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BCL9-201 ,BCL9 ,O00512
  • Number of GO Term: 15
GO term GO name GO namespace GO def
GO:0017015 regulation of transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway biological_process Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of activity of any TGF-beta receptor signaling pathway. [GOC:mah]
GO:0003713 transcription coactivator activity molecular_function A transcription coregulator activity that activates or increases the transcription of specific gene sets via binding to a DNA-bound DNA-binding transcription factor, either on its own or as part of a complex. Coactivators often act by altering chromatin structure and modifications. For example, one class of transcription coactivators modifies chromatin structure through covalent modification of histones. A second class remodels the conformation of chromatin in an ATP-dependent fashion. A third class modulates interactions of DNA-bound DNA-binding transcription factors with other transcription coregulators. A fourth class of coactivator activity is the bridging of a DNA-binding transcription factor to the general (basal) transcription machinery. The Mediator complex, which bridges sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factors and RNA polymerase, is also a transcription coactivator. [GOC:txnOH-2018, PMID:10213677, PMID:16858867]
GO:0005515 protein binding molecular_function Binding to a protein. [GOC:go_curators]
GO:0006366 transcription by RNA polymerase II biological_process The synthesis of RNA from a DNA template by RNA polymerase II (RNAP II), originating at an RNA polymerase II promoter. Includes transcription of messenger RNA (mRNA) and certain small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs). [GOC:jl, GOC:txnOH, ISBN:0321000382]
GO:0014908 myotube differentiation involved in skeletal muscle regeneration biological_process The process in which a relatively unspecialized cell acquires specialized features of a myotube cell. Myotube differentiation starts with myoblast fusion and the appearance of specific cell markers (this is the cell development step). Then individual myotubes can fuse to form bigger myotubes and start to contract. This process occurs as part of the process of skeletal muscle regeneration. Myotubes are multinucleated cells that are formed when proliferating myoblasts exit the cell cycle, differentiate and fuse. [GOC:mtg_muscle]
GO:0035019 somatic stem cell population maintenance biological_process Any process by which an organism retains a population of somatic stem cells, undifferentiated cells in the embryo or adult which can undergo unlimited division and give rise to cell types of the body other than those of the germ-line. [GOC:bf, ISBN:0582227089]
GO:0035914 skeletal muscle cell differentiation biological_process The process in which a relatively unspecialized cell acquires specialized features of a skeletal muscle cell, a somatic cell located in skeletal muscle. [CL:0000188, GOC:BHF, GOC:vk]
GO:0045445 myoblast differentiation biological_process The process in which a relatively unspecialized cell acquires specialized features of a myoblast. A myoblast is a mononucleate cell type that, by fusion with other myoblasts, gives rise to the myotubes that eventually develop into striated muscle fibers. [CL:0000056, GOC:go_curators, GOC:mtg_muscle]
GO:0005654 nucleoplasm cellular_component That part of the nuclear content other than the chromosomes or the nucleolus. [GOC:ma, ISBN:0124325653]
GO:0005801 cis-Golgi network cellular_component The network of interconnected tubular and cisternal structures located at the convex side of the Golgi apparatus, which abuts the endoplasmic reticulum. [ISBN:0198506732, ISBN:0815316194]
GO:0016528 sarcoplasm cellular_component The cytoplasm of a muscle cell; includes the sarcoplasmic reticulum. [ISBN:0198547684]
GO:1990907 beta-catenin-TCF complex cellular_component A protein complex that contains beta-catenin and a member of the T-cell factor (TCF)/lymphoid enhancer binding factor (LEF) family of transcription factors. [GOC:bf, GOC:PARL, PMID:11751639, PMID:16936075, PMID:20123964, PMID:21075118, PMID:9419974]
GO:0008013 beta-catenin binding molecular_function Binding to a catenin beta subunit. [GOC:bf]
GO:0060070 canonical Wnt signaling pathway biological_process A type of Wnt signaling pathway in which Wnt binding to its receptor on the surface of a target cell results in the by propagation of the molecular signals via beta-catenin, and end with a change in transcription of target genes. In this pathway, the activated receptor signals via downstream effectors that result in the inhibition of beta-catenin phosphorylation, thereby preventing degradation of beta-catenin. Stabilized beta-catenin can then accumulate and travel to the nucleus to trigger changes in transcription of target genes. [PMID:11532397, PMID:19619488]
GO:0045944 positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II biological_process Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of transcription from an RNA polymerase II promoter. [GOC:go_curators, GOC:txnOH]