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Total number of protein in "GO:0000723" GO term:  57

Identifier UniProt Gene UniProt Accession UniProt Name Chromosome GO term Database Cancer Driver Number of missense mutations Missense mutation per residues Number of disordered residues Number of mutations in disordered regions Disordered missense mutations per residues Number of OMIM mutation
ACD-212 ACD Q96AP0 Adrenocortical dysplasia protein homolog chr16 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.0917030567685589 257 31 0.0676855895196506 1
ACTL6A-202 ACTL6A O96019 Actin-like protein 6A chr3 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.0909090909090909 74 8 0.0186480186480186 1
ACTR5-201 ACTR5 Q9H9F9 Actin-related protein 5 chr20 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.0691927512355848 163 12 0.0197693574958813 0
ACTR8-201 ACTR8 Q9H981 Actin-related protein 8 chr3 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 48 0.0769230769230769 240 18 0.0288461538461538 0
APEX1-201 APEX1 P27695 DNA-(apurinic or apyrimidinic site) endonuclease chr14 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.0723270440251572 104 9 0.0283018867924528 0
ATM-229 ATM Q13315 Serine-protein kinase ATM chr11 GO:0000723 Census, Compendium Yes 358 0.1171465968586387 226 29 0.0094895287958115 41
ATR-201 ATR Q13535 Serine/threonine-protein kinase ATR chr3 GO:0000723 Census, Compendium Yes 261 0.098714069591528 107 11 0.0041603630862329 1
BLM-201 BLM P54132 RecQ-like DNA helicase BLM chr15 GO:0000723 Census Yes 112 0.0790402258292166 671 53 0.0374029640084686 9
CCNE1-201 CCNE1 P24864 G1/S-specific cyclin-E1 chr19 GO:0000723 Census Yes 44 0.1073170731707317 142 15 0.0365853658536585 0
CCNE2-201 CCNE2 O96020 G1/S-specific cyclin-E2 chr8 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.0866336633663366 69 9 0.0222772277227722 0
CTC1-214 CTC1 Q2NKJ3 CST complex subunit CTC1 chr17 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 107 0.0879211175020542 106 4 0.0032867707477403 9
DCLRE1B-203 DCLRE1B Q9H816 5' exonuclease Apollo chr1 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.0827067669172932 127 12 0.0225563909774436 1
DCLRE1C-209 DCLRE1C Q96SD1 Protein artemis chr10 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 56 0.0809248554913294 277 21 0.0303468208092485 3
DNA2-201 DNA2 P51530 DNA replication ATP-dependent helicase/nuclease DNA2 chr10 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 72 0.0679245283018867 52 4 0.0037735849056603 3
ENST00000640655 RAD50 Q92878 DNA repair protein RAD50 chr5 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 92 0.0758450123660346 721 45 0.0370981038746908 0
ERCC4-201 ERCC4 Q92889 DNA repair endonuclease XPF chr16 GO:0000723 Census Yes 81 0.0884279475982532 226 19 0.0207423580786026 15
HUS1-201 HUS1 O60921 Checkpoint protein HUS1 chr7 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.0678571428571428 17 1 0.0035714285714285 0
HUS1B-201 HUS1B Q8NHY5 Checkpoint protein HUS1B chr6 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.1258992805755395 10 1 0.0035971223021582 0
INO80-209 INO80 Q9ULG1 Chromatin-remodeling ATPase INO80 chr15 GO:0000723 Compendium Yes 137 0.0880462724935732 682 67 0.0430591259640102 0
INO80B-201 INO80B Q9C086 INO80 complex subunit B chr2 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.0674157303370786 336 22 0.0617977528089887 0
INO80B-WBP1-202 INO80B Q9C086 INO80 complex subunit B chr2 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.0743801652892562 337 25 0.0688705234159779 0
INO80C-202 INO80C Q6PI98 INO80 complex subunit C chr18 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.0885416666666666 109 11 0.0572916666666666 0
INO80D-201 INO80D Q53TQ3 INO80 complex subunit D chr2 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 84 0.0817916260954235 738 68 0.0662122687439143 0
INO80E-207 INO80E Q8NBZ0 INO80 complex subunit E chr16 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.0614754098360655 211 15 0.0614754098360655 0
LTO1-201 LTO1 Q8WV07 Protein LTO1 homolog chr11 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.1021897810218978 12 0 0.0 0
MCRS1-201 MCRS1 Q96EZ8 Microspherule protein 1 chr12 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.1017316017316017 152 13 0.0281385281385281 0
MRE11-201 MRE11 P49959 Double-strand break repair protein MRE11 chr11 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 61 0.0861581920903954 292 28 0.03954802259887 1
NBN-201 NBN O60934 Nibrin chr8 GO:0000723 Census Yes 63 0.0835543766578249 420 45 0.059681697612732 1
NFRKB-212 NFRKB Q6P4R8 Nuclear factor related to kappa-B-binding protein chr11 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.0415704387990762 838 24 0.0184757505773672 0
PARP1-203 PARP1 P09874 Poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 1 chr1 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 88 0.0867850098619329 322 28 0.0276134122287968 0
PARP3-201 PARP3 Q9Y6F1 Protein mono-ADP-ribosyltransferase PARP3 chr3 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 48 0.0900562851782364 272 27 0.0506566604127579 0
PRKDC-201 PRKDC P78527 DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit chr8 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 385 0.0932655038759689 421 43 0.0104166666666666 2
PTGES3-201 PTGES3 Q15185 Prostaglandin E synthase 3 chr12 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 8 0.05 52 2 0.0125 0
RAD50-201 RAD50 Q92878 DNA repair protein RAD50 chr5 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 106 0.0807926829268292 730 50 0.0381097560975609 0
RAD51D-202 RAD51D O75771 DNA repair protein RAD51 homolog 4 chr17 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.0609756097560975 50 8 0.024390243902439 0
RECQL4-209 RECQL4 O94761 ATP-dependent DNA helicase Q4 chr8 GO:0000723 Census, Compendium Yes 105 0.0869205298013245 612 54 0.0447019867549668 1
RIF1-205 RIF1 Q5UIP0 Telomere-associated protein RIF1 chr2 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 194 0.0784789644012945 1364 112 0.0453074433656957 0
RPA1-201 RPA1 P27694 Replication protein A 70 kDa DNA-binding subunit chr17 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 45 0.073051948051948 98 7 0.0113636363636363 1
RPA2-203 RPA2 P15927 Replication protein A 32 kDa subunit chr1 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.074074074074074 117 12 0.0444444444444444 0
RPA3-201 RPA3 P35244 Replication protein A 14 kDa subunit chr7 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 10 0.0826446280991735 4 1 0.0082644628099173 0
RTEL1-205 RTEL1 Q9NZ71 Regulator of telomere elongation helicase 1 chr20 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 106 0.0869565217391304 479 50 0.0410172272354388 15
RUVBL1-201 RUVBL1 Q9Y265 RuvB-like 1 chr3 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.0899122807017543 67 5 0.0109649122807017 0
RUVBL2-206 RUVBL2 Q9Y230 RuvB-like 2 chr19 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.1123110151187904 100 11 0.0237580993520518 0
SP100-201 SP100 P23497 Nuclear autoantigen Sp-100 chr2 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 76 0.08646188850967 683 61 0.0693970420932878 0
STN1-201 STN1 Q9H668 CST complex subunit STN1 chr10 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.092391304347826 27 3 0.0081521739130434 2
TERF1-202 TERF1 P54274 Telomeric repeat-binding factor 1 chr8 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 51 0.1161731207289293 221 32 0.0728929384965831 0
TERF2-201 TERF2 Q15554 Telomeric repeat-binding factor 2 chr16 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.047970479704797 361 15 0.0276752767527675 0
TERF2IP-201 TERF2IP Q9NYB0 Telomeric repeat-binding factor 2-interacting protein 1 chr16 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.050125313283208 312 12 0.0300751879699248 0
TERT-201 TERT O14746 Telomerase reverse transcriptase chr5 GO:0000723 Census Yes 86 0.0759717314487632 213 11 0.0097173144876325 32
TFPT-203 TFPT P0C1Z6 TCF3 fusion partner chr19 GO:0000723 Census Yes 32 0.1264822134387351 237 31 0.1225296442687747 0
UCHL5-206 UCHL5 Q9Y5K5 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase isozyme L5 chr1 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.0699088145896656 41 2 0.0060790273556231 0
WRN-201 WRN Q14191 Bifunctional 3'-5' exonuclease/ATP-dependent helicase WRN chr8 GO:0000723 Census, Compendium Yes 133 0.092877094972067 374 29 0.0202513966480446 2
XRCC5-201 XRCC5 P13010 X-ray repair cross-complementing protein 5 chr2 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 53 0.0724043715846994 119 6 0.0081967213114754 0
XRCC6-202 XRCC6 P12956 X-ray repair cross-complementing protein 6 chr22 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 49 0.0804597701149425 140 8 0.0131362889983579 0
YY1-201 YY1 P25490 Transcriptional repressor protein YY1 chr14 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.0700483091787439 337 21 0.0507246376811594 2
ZNF365-201 ZNF365 Q70YC5 Protein ZNF365 chr10 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 46 0.113022113022113 176 14 0.0343980343980344 0
ZNF827-203 ZNF827 Q17R98 Zinc finger protein 827 chr4 GO:0000723 Not Cancer Driver No 117 0.1082331174838112 754 88 0.0814061054579093 0