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BROX-201 ,BROX ,Q5VW32
  • Number of GO Term: 5
GO term GO name GO namespace GO def
GO:0005515 protein binding molecular_function Binding to a protein. [GOC:go_curators]
GO:0007084 mitotic nuclear membrane reassembly biological_process The mitotic cell cycle process involving ESCRTIII that results in reformation of the nuclear envelope after mitotic nuclear division. In organisms undergoing closed mitosis this involves resealing or 'repair' of the nuclear envelope in the nuclear bridge. [PMID:26040712, PMID:28242692, PMID:32109380, PMID:32848252]
GO:0005635 nuclear envelope cellular_component The double lipid bilayer enclosing the nucleus and separating its contents from the rest of the cytoplasm; includes the intermembrane space, a gap of width 20-40 nm (also called the perinuclear space). [ISBN:0198547684]
GO:0031965 nuclear membrane cellular_component Either of the lipid bilayers that surround the nucleus and form the nuclear envelope; excludes the intermembrane space. [GOC:mah, GOC:pz]
GO:0070062 extracellular exosome cellular_component A vesicle that is released into the extracellular region by fusion of the limiting endosomal membrane of a multivesicular body with the plasma membrane. Extracellular exosomes, also simply called exosomes, have a diameter of about 40-100 nm. [GOC:BHF, GOC:mah, GOC:vesicles, PMID:15908444, PMID:17641064, PMID:19442504, PMID:19498381, PMID:22418571, PMID:24009894]