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Total number of protein in "GO:0000956" GO term:  17

Identifier UniProt Gene UniProt Accession UniProt Name Chromosome GO term Database Cancer Driver Number of missense mutations Missense mutation per residues Number of disordered residues Number of mutations in disordered regions Disordered missense mutations per residues Number of OMIM mutation
AGO1-201 AGO1 Q9UL18 Protein argonaute-1 chr1 GO:0000956 Not Cancer Driver No 94 0.1096849474912485 87 10 0.0116686114352392 1
DDX5-201 DDX5 P17844 Probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX5 chr17 GO:0000956 Census Yes 61 0.0993485342019544 225 18 0.0293159609120521 0
DHX34-201 DHX34 Q14147 Probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DHX34 chr19 GO:0000956 Not Cancer Driver No 126 0.1102362204724409 327 24 0.0209973753280839 0
DXO-201 DXO O77932 Decapping and exoribonuclease protein chr6 GO:0000956 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.0782828282828282 143 11 0.0277777777777777 0
EXOSC10-202 EXOSC10 Q01780 Exosome component 10 chr1 GO:0000956 Not Cancer Driver No 66 0.0745762711864406 378 27 0.0305084745762711 0
EXOSC4-201 EXOSC4 Q9NPD3 Exosome complex component RRP41 chr8 GO:0000956 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.1061224489795918 23 0 0.0 0
EXOSC9-201 EXOSC9 Q06265 Exosome complex component RRP45 chr4 GO:0000956 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.0683371298405467 155 11 0.0250569476082004 1
LSM4-203 LSM4 Q9Y4Z0 U6 snRNA-associated Sm-like protein LSm4 chr19 GO:0000956 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.0935251798561151 64 7 0.0503597122302158 0
LSM7-201 LSM7 Q9UK45 U6 snRNA-associated Sm-like protein LSm7 chr19 GO:0000956 Not Cancer Driver No 4 0.0388349514563106 21 0 0.0 0
MRTO4-201 MRTO4 Q9UKD2 mRNA turnover protein 4 homolog chr1 GO:0000956 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.0627615062761506 73 2 0.00836820083682 0
NBAS-201 NBAS A2RRP1 NBAS subunit of NRZ tethering complex chr2 GO:0000956 Not Cancer Driver No 272 0.1147195276254744 246 32 0.0134964150147617 8
NBDY-201 NBDY A0A0U1RRE5 Negative regulator of P-body association chrX GO:0000956 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 68 0 0.0 0
RC3H1-203 RC3H1 Q5TC82 Roquin-1 chr1 GO:0000956 Not Cancer Driver No 114 0.1006178287731685 798 81 0.0714916151809355 0
THRAP3-201 THRAP3 Q9Y2W1 Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 chr1 GO:0000956 Census Yes 78 0.081675392670157 957 81 0.0848167539267015 0
UPF1-207 UPF1 Q92900 Regulator of nonsense transcripts 1 chr19 GO:0000956 Not Cancer Driver No 114 0.1009743135518157 330 33 0.0292294065544729 0
XRN1-201 XRN1 Q8IZH2 5'-3' exoribonuclease 1 chr3 GO:0000956 Not Cancer Driver No 167 0.0978898007033997 578 50 0.0293083235638921 0
XRN2-201 XRN2 Q9H0D6 5'-3' exoribonuclease 2 chr20 GO:0000956 Not Cancer Driver No 91 0.0957894736842105 428 48 0.0505263157894736 0