a mature gene product (protein or RNA). [GOC:txnOH-2018]
GO:0031054 pre-miRNA processing biological_process A process involved in the conversion of a pre-microRNA transcript into a mature microRNA molecule. [GOC:sl, PMID:15211354]
GO:0035196 miRNA processing biological_process A process leading to the generation of a functional miRNA. Includes the cleavage of stem-loop RNA precursors into microRNAs (miRNAs). miRNAs are a class of small RNAs that primarily silence genes by blocking the translation of mRNA transcripts into protein, or by increasing the degradation of non-protein-coding RNA transcripts. [GOC:aruk, GOC:bc, GOC:dph, GOC:rl, GOC:tb, PMID:15066275, PMID:15066283, PMID:23985560, PMID:28379604]
GO:0035278 miRNA-mediated gene silencing by inhibition of translation biological_process An RNA interference pathway in which microRNAs (miRNAs) block the translation of target mRNAs into proteins. Once incorporated into a RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), a miRNA will typically mediate repression of translation if the miRNA imperfectly base-pairs with the 3' untranslated regions of target mRNAs. [PMID:14744438, PMID:15196554]
GO:0070922 RISC complex assembly biological_process The process in which a single-stranded small RNA is incorporated within the RNA-initiated silencing complex (RISC). The assembly includes the maturation of the small RNA, the stabilization of the complex by accessory proteins of the RISC complex, duplex separation and the release of the second strand, forming a base-pairing completent complex that mediates gene silencing by small RNA. [PMID:14512631, PMID:14744438, PMID:19239886, PMID:22233755, PMID:27184117]
GO:0072091 regulation of stem cell proliferation biological_process Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of stem cell proliferation. A stem cell is a cell that retains the ability to divide and proliferate throughout life to provide progenitor cells that can differentiate into specialized cells. [GOC:mtg_kidney_jan10]
GO:1901224 positive regulation of non-canonical NF-kappaB signal transduction biological_process Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the non-canonical NF-kappaB cascade. [GOC:TermGenie]
GO:0000794 condensed nuclear chromosome cellular_component A highly compacted molecule of DNA and associated proteins resulting in a cytologically distinct nuclear chromosome. [GOC:elh]
GO:0000932 P-body cellular_component A focus in the cytoplasm where mRNAs may become inactivated by decapping or some other mechanism. Protein and RNA localized to these foci are involved in mRNA degradation, nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD), translational repression, and RNA-mediated gene silencing. [GOC:clt, PMID:12730603]
GO:0005654 nucleoplasm cellular_component That part of the nuclear content other than the chromosomes or the nucleolus. [GOC:ma, ISBN:0124325653]
GO:0005737 cytoplasm cellular_component The contents of a cell excluding the plasma membrane and nucleus, but including other subcellular structures. [ISBN:0198547684]
GO:0005829 cytosol cellular_component The part of the cytoplasm that does not contain organelles but which does contain other particulate matter, such as protein complexes. [GOC:hjd, GOC:jl]
GO:0016020 membrane cellular_component A lipid bilayer along with all the proteins and protein complexes embedded in it and attached to it. [GOC:dos, GOC:mah, ISBN:0815316194]
GO:0036464 cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein granule cellular_component A ribonucleoprotein granule located in the cytoplasm. [GOC:bf, GOC:PARL, PMID:15121898]
GO:0016442 RISC complex cellular_component A ribonucleoprotein complex that contains members of the Argonaute family of proteins, small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) or microRNAs (miRNAs), and miRNA or siRNA-complementary mRNAs, in addition to a number of accessory factors. The RISC complex is involved in posttranscriptional repression of gene expression through downregulation of translation or induction of mRNA degradation. [PMID:10749213, PMID:15145345]
GO:0070578 RISC-loading complex cellular_component A trimeric protein complex required for the formation of a mature RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC). In humans the complex is composed of the endonuclease Dicer (DICER1), TRBP (TARBP2) and the Argonaute protein Ago2 (EIF2C2/AGO2). Within the complex, Dicer and TRBP are required to process precursor miRNAs (pre-miRNAs) to mature miRNAs and then load them onto Ago2. Ago2 bound to the mature miRNA constitutes the minimal RISC and may subsequently dissociate from Dicer and TRBP. This complex has endoribonuclease activity. [GOC:ab, GOC:BHF, GOC:nc, GOC:rph, PMID:18178619, PMID:19820710]
GO:0005634 nucleus cellular_component A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent. [GOC:go_curators]
GO:0035194 regulatory ncRNA-mediated post-transcriptional gene silencing biological_process A posttranscriptional gene silencing pathway in which regulatory RNAs elicit silencing of specific target genes, either by mRNA destabilization or inhibition of translation. [GOC:ems, PMID:11201747, PMID:11713190, PMID:15020054, PMID:15066275, PMID:18771919, PMID:32885814, PMID:33184244]