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ATAD3B-206 ,ATAD3B ,Q5T9A4
  • Number of GO Term: 8
GO term GO name GO namespace GO def
GO:0005524 ATP binding molecular_function Binding to ATP, adenosine 5'-triphosphate, a universally important coenzyme and enzyme regulator. [ISBN:0198506732]
GO:0016887 ATP hydrolysis activity molecular_function Catalysis of the reaction
GO:0005739 mitochondrion cellular_component A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration. [GOC:giardia, ISBN:0198506732]
GO:0005743 mitochondrial inner membrane cellular_component The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae. [GOC:ai]
GO:0005886 plasma membrane cellular_component The membrane surrounding a cell that separates the cell from its external environment. It consists of a phospholipid bilayer and associated proteins. [ISBN:0716731363]
GO:0030667 secretory granule membrane cellular_component The lipid bilayer surrounding a secretory granule. [GOC:mah]
GO:0101003 ficolin-1-rich granule membrane cellular_component The lipid bilayer surrounding a ficolin-1-rich granule. [GOC:mec, PMID:23650620]
GO:0007005 mitochondrion organization biological_process A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of a mitochondrion; includes mitochondrial morphogenesis and distribution, and replication of the mitochondrial genome as well as synthesis of new mitochondrial components. [GOC:dph, GOC:jl, GOC:mah, GOC:sgd_curators, PMID:9786946]