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Total number of protein in "GO:0005783" GO term:  1092

Identifier UniProt Gene UniProt Accession UniProt Name Chromosome GO term Database Cancer Driver Number of missense mutations Missense mutation per residues Number of disordered residues Number of mutations in disordered regions Disordered missense mutations per residues Number of OMIM mutation
A1CF-201 A1CF Q9NQ94 APOBEC1 complementation factor chr10 GO:0005783 Census Yes 108 0.1818181818181818 63 12 0.0202020202020202 0
ABCA4-201 ABCA4 P78363 Retinal-specific phospholipid-transporting ATPase ABCA4 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 272 0.1196656401231852 245 23 0.0101187857457105 205
ABCA7-201 ABCA7 Q8IZY2 Phospholipid-transporting ATPase ABCA7 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 171 0.0796831314072693 405 22 0.0102516309412861 1
ABCA8-208 ABCA8 O94911 ABC-type organic anion transporter ABCA8 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 215 0.1326341764342998 91 15 0.0092535471930906 0
ABCB6-201 ABCB6 Q9NP58 ATP-binding cassette sub-family B member 6 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 71 0.0843230403800475 27 0 0.0 10
ABCB9-201 ABCB9 Q9NP78 ABC-type oligopeptide transporter ABCB9 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 55 0.0718015665796344 49 1 0.0013054830287206 0
ABCC12-201 ABCC12 Q96J65 ATP-binding cassette sub-family C member 12 chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 185 0.1361295069904341 117 14 0.0103016924208977 0
ABI1-207 ABI1 Q8IZP0 Abl interactor 1 chr10 GO:0005783 Census, Compendium Yes 37 0.0728346456692913 360 28 0.0551181102362204 0
ACAT1-201 ACAT1 P24752 Acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase, mitochondrial chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.0679156908665105 32 1 0.0023419203747072 10
ACER1-201 ACER1 Q8TDN7 Alkaline ceramidase 1 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.1477272727272727 0 0 0.0 0
ACO1-201 ACO1 P21399 Cytoplasmic aconitate hydratase chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 75 0.0843644544431946 44 10 0.0112485939257592 0
ACSBG1-201 ACSBG1 Q96GR2 Long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase ACSBG1 chr15 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 95 0.1312154696132596 107 20 0.0276243093922651 0
ACSL1-201 ACSL1 P33121 Long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase 1 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 61 0.0873925501432664 27 0 0.0 0
ACSL3-201 ACSL3 O95573 Fatty acid CoA ligase Acsl3 chr2 GO:0005783 Census, Compendium Yes 55 0.0763888888888889 47 3 0.0041666666666666 0
ACSL4-205 ACSL4 O60488 Long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase 4 chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 59 0.0829817158931083 77 7 0.0098452883263009 1
ACSL5-202 ACSL5 Q9ULC5 Long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase 5 chr10 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 66 0.0966325036603221 23 3 0.0043923865300146 0
ACSL6-203 ACSL6 Q9UKU0 Long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase 6 chr5 GO:0005783 Census Yes 98 0.1406025824964132 34 2 0.0028694404591104 0
ADAMTS9-210 ADAMTS9 Q9P2N4 A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 9 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 214 0.110594315245478 237 30 0.0155038759689922 0
ADIPOQ-201 ADIPOQ Q15848 Adiponectin chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.1311475409836065 92 16 0.0655737704918032 1
ADPGK-202 ADPGK Q9BRR6 ADP-dependent glucokinase chr15 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.0663983903420523 24 0 0.0 0
AGA-201 AGA P20933 N(4)-(beta-N-acetylglucosaminyl)-L-asparaginase chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.1011560693641618 78 10 0.0289017341040462 11
AGMO-201 AGMO Q6ZNB7 Alkylglycerol monooxygenase chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 105 0.2359550561797752 7 3 0.0067415730337078 0
AGPAT1-203 AGPAT1 Q99943 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase alpha chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.0954063604240282 38 5 0.0176678445229682 0
AGPAT2-202 AGPAT2 O15120 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase beta chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.0719424460431654 23 2 0.0071942446043165 3
AGPAT3-201 AGPAT3 Q9NRZ7 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase gamma chr21 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.0904255319148936 5 1 0.0026595744680851 0
AGPAT4-201 AGPAT4 Q9NRZ5 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase delta chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.1031746031746031 9 2 0.0052910052910052 0
AGPAT5-201 AGPAT5 Q9NUQ2 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase epsilon chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.0549450549450549 39 5 0.0137362637362637 0
AGR2-203 AGR2 O95994 Anterior gradient protein 2 homolog chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.08 20 1 0.0057142857142857 1
AGR3-201 AGR3 Q8TD06 Anterior gradient protein 3 chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.1325301204819277 5 0 0.0 0
AHCY-201 AHCY P23526 Adenosylhomocysteinase chr20 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.1087962962962963 0 0 0.0 6
AHCYL2-201 AHCYL2 Q96HN2 Adenosylhomocysteinase 3 chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 57 0.0932896890343698 209 12 0.0196399345335515 0
AHSA1-201 AHSA1 O95433 Activator of 90 kDa heat shock protein ATPase homolog 1 chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.0976331360946745 147 14 0.0414201183431952 0
AIFM3-207 AIFM3 Q96NN9 Apoptosis-inducing factor 3 chr22 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 64 0.1057851239669421 66 12 0.0198347107438016 0
AIMP1-211 AIMP1 Q12904 Aminoacyl tRNA synthase complex-interacting multifunctional protein 1 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.0769230769230769 164 13 0.0416666666666666 0
ALB-201 ALB P02768 Albumin chr4 GO:0005783 Compendium Yes 127 0.2085385878489326 6 0 0.0 2
ALDH3A1-201 ALDH3A1 P30838 Aldehyde dehydrogenase, dimeric NADP-preferring chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 55 0.1214128035320088 36 5 0.0110375275938189 0
ALG1-201 ALG1 Q9BT22 Chitobiosyldiphosphodolichol beta-mannosyltransferase chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.0775862068965517 20 4 0.0086206896551724 26
ALG10-201 ALG10 Q5BKT4 Dol-P-Glc:Glc(2)Man(9)GlcNAc(2)-PP-Dol alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 51 0.1078224101479915 0 0 0.0 0
ALG10B-201 ALG10B Q5I7T1 Putative Dol-P-Glc:Glc(2)Man(9)GlcNAc(2)-PP-Dol alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 57 0.120507399577167 0 0 0.0 0
ALG12-201 ALG12 Q9BV10 Dol-P-Man:Man(7)GlcNAc(2)-PP-Dol alpha-1,6-mannosyltransferase chr22 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.0573770491803278 2 0 0.0 5
ALG1L2-201 ALG1L2 C9J202 Putative glycosyltransferase ALG1L2 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 28 0 0.0 0
ALG3-201 ALG3 Q92685 Dol-P-Man:Man(5)GlcNAc(2)-PP-Dol alpha-1,3-mannosyltransferase chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.093607305936073 7 2 0.0045662100456621 2
ALKBH1-201 ALKBH1 Q13686 Nucleic acid dioxygenase ALKBH1 chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 45 0.1156812339331619 78 9 0.0231362467866323 0
ALOX5AP-201 ALOX5AP P20292 Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein chr13 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 9 0.0559006211180124 1 0 0.0 0
AMBP-201 AMBP P02760 Protein AMBP chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.1193181818181818 61 12 0.034090909090909 0
AMBRA1-213 AMBRA1 Q9C0C7 Activating molecule in BECN1-regulated autophagy protein 1 chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 132 0.1016949152542373 790 80 0.061633281972265 0
AMFR-201 AMFR Q9UKV5 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase AMFR chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 49 0.0762052877138413 229 22 0.0342146189735614 0
ANGEL1-201 ANGEL1 Q9UNK9 Protein angel homolog 1 chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 67 0.1 161 20 0.0298507462686567 0
ANK3-201 ANK3 Q12955 Ankyrin-3 chr10 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 652 0.1489604752113319 3069 442 0.1009824080420379 0
ANKLE2-201 ANKLE2 Q86XL3 Ankyrin repeat and LEM domain-containing protein 2 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 105 0.1119402985074626 524 62 0.0660980810234541 2
ANKRD13C-202 ANKRD13C Q8N6S4 Ankyrin repeat domain-containing protein 13C chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.0924214417744916 194 15 0.0277264325323475 0
ANO7-201 ANO7 Q6IWH7 Anoctamin-7 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 111 0.1189710610932476 150 23 0.0246516613076098 0
ANP32A-203 ANP32A P39687 Acidic leucine-rich nuclear phosphoprotein 32 family member A chr15 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.0682730923694779 165 6 0.0240963855421686 0
AOC3-201 AOC3 Q16853 Membrane primary amine oxidase chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 89 0.1166448230668414 102 13 0.0170380078636959 0
APBB1-220 APBB1 O00213 Amyloid beta precursor protein binding family B member 1 chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 80 0.1126760563380281 400 43 0.0605633802816901 0
APBB2-201 APBB2 Q92870 Amyloid beta precursor protein binding family B member 2 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 72 0.0949868073878627 420 39 0.0514511873350923 0
APEX1-201 APEX1 P27695 DNA-(apurinic or apyrimidinic site) endonuclease chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.0723270440251572 104 9 0.0283018867924528 0
APH1A-203 APH1A Q96BI3 Gamma-secretase subunit APH-1A chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.1094339622641509 0 0 0.0 0
APH1B-201 APH1B Q8WW43 Gamma-secretase subunit APH-1B chr15 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.0583657587548638 0 0 0.0 0
APOC1-208 APOC1 P02654 Apolipoprotein C-I chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 9 0.108433734939759 9 1 0.0120481927710843 0
APOD-201 APOD P05090 Apolipoprotein D chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.1216931216931216 13 1 0.0052910052910052 0
APOE-201 APOE P02649 Apolipoprotein E chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.0630914826498422 124 5 0.0157728706624605 10
APP-201 APP P05067 Amyloid-beta precursor protein chr21 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 94 0.122077922077922 419 52 0.0675324675324675 12
AQP11-201 AQP11 Q8NBQ7 Aquaporin-11 chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.055350553505535 0 0 0.0 0
AQP5-201 AQP5 P55064 Aquaporin-5 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.0943396226415094 21 1 0.0037735849056603 5
ARHGAP5-202 ARHGAP5 Q13017 Rho GTPase-activating protein 5 chr14 GO:0005783 Census, Compendium Yes 127 0.0845539280958721 420 40 0.0266311584553928 0
ARL6IP1-201 ARL6IP1 Q15041 ADP-ribosylation factor-like protein 6-interacting protein 1 chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.1133004926108374 9 0 0.0 0
ARMC10-202 ARMC10 Q8N2F6 Armadillo repeat-containing protein 10 chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.0816326530612244 59 4 0.0116618075801749 0
ARSG-208 ARSG Q96EG1 Arylsulfatase G chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 53 0.1009523809523809 66 5 0.0095238095238095 1
ASAH1-257 ASAH1 Q13510 Acid ceramidase chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.070886075949367 10 3 0.0075949367088607 13
ASB11-203 ASB11 Q8WXH4 Ankyrin repeat and SOCS box protein 11 chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.0990712074303405 7 1 0.0030959752321981 0
ASPH-203 ASPH Q12797 Aspartyl/asparaginyl beta-hydroxylase chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 80 0.1055408970976253 374 33 0.0435356200527704 1
ATF6-201 ATF6 P18850 Cyclic AMP-dependent transcription factor ATF-6 alpha chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 62 0.0925373134328358 474 43 0.0641791044776119 2
ATG4B-205 ATG4B Q9Y4P1 Cysteine protease ATG4B chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.0610687022900763 13 2 0.005089058524173 0
ATL1-201 ATL1 Q8WXF7 Atlastin-1 chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 45 0.0806451612903225 55 7 0.0125448028673835 18
ATL2-201 ATL2 Q8NHH9 Atlastin-2 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.0686106346483705 78 4 0.006861063464837 0
ATL3-201 ATL3 Q6DD88 Atlastin-3 chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.0757855822550831 57 4 0.0073937153419593 1
ATP10A-206 ATP10A O60312 Phospholipid-transporting ATPase VA chr15 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 293 0.1954636424282855 411 86 0.057371581054036 0
ATP10B-202 ATP10B O94823 Phospholipid-transporting ATPase VB chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 247 0.1690622861054072 334 47 0.0321697467488021 0
ATP10D-201 ATP10D Q9P241 Phospholipid-transporting ATPase VD chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 203 0.1423562412342216 236 36 0.0252454417952314 0
ATP11A-202 ATP11A P98196 Phospholipid-transporting ATPase IH chr13 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 115 0.101410934744268 77 13 0.0114638447971781 1
ATP11B-201 ATP11B Q9Y2G3 Phospholipid-transporting ATPase IF chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 85 0.0722175021240441 73 8 0.0067969413763806 0
ATP11C-201 ATP11C Q8NB49 Phospholipid-transporting ATPase IG chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 130 0.1148409893992932 32 4 0.0035335689045936 1
ATP1A1-201 ATP1A1 P05023 Sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit alpha-1 chr1 GO:0005783 Census Yes 76 0.0742913000977517 115 14 0.0136852394916911 6
ATP1A3-214 ATP1A3 P13637 Sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit alpha-3 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 151 0.1490621915103652 116 21 0.0207305034550839 41
ATP2A2-204 ATP2A2 P16615 Sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase 2 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 106 0.1017274472168906 78 13 0.0124760076775431 40
ATP2A3-205 ATP2A3 Q93084 Sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase 3 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 92 0.0920920920920921 147 13 0.013013013013013 0
ATP2C1-218 ATP2C1 P98194 Calcium-transporting ATPase type 2C member 1 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 84 0.0914036996735582 44 6 0.0065288356909684 19
ATP2C2-201 ATP2C2 O75185 Calcium-transporting ATPase type 2C member 2 chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 95 0.1004228329809725 54 5 0.0052854122621564 0
ATP7A-201 ATP7A Q04656 Copper-transporting ATPase 1 chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 152 0.1013333333333333 171 36 0.024 48
ATP8A1-202 ATP8A1 Q9Y2Q0 Phospholipid-transporting ATPase IA chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 126 0.1082474226804123 84 7 0.0060137457044673 0
ATP8B1-208 ATP8B1 O43520 Phospholipid-transporting ATPase IC chr18 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 109 0.0871302957633892 134 14 0.0111910471622701 29
AUP1-201 AUP1 Q9Y679 Lipid droplet-regulating VLDL assembly factor AUP1 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.0707317073170731 122 9 0.0219512195121951 0
AVPR2-205 AVPR2 P30518 Vasopressin V2 receptor chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 51 0.137466307277628 56 8 0.0215633423180593 70
B2M-211 B2M P61769 Beta-2-microglobulin chr15 GO:0005783 Census, Compendium Yes 25 0.2100840336134453 5 0 0.0 2
B3GALNT2-202 B3GALNT2 Q8NCR0 UDP-GalNAc:beta-1,3-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 2 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.056 0 0 0.0 4
B3GALT5-210 B3GALT5 Q9Y2C3 Beta-1,3-galactosyltransferase 5 chr21 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.1064516129032258 10 0 0.0 0
BACE2-202 BACE2 Q9Y5Z0 Beta-secretase 2 chr21 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.0907335907335907 23 1 0.0019305019305019 0
BAK1-201 BAK1 Q16611 Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.1184834123222748 58 5 0.0236966824644549 0
BAX-202 BAX Q07812 Apoptosis regulator BAX chr19 GO:0005783 Census Yes 24 0.125 39 2 0.0104166666666666 0
BCAP31-201 BCAP31 P51572 B-cell receptor-associated protein 31 chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.1097560975609756 104 13 0.0528455284552845 0
BCL2-201 BCL2 P10415 Apoptosis regulator Bcl-2 chr18 GO:0005783 Census, Compendium Yes 21 0.0878661087866108 73 5 0.0209205020920502 0
BCL2L1-201 BCL2L1 Q07817 Bcl-2-like protein 1 chr20 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.0944206008583691 55 2 0.0085836909871244 0
BCL2L10-201 BCL2L10 Q9HD36 Bcl-2-like protein 10 chr15 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 6 0.0294117647058823 35 0 0.0 0
BDKRB1-201 BDKRB1 P46663 B1 bradykinin receptor chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.1331444759206798 3 0 0.0 0
BECN1-213 BECN1 Q14457 Beclin-1 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.08 190 15 0.0333333333333333 0
BFAR-201 BFAR Q9NZS9 Bifunctional apoptosis regulator chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.1111111111111111 30 1 0.0022222222222222 0
BNIP1-202 BNIP1 Q12981 Vesicle transport protein SEC20 chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.1359649122807017 57 7 0.0307017543859649 0
BNIP3-201 BNIP3 Q12983 BCL2/adenovirus E1B 19 kDa protein-interacting protein 3 chr10 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.0824742268041237 131 11 0.056701030927835 0
BNIP3L-201 BNIP3L O60238 BCL2/adenovirus E1B 19 kDa protein-interacting protein 3-like chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.0547945205479452 177 10 0.045662100456621 0
BOK-201 BOK Q9UMX3 Bcl-2-related ovarian killer protein chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 5 0.0235849056603773 0 0 0.0 0
BRSK2-208 BRSK2 Q8IWQ3 Serine/threonine-protein kinase BRSK2 chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 58 0.0788043478260869 321 23 0.03125 0
C18orf32-201 C18orf32 Q8TCD1 UPF0729 protein C18orf32 chr18 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 6 0.0789473684210526 23 2 0.0263157894736842 0
C19orf12-201 C19orf12 Q9NSK7 Protein C19orf12 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.1063829787234042 0 0 0.0 14
C3orf52-201 TTMP Q5BVD1 TPA-induced transmembrane protein chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 7 0.032258064516129 47 2 0.0092165898617511 0
CALCRL-201 CALCRL Q16602 Calcitonin gene-related peptide type 1 receptor chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 104 0.2255965292841648 8 4 0.0086767895878524 0
CALR-201 CALR P27797 Calreticulin chr19 GO:0005783 Census Yes 28 0.0671462829736211 245 16 0.0383693045563549 0
CALU-201 CALU O43852 Calumenin chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.0476190476190476 130 9 0.0285714285714285 0
CAMLG-201 CAMLG P49069 Guided entry of tail-anchored proteins factor CAMLG chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.0777027027027027 158 13 0.0439189189189189 0
CANX-201 CANX P27824 Calnexin chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 57 0.0962837837837837 334 36 0.0608108108108108 0
CAPN2-201 CAPN2 P17655 Calpain-2 catalytic subunit chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.0742857142857142 46 6 0.0085714285714285 0
CASP4-203 CASP4 P49662 Caspase-4 chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.1087533156498673 103 11 0.0291777188328912 0
CASQ1-201 CASQ1 P31415 Calsequestrin-1 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 61 0.154040404040404 110 15 0.0378787878787878 4
CAST-207 CAST P20810 Calpastatin chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.0734463276836158 712 52 0.0734463276836158 0
CATSPER3-201 CATSPER3 Q86XQ3 Cation channel sperm-associated protein 3 chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.1180904522613065 19 1 0.0025125628140703 0
CAV1-201 CAV1 Q03135 Caveolin-1 chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.1292134831460674 2 0 0.0 0
CAV3-201 CAV3 P56539 Caveolin-3 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.1721854304635761 0 0 0.0 24
CAVIN1-201 CAVIN1 Q6NZI2 Caveolae-associated protein 1 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 48 0.123076923076923 281 34 0.0871794871794871 0
CBLN3-201 CBLN3 Q6UW01 Cerebellin-3 chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.0682926829268292 41 6 0.0292682926829268 0
CCDC115-201 CCDC115 Q96NT0 Coiled-coil domain-containing protein 115 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.1 89 8 0.0444444444444444 2
CCDC134-201 CCDC134 Q9H6E4 Coiled-coil domain-containing protein 134 chr22 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.074235807860262 43 2 0.0087336244541484 0
CCDC3-201 CCDC3 Q9BQI4 Coiled-coil domain-containing protein 3 chr10 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.1333333333333333 68 18 0.0666666666666666 0
CCDC47-201 CCDC47 Q96A33 PAT complex subunit CCDC47 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.0745341614906832 266 16 0.0331262939958592 0
CCDC88A-207 CCDC88A Q3V6T2 Girdin chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 145 0.0774986638161411 1481 114 0.0609299839657936 0
CCDC88B-202 CCDC88B A6NC98 Coiled-coil domain-containing protein 88B chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 123 0.0833333333333333 1158 98 0.0663956639566395 0
CCR10-201 CCR10 P46092 C-C chemokine receptor type 10 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.0911602209944751 41 12 0.0331491712707182 0
CD1C-201 CD1C P29017 T-cell surface glycoprotein CD1c chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 99 0.2972972972972973 1 0 0.0 0
CD1D-207 CD1D P15813 Antigen-presenting glycoprotein CD1d chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 75 0.2238805970149253 19 6 0.017910447761194 0
CD320-201 CD320 Q9NPF0 CD320 antigen chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.0780141843971631 84 7 0.0248226950354609 0
CD3E-201 CD3E P07766 T-cell surface glycoprotein CD3 epsilon chain chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.0772946859903381 72 6 0.0289855072463768 0
CDKAL1-201 CDKAL1 Q5VV42 Threonylcarbamoyladenosine tRNA methylthiotransferase chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 60 0.1036269430051813 120 8 0.0138169257340241 0
CDNF-203 CDNF Q49AH0 Cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor chr10 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.1016042780748663 5 0 0.0 0
CDS1-201 CDS1 Q92903 Phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase 1 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 49 0.106290672451193 67 7 0.0151843817787418 0
CDS2-203 CDS2 O95674 Phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase 2 chr20 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.0808988764044943 49 3 0.0067415730337078 0
CEMIP-203 CEMIP Q8WUJ3 Cell migration-inducing and hyaluronan-binding protein chr15 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 149 0.1094783247612049 106 6 0.0044085231447465 0
CERKL-201 CERKL Q49MI3 Ceramide kinase-like protein chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 98 0.1756272401433691 90 28 0.050179211469534 1
CERS1-204 CERS1 P27544 Ceramide synthase 1 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.0628571428571428 19 0 0.0 1
CERS2-205 CERS2 Q96G23 Ceramide synthase 2 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.0868421052631579 36 4 0.0105263157894736 0
CERS3-209 CERS3 Q8IU89 Ceramide synthase 3 chr15 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 64 0.1671018276762402 21 9 0.0234986945169712 0
CES1-202 CES1 P23141 Liver carboxylesterase 1 chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 91 0.1604938271604938 41 0 0.0 0
CES2-201 CES2 O00748 Cocaine esterase chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.0769230769230769 79 7 0.0125223613595706 0
CGRRF1-201 CGRRF1 Q99675 Cell growth regulator with RING finger domain protein 1 chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.0602409638554216 34 4 0.0120481927710843 0
CHI3L1-201 CHI3L1 P36222 Chitinase-3-like protein 1 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 48 0.1253263707571801 24 4 0.010443864229765 0
CHP1-201 CHP1 Q99653 Calcineurin B homologous protein 1 chr15 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.1128205128205128 70 13 0.0666666666666666 0
CHRNA3-201 CHRNA3 P32297 Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-3 chr15 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 66 0.1306930693069307 11 1 0.0019801980198019 0
CIB1-201 CIB1 Q99828 Calcium and integrin-binding protein 1 chr15 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.0837696335078534 6 1 0.0052356020942408 0
CIDEB-203 CIDEB Q9UHD4 Lipid transferase CIDEB chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.0776255707762557 23 1 0.0045662100456621 0
CIDEC-201 CIDEC Q96AQ7 Lipid transferase CIDEC chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.0630252100840336 51 1 0.0042016806722689 0
CISD2-201 CISD2 Q8N5K1 CDGSH iron-sulfur domain-containing protein 2 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 6 0.0444444444444444 7 0 0.0 0
CKAP4-201 CKAP4 Q07065 Cytoskeleton-associated protein 4 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.0730897009966777 412 36 0.0598006644518272 0
CLCC1-205 CLCC1 Q96S66 Chloride channel CLIC-like protein 1 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.0526315789473684 197 15 0.0272232304900181 1
CLDN14-202 CLDN14 O95500 Claudin-14 chr21 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.104602510460251 34 4 0.0167364016736401 5
CLDN8-201 CLDN8 P56748 Claudin-8 chr21 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.1466666666666666 6 2 0.0088888888888888 0
CLEC18A-201 CLEC18A A5D8T8 C-type lectin domain family 18 member A chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.0493273542600896 9 0 0.0 0
CLEC18C-203 CLEC18C Q8NCF0 C-type lectin domain family 18 member C chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.0336322869955156 9 1 0.0022421524663677 0
CLEC2D-203 CLEC2D Q9UHP7 C-type lectin domain family 2 member D chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.0837696335078534 14 1 0.0052356020942408 0
CLGN-201 CLGN O14967 Calmegin chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 56 0.0918032786885245 257 24 0.0393442622950819 0
CLIC1-208 CLIC1 O00299 Chloride intracellular channel protein 1 chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.1161825726141078 27 4 0.0165975103734439 0
CLN3-243 CLN3 Q13286 Battenin chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.0958904109589041 69 5 0.0114155251141552 8
CLN5-201 CLN5 O75503 Ceroid-lipofuscinosis neuronal protein 5 chr13 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.0698324022346368 16 1 0.0027932960893854 11
CLN6-201 CLN6 Q9NWW5 Ceroid-lipofuscinosis neuronal protein 6 chr15 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.0739549839228295 13 0 0.0 23
CLN8-201 CLN8 Q9UBY8 Protein CLN8 chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.1223776223776223 16 3 0.0104895104895104 15
CNBP-201 CNBP P62633 CCHC-type zinc finger nucleic acid binding protein chr3 GO:0005783 Census Yes 8 0.0451977401129943 19 0 0.0 0
CNIH4-205 CNIH4 Q9P003 Protein cornichon homolog 4 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.079136690647482 0 0 0.0 0
CNPY2-201 CNPY2 Q9Y2B0 Protein canopy homolog 2 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.1208791208791208 24 5 0.0274725274725274 0
CNR2-201 CNR2 P34972 Cannabinoid receptor 2 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.1222222222222222 21 4 0.0111111111111111 0
COL4A3-202 COL4A3 Q01955 Collagen alpha-3(IV) chain chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 58 0.0347305389221556 1435 36 0.0215568862275449 13
COPG1-201 COPG1 Q9Y678 Coatomer subunit gamma-1 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 84 0.0961098398169336 107 11 0.0125858123569794 0
COPG2-202 COPG2 Q9UBF2 Coatomer subunit gamma-2 chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.0241102181400688 59 1 0.0011481056257175 0
CPEB4-201 CPEB4 Q17RY0 Cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein 4 chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 65 0.0891632373113854 444 39 0.0534979423868312 0
CPED1-201 CPED1 A4D0V7 Cadherin-like and PC-esterase domain-containing protein 1 chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 190 0.1851851851851851 71 6 0.0058479532163742 0
CPQ-201 CPQ Q9Y646 Carboxypeptidase Q chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 84 0.1779661016949152 3 0 0.0 0
CPT1C-217 CPT1C Q8TCG5 Carnitine O-palmitoyltransferase 1, brain isoform chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 113 0.1407222914072229 93 11 0.0136986301369863 1
CRABP2-203 CRABP2 P29373 Cellular retinoic acid-binding protein 2 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.1739130434782608 23 5 0.036231884057971 0
CRAT-201 CRAT P43155 Carnitine O-acetyltransferase chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 56 0.0894568690095846 27 4 0.0063897763578274 0
CREB3-201 CREB3 O43889 Cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein 3 chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.0673854447439353 169 7 0.0188679245283018 0
CREB3L1-206 CREB3L1 Q96BA8 Cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein 3-like protein 1 chr11 GO:0005783 Census Yes 54 0.1040462427745664 373 39 0.0751445086705202 0
CREB3L2-201 CREB3L2 Q70SY1 Cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein 3-like protein 2 chr7 GO:0005783 Census Yes 49 0.0942307692307692 365 38 0.073076923076923 0
CREB3L3-201 CREB3L3 Q68CJ9 Cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein 3-like protein 3 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 81 0.175704989154013 340 56 0.1214750542299349 1
CREB3L4-205 CREB3L4 Q8TEY5 Cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein 3-like protein 4 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 46 0.1164556962025316 241 20 0.050632911392405 0
CREG2-201 CREG2 Q8IUH2 Protein CREG2 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.0758620689655172 103 1 0.0034482758620689 0
CRELD2-201 CRELD2 Q6UXH1 Protein disulfide isomerase CRELD2 chr22 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.093484419263456 34 5 0.0141643059490084 0
CRHBP-201 CRHBP P24387 Corticotropin-releasing factor-binding protein chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.1211180124223602 0 0 0.0 0
CRTAP-201 CRTAP O75718 Cartilage-associated protein chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.0573566084788029 0 0 0.0 3
CSH1-201 CSH1 P0DML2 Chorionic somatomammotropin hormone 1 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.1059907834101382 23 2 0.0092165898617511 0
CSH2-203 CSH2 P0DML3 Chorionic somatomammotropin hormone 2 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.184331797235023 23 3 0.0138248847926267 0
CST3-201 CST3 P01034 Cystatin-C chr20 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 7 0.047945205479452 31 1 0.0068493150684931 2
CST7-201 CST7 O76096 Cystatin-F chr20 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 9 0.0620689655172413 15 2 0.0137931034482758 0
CTSA-220 CTSA P10619 Lysosomal protective protein chr20 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.0833333333333333 14 1 0.0020833333333333 12
CTSF-201 CTSF Q9UBX1 Cathepsin F chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.1074380165289256 78 6 0.012396694214876 4
CTSW-201 CTSW P56202 Cathepsin W chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.1143617021276595 59 5 0.0132978723404255 0
CTSZ-201 CTSZ Q9UBR2 Cathepsin Z chr20 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.0693069306930693 10 0 0.0 0
CTTN-201 CTTN Q14247 Src substrate cortactin chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 55 0.1 466 37 0.0672727272727272 0
CUBN-202 CUBN O60494 Cubilin chr10 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 585 0.1614683963566105 274 40 0.0110405741098537 2
CWH43-201 CWH43 Q9H720 PGAP2-interacting protein chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 143 0.2045779685264663 63 12 0.0171673819742489 0
CYB561D2-205 CYB561D2 O14569 Transmembrane reductase CYB561D2 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 6 0.027027027027027 0 0 0.0 0
CYB5R3-201 CYB5R3 P00387 NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase 3 chr22 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.0930232558139534 24 2 0.0066445182724252 8
CYB5R4-202 CYB5R4 Q7L1T6 Cytochrome b5 reductase 4 chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 53 0.1017274472168906 56 7 0.0134357005758157 0
CYBC1-201 CYBC1 Q9BQA9 Cytochrome b-245 chaperone 1 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.0855614973262032 17 2 0.0106951871657754 0
CYP17A1-201 CYP17A1 P05093 Steroid 17-alpha-hydroxylase/17,20 lyase chr10 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 49 0.0964566929133858 34 2 0.0039370078740157 22
CYP19A1-201 CYP19A1 P11511 Aromatase chr15 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 63 0.125248508946322 2 1 0.0019880715705765 5
CYP2D6-204 CYP2D6 P10635 Cytochrome P450 2D6 chr22 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.1046277665995975 66 3 0.0060362173038229 0
CYP2S1-201 CYP2S1 Q96SQ9 Cytochrome P450 2S1 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 59 0.117063492063492 46 8 0.0158730158730158 0
CYP46A1-201 CYP46A1 Q9Y6A2 Cholesterol 24-hydroxylase chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 71 0.142 23 2 0.004 0
DBH-202 DBH P09172 Dopamine beta-hydroxylase chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 102 0.1653160453808752 72 18 0.0291734197730956 3
DBI-202 DBI P07108 Acyl-CoA-binding protein chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 10 0.1149425287356321 27 6 0.0689655172413793 0
DDOST-201 DDOST P39656 Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycosyltransferase 48 kDa subunit chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.043859649122807 13 3 0.006578947368421 1
DDRGK1-201 DDRGK1 Q96HY6 DDRGK domain-containing protein 1 chr20 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.0828025477707006 181 19 0.0605095541401273 0
DEGS1-201 DEGS1 O15121 Sphingolipid delta(4)-desaturase DES1 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.0959752321981424 2 0 0.0 4
DERL1-201 DERL1 Q9BUN8 Derlin-1 chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.0677290836653386 12 0 0.0 0
DERL2-201 DERL2 Q9GZP9 Derlin-2 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.0543933054393305 15 0 0.0 0
DGAT2-201 DGAT2 Q96PD7 Diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 2 chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.1030927835051546 17 2 0.0051546391752577 0
DHCR24-201 DHCR24 Q15392 Delta(24)-sterol reductase chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.0697674418604651 0 0 0.0 6
DHCR7-201 DHCR7 Q9UBM7 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 60 0.1263157894736842 7 1 0.0021052631578947 44
DHDDS-201 DHDDS Q86SQ9 Dehydrodolichyl diphosphate synthase complex subunit DHDDS chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.078078078078078 19 1 0.003003003003003 1
DHRS1-201 DHRS1 Q96LJ7 Dehydrogenase/reductase SDR family member 1 chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.0543130990415335 5 0 0.0 0
DIAPH2-201 DIAPH2 O60879 Protein diaphanous homolog 2 chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 67 0.0608537693006357 460 23 0.0208900999091734 0
DISP3-201 DISP3 Q9P2K9 Protein dispatched homolog 3 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 268 0.1925287356321839 174 34 0.0244252873563218 0
DLC1-201 DLC1 Q96QB1 Rho GTPase-activating protein 7 chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 237 0.1551047120418848 928 169 0.1106020942408377 0
DLG1-269 DLG1 Q12959 Disks large homolog 1 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 89 0.0984513274336283 460 48 0.0530973451327433 0
DLG4-202 DLG4 P78352 Disks large homolog 4 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 74 0.1022099447513812 233 34 0.0469613259668508 0
DNAJB11-201 DNAJB11 Q9UBS4 DnaJ homolog subfamily B member 11 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.1145251396648044 141 19 0.053072625698324 2
DNAJB12-203 DNAJB12 Q9NXW2 DnaJ homolog subfamily B member 12 chr10 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.0746666666666666 227 11 0.0293333333333333 0
DNAJB14-205 DNAJB14 Q8TBM8 DnaJ homolog subfamily B member 14 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.0633245382585752 201 12 0.0316622691292876 0
DNAJB9-201 DNAJB9 Q9UBS3 DnaJ homolog subfamily B member 9 chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.0941704035874439 109 12 0.0538116591928251 0
DNAJC1-202 DNAJC1 Q96KC8 DnaJ homolog subfamily C member 1 chr10 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.0902527075812274 315 38 0.0685920577617328 0
DNAJC10-201 DNAJC10 Q8IXB1 DnaJ homolog subfamily C member 10 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 77 0.0970996216897856 37 3 0.0037831021437578 0
DNAJC3-202 DNAJC3 Q13217 DnaJ homolog subfamily C member 3 chr13 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.0793650793650793 131 13 0.0257936507936507 0
DNASE1L1-203 DNASE1L1 P49184 Deoxyribonuclease-1-like 1 chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.086092715231788 0 0 0.0 0
DNASE1L3-201 DNASE1L3 Q13609 Deoxyribonuclease gamma chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.1245901639344262 15 3 0.0098360655737704 0
DNM1L-219 DNM1L O00429 Dynamin-1-like protein chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.0597826086956521 211 15 0.0203804347826086 7
DPM1-203 DPM1 O60762 Dolichol-phosphate mannosyltransferase subunit 1 chr20 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.0923076923076923 29 1 0.0038461538461538 3
DPM3-203 DPM3 Q9P2X0 Dolichol-phosphate mannosyltransferase subunit 3 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 7 0.0760869565217391 0 0 0.0 1
DSC2-202 DSC2 Q02487 Desmocollin-2 chr18 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 146 0.1620421753607103 257 42 0.0466148723640399 5
DSE-213 DSE Q9UL01 Dermatan-sulfate epimerase chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 108 0.1127348643006263 38 2 0.0020876826722338 1
DUOX1-202 DUOX1 Q9NRD9 Dual oxidase 1 chr15 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 118 0.0760799484203739 161 13 0.008381689232753 0
DUOX2-205 DUOX2 Q9NRD8 Dual oxidase 2 chr15 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 182 0.1175710594315245 186 19 0.0122739018087855 3
DUOXA2-201 DUOXA2 Q1HG44 Dual oxidase maturation factor 2 chr15 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.06875 0 0 0.0 0
DUS2-207 DUS2 Q9NX74 tRNA-dihydrouridine(20) synthase [NAD(P)+]-like chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.0649087221095334 117 8 0.0162271805273833 0
EBP-205 EBP Q15125 3-beta-hydroxysteroid-Delta(8),Delta(7)-isomerase chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.0956521739130434 9 0 0.0 7
EBPL-201 EBPL Q9BY08 Emopamil-binding protein-like chr13 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.0776699029126213 0 0 0.0 0
ECPAS-207 ECPAS Q5VYK3 Proteasome adapter and scaffold protein ECM29 chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 119 0.0647090810222947 243 14 0.0076128330614464 0
EDEM1-201 EDEM1 Q92611 ER degradation-enhancing alpha-mannosidase-like protein 1 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.0669710806697108 141 5 0.0076103500761035 0
EDEM2-202 EDEM2 Q9BV94 ER degradation-enhancing alpha-mannosidase-like protein 2 chr20 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.0934256055363321 55 3 0.0051903114186851 0
EDEM3-201 EDEM3 Q9BZQ6 ER degradation-enhancing alpha-mannosidase-like protein 3 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 76 0.0815450643776824 304 29 0.0311158798283261 0
EEF1B2-203 EEF1B2 P24534 Elongation factor 1-beta chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.0977777777777777 71 7 0.0311111111111111 0
EEF1D-246 EEF1D P29692 Elongation factor 1-delta chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.1067615658362989 153 20 0.0711743772241993 0
EEF1G-201 EEF1G P26641 Elongation factor 1-gamma chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.0823798627002288 67 6 0.0137299771167048 0
EHD4-201 EHD4 Q9H223 EH domain-containing protein 4 chr15 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.0720887245841035 98 7 0.0129390018484288 0
EI24-201 EI24 O14681 Etoposide-induced protein 2.4 homolog chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.0558823529411764 12 1 0.0029411764705882 0
EIF2AK3-201 EIF2AK3 Q9NZJ5 Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2-alpha kinase 3 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 102 0.0913978494623656 411 37 0.0331541218637992 1
ELAVL1-201 ELAVL1 Q15717 ELAV-like protein 1 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.1656441717791411 43 5 0.0153374233128834 0
ELOVL1-201 ELOVL1 Q9BW60 Elongation of very long chain fatty acids protein 1 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.086021505376344 0 0 0.0 1
ELOVL2-201 ELOVL2 Q9NXB9 Elongation of very long chain fatty acids protein 2 chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.1317567567567567 8 1 0.0033783783783783 0
ELOVL3-201 ELOVL3 Q9HB03 Elongation of very long chain fatty acids protein 3 chr10 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.1185185185185185 1 1 0.0037037037037037 0
ELOVL4-201 ELOVL4 Q9GZR5 Elongation of very long chain fatty acids protein 4 chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.1401273885350318 23 2 0.0063694267515923 1
ELOVL5-201 ELOVL5 Q9NYP7 Elongation of very long chain fatty acids protein 5 chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.1103678929765886 25 2 0.0066889632107023 2
ELOVL6-201 ELOVL6 Q9H5J4 Elongation of very long chain fatty acids protein 6 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.1056603773584905 0 0 0.0 0
ELOVL7-205 ELOVL7 A1L3X0 Elongation of very long chain fatty acids protein 7 chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.1067615658362989 10 2 0.0071174377224199 0
EMC2-201 EMC2 Q15006 ER membrane protein complex subunit 2 chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.1279461279461279 29 2 0.0067340067340067 0
EMC8-201 EMC8 O43402 ER membrane protein complex subunit 8 chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.0619047619047619 21 0 0.0 0
EMD-202 EMD P50402 Emerin chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.1141732283464567 160 18 0.0708661417322834 3
EMID1-201 EMID1 Q96A84 EMI domain-containing protein 1 chr22 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.0902934537246049 309 32 0.0722347629796839 0
ENST00000460241 PRSS50 Q9UI38 Probable threonine protease PRSS50 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.1012987012987013 63 10 0.0259740259740259 0
ENST00000529568 NDUFB8 O95169 NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 beta subcomplex subunit 8, mitochondrial chr10 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0
ENST00000636766 CLN3 Q13286 Battenin chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0
ENST00000588705 IER3IP1 Q9Y5U9 Immediate early response 3-interacting protein 1 chr18 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 3 0.0365853658536585 0 0 0.0 2
ENST00000682083 SYNCRIP O60506 Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein Q chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.0604982206405693 225 7 0.0124555160142348 0
ENST00000652469 ACSL6 Q9UKU0 Long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase 6 chr5 GO:0005783 Census Yes 86 0.1242774566473988 29 2 0.0028901734104046 0
ENST00000646106 IL2RG P31785 Cytokine receptor common subunit gamma chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0
ENST00000644613 ATP1A3 P13637 Sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit alpha-3 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 151 0.1495049504950495 115 21 0.0207920792079207 39
ENST00000676884 PSEN2 P49810 Presenilin-2 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0
ENST00000695929 TMT1A Q9H8H3 N6-adenosine-methyltransferase TMT1A chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.0823045267489712 0 0 0.0 0
ENTPD5-201 ENTPD5 O75356 Nucleoside diphosphate phosphatase ENTPD5 chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.072429906542056 6 1 0.0023364485981308 0
EPHB1-201 EPHB1 P54762 Ephrin type-B receptor 1 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 260 0.2642276422764227 67 14 0.0142276422764227 0
EPHX3-201 EPHX3 Q9H6B9 Epoxide hydrolase 3 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.0888888888888888 0 0 0.0 0
ERAP1-202 ERAP1 Q9NZ08 Endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 1 chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 57 0.0605738575982996 70 1 0.0010626992561105 0
ERG28-201 ERG28 Q9UKR5 Ergosterol biosynthetic protein 28 homolog chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.0857142857142857 3 0 0.0 0
ERGIC1-202 ERGIC1 Q969X5 Endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment protein 1 chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.093103448275862 26 0 0.0 0
ERGIC2-201 ERGIC2 Q96RQ1 Endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment protein 2 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.0663129973474801 25 3 0.0079575596816976 0
ERGIC3-202 ERGIC3 Q9Y282 Endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment protein 3 chr20 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.0835509138381201 23 1 0.0026109660574412 0
ERLIN1-203 ERLIN1 O75477 Erlin-1 chr10 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.0545977011494252 46 3 0.0086206896551724 1
ERLIN2-204 ERLIN2 O94905 Erlin-2 chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.0855457227138643 22 2 0.0058997050147492 0
ERMP1-202 ERMP1 Q7Z2K6 Endoplasmic reticulum metallopeptidase 1 chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.0597345132743362 95 4 0.0044247787610619 0
ERN1-201 ERN1 O75460 Serine/threonine-protein kinase/endoribonuclease IRE1 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 91 0.0931422722620266 251 17 0.0174002047082906 0
ERN2-201 ERN2 Q76MJ5 Serine/threonine-protein kinase/endoribonuclease IRE2 chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 151 0.1630669546436285 214 34 0.0367170626349892 0
ERO1A-201 ERO1A Q96HE7 ERO1-like protein alpha chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.0726495726495726 33 4 0.0085470085470085 0
ERO1B-202 ERO1B Q86YB8 ERO1-like protein beta chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 37 0.0792291220556745 20 2 0.0042826552462526 0
ERP27-201 ERP27 Q96DN0 Endoplasmic reticulum resident protein 27 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.0915750915750915 28 7 0.0256410256410256 0
ERP29-201 ERP29 P30040 Endoplasmic reticulum resident protein 29 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.0919540229885057 34 4 0.0153256704980842 0
ESYT1-202 ESYT1 Q9BSJ8 Extended synaptotagmin-1 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 96 0.0869565217391304 279 27 0.0244565217391304 0
EXT1-201 EXT1 Q16394 Exostosin-1 chr8 GO:0005783 Census Yes 75 0.1005361930294906 60 7 0.0093833780160857 8
EXT2-208 EXT2 Q93063 Exostosin-2 chr11 GO:0005783 Census, Compendium Yes 69 0.096100278551532 12 1 0.0013927576601671 9
EXTL2-202 EXTL2 Q9UBQ6 Exostosin-like 2 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.0878787878787878 0 0 0.0 0
EXTL3-201 EXTL3 O43909 Exostosin-like 3 chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 101 0.1099020674646354 111 17 0.0184983677910772 5
FA2H-201 FA2H Q7L5A8 Fatty acid 2-hydroxylase chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.0833333333333333 73 0 0.0 3
FAF1-201 FAF1 Q9UNN5 FAS-associated factor 1 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.083076923076923 241 23 0.0353846153846153 0
FAF2-201 FAF2 Q96CS3 FAS-associated factor 2 chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.0808988764044943 171 11 0.0247191011235955 0
FAIM2-201 FAIM2 Q9BWQ8 Protein lifeguard 2 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.0917721518987341 55 8 0.0253164556962025 0
FAM172A-201 FAM172A Q8WUF8 Cotranscriptional regulator FAM172A chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.0913461538461538 109 14 0.0336538461538461 0
FAM20A-205 FAM20A Q96MK3 Pseudokinase FAM20A chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.0924214417744916 94 9 0.0166358595194085 3
FATE1-201 FATE1 Q969F0 Fetal and adult testis-expressed transcript protein chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.180327868852459 119 22 0.1202185792349726 0
FBXO2-201 FBXO2 Q9UK22 F-box only protein 2 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.054054054054054 76 0 0.0 0
FBXW7-201 FBXW7 Q969H0 F-box/WD repeat-containing protein 7 chr4 GO:0005783 Census, Compendium Yes 289 0.4087694483734088 232 15 0.0212164073550212 17
FCRLB-205 FCRLB Q6BAA4 Fc receptor-like B chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.0985915492957746 147 11 0.0258215962441314 0
FDFT1-201 FDFT1 P37268 Squalene synthase chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.0695443645083932 20 0 0.0 0
FGA-202 FGA P02671 Fibrinogen alpha chain chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 179 0.2066974595842956 523 113 0.1304849884526558 7
FGB-201 FGB P02675 Fibrinogen beta chain chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 75 0.1527494908350305 144 31 0.0631364562118126 7
FGD5-201 FGD5 Q6ZNL6 FYVE, RhoGEF and PH domain-containing protein 5 chr3 GO:0005783 Compendium Yes 197 0.1347469220246238 917 134 0.0916552667578659 0
FGFR3-205 FGFR3 P22607 Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 chr4 GO:0005783 Census, Compendium Yes 134 0.1662531017369727 241 18 0.0223325062034739 32
FGFR4-201 FGFR4 P22455 Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 chr5 GO:0005783 Census, Compendium Yes 101 0.1259351620947631 163 27 0.0336658354114713 0
FIBIN-201 FIBIN Q8TAL6 Fin bud initiation factor homolog chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.1563981042654028 51 11 0.0521327014218009 0
FIS1-201 FIS1 Q9Y3D6 Mitochondrial fission 1 protein chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 9 0.0592105263157894 6 0 0.0 0
FKBP10-201 FKBP10 Q96AY3 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP10 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 48 0.0824742268041237 134 6 0.0103092783505154 3
FKBP11-208 FKBP11 Q9NYL4 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP11 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.0845771144278607 32 1 0.0049751243781094 0
FKBP2-201 FKBP2 P26885 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP2 chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.0915492957746478 20 1 0.0070422535211267 0
FKBP7-204 FKBP7 Q9Y680 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP7 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.0855855855855855 52 8 0.036036036036036 0
FKBP8-206 FKBP8 Q14318 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP8 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.1213592233009708 161 19 0.0461165048543689 0
FKBP9-201 FKBP9 O95302 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP9 chr7 GO:0005783 Census Yes 46 0.0807017543859649 40 9 0.0157894736842105 0
FKTN-202 FKTN O75072 Ribitol-5-phosphate transferase FKTN chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.0759219088937093 0 0 0.0 10
FLT3-201 FLT3 P36888 Receptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase FLT3 chr13 GO:0005783 Census, Compendium Yes 153 0.1540785498489426 64 19 0.0191339375629405 0
FMN2-201 FMN2 Q9NZ56 Formin-2 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 222 0.1289198606271777 1327 218 0.1265969802555168 0
FMO5-201 FMO5 P49326 Flavin-containing monooxygenase 5 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 59 0.1106941838649155 32 3 0.0056285178236397 0
FNDC4-201 FNDC4 Q9H6D8 Fibronectin type III domain-containing protein 4 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.0726495726495726 141 11 0.047008547008547 0
FNDC5-201 FNDC5 Q8NAU1 Fibronectin type III domain-containing protein 5 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.0613207547169811 74 6 0.0283018867924528 0
FOS-201 FOS P01100 Protein c-Fos chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 37 0.0973684210526315 247 28 0.0736842105263157 0
FTCD-203 FTCD O95954 Formimidoyltransferase-cyclodeaminase chr21 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.0813308687615526 43 11 0.0203327171903881 2
FURIN-201 FURIN P09958 Furin chr15 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 72 0.0906801007556675 283 30 0.0377833753148614 0
FUT10-201 FUT10 Q6P4F1 Alpha-(1,3)-fucosyltransferase 10 chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.0918580375782881 22 2 0.0041753653444676 0
G6PC3-201 G6PC3 Q9BUM1 Glucose-6-phosphatase 3 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.0549132947976878 2 0 0.0 15
GABARAPL1-201 GABARAPL1 Q9H0R8 Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor-associated protein-like 1 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 10 0.0854700854700854 10 1 0.0085470085470085 0
GASK1A-202 GASK1A Q9UFP1 Golgi-associated kinase 1A chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.0260869565217391 241 5 0.008695652173913 0
GBA1-202 GBA1 P04062 Lysosomal acid glucosylceramidase chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 60 0.1119402985074626 38 6 0.0111940298507462 157
GDPD1-201 GDPD1 Q8N9F7 Lysophospholipase D GDPD1 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.1146496815286624 6 0 0.0 0
GDPD3-202 GDPD3 Q7L5L3 Lysophospholipase D GDPD3 chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.1194968553459119 12 2 0.0062893081761006 0
GHDC-206 GHDC Q8N2G8 GH3 domain-containing protein chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.0792452830188679 111 10 0.0188679245283018 0
GIGYF2-201 GIGYF2 Q6Y7W6 GRB10-interacting GYF protein 2 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 73 0.0561970746728252 1098 62 0.0477290223248652 6
GIMAP1-201 GIMAP1 Q8WWP7 GTPase IMAP family member 1 chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 84 0.2745098039215686 62 17 0.0555555555555555 0
GIMAP2-201 GIMAP2 Q9UG22 GTPase IMAP family member 2 chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 61 0.1810089020771513 40 7 0.0207715133531157 0
GIMAP7-201 GIMAP7 Q8NHV1 GTPase IMAP family member 7 chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 69 0.23 11 1 0.0033333333333333 0
GIMAP8-201 GIMAP8 Q8ND71 GTPase IMAP family member 8 chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 152 0.2285714285714285 139 21 0.031578947368421 0
GJC1-208 GJC1 P36383 Gap junction gamma-1 protein chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.1085858585858585 150 20 0.0505050505050505 0
GLUD1-201 GLUD1 P00367 Glutamate dehydrogenase 1, mitochondrial chr10 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.060931899641577 109 9 0.0161290322580645 10
GLUL-202 GLUL P15104 Glutamine synthetase chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 49 0.131367292225201 104 18 0.0482573726541554 2
GLYATL2-201 GLYATL2 Q8WU03 Glycine N-acyltransferase-like protein 2 chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 78 0.2653061224489796 30 7 0.0238095238095238 0
GNAZ-203 GNAZ P19086 Guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(z) subunit alpha chr22 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 64 0.180281690140845 30 10 0.028169014084507 0
GOLT1A-201 GOLT1A Q6ZVE7 Vesicle transport protein GOT1A chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.0909090909090909 0 0 0.0 0
GOLT1B-201 GOLT1B Q9Y3E0 Vesicle transport protein GOT1B chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.1014492753623188 0 0 0.0 0
GPAA1-201 GPAA1 O43292 Glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor attachment 1 protein chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.0805152979066022 21 2 0.003220611916264 5
GPAT3-201 GPAT3 Q53EU6 Glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 3 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.0990783410138248 3 0 0.0 0
GPAT4-201 GPAT4 Q86UL3 Glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 4 chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.0723684210526315 3 0 0.0 0
GPC2-201 GPC2 Q8N158 Glypican-2 chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.0708117443868739 201 11 0.0189982728842832 0
GPER1-202 GPER1 Q99527 G-protein coupled estrogen receptor 1 chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.1253333333333333 13 4 0.0106666666666666 0
GPR37-201 GPR37 O15354 Prosaposin receptor GPR37 chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 92 0.1500815660685155 204 29 0.0473083197389885 0
GPR85-202 GPR85 P60893 Probable G-protein coupled receptor 85 chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 59 0.1594594594594594 7 4 0.0108108108108108 0
GPX7-201 GPX7 Q96SL4 Glutathione peroxidase 7 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.106951871657754 6 1 0.0053475935828877 0
GRIK5-204 GRIK5 Q16478 Glutamate receptor ionotropic, kainate 5 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 131 0.1336734693877551 135 6 0.0061224489795918 0
GRINA-202 GRINA Q7Z429 Protein lifeguard 1 chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.0566037735849056 150 1 0.0026954177897574 0
GRN-201 GRN P28799 Progranulin chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 64 0.1079258010118043 29 4 0.0067453625632377 1
H6PD-201 H6PD O95479 GDH/6PGL endoplasmic bifunctional protein chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 74 0.0935524652338811 38 3 0.0037926675094816 2
HACD2-201 HACD2 Q6Y1H2 Very-long-chain (3R)-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase 2 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.0433070866141732 14 0 0.0 0
HACD3-201 HACD3 Q9P035 Very-long-chain (3R)-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase 3 chr15 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.0414364640883977 10 0 0.0 0
HACD4-202 HACD4 Q5VWC8 Very-long-chain (3R)-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase 4 chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.0991379310344827 0 0 0.0 0
HACE1-201 HACE1 Q8IYU2 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase HACE1 chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 93 0.1023102310231023 103 10 0.011001100110011 0
HADHB-201 HADHB P55084 Trifunctional enzyme subunit beta, mitochondrial chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.1139240506329113 41 9 0.0189873417721519 12
HAP1-201 HAP1 P54257 Huntingtin-associated protein 1 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 56 0.0834575260804769 463 37 0.0551415797317436 0
HAX1-201 HAX1 O00165 HCLS1-associated protein X-1 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.1075268817204301 219 23 0.082437275985663 2
HERPUD1-204 HERPUD1 Q15011 Homocysteine-responsive endoplasmic reticulum-resident ubiquitin-like domain member 1 protein chr16 GO:0005783 Census Yes 28 0.0716112531969309 249 11 0.0281329923273657 0
HHAT-201 HHAT Q5VTY9 Protein-cysteine N-palmitoyltransferase HHAT chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 57 0.1156186612576064 0 0 0.0 1
HHATL-205 HHATL Q9HCP6 Protein-cysteine N-palmitoyltransferase HHAT-like protein chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 53 0.1051587301587301 14 0 0.0 0
HLA-A-203 HLA-A P04439 HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, A alpha chain chr6 GO:0005783 Census, Compendium Yes 38 0.1041095890410958 125 16 0.0438356164383561 0
HLA-B-249 HLA-B P01889 HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, B alpha chain chr6 GO:0005783 Compendium Yes 49 0.1353591160220994 169 18 0.0497237569060773 0
HLA-C-201 HLA-C P10321 HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, C alpha chain chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.0983606557377049 175 14 0.0382513661202185 0
HLA-F-217 HLA-F P30511 HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, alpha chain F chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.1040462427745664 115 20 0.0578034682080924 0
HM13-201 HM13 Q8TCT9 Minor histocompatibility antigen H13 chr20 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.0795755968169761 61 3 0.0079575596816976 0
HMGB1-203 HMGB1 P09429 High mobility group protein B1 chr13 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 10 0.0465116279069767 202 7 0.0325581395348837 0
HMGCLL1-205 HMGCLL1 Q8TB92 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA lyase, cytoplasmic chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 93 0.2513513513513513 2 2 0.0054054054054054 0
HMGCR-201 HMGCR P04035 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.0585585585585585 112 9 0.0101351351351351 0
HMOX1-201 HMOX1 P09601 Heme oxygenase 1 chr22 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.1145833333333333 82 11 0.0381944444444444 0
HNRNPR-201 HNRNPR O43390 Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein R chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 37 0.0584518167456556 304 8 0.0126382306477093 1
HPS6-201 HPS6 Q86YV9 BLOC-2 complex member HPS6 chr10 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 59 0.0761290322580645 145 13 0.016774193548387 0
HS1BP3-201 HS1BP3 Q53T59 HCLS1-binding protein 3 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.0841836734693877 287 25 0.0637755102040816 0
HSD17B11-201 HSD17B11 Q8NBQ5 Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 11 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.0766666666666666 2 0 0.0 0
HSD17B12-201 HSD17B12 Q53GQ0 Very-long-chain 3-oxoacyl-CoA reductase chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.0801282051282051 10 0 0.0 0
HSD17B13-202 HSD17B13 Q7Z5P4 17-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 13 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.1033333333333333 0 0 0.0 0
HSD17B3-202 HSD17B3 P37058 17-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 3 chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.0967741935483871 0 0 0.0 14
HSD17B6-201 HSD17B6 O14756 17-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 6 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.085173501577287 5 1 0.0031545741324921 0
HSD3B1-201 HSD3B1 P14060 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/Delta 5-->4-isomerase type 1 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 55 0.1474530831099195 25 2 0.0053619302949061 0
HSD3B2-201 HSD3B2 P26439 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/Delta 5-->4-isomerase type 2 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 67 0.1801075268817204 24 7 0.0188172043010752 23
HSP90B1-201 HSP90B1 P14625 Endoplasmin chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 56 0.0697384806973848 269 17 0.0211706102117061 0
HSPA13-201 HSPA13 P48723 Heat shock 70 kDa protein 13 chr21 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 58 0.1231422505307855 48 6 0.0127388535031847 0
HSPA1A-201 HSPA1A P0DMV8 Heat shock 70 kDa protein 1A chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.0312012480499219 200 10 0.0156006240249609 0
HSPA1B-201 HSPA1A P0DMV8 Heat shock 70 kDa protein 1A chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.0296411856474258 200 7 0.0109204368174727 0
HSPA5-201 HSPA5 P11021 Endoplasmic reticulum chaperone BiP chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 49 0.0749235474006116 282 26 0.0397553516819571 0
HSPBP1-202 HSPBP1 Q9NZL4 Hsp70-binding protein 1 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.0724233983286908 130 6 0.0167130919220055 0
HTN1-201 HTN1 P15515 Histatin-1 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.2105263157894736 7 2 0.0350877192982456 0
HTR1B-201 HTR1B P28222 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1B chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 72 0.1846153846153846 33 13 0.0333333333333333 0
HTRA2-201 HTRA2 O43464 Serine protease HTRA2, mitochondrial chr2 GO:0005783 Compendium Yes 33 0.0720524017467248 127 7 0.0152838427947598 2
HTT-201 HTT P42858 Huntingtin chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 261 0.0830681094844048 668 51 0.0162316995544239 2
HYAL2-201 HYAL2 Q12891 Hyaluronidase-2 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 46 0.0972515856236786 8 1 0.0021141649048625 0
HYAL3-201 HYAL3 O43820 Hyaluronidase-3 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.0911270983213429 10 0 0.0 0
HYOU1-218 HYOU1 Q9Y4L1 Hypoxia up-regulated protein 1 chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 98 0.0980980980980981 373 36 0.036036036036036 0
ICMT-201 ICMT O60725 Protein-S-isoprenylcysteine O-methyltransferase chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.0669014084507042 0 0 0.0 0
IER3IP1-201 IER3IP1 Q9Y5U9 Immediate early response 3-interacting protein 1 chr18 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 3 0.0365853658536585 0 0 0.0 2
IFIT2-201 IFIT2 P09913 Interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 2 chr10 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 48 0.1016949152542373 85 10 0.0211864406779661 0
IFNGR2-201 IFNGR2 P38484 Interferon gamma receptor 2 chr21 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.0652818991097922 18 1 0.0029673590504451 5
IGLL1-202 IGLL1 P15814 Immunoglobulin lambda-like polypeptide 1 chr22 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.1032863849765258 148 17 0.0798122065727699 1
IKBIP-202 IKBIP Q70UQ0 Inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase-interacting protein chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.0885714285714285 70 7 0.02 0
IL2RG-202 IL2RG P31785 Cytokine receptor common subunit gamma chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.1138211382113821 32 6 0.016260162601626 29
INPP5K-204 INPP5K Q9BT40 Inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase K chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.0736607142857142 34 2 0.0044642857142857 7
INSIG1-201 INSIG1 O15503 Insulin-induced gene 1 protein chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.0902527075812274 43 1 0.003610108303249 0
INSIG2-201 INSIG2 Q9Y5U4 Insulin-induced gene 2 protein chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.12 11 3 0.0133333333333333 0
ITGA5-201 ITGA5 P08648 Integrin alpha-5 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 89 0.0848427073403241 202 21 0.0200190657769304 0
ITGA8-201 ITGA8 P53708 Integrin alpha-8 chr10 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 224 0.2107243650047036 114 25 0.0235183443085606 1
ITPKB-203 ITPKB P27987 Inositol-trisphosphate 3-kinase B chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 101 0.1067653276955602 727 81 0.0856236786469344 0
ITPR1-237 ITPR1 Q14643 Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 272 0.0986221899927483 581 56 0.0203045685279187 6
ITPR2-202 ITPR2 Q14571 Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 2 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 260 0.0962606442058496 398 46 0.0170307293594964 1
ITPR3-202 ITPR3 Q14573 Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 3 chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 260 0.0973418195432422 385 31 0.0116061400224634 2
JAGN1-202 JAGN1 Q8N5M9 Protein jagunal homolog 1 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.087431693989071 13 3 0.0163934426229508 5
JMJD8-215 JMJD8 Q96S16 JmjC domain-containing protein 8 chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.0454545454545454 22 0 0.0 0
KCNA1-201 KCNA1 Q09470 Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 1 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 139 0.2808080808080808 69 29 0.0585858585858585 17
KCNG3-201 KCNG3 Q8TAE7 Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily G member 3 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.0619266055045871 22 1 0.0022935779816513 0
KCNIP3-201 KCNIP3 Q9Y2W7 Calsenilin chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.109375 60 8 0.03125 0
KCNIP4-204 KCNIP4 Q6PIL6 Kv channel-interacting protein 4 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.172 30 6 0.024 0
KCNQ1-201 KCNQ1 P51787 Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 1 chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 55 0.0813609467455621 219 14 0.0207100591715976 109
KCNRG-201 KCNRG Q8N5I3 Potassium channel regulatory protein chr13 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.1066176470588235 47 6 0.0220588235294117 0
KCTD17-202 KCTD17 Q8N5Z5 BTB/POZ domain-containing protein KCTD17 chr22 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.0573248407643312 176 10 0.0318471337579617 1
KDELR1-201 KDELR1 P24390 ER lumen protein-retaining receptor 1 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.0990566037735849 0 0 0.0 0
KDELR2-201 KDELR2 P33947 ER lumen protein-retaining receptor 2 chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.0896226415094339 0 0 0.0 1
KDELR3-201 KDELR3 O43731 ER lumen protein-retaining receptor 3 chr22 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.0794392523364486 0 0 0.0 0
KDR-201 KDR P35968 Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 chr4 GO:0005783 Census, Compendium Yes 276 0.2035398230088495 276 40 0.0294985250737463 2
KDSR-212 KDSR Q06136 3-ketodihydrosphingosine reductase chr18 GO:0005783 Census Yes 26 0.0783132530120482 35 3 0.0090361445783132 1
KEAP1-201 KEAP1 Q14145 Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1 chr19 GO:0005783 Census, Compendium Yes 217 0.3477564102564102 57 7 0.0112179487179487 0
KIF1C-201 KIF1C O43896 Kinesin-like protein KIF1C chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 97 0.0879419764279238 700 69 0.0625566636446056 1
KIFAP3-201 KIFAP3 Q92845 Kinesin-associated protein 3 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 89 0.1123737373737373 71 8 0.0101010101010101 0
KLHL14-202 KLHL14 Q9P2G3 Kelch-like protein 14 chr18 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 94 0.1496815286624203 81 10 0.0159235668789808 0
KLK6-201 KLK6 Q92876 Kallikrein-6 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 56 0.2295081967213114 28 9 0.0368852459016393 0
KSR1-219 KSR1 Q8IVT5 Kinase suppressor of Ras 1 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 88 0.0948275862068965 408 46 0.0495689655172413 0
KTN1-205 KTN1 Q86UP2 Kinectin chr14 GO:0005783 Census Yes 93 0.0685335298452468 969 66 0.0486366985998526 0
LACC1-201 LACC1 Q8IV20 Purine nucleoside phosphorylase LACC1 chr13 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.0930232558139534 4 0 0.0 1
LAMA3-202 LAMA3 Q16787 Laminin subunit alpha-3 chr18 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 365 0.1095109510951095 743 68 0.0204020402040204 0
LARS1-201 LARS1 Q9P2J5 Leucine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 90 0.0765306122448979 97 7 0.0059523809523809 1
LCLAT1-201 LCLAT1 Q6UWP7 Lysocardiolipin acyltransferase 1 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.1014492753623188 9 2 0.0048309178743961 0
LDAH-201 LDAH Q9H6V9 Lipid droplet-associated hydrolase chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.0923076923076923 9 0 0.0 0
LEMD2-201 LEMD2 Q8NC56 LEM domain-containing protein 2 chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.0715705765407554 212 4 0.0079522862823061 2
LGI1-202 LGI1 O95970 Leucine-rich glioma-inactivated protein 1 chr10 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 64 0.1149012567324955 3 1 0.0017953321364452 16
LMAN1-201 LMAN1 P49257 Protein ERGIC-53 chr18 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.0980392156862745 223 18 0.0352941176470588 1
LNPK-201 LNPK Q9C0E8 Endoplasmic reticulum junction formation protein lunapark chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 48 0.1121495327102803 256 34 0.0794392523364486 0
LOXL2-201 LOXL2 Q9Y4K0 Lysyl oxidase homolog 2 chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 103 0.1330749354005168 39 3 0.003875968992248 0
LPCAT1-201 LPCAT1 Q8NF37 Lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase 1 chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 67 0.1254681647940075 66 7 0.0131086142322097 0
LPCAT2-201 LPCAT2 Q7L5N7 Lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase 2 chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.0955882352941176 36 4 0.0073529411764705 0
LPCAT4-201 LPCAT4 Q643R3 Lysophospholipid acyltransferase LPCAT4 chr15 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.0725190839694656 92 7 0.0133587786259541 0
LPGAT1-202 LPGAT1 Q92604 Acyl-CoA:lysophosphatidylglycerol acyltransferase 1 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.0864864864864864 11 0 0.0 0
LPIN1-201 LPIN1 Q14693 Phosphatidate phosphatase LPIN1 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 88 0.098876404494382 449 52 0.0584269662921348 0
LRAT-201 LRAT O95237 Lecithin retinol acyltransferase chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.1913043478260869 2 0 0.0 1
LRP2-205 LRP2 P98164 Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 2 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 740 0.158968850698174 209 26 0.0055853920515574 1
LRP5-201 LRP5 O75197 Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5 chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 196 0.1213622291021671 189 24 0.014860681114551 54
LRP6-201 LRP6 O75581 Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 6 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 148 0.0917544947303161 255 27 0.0167389956602603 5
LRPAP1-205 LRPAP1 P30533 Alpha-2-macroglobulin receptor-associated protein chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.0812324929971988 189 16 0.0448179271708683 0
LRRC25-201 LRRC25 Q8N386 Leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 25 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.1081967213114754 89 11 0.0360655737704918 0
LRRC59-201 LRRC59 Q96AG4 Leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 59 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.0846905537459283 123 13 0.0423452768729641 0
LRRK2-201 LRRK2 Q5S007 Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 402 0.1590819153146023 91 13 0.0051444400474871 20
LRRTM1-201 LRRTM1 Q86UE6 Leucine-rich repeat transmembrane neuronal protein 1 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 151 0.289272030651341 57 16 0.0306513409961685 0
LRTOMT-201 TOMT Q8WZ04 Transmembrane O-methyltransferase chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.0549828178694158 0 0 0.0 3
LSG1-201 LSG1 Q9H089 Large subunit GTPase 1 homolog chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 57 0.0866261398176291 371 36 0.0547112462006079 0
LTC4S-201 LTC4S Q16873 Leukotriene C4 synthase chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 3 0.02 0 0 0.0 0
LYNX1-207 LYNX1 P0DP58 Ly-6/neurotoxin-like protein 1 chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 7 0.0603448275862069 0 0 0.0 0
LYPLA1-201 LYPLA1 O75608 Acyl-protein thioesterase 1 chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.0608695652173913 12 0 0.0 0
MAGEA3-201 MAGEA3 P43357 Melanoma-associated antigen 3 chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 74 0.2356687898089172 104 16 0.0509554140127388 0
MAGT1-204 MAGT1 Q9H0U3 Magnesium transporter protein 1 chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 51 0.1522388059701492 0 0 0.0 1
MAL-201 MAL P21145 Myelin and lymphocyte protein chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.1241830065359477 0 0 0.0 0
MAMDC2-201 MAMDC2 Q7Z304 MAM domain-containing protein 2 chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 69 0.1005830903790087 60 8 0.0116618075801749 0
MAN1A1-201 MAN1A1 P33908 Mannosyl-oligosaccharide 1,2-alpha-mannosidase IA chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 81 0.1240428790199081 134 20 0.0306278713629402 0
MAN1A2-201 MAN1A2 O60476 Mannosyl-oligosaccharide 1,2-alpha-mannosidase IB chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 53 0.0826833073322932 129 10 0.0156006240249609 0
MAN1B1-202 MAN1B1 Q9UKM7 Endoplasmic reticulum mannosyl-oligosaccharide 1,2-alpha-mannosidase chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.0772532188841201 173 10 0.0143061516452074 2
MAN1C1-203 MAN1C1 Q9NR34 Mannosyl-oligosaccharide 1,2-alpha-mannosidase IC chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 65 0.1031746031746031 131 15 0.0238095238095238 0
MANF-204 MANF P55145 Mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.0604395604395604 1 0 0.0 0
MAP2K1-201 MAP2K1 Q02750 Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1 chr15 GO:0005783 Census, Compendium Yes 83 0.2111959287531806 96 22 0.0559796437659033 5
MAP2K2-201 MAP2K2 P36507 Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 2 chr19 GO:0005783 Census Yes 45 0.1125 107 13 0.0325 3
MARCHF1-203 MARCHF1 Q8TCQ1 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase MARCHF1 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.1730103806228373 74 10 0.0346020761245674 0
MARCHF2-201 MARCHF2 Q9P0N8 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase MARCHF2 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.0975609756097561 23 2 0.008130081300813 0
MARCHF5-201 MARCHF5 Q9NX47 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase MARCHF5 chr10 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.0719424460431654 0 0 0.0 0
MARCHF6-201 MARCHF6 O60337 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase MARCHF6 chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 87 0.0956043956043956 114 10 0.0109890109890109 0
MBOAT4-201 MBOAT4 Q96T53 Ghrelin O-acyltransferase chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 9 0.0206896551724137 0 0 0.0 0
MBOAT7-201 MBOAT7 Q96N66 Lysophospholipid acyltransferase 7 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 48 0.1016949152542373 25 1 0.0021186440677966 0
MESD-201 MESD Q14696 LRP chaperone MESD chr15 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.094017094017094 150 12 0.0512820512820512 0
MEST-201 MEST Q5EB52 Mesoderm-specific transcript homolog protein chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.0746268656716417 0 0 0.0 0
METTL7A-201 TMT1A Q9H8H3 N6-adenosine-methyltransferase TMT1A chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.0901639344262295 0 0 0.0 0
METTL9-201 METTL9 Q9H1A3 Protein-L-histidine N-pros-methyltransferase chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.0754716981132075 7 0 0.0 0
MGAT4A-202 MGAT4A Q9UM21 Alpha-1,3-mannosyl-glycoprotein 4-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase A chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.0728971962616822 4 1 0.0018691588785046 0
MGAT4B-201 MGAT4B Q9UQ53 Alpha-1,3-mannosyl-glycoprotein 4-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase B chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.0766423357664233 64 6 0.010948905109489 0
MGAT4D-203 MGAT4D A6NG13 Alpha-1,3-mannosyl-glycoprotein 4-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase-like protein MGAT4D chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 14 0 0.0 0
MGRN1-202 MGRN1 O60291 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase MGRN1 chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.0942028985507246 228 28 0.0507246376811594 0
MGST1-205 MGST1 P10620 Microsomal glutathione S-transferase 1 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.1161290322580645 0 0 0.0 0
MGST2-201 MGST2 Q99735 Microsomal glutathione S-transferase 2 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 9 0.0612244897959183 0 0 0.0 0
MGST3-205 MGST3 O14880 Glutathione S-transferase 3, mitochondrial chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.1118421052631579 0 0 0.0 0
MIA2-219 MIA2 Q96PC5 Melanoma inhibitory activity protein 2 chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 158 0.1118980169971671 966 112 0.0793201133144475 0
MINAR2-201 MINAR2 P59773 Major intrinsically disordered NOTCH2-binding receptor 1-like chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 101 0 0.0 0
MIP-204 MIP P30301 Lens fiber major intrinsic protein chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 53 0.2015209125475285 20 1 0.0038022813688212 6
MLC1-201 MLC1 Q15049 Membrane protein MLC1 chr22 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.1007957559681697 35 7 0.0185676392572944 14
MLEC-201 MLEC Q14165 Malectin chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.1027397260273972 51 3 0.0102739726027397 0
MOGAT2-201 MOGAT2 Q3SYC2 2-acylglycerol O-acyltransferase 2 chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 57 0.1706586826347305 8 1 0.0029940119760479 0
MOGS-203 MOGS Q13724 Mannosyl-oligosaccharide glucosidase chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 80 0.0955794504181601 201 21 0.025089605734767 2
MOSPD2-201 MOSPD2 Q8NHP6 Motile sperm domain-containing protein 2 chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.0752895752895752 143 10 0.0193050193050193 0
MPIG6B-211 MPIG6B O95866 Megakaryocyte and platelet inhibitory receptor G6b chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.1203319502074688 61 7 0.0290456431535269 0
MR1-204 MR1 Q95460 Major histocompatibility complex class I-related gene protein chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.1143695014662756 32 6 0.0175953079178885 0
MRAP-201 MRAP Q8TCY5 Melanocortin-2 receptor accessory protein chr21 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.1337209302325581 64 6 0.0348837209302325 0
MRAP2-201 MRAP2 Q96G30 Melanocortin-2 receptor accessory protein 2 chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.1951219512195122 76 11 0.0536585365853658 0
MS4A4A-201 MS4A4A Q96JQ5 Membrane-spanning 4-domains subfamily A member 4A chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.1799163179916318 38 4 0.0167364016736401 0
MSMO1-201 MSMO1 Q15800 Methylsterol monooxygenase 1 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.0887372013651877 4 0 0.0 2
MSRB3-202 MSRB3 Q8IXL7 Methionine-R-sulfoxide reductase B3 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.1666666666666666 42 12 0.0625 1
MTDH-201 MTDH Q86UE4 Protein LYRIC chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 45 0.0773195876288659 518 44 0.0756013745704467 0
MTMR6-201 MTMR6 Q9Y217 Myotubularin-related protein 6 chr13 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 66 0.1062801932367149 69 11 0.0177133655394524 0
MTMR9-201 MTMR9 Q96QG7 Myotubularin-related protein 9 chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.0692167577413479 45 4 0.0072859744990892 0
MTTP-201 MTTP P55157 Microsomal triglyceride transfer protein large subunit chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 128 0.1431767337807606 47 7 0.0078299776286353 7
MXRA7-201 MXRA7 P84157 Matrix-remodeling-associated protein 7 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 6 0.0294117647058823 191 6 0.0294117647058823 0
MYDGF-201 MYDGF Q969H8 Myeloid-derived growth factor chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.0924855491329479 26 4 0.0231213872832369 0
MYO5A-204 MYO5A Q9Y4I1 Unconventional myosin-Va chr15 GO:0005783 Census, Compendium Yes 159 0.0857142857142857 499 53 0.0285714285714285 0
MYOC-201 MYOC Q99972 Myocilin chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 76 0.1507936507936507 197 36 0.0714285714285714 49
NBAS-201 NBAS A2RRP1 NBAS subunit of NRZ tethering complex chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 272 0.1147195276254744 246 32 0.0134964150147617 8
NBEAL2-205 NBEAL2 Q6ZNJ1 Neurobeachin-like protein 2 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 222 0.0806100217864923 515 47 0.0170660856935366 8
NCK1-207 NCK1 P16333 Cytoplasmic protein NCK1 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.1087533156498673 111 15 0.039787798408488 0
NCK2-201 NCK2 O43639 Cytoplasmic protein NCK2 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 66 0.1736842105263158 88 15 0.0394736842105263 0
NCSTN-201 NCSTN Q92542 Nicastrin chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 69 0.0973201692524682 72 10 0.0141043723554301 1
NDFIP1-201 NDFIP1 Q9BT67 NEDD4 family-interacting protein 1 chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.0769230769230769 45 3 0.0135746606334841 0
NDFIP2-201 NDFIP2 Q9NV92 NEDD4 family-interacting protein 2 chr13 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.0625 198 11 0.0327380952380952 0
NDUFB8-201 NDUFB8 O95169 NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 beta subcomplex subunit 8, mitochondrial chr10 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.1021505376344086 64 9 0.0483870967741935 3
NECAB3-201 NECAB3 Q96P71 N-terminal EF-hand calcium-binding protein 3 chr20 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.0808080808080808 170 15 0.0378787878787878 0
NENF-201 NENF Q9UMX5 Neudesin chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.0697674418604651 98 6 0.0348837209302325 0
NHLRC1-201 NHLRC1 Q6VVB1 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase NHLRC1 chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.1316455696202531 18 3 0.0075949367088607 22
NKIRAS1-206 NKIRAS1 Q9NYS0 NF-kappa-B inhibitor-interacting Ras-like protein 1 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.0572916666666666 21 0 0.0 0
NLRP3-201 NLRP3 Q96P20 NACHT, LRR and PYD domains-containing protein 3 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 287 0.2775628626692456 65 30 0.0290135396518375 34
NOX4-201 NOX4 Q9NPH5 NADPH oxidase 4 chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 101 0.1747404844290657 0 0 0.0 0
NPC1-201 NPC1 O15118 NPC intracellular cholesterol transporter 1 chr18 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 113 0.0884194053208137 25 0 0.0 135
NPC2-207 NPC2 P61916 NPC intracellular cholesterol transporter 2 chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 5 0.0331125827814569 0 0 0.0 7
NPHS2-201 NPHS2 Q9NP85 Podocin chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 53 0.1383812010443864 130 13 0.0339425587467362 46
NPLOC4-201 NPLOC4 Q8TAT6 Nuclear protein localization protein 4 homolog chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 58 0.0953947368421052 48 6 0.0098684210526315 0
NPTX1-201 NPTX1 Q15818 Neuronal pentraxin-1 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 49 0.1134259259259259 187 17 0.0393518518518518 2
NRROS-201 NRROS Q86YC3 Transforming growth factor beta activator LRRC33 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 86 0.1242774566473988 8 1 0.0014450867052023 0
NRXN1-209 NRXN1 Q9ULB1 Neurexin-1 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 456 0.3087339201083277 302 94 0.0636425186188219 0
NSDHL-201 NSDHL Q15738 Sterol-4-alpha-carboxylate 3-dehydrogenase, decarboxylating chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 46 0.1233243967828418 39 5 0.0134048257372654 3
NSG1-211 NSG1 P42857 Neuronal vesicle trafficking-associated protein 1 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.1351351351351351 29 6 0.0324324324324324 0
NT5C3A-209 NT5C3A Q9H0P0 Cytosolic 5'-nucleotidase 3A chr7 GO:0005783 Compendium Yes 26 0.0785498489425981 0 0 0.0 8
NTSR1-201 NTSR1 P30989 Neurotensin receptor type 1 chr20 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 60 0.1435406698564593 23 1 0.0023923444976076 0
NUCB2-207 NUCB2 P80303 Nucleobindin-2 chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.0833333333333333 266 31 0.0738095238095238 0
OAS1-201 OAS1 P00973 2'-5'-oligoadenylate synthase 1 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.105 73 0 0.0 4
OLFM1-204 OLFM1 Q99784 Noelin chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 67 0.1381443298969072 84 11 0.022680412371134 0
OPRM1-202 OPRM1 P35372 Mu-type opioid receptor chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 71 0.1775 59 17 0.0425 0
ORMDL1-202 ORMDL1 Q9P0S3 ORM1-like protein 1 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.0718954248366013 0 0 0.0 0
ORMDL2-201 ORMDL2 Q53FV1 ORM1-like protein 2 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 6 0.0392156862745098 0 0 0.0 0
ORMDL3-201 ORMDL3 Q8N138 ORM1-like protein 3 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.0980392156862745 9 1 0.0065359477124183 0
OS9-202 OS9 Q13438 Protein OS-9 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 62 0.0929535232383808 451 43 0.0644677661169415 0
P2RY13-201 P2RY13 Q9BPV8 P2Y purinoceptor 13 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.115819209039548 20 2 0.0056497175141242 0
P3H1-202 P3H1 Q32P28 Prolyl 3-hydroxylase 1 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 61 0.0828804347826086 178 11 0.014945652173913 0
P3H2-201 P3H2 Q8IVL5 Prolyl 3-hydroxylase 2 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 100 0.1412429378531073 160 21 0.0296610169491525 1
P3H3-201 P3H3 Q8IVL6 Prolyl 3-hydroxylase 3 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 59 0.0801630434782608 311 30 0.0407608695652173 0
P3H4-202 P3H4 Q92791 Endoplasmic reticulum protein SC65 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.0755148741418764 82 5 0.011441647597254 0
P4HA1-204 P4HA1 P13674 Prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit alpha-1 chr10 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.0880149812734082 54 3 0.0056179775280898 0
P4HA2-201 P4HA2 O15460 Prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit alpha-2 chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.0878504672897196 82 9 0.016822429906542 2
P4HA3-201 P4HA3 Q7Z4N8 Prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit alpha-3 chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.0808823529411764 17 1 0.0018382352941176 0
P4HB-201 P4HB P07237 Protein disulfide-isomerase chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.0807086614173228 80 13 0.0255905511811023 1
P4HTM-202 P4HTM Q9NXG6 Transmembrane prolyl 4-hydroxylase chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.0936254980079681 144 19 0.0378486055776892 1
PACS2-201 PACS2 Q86VP3 Phosphofurin acidic cluster sorting protein 2 chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 93 0.1046119235095613 464 45 0.0506186726659167 1
PANX1-201 PANX1 Q96RD7 Pannexin-1 chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.0938967136150234 45 5 0.0117370892018779 2
PARK7-201 PARK7 Q99497 Parkinson disease protein 7 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 8 0.0423280423280423 30 0 0.0 6
PARP16-206 PARP16 Q8N5Y8 Protein mono-ADP-ribosyltransferase PARP16 chr15 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.0869565217391304 33 2 0.0062111801242236 0
PCDHA1-203 PCDHA1 Q9Y5I3 Protocadherin alpha-1 chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 259 0.2726315789473684 243 54 0.0568421052631578 0
PCDHA2-203 PCDHA2 Q9Y5H9 Protocadherin alpha-2 chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 277 0.2921940928270042 271 64 0.0675105485232067 0
PCK1-201 PCK1 P35558 Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, cytosolic [GTP] chr20 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 112 0.180064308681672 111 24 0.0385852090032154 1
PCSK6-214 PCSK6 P29122 Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 6 chr15 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 113 0.1166150670794633 207 41 0.0423116615067079 0
PCSK9-201 PCSK9 Q8NBP7 Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 73 0.1054913294797687 150 20 0.0289017341040462 8
PCYT1A-206 PCYT1A P49585 Choline-phosphate cytidylyltransferase A chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.0953678474114441 145 16 0.0435967302452316 5
PCYT1B-202 PCYT1B Q9Y5K3 Choline-phosphate cytidylyltransferase B chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.1192411924119241 171 13 0.035230352303523 0
PDCD6-201 PDCD6 O75340 Programmed cell death protein 6 chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.0837696335078534 26 1 0.0052356020942408 0
PDCL3-201 PDCL3 Q9H2J4 Phosducin-like protein 3 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.1506276150627615 73 11 0.0460251046025104 0
PDE2A-201 PDE2A O00408 cGMP-dependent 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 82 0.0871413390010627 99 5 0.0053134962805526 0
PDE3B-201 PDE3B Q13370 cGMP-inhibited 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 3B chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 101 0.0908273381294964 394 24 0.0215827338129496 0
PDE9A-201 PDE9A O76083 High affinity cGMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 9A chr21 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 73 0.1231028667790893 162 27 0.0455311973018549 0
PDIA2-201 PDIA2 Q13087 Protein disulfide-isomerase A2 chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.0895238095238095 83 6 0.0114285714285714 0
PDIA3-201 PDIA3 P30101 Protein disulfide-isomerase A3 chr15 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.0673267326732673 98 6 0.0118811881188118 0
PDIA4-204 PDIA4 P13667 Protein disulfide-isomerase A4 chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 61 0.0945736434108527 147 18 0.027906976744186 0
PDIA5-201 PDIA5 Q14554 Protein disulfide-isomerase A5 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.1040462427745664 79 9 0.0173410404624277 0
PDIA6-201 PDIA6 Q15084 Protein disulfide-isomerase A6 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.0931818181818181 82 8 0.0181818181818181 0
PDILT-201 PDILT Q8N807 Protein disulfide-isomerase-like protein of the testis chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 116 0.1986301369863013 77 7 0.011986301369863 0
PDZD2-202 PDZD2 O15018 PDZ domain-containing protein 2 chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 368 0.129623106727721 2310 303 0.1067277210285311 0
PEDS1-202 PEDS1 A5PLL7 Plasmanylethanolamine desaturase 1 chr20 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.0962962962962963 3 0 0.0 0
PEF1-201 PEF1 Q9UBV8 Peflin chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.0774647887323943 122 4 0.0140845070422535 0
PEMT-204 PEMT Q9UBM1 Phosphatidylethanolamine N-methyltransferase chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.0703517587939698 1 0 0.0 0
PEX16-202 PEX16 Q9Y5Y5 Peroxisomal membrane protein PEX16 chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.0714285714285714 71 8 0.0238095238095238 2
PEX3-201 PEX3 P56589 Peroxisomal biogenesis factor 3 chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.0482573726541554 24 0 0.0 2
PGAP1-201 PGAP1 Q75T13 GPI inositol-deacylase chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 84 0.0911062906724512 21 5 0.0054229934924078 0
PGRMC1-201 PGRMC1 O00264 Membrane-associated progesterone receptor component 1 chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.1179487179487179 74 11 0.0564102564102564 0
PGRMC2-201 PGRMC2 O15173 Membrane-associated progesterone receptor component 2 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.0538116591928251 84 4 0.0179372197309417 0
PGS1-201 PGS1 Q32NB8 CDP-diacylglycerol--glycerol-3-phosphate 3-phosphatidyltransferase, mitochondrial chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.0935251798561151 12 0 0.0 0
PHEX-201 PHEX P78562 Phosphate-regulating neutral endopeptidase PHEX chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 100 0.1335113484646194 56 4 0.0053404539385847 27
PHTF2-205 PHTF2 Q8N3S3 Protein PHTF2 chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.0636942675159235 223 18 0.0229299363057324 0
PIEZO1-201 PIEZO1 Q92508 Piezo-type mechanosensitive ion channel component 1 chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 66 0.0261800872669575 475 10 0.0039666798889329 11
PIGG-203 PIGG Q5H8A4 GPI ethanolamine phosphate transferase 2 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 97 0.0986775178026449 91 13 0.0132248219735503 7
PIGH-201 PIGH Q14442 Phosphatidylinositol N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase subunit H chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 7 0.0372340425531914 1 0 0.0 1
PIGP-207 PIGP P57054 Phosphatidylinositol N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase subunit P chr21 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 6 0.0379746835443038 0 0 0.0 1
PIGQ-201 PIGQ Q9BRB3 Phosphatidylinositol N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase subunit Q chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 67 0.0881578947368421 133 13 0.0171052631578947 0
PIGZ-202 PIGZ Q86VD9 GPI mannosyltransferase 4 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.0656303972366148 0 0 0.0 0
PIK3C2B-210 PIK3C2B O00750 Phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate 3-kinase C2 domain-containing subunit beta chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 176 0.1077111383108935 425 46 0.0281517747858017 0
PINK1-201 PINK1 Q9BXM7 Serine/threonine-protein kinase PINK1, mitochondrial chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 46 0.0791738382099827 99 8 0.0137693631669535 24
PIP4K2C-201 PIP4K2C Q8TBX8 Phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate 4-kinase type-2 gamma chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.1021377672209026 112 16 0.0380047505938242 0
PKD1-201 PKD1 P98161 Polycystin-1 chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 299 0.0694864048338368 695 50 0.0116198001394376 91
PKD2-201 PKD2 Q13563 Polycystin-2 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 88 0.0909090909090909 376 30 0.03099173553719 9
PKD2L1-201 PKD2L1 Q9P0L9 Polycystin-2-like protein 1 chr10 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 98 0.1217391304347826 182 22 0.0273291925465838 0
PKHD1-202 PKHD1 P08F94 Fibrocystin chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 610 0.1497299950908198 415 62 0.0152184585174275 91
PKMYT1-201 PKMYT1 Q99640 Membrane-associated tyrosine- and threonine-specific cdc2-inhibitory kinase chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.0561122244488977 228 14 0.0280561122244488 0
PLA2G2A-204 PLA2G2A P14555 Phospholipase A2, membrane associated chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.1458333333333333 0 0 0.0 0
PLA2G4A-201 PLA2G4A P47712 Cytosolic phospholipase A2 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 106 0.1415220293724966 129 20 0.0267022696929239 1
PLAAT1-201 PLAAT1 Q9HDD0 Phospholipase A and acyltransferase 1 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.1607142857142857 0 0 0.0 0
PLAAT3-203 PLAAT3 P53816 Phospholipase A and acyltransferase 3 chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.0925925925925925 13 1 0.0061728395061728 0
PLCD4-206 PLCD4 Q9BRC7 1-phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate phosphodiesterase delta-4 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 57 0.0748031496062992 90 5 0.0065616797900262 0
PLD4-201 PLD4 Q96BZ4 5'-3' exonuclease PLD4 chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.067193675889328 75 7 0.0138339920948616 0
PLEKHF2-201 PLEKHF2 Q9H8W4 Pleckstrin homology domain-containing family F member 2 chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.072289156626506 36 0 0.0 0
PLIN1-201 PLIN1 O60240 Perilipin-1 chr15 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.053639846743295 308 15 0.028735632183908 0
PLIN2-201 PLIN2 Q99541 Perilipin-2 chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.068649885583524 126 8 0.0183066361556064 0
PLN-201 PLN P26678 Cardiac phospholamban chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 5 0.0961538461538461 0 0 0.0 1
PLOD1-201 PLOD1 Q02809 Procollagen-lysine,2-oxoglutarate 5-dioxygenase 1 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 61 0.0839064649243466 12 0 0.0 5
PLOD2-202 PLOD2 O00469 Procollagen-lysine,2-oxoglutarate 5-dioxygenase 2 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 84 0.1139755766621438 17 2 0.0027137042062415 3
PLOD3-201 PLOD3 O60568 Multifunctional procollagen lysine hydroxylase and glycosyltransferase LH3 chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 80 0.1084010840108401 65 6 0.008130081300813 1
PLP2-202 PLP2 Q04941 Proteolipid protein 2 chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.2105263157894736 10 2 0.0131578947368421 0
PLPP2-203 PLPP2 O43688 Phospholipid phosphatase 2 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.1215277777777777 0 0 0.0 0
PLSCR2-209 PLSCR2 Q9NRY7 Phospholipid scramblase 2 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.1750841750841751 49 5 0.0168350168350168 0
PMEL-206 PMEL P40967 Melanocyte protein PMEL chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 60 0.0907715582450832 181 11 0.0166414523449319 0
PNLDC1-207 PNLDC1 Q8NA58 Poly(A)-specific ribonuclease PNLDC1 chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 69 0.1326923076923077 6 0 0.0 1
PNPLA6-202 PNPLA6 Q8IY17 Patatin-like phospholipase domain-containing protein 6 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 135 0.0981818181818181 371 39 0.0283636363636363 18
PNPLA7-201 PNPLA7 Q6ZV29 Patatin-like phospholipase domain-containing protein 7 chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 130 0.0987091875474563 286 29 0.0220197418375094 0
POFUT1-202 POFUT1 Q9H488 GDP-fucose protein O-fucosyltransferase 1 chr20 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 37 0.095360824742268 17 0 0.0 0
POGLUT1-201 POGLUT1 Q8NBL1 Protein O-glucosyltransferase 1 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.1122448979591836 0 0 0.0 3
POMGNT2-201 POMGNT2 Q8NAT1 Protein O-linked-mannose beta-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 2 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 46 0.0793103448275862 23 3 0.0051724137931034 3
POMP-201 POMP Q9Y244 Proteasome maturation protein chr13 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 10 0.0709219858156028 41 3 0.0212765957446808 0
POMT1-203 POMT1 Q9Y6A1 Protein O-mannosyl-transferase 1 chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.0629183400267737 55 3 0.0040160642570281 9
POMT2-201 POMT2 Q9UKY4 Protein O-mannosyl-transferase 2 chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 56 0.0746666666666666 61 2 0.0026666666666666 15
PORCN-201 PORCN Q9H237 Protein-serine O-palmitoleoyltransferase porcupine chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 61 0.1323210412147505 0 0 0.0 13
POU2F1-212 POU2F1 P14859 POU domain, class 2, transcription factor 1 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.0592193808882907 433 28 0.0376850605652759 0
PPIB-201 PPIB P23284 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase B chr15 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.074074074074074 16 0 0.0 1
PPP1R15A-201 PPP1R15A O75807 Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 15A chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 64 0.0949554896142433 635 55 0.0816023738872403 0
PPP1R15B-201 PPP1R15B Q5SWA1 Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 15B chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 58 0.0813464235624123 413 35 0.0490883590462833 1
PRAP1-201 PRAP1 Q96NZ9 Proline-rich acidic protein 1 chr10 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 10 0.0662251655629139 125 10 0.0662251655629139 0
PRCD-210 PRCD Q00LT1 Photoreceptor disk component PRCD chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 3 0.0555555555555555 35 2 0.037037037037037 2
PRDX4-202 PRDX4 Q13162 Peroxiredoxin-4 chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.1143911439114391 29 2 0.007380073800738 0
PRKCA-202 PRKCA P17252 Protein kinase C alpha type chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 70 0.1041666666666666 155 17 0.025297619047619 0
PRKCD-201 PRKCD Q05655 Protein kinase C delta type chr3 GO:0005783 Compendium Yes 52 0.0769230769230769 43 7 0.0103550295857988 0
PRKCE-201 PRKCE Q02156 Protein kinase C epsilon type chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 80 0.1085481682496607 170 16 0.0217096336499321 0
PRKCSH-209 PRKCSH P14314 Glucosidase 2 subunit beta chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.0890151515151515 320 28 0.053030303030303 0
PRKN-206 PRKN O60260 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase parkin chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 96 0.2064516129032258 78 14 0.0301075268817204 30
PRNP-201 PRNP P04156 Major prion protein chr20 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.1106719367588932 117 8 0.0316205533596837 19
PROC-201 PROC P04070 Vitamin K-dependent protein C chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.0954446854663774 41 9 0.0195227765726681 35
PROM1-201 PROM1 O43490 Prominin-1 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 65 0.0751445086705202 76 6 0.006936416184971 3
PRSS50-201 PRSS50 Q9UI38 Probable threonine protease PRSS50 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.1012987012987013 64 10 0.0259740259740259 0
PRSS56-202 PRSS56 P0CW18 Serine protease 56 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 243 0 0.0 7
PRXL2B-204 PRXL2B Q8TBF2 Prostamide/prostaglandin F synthase chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 9 0.0454545454545454 6 0 0.0 0
PSEN1-201 PSEN1 P49768 Presenilin-1 chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.0920770877944325 134 18 0.038543897216274 69
PSEN2-202 PSEN2 P49810 Presenilin-2 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 58 0.1294642857142857 91 13 0.0290178571428571 4
PSENEN-202 PSENEN Q9NZ42 Gamma-secretase subunit PEN-2 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.1386138613861386 0 0 0.0 0
PSMF1-203 PSMF1 Q92530 Proteasome inhibitor PI31 subunit chr20 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.1217712177121771 141 20 0.07380073800738 0
PSMG1-201 PSMG1 O95456 Proteasome assembly chaperone 1 chr21 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.0763888888888889 25 1 0.0034722222222222 0
PTGIS-201 PTGIS Q16647 Prostacyclin synthase chr20 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 81 0.162 18 2 0.004 0
PTGS2-201 PTGS2 P35354 Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 68 0.1125827814569536 31 4 0.0066225165562913 0
PTN-201 PTN P21246 Pleiotrophin chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.1607142857142857 51 6 0.0357142857142857 0
PTP4A1-203 PTP4A1 Q93096 Protein tyrosine phosphatase type IVA 1 chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.0635838150289017 2 0 0.0 0
PTPN1-201 PTPN1 P18031 Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 1 chr20 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.0827586206896551 141 17 0.0390804597701149 0
PTPN2-201 PTPN2 P17706 Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 2 chr18 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.0939759036144578 120 10 0.0240963855421686 0
PUM3-202 PUM3 Q15397 Pumilio homolog 3 chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.0725308641975308 171 12 0.0185185185185185 0
PXDN-201 PXDN Q92626 Peroxidasin homolog chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 265 0.1791751183231913 307 60 0.0405679513184584 1
PXDNL-201 PXDNL A1KZ92 Probable oxidoreductase PXDNL chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 453 0.3096377306903622 400 142 0.0970608339029391 0
PYCARD-201 PYCARD Q9ULZ3 Apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a CARD chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.0615384615384615 39 4 0.0205128205128205 0
RAB1A-203 RAB1A P62820 Ras-related protein Rab-1A chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 9 0.0439024390243902 38 2 0.0097560975609756 0
RAB32-201 RAB32 Q13637 Ras-related protein Rab-32 chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.0622222222222222 40 2 0.0088888888888888 0
RAET1G-201 RAET1G Q6H3X3 UL-16 binding protein 5 chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.0718562874251497 63 8 0.0239520958083832 0
RAET1L-202 RAET1L Q5VY80 UL16-binding protein 6 chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.0691056910569105 31 2 0.008130081300813 0
RAP1GDS1-205 RAP1GDS1 P52306 Rap1 GTPase-GDP dissociation stimulator 1 chr4 GO:0005783 Census, Compendium Yes 69 0.1136738056013179 13 0 0.0 0
RASGRF2-201 RASGRF2 O14827 Ras-specific guanine nucleotide-releasing factor 2 chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 158 0.1277283751010509 276 42 0.0339531123686337 0
RBMX2-201 RBMX2 Q9Y388 RNA-binding motif protein, X-linked 2 chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.0745341614906832 217 18 0.0559006211180124 0
RCN1-201 RCN1 Q15293 Reticulocalbin-1 chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.066465256797583 158 13 0.039274924471299 0
RCN2-203 RCN2 Q14257 Reticulocalbin-2 chr15 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.085173501577287 125 7 0.0220820189274447 0
RCN3-201 RCN3 Q96D15 Reticulocalbin-3 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.1036585365853658 245 29 0.0884146341463414 0
RDH14-201 RDH14 Q9HBH5 Retinol dehydrogenase 14 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.0386904761904761 21 0 0.0 0
REEP1-201 REEP1 Q9H902 Receptor expression-enhancing protein 1 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.1343283582089552 46 12 0.0597014925373134 6
REEP2-201 REEP2 Q9BRK0 Receptor expression-enhancing protein 2 chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.1031746031746031 95 10 0.0396825396825396 2
REEP4-201 REEP4 Q9H6H4 Receptor expression-enhancing protein 4 chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.0817120622568093 91 11 0.0428015564202334 0
REEP5-202 REEP5 Q00765 Receptor expression-enhancing protein 5 chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.1216931216931216 0 0 0.0 0
REEP6-202 REEP6 Q96HR9 Receptor expression-enhancing protein 6 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.0521327014218009 16 0 0.0 3
RER1-209 RER1 O15258 Protein RER1 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.0612244897959183 15 1 0.0051020408163265 0
RESP18-201 RESP18 Q5W5W9 Regulated endocrine-specific protein 18 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 4 0.0175438596491228 62 2 0.0087719298245614 0
RETREG1-201 RETREG1 Q9H6L5 Reticulophagy regulator 1 chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.0543259557344064 246 12 0.0241448692152917 0
RGMA-201 RGMA Q96B86 Repulsive guidance molecule A chr15 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.0888888888888888 105 12 0.0266666666666666 0
RHBDD1-202 RHBDD1 Q8TEB9 Rhomboid-related protein 4 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.092063492063492 69 8 0.0253968253968253 0
RINT1-201 RINT1 Q6NUQ1 RAD50-interacting protein 1 chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 58 0.0732323232323232 55 2 0.0025252525252525 2
RIPK2-201 RIPK2 O43353 Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.0796296296296296 143 14 0.0259259259259259 0
RNF103-201 RNF103 O00237 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF103 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.072992700729927 65 5 0.0072992700729927 0
RNF122-201 RNF122 Q9H9V4 RING finger protein 122 chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.1032258064516129 0 0 0.0 0
RNF128-201 RNF128 Q8TEB7 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF128 chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 46 0.1074766355140186 123 11 0.0257009345794392 0
RNF13-203 RNF13 O43567 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF13 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.0708661417322834 108 13 0.0341207349081364 2
RNF133-201 RNF133 Q8WVZ7 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF133 chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 60 0.1595744680851064 60 3 0.0079787234042553 0
RNF139-201 RNF139 Q8WU17 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF139 chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 45 0.0677710843373494 68 3 0.0045180722891566 0
RNF148-201 RNF148 Q8N7C7 RING finger protein 148 chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 57 0.1868852459016393 8 3 0.0098360655737704 0
RNF149-201 RNF149 Q8NC42 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF149 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.075 103 12 0.03 0
RNF183-207 RNF183 Q96D59 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF183 chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.0989583333333333 29 1 0.0052083333333333 0
RNF185-202 RNF185 Q96GF1 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF185 chr22 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.09375 82 10 0.0520833333333333 0
RNF186-201 RNF186 Q9NXI6 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF186 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.0837004405286343 11 0 0.0 0
RNF19B-203 RNF19B Q6ZMZ0 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF19B chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 45 0.0614754098360655 344 20 0.0273224043715847 0
RNF5-203 RNF5 Q99942 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF5 chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.0666666666666666 69 1 0.0055555555555555 0
RNFT1-201 RNFT1 Q5M7Z0 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNFT1 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.0505747126436781 117 13 0.0298850574712643 0
RPL10-202 RPL10 P27635 Large ribosomal subunit protein uL16 chrX GO:0005783 Census, Compendium Yes 41 0.1915887850467289 9 2 0.0093457943925233 4
RPL10L-201 RPL10L Q96L21 Ribosomal protein uL16-like chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 79 0.3691588785046729 7 4 0.0186915887850467 1
RPL13-201 RPL13 P26373 Large ribosomal subunit protein eL13 chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.0568720379146919 158 10 0.0473933649289099 1
RPL18-208 RPL18 Q07020 Large ribosomal subunit protein eL18 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.0744680851063829 98 6 0.0319148936170212 0
RPL21-202 RPL21 P46778 Large ribosomal subunit protein eL21 chr13 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 8 0.05 103 6 0.0375 1
RPL24-201 RPL24 P83731 Large ribosomal subunit protein eL24 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.0891719745222929 105 11 0.0700636942675159 0
RPL27A-201 RPL27A P46776 Large ribosomal subunit protein uL15 chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 5 0.0337837837837837 56 2 0.0135135135135135 0
RPL34-202 RPL34 P49207 Large ribosomal subunit protein eL34 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 8 0.0683760683760683 31 0 0.0 0
RPL36A-209 RPL36A P83881 Large ribosomal subunit protein eL42 chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.1320754716981132 64 11 0.1037735849056603 0
RPL36AL-201 RPL36AL Q969Q0 Ribosomal protein eL42-like chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 7 0.0660377358490566 64 4 0.0377358490566037 0
RPL41-204 RPL41 P62945 Large ribosomal subunit protein eL41 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 25 0 0.0 0
RPL5-202 RPL5 P46777 Large ribosomal subunit protein uL18 chr1 GO:0005783 Census Yes 39 0.1313131313131313 96 10 0.0336700336700336 2
RPLP0-203 RPLP0 P05388 Large ribosomal subunit protein uL10 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.0977917981072555 36 3 0.0094637223974763 0
RPN1-201 RPN1 P04843 Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycosyltransferase subunit 1 chr3 GO:0005783 Census Yes 32 0.0527182866556836 69 3 0.0049423393739703 0
RPN2-201 RPN2 P04844 Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycosyltransferase subunit 2 chr20 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 48 0.0760697305863708 26 3 0.0047543581616481 0
RPS23-201 RPS23 P62266 Small ribosomal subunit protein uS12 chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 6 0.0419580419580419 35 1 0.0069930069930069 2
RPS24-214 RPS24 P62847 Small ribosomal subunit protein eS24 chr10 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 7 0.0526315789473684 89 5 0.037593984962406 0
RPS3-217 RPS3 P23396 Small ribosomal subunit protein uS3 chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.0905349794238683 48 4 0.0164609053497942 0
RPS3A-201 RPS3A P61247 Small ribosomal subunit protein eS1 chr4 GO:0005783 Compendium Yes 15 0.0568181818181818 85 3 0.0113636363636363 0
RPS6-204 RPS6 P62753 Small ribosomal subunit protein eS6 chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.0883534136546184 150 15 0.0602409638554216 0
RPS7-210 RPS7 P62081 Small ribosomal subunit protein eS7 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.0773195876288659 39 3 0.0154639175257731 0
RPS8-202 RPS8 P62241 Small ribosomal subunit protein eS8 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.0625 81 5 0.0240384615384615 0
RRAS2-201 RRAS2 P62070 Ras-related protein R-Ras2 chr11 GO:0005783 Compendium Yes 27 0.1323529411764706 37 1 0.0049019607843137 3
RRBP1-204 RRBP1 Q9P2E9 Ribosome-binding protein 1 chr20 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 97 0.0687943262411347 1307 89 0.0631205673758865 0
RRS1-201 RRS1 Q15050 Ribosome biogenesis regulatory protein homolog chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.0547945205479452 319 18 0.0493150684931506 0
RSAD2-201 RSAD2 Q8WXG1 S-adenosylmethionine-dependent nucleotide dehydratase RSAD2 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 53 0.1468144044321329 22 0 0.0 0
RTN1-201 RTN1 Q16799 Reticulon-1 chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 143 0.1842783505154639 576 106 0.1365979381443298 0
RTN2-201 RTN2 O75298 Reticulon-2 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 68 0.1247706422018348 270 43 0.0788990825688073 1
RTN3-206 RTN3 O95197 Reticulon-3 chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 93 0.0901162790697674 708 61 0.0591085271317829 0
RTN4-202 RTN4 Q9NQC3 Reticulon-4 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 81 0.0679530201342281 868 50 0.0419463087248322 0
RTN4R-201 RTN4R Q9BZR6 Reticulon-4 receptor chr22 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.0718816067653276 148 17 0.0359408033826638 4
S100A7-202 S100A7 P31151 Protein S100-A7 chr1 GO:0005783 Census Yes 24 0.2376237623762376 28 8 0.0792079207920792 0
SACM1L-201 SACM1L Q9NTJ5 Phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphatase SAC1 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.0562180579216354 0 0 0.0 0
SAMD8-203 SAMD8 Q96LT4 Sphingomyelin synthase-related protein 1 chr10 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.0771084337349397 0 0 0.0 0
SARAF-201 SARAF Q96BY9 Store-operated calcium entry-associated regulatory factor chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.0678466076696165 75 8 0.023598820058997 0
SCAP-201 SCAP Q12770 Sterol regulatory element-binding protein cleavage-activating protein chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 108 0.0844409695074276 331 27 0.0211102423768569 0
SCAPER-207 SCAPER Q9BY12 S phase cyclin A-associated protein in the endoplasmic reticulum chr15 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 117 0.0835714285714285 805 75 0.0535714285714285 0
SCARA3-201 SCARA3 Q6AZY7 Scavenger receptor class A member 3 chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.0825082508250825 231 18 0.0297029702970297 0
SCD-201 SCD O00767 Stearoyl-CoA desaturase chr10 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.0724233983286908 19 0 0.0 0
SCN5A-202 SCN5A Q14524 Sodium channel protein type 5 subunit alpha chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 381 0.1889880952380952 554 117 0.0580357142857142 181
SCP2-203 SCP2 P22307 Sterol carrier protein 2 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.0712979890310786 45 1 0.0018281535648994 0
SCYL3-203 SCYL3 Q8IZE3 Protein-associating with the carboxyl-terminal domain of ezrin chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 56 0.0754716981132075 250 18 0.0242587601078167 0
SDF2-201 SDF2 Q99470 Stromal cell-derived factor 2 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.0900473933649289 93 12 0.0568720379146919 0
SDF2L1-201 SDF2L1 Q9HCN8 Stromal cell-derived factor 2-like protein 1 chr22 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.0542986425339366 130 7 0.0316742081447963 0
SDF4-202 SDF4 Q9BRK5 45 kDa calcium-binding protein chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.1070422535211267 195 27 0.076056338028169 0
SDR16C5-201 SDR16C5 Q8N3Y7 Epidermal retinol dehydrogenase 2 chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 67 0.2168284789644013 4 0 0.0 0
SEC22C-201 SEC22C Q9BRL7 Vesicle-trafficking protein SEC22c chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.0726072607260726 0 0 0.0 0
SEC23B-211 SEC23B Q15437 Protein transport protein Sec23B chr20 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 72 0.0938722294654498 82 4 0.0052151238591916 7
SEC23IP-201 SEC23IP Q9Y6Y8 SEC23-interacting protein chr10 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 90 0.09 374 33 0.033 0
SEC31A-205 SEC31A O94979 Protein transport protein Sec31A chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 103 0.0844262295081967 520 44 0.0360655737704918 0
SEC61B-201 SEC61B P60468 Protein transport protein Sec61 subunit beta chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 6 0.0625 60 5 0.0520833333333333 0
SEC62-201 SEC62 Q99442 Translocation protein SEC62 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.0300751879699248 211 9 0.0225563909774436 0
SEC63-201 SEC63 Q9UGP8 Translocation protein SEC63 homolog chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 67 0.0881578947368421 267 25 0.0328947368421052 0
SEL1L-201 SEL1L Q9UBV2 Protein sel-1 homolog 1 chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 64 0.0806045340050377 188 10 0.0125944584382871 0
SELENOK-204 SELENOK Q9Y6D0 Selenoprotein K chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 4 0.0425531914893617 47 4 0.0425531914893617 0
SELENOS-203 SELENOS Q9BQE4 Selenoprotein S chr15 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 4 0.0211640211640211 123 3 0.0158730158730158 0
SELENOT-202 SELENOT P62341 Thioredoxin reductase-like selenoprotein T chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.0769230769230769 0 0 0.0 0
SEMA3B-212 SEMA3B Q13214 Semaphorin-3B chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 145 0 0.0 0
SEMA4F-202 SEMA4F O95754 Semaphorin-4F chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 90 0.1168831168831168 140 12 0.0155844155844155 0
SERAC1-217 SERAC1 Q96JX3 Protein SERAC1 chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 45 0.0688073394495412 42 0 0.0 3
SERP1-201 SERP1 Q9Y6X1 Stress-associated endoplasmic reticulum protein 1 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 3 0.0454545454545454 31 1 0.0151515151515151 0
SERP2-201 SERP2 Q8N6R1 Stress-associated endoplasmic reticulum protein 2 chr13 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 5 0.0769230769230769 22 0 0.0 0
SERPINA1-202 SERPINA1 P01009 Alpha-1-antitrypsin chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 51 0.1220095693779904 38 7 0.0167464114832535 0
SERPINH1-201 SERPINH1 P50454 Serpin H1 chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 45 0.1076555023923445 53 5 0.0119617224880382 1
SET-204 SET Q01105 Protein SET chr9 GO:0005783 Census, Compendium Yes 19 0.0655172413793103 221 12 0.0413793103448275 2
SEZ6-201 SEZ6 Q53EL9 Seizure protein 6 homolog chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 91 0.0915492957746478 345 40 0.0402414486921529 0
SEZ6L-201 SEZ6L Q9BYH1 Seizure 6-like protein chr22 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 206 0.201171875 291 66 0.064453125 0
SEZ6L2-201 SEZ6L2 Q6UXD5 Seizure 6-like protein 2 chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 130 0.1428571428571428 434 67 0.0736263736263736 0
SGMS1-202 SGMS1 Q86VZ5 Phosphatidylcholine:ceramide cholinephosphotransferase 1 chr10 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 65 0.1573849878934624 37 7 0.0169491525423728 0
SGPL1-202 SGPL1 O95470 Sphingosine-1-phosphate lyase 1 chr10 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 46 0.0809859154929577 19 3 0.005281690140845 2
SGPP2-201 SGPP2 Q8IWX5 Sphingosine-1-phosphate phosphatase 2 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.0676691729323308 42 0 0.0 0
SHH-201 SHH Q15465 Sonic hedgehog protein chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.0779220779220779 139 11 0.0238095238095238 69
SHISA2-201 SHISA2 Q6UWI4 Protein shisa-2 homolog chr13 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.111864406779661 144 23 0.0779661016949152 0
SHISA5-201 SHISA5 Q8N114 Protein shisa-5 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.1 74 9 0.0375 0
SIGMAR1-201 SIGMAR1 Q99720 Sigma non-opioid intracellular receptor 1 chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.0896860986547085 2 0 0.0 1
SIL1-202 SIL1 Q9H173 Nucleotide exchange factor SIL1 chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.0694143167028199 126 10 0.0216919739696312 0
SIRT6-202 SIRT6 Q8N6T7 NAD-dependent protein deacylase sirtuin-6 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.0676056338028169 165 6 0.0169014084507042 0
SLC10A7-201 SLC10A7 Q0GE19 Sodium/bile acid cotransporter 7 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.0941176470588235 0 0 0.0 3
SLC1A1-201 SLC1A1 P43005 Excitatory amino acid transporter 3 chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.0954198473282442 17 3 0.0057251908396946 1
SLC22A13-201 SLC22A13 Q9Y226 Solute carrier family 22 member 13 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.0707803992740471 32 1 0.0018148820326678 0
SLC22A5-201 SLC22A5 O76082 Organic cation/carnitine transporter 2 chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.0556552962298025 15 2 0.0035906642728904 66
SLC26A11-201 SLC26A11 Q86WA9 Sodium-independent sulfate anion transporter chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 72 0.1188118811881188 11 1 0.0016501650165016 0
SLC26A6-205 SLC26A6 Q9BXS9 Solute carrier family 26 member 6 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.0711462450592885 88 13 0.0171277997364953 0
SLC27A1-201 SLC27A1 Q6PCB7 Long-chain fatty acid transport protein 1 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 64 0.0990712074303405 16 0 0.0 0
SLC27A3-213 SLC27A3 Q5K4L6 Long-chain fatty acid transport protein 3 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.0761346998535871 85 11 0.0161054172767203 0
SLC27A4-201 SLC27A4 Q6P1M0 Long-chain fatty acid transport protein 4 chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 64 0.0995334370139968 27 3 0.0046656298600311 5
SLC27A5-201 SLC27A5 Q9Y2P5 Long-chain fatty acid transport protein 5 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 83 0.1202898550724637 7 0 0.0 0
SLC30A1-201 SLC30A1 Q9Y6M5 Proton-coupled zinc antiporter SLC30A1 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.0867850098619329 144 9 0.0177514792899408 0
SLC30A9-201 SLC30A9 Q6PML9 Proton-coupled zinc antiporter SLC30A9, mitochondrial chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 55 0.0968309859154929 61 5 0.0088028169014084 0
SLC35A2-201 SLC35A2 P78381 UDP-galactose translocator chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.0782828282828282 28 2 0.005050505050505 16
SLC35B4-201 SLC35B4 Q969S0 Nucleotide sugar transporter SLC35B4 chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.0604229607250755 11 0 0.0 0
SLC35D3-201 SLC35D3 Q5M8T2 Solute carrier family 35 member D3 chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.1009615384615384 89 13 0.03125 0
SLC36A1-201 SLC36A1 Q7Z2H8 Proton-coupled amino acid transporter 1 chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 62 0.1302521008403361 37 4 0.0084033613445378 0
SLC37A4-201 SLC37A4 O43826 Glucose-6-phosphate exchanger SLC37A4 chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.0606060606060606 17 1 0.0023310023310023 28
SLC39A6-201 SLC39A6 Q13433 Zinc transporter ZIP6 chr18 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 63 0.0834437086092715 362 28 0.0370860927152317 0
SLC39A7-202 SLC39A7 Q92504 Zinc transporter SLC39A7 chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.0660980810234541 192 7 0.0149253731343283 3
SMIM14-201 SMIM14 Q96QK8 Small integral membrane protein 14 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 8 0.0808080808080808 34 2 0.0202020202020202 0
SMO-201 SMO Q99835 Protein smoothened chr7 GO:0005783 Census, Compendium Yes 88 0.1118170266836086 242 20 0.025412960609911 1
SMPD2-201 SMPD2 O60906 Sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 2 chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.0803782505910165 49 4 0.0094562647754137 0
SMPD4-202 SMPD4 Q9NXE4 Sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 4 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 99 0.1143187066974595 80 11 0.0127020785219399 1
SNX10-201 SNX10 Q9Y5X0 Sorting nexin-10 chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.1094527363184079 52 8 0.0398009950248756 3
SOAT1-201 SOAT1 P35610 Sterol O-acyltransferase 1 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 55 0.1 51 1 0.0018181818181818 0
SOAT2-201 SOAT2 O75908 Sterol O-acyltransferase 2 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.0996168582375478 68 4 0.0076628352490421 0
SORL1-201 SORL1 Q92673 Sortilin-related receptor chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 298 0.1345980126467931 87 8 0.003613369467028 0
SPAST-201 SPAST Q9UBP0 Spastin chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.0844155844155844 270 16 0.0259740259740259 62
SPCS3-201 SPCS3 P61009 Signal peptidase complex subunit 3 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.1 0 0 0.0 0
SPHK2-201 SPHK2 Q9NRA0 Sphingosine kinase 2 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 71 0.1085626911314984 295 31 0.0474006116207951 0
SPINK5-201 SPINK5 Q9NQ38 Serine protease inhibitor Kazal-type 5 chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 129 0.1212406015037594 601 90 0.0845864661654135 0
SPTLC1-201 SPTLC1 O15269 Serine palmitoyltransferase 1 chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.0655391120507399 27 2 0.0042283298097251 5
SPTSSA-201 SPTSSA Q969W0 Serine palmitoyltransferase small subunit A chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 8 0.1126760563380281 0 0 0.0 0
SQLE-201 SQLE Q14534 Squalene monooxygenase chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.0609756097560975 40 5 0.0087108013937282 0
SQSTM1-202 SQSTM1 Q13501 Sequestosome-1 chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.0931818181818181 271 24 0.0545454545454545 30
SRD5A3-201 SRD5A3 Q9H8P0 Polyprenol reductase chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.0754716981132075 0 0 0.0 0
SREBF2-201 SREBF2 Q12772 Sterol regulatory element-binding protein 2 chr22 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 78 0.0683610867659947 357 27 0.0236634531113058 0
SRP54-201 SRP54 P61011 Signal recognition particle subunit SRP54 chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.0793650793650793 115 7 0.0138888888888888 7
SRP68-201 SRP68 Q9UHB9 Signal recognition particle subunit SRP68 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 58 0.0925039872408293 170 16 0.0255183413078149 0
SRP72-205 SRP72 O76094 Signal recognition particle subunit SRP72 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 58 0.0864381520119225 236 19 0.0283159463487332 1
SRPK1-204 SRPK1 Q96SB4 SRSF protein kinase 1 chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.0793893129770992 329 21 0.03206106870229 0
SRPX-201 SRPX P78539 Sushi repeat-containing protein SRPX chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.1163793103448275 60 9 0.0193965517241379 0
SSR1-201 SSR1 P43307 Translocon-associated protein subunit alpha chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.0594405594405594 115 5 0.0174825174825174 0
SSR2-201 SSR2 P43308 Translocon-associated protein subunit beta chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.0710382513661202 9 1 0.0054644808743169 0
SSR3-201 SSR3 Q9UNL2 Translocon-associated protein subunit gamma chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.1081081081081081 18 5 0.027027027027027 0
SSR4-203 SSR4 P51571 Translocon-associated protein subunit delta chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.0635838150289017 0 0 0.0 0
STARD4-201 STARD4 Q96DR4 StAR-related lipid transfer protein 4 chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 37 0.1804878048780487 0 0 0.0 0
STAU1-207 STAU1 O95793 Double-stranded RNA-binding protein Staufen homolog 1 chr20 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.0935875216637781 458 45 0.0779896013864818 0
STAU2-229 STAU2 Q9NUL3 Double-stranded RNA-binding protein Staufen homolog 2 chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.0947368421052631 486 45 0.0789473684210526 0
STBD1-201 STBD1 O95210 Starch-binding domain-containing protein 1 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.1089385474860335 230 27 0.0754189944134078 0
STC2-201 STC2 O76061 Stanniocalcin-2 chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 60 0.1986754966887417 112 28 0.0927152317880794 0
STEEP1-204 STEEP1 Q9H5V9 STING ER exit protein chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.1486486486486486 117 25 0.1126126126126126 0
STIM1-201 STIM1 Q13586 Stromal interaction molecule 1 chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 55 0.0802919708029197 386 35 0.0510948905109489 12
STIM2-204 STIM2 Q9P246 Stromal interaction molecule 2 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 57 0.0764075067024128 389 31 0.0415549597855227 0
STOM-201 STOM P27105 Stomatin chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.0625 44 2 0.0069444444444444 0
STS-206 STS P08842 Steryl-sulfatase chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 88 0.1522491349480969 48 6 0.0103806228373702 6
STT3B-201 STT3B Q8TCJ2 Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycosyltransferase subunit STT3B chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 48 0.0581113801452784 136 8 0.009685230024213 0
STUB1-201 STUB1 Q9UNE7 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase CHIP chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.0957095709570957 113 11 0.0363036303630363 11
STX18-201 STX18 Q9P2W9 Syntaxin-18 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.0686567164179104 176 12 0.035820895522388 0
STX8-201 STX8 Q9UNK0 Syntaxin-8 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.0677966101694915 99 5 0.0211864406779661 0
SULF1-202 SULF1 Q8IWU6 Extracellular sulfatase Sulf-1 chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 183 0.2101033295063145 269 61 0.0700344431687715 0
SULF2-213 SULF2 Q8IWU5 Extracellular sulfatase Sulf-2 chr20 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 126 0.1448275862068965 142 16 0.0183908045977011 0
SULT2B1-201 SULT2B1 O00204 Sulfotransferase 2B1 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.0821917808219178 100 8 0.021917808219178 0
SUMF1-201 SUMF1 Q8NBK3 Formylglycine-generating enzyme chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.0721925133689839 142 10 0.0267379679144385 15
SUMF2-208 SUMF2 Q8NBJ7 Inactive C-alpha-formylglycine-generating enzyme 2 chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.0764119601328903 105 8 0.0265780730897009 0
SURF4-202 SURF4 O15260 Surfeit locus protein 4 chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.0817843866171003 0 0 0.0 0
SV2A-202 SV2A Q7L0J3 Synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2A chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 95 0.1280323450134771 152 24 0.0323450134770889 0
SYNCRIP-202 SYNCRIP O60506 Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein Q chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.0545746388443017 285 7 0.0112359550561797 0
SYVN1-203 SYVN1 Q86TM6 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase synoviolin chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.0405186385737439 284 0 0.0 0
TAB1-201 TAB1 Q15750 TGF-beta-activated kinase 1 and MAP3K7-binding protein 1 chr22 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 62 0.123015873015873 233 23 0.0456349206349206 0
TAB3-201 TAB3 Q8N5C8 TGF-beta-activated kinase 1 and MAP3K7-binding protein 3 chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 100 0.1404494382022472 654 88 0.1235955056179775 0
TAFA1-201 TAFA1 Q7Z5A9 Chemokine-like protein TAFA-1 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 37 0.2781954887218045 6 0 0.0 0
TAP1-201 TAP1 Q03518 Antigen peptide transporter 1 chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.0695187165775401 42 2 0.0026737967914438 0
TAP2-201 TAP2 Q03519 Antigen peptide transporter 2 chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.0597667638483965 20 0 0.0 0
TAPBP-234 TAPBP O15533 Tapasin chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.0982142857142857 168 18 0.0401785714285714 0
TAPBPL-201 TAPBPL Q9BX59 Tapasin-related protein chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.0769230769230769 67 7 0.0149572649572649 0
TAS2R16-201 TAS2R16 Q9NYV7 Taste receptor type 2 member 16 chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 65 0.2233676975945017 0 0 0.0 0
TBC1D20-201 TBC1D20 Q96BZ9 TBC1 domain family member 20 chr20 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.0744416873449131 101 9 0.0223325062034739 0
TBL2-201 TBL2 Q9Y4P3 Transducin beta-like protein 2 chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.0961968680089485 115 5 0.0111856823266219 0
TBXAS1-207 TBXAS1 P24557 Thromboxane-A synthase chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 92 0.1726078799249531 45 5 0.0093808630393996 4
TCL1A-201 TCL1A P56279 T-cell leukemia/lymphoma protein 1A chr14 GO:0005783 Census Yes 28 0.2456140350877192 5 1 0.0087719298245614 0
TECR-201 TECR Q9NZ01 Very-long-chain enoyl-CoA reductase chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.1071428571428571 0 0 0.0 1
TECRL-201 TECRL Q5HYJ1 Trans-2,3-enoyl-CoA reductase-like chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 125 0.3443526170798898 6 4 0.0110192837465564 0
TENM1-201 TENM1 Q9UKZ4 Teneurin-1 chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 544 0.1996330275229357 484 127 0.0466055045871559 0
TENM2-203 TENM2 Q9NT68 Teneurin-2 chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 385 0.138788752703677 524 63 0.0227108868060562 0
TEX2-208 TEX2 Q8IWB9 Testis-expressed protein 2 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 99 0.0878438331854481 637 55 0.0488021295474711 0
TEX264-201 TEX264 Q9Y6I9 Testis-expressed protein 264 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.0894568690095846 107 11 0.0351437699680511 0
TFPI-201 TFPI P10646 Tissue factor pathway inhibitor chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.1151315789473684 28 2 0.006578947368421 0
TGM2-201 TGM2 P21980 Protein-glutamine gamma-glutamyltransferase 2 chr20 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 82 0.1193595342066957 108 19 0.0276564774381368 0
THBS1-201 THBS1 P07996 Thrombospondin-1 chr15 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 153 0.1307692307692307 321 50 0.0427350427350427 0
THBS4-201 THBS4 P35443 Thrombospondin-4 chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 99 0.1030176899063475 282 33 0.0343392299687825 0
THY1-201 THY1 P04216 Thy-1 membrane glycoprotein chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.1428571428571428 5 0 0.0 0
TICAM2-201 TICAM2 Q86XR7 TIR domain-containing adapter molecule 2 chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.0808510638297872 90 6 0.025531914893617 0
TLCD3A-202 TLCD3A Q8TBR7 TLC domain-containing protein 3A chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.0505836575875486 0 0 0.0 0
TLCD3B-202 TLCD3B Q71RH2 Ceramide synthase chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.1204379562043795 6 2 0.0072992700729927 0
TLCD4-201 TLCD4 Q96MV1 TLC domain-containing protein 4 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.0798479087452471 0 0 0.0 0
TLR7-201 TLR7 Q9NYK1 Toll-like receptor 7 chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 129 0.1229742612011439 14 1 0.0009532888465204 4
TLR9-201 TLR9 Q9NR96 Toll-like receptor 9 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 107 0.1036821705426356 35 3 0.002906976744186 0
TM7SF2-201 TM7SF2 O76062 Delta(14)-sterol reductase TM7SF2 chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.1028708133971291 15 1 0.0023923444976076 0
TMBIM1-201 TMBIM1 Q969X1 Protein lifeguard 3 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.0739549839228295 85 6 0.0192926045016077 0
TMBIM6-201 TMBIM6 P55061 Bax inhibitor 1 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.050632911392405 3 0 0.0 0
TMC6-217 TMC6 Q7Z403 Transmembrane channel-like protein 6 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 60 0.0745341614906832 129 5 0.0062111801242236 0
TMC8-201 TMC8 Q8IU68 Transmembrane channel-like protein 8 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 46 0.0633608815426997 108 9 0.012396694214876 0
TMCC2-203 TMCC2 O75069 Transmembrane and coiled-coil domains protein 2 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 73 0.1029619181946403 538 63 0.0888575458392101 0
TMCC3-201 TMCC3 Q9ULS5 Transmembrane and coiled-coil domain protein 3 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 67 0.140461215932914 255 42 0.0880503144654088 0
TMCO1-207 TMCO1 Q9UM00 Calcium load-activated calcium channel chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.0920502092050209 49 2 0.00836820083682 0
TMED1-201 TMED1 Q13445 Transmembrane emp24 domain-containing protein 1 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.066079295154185 26 2 0.0088105726872246 0
TMED10-201 TMED10 P49755 Transmembrane emp24 domain-containing protein 10 chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.0867579908675799 15 2 0.0091324200913242 0
TMED2-201 TMED2 Q15363 Transmembrane emp24 domain-containing protein 2 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.0796019900497512 25 2 0.0099502487562189 0
TMED3-201 TMED3 Q9Y3Q3 Transmembrane emp24 domain-containing protein 3 chr15 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.0691244239631336 12 1 0.0046082949308755 0
TMED4-203 TMED4 Q7Z7H5 Transmembrane emp24 domain-containing protein 4 chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.0616740088105726 34 1 0.0044052863436123 0
TMED5-202 TMED5 Q9Y3A6 Transmembrane emp24 domain-containing protein 5 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.0611353711790393 1 0 0.0 0
TMED6-201 TMED6 Q8WW62 Transmembrane emp24 domain-containing protein 6 chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.0833333333333333 43 2 0.0083333333333333 0
TMED7-201 TMED7 Q9Y3B3 Transmembrane emp24 domain-containing protein 7 chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.0714285714285714 10 2 0.0089285714285714 0
TMED9-201 TMED9 Q9BVK6 Transmembrane emp24 domain-containing protein 9 chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.051063829787234 22 2 0.0085106382978723 0
TMEM100-201 TMEM100 Q9NV29 Transmembrane protein 100 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.1641791044776119 0 0 0.0 0
TMEM117-201 TMEM117 Q9H0C3 Transmembrane protein 117 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 66 0.1284046692607003 70 9 0.0175097276264591 0
TMEM129-202 TMEM129 A0AVI4 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TM129 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.0331491712707182 8 1 0.0027624309392265 0
TMEM131L-202 TMEM131L A2VDJ0 Transmembrane protein 131-like chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 128 0.079552517091361 452 39 0.024238657551274 0
TMEM132A-202 TMEM132A Q24JP5 Transmembrane protein 132A chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 108 0.1055718475073313 533 60 0.0586510263929618 0
TMEM151A-201 TMEM151A Q8N4L1 Transmembrane protein 151A chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.0747863247863247 127 7 0.0149572649572649 0
TMEM192-201 TMEM192 Q8IY95 Transmembrane protein 192 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.084870848708487 5 1 0.003690036900369 0
TMEM199-201 TMEM199 Q8N511 Transmembrane protein 199 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.0961538461538461 55 9 0.0432692307692307 3
TMEM203-201 TMEM203 Q969S6 Transmembrane protein 203 chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.1029411764705882 0 0 0.0 0
TMEM214-201 TMEM214 Q6NUQ4 Transmembrane protein 214 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 51 0.0740203193033381 123 6 0.0087082728592162 0
TMEM230-201 TMEM230 Q96A57 Transmembrane protein 230 chr20 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.125 0 0 0.0 0
TMEM235-201 TMEM235 A6NFC5 Transmembrane protein 235 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 5 0.0224215246636771 3 0 0.0 0
TMEM247-201 TMEM247 A6NEH6 Transmembrane protein 247 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 8 0.0365296803652968 125 6 0.0273972602739726 0
TMEM258-204 TMEM258 P61165 Transmembrane protein 258 chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 9 0.1139240506329113 0 0 0.0 0
TMEM259-202 TMEM259 Q4ZIN3 Membralin chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.0483870967741935 193 5 0.0080645161290322 0
TMEM30A-201 TMEM30A Q9NV96 Cell cycle control protein 50A chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.0969529085872576 76 6 0.0166204986149584 0
TMEM30B-202 TMEM30B Q3MIR4 Cell cycle control protein 50B chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.037037037037037 17 0 0.0 0
TMEM33-202 TMEM33 P57088 Transmembrane protein 33 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.0566801619433198 7 0 0.0 0
TMEM35A-201 TMEM35A Q53FP2 Novel acetylcholine receptor chaperone chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.1317365269461078 23 6 0.0359281437125748 0
TMEM50A-201 TMEM50A O95807 Transmembrane protein 50A chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.0891719745222929 0 0 0.0 0
TMEM50B-210 TMEM50B P56557 Transmembrane protein 50B chr21 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 10 0.0632911392405063 0 0 0.0 0
TMEM64-203 TMEM64 Q6YI46 Transmembrane protein 64 chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.05 33 0 0.0 0
TMEM8B-201 TMEM8B A6NDV4 Transmembrane protein 8B chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.086864406779661 40 1 0.0021186440677966 0
TMEM97-201 TMEM97 Q5BJF2 Sigma intracellular receptor 2 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.0795454545454545 0 0 0.0 0
TMEM98-206 TMEM98 Q9Y2Y6 Transmembrane protein 98 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.1283185840707964 28 2 0.0088495575221238 2
TMF1-201 TMF1 P82094 TATA element modulatory factor chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 76 0.0695333943275388 950 70 0.0640439158279963 0
TMPRSS3-203 TMPRSS3 P57727 Transmembrane protease serine 3 chr21 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 51 0.1123348017621145 8 1 0.0022026431718061 8
TMTC1-203 TMTC1 Q8IUR5 Protein O-mannosyl-transferase TMTC1 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 130 0.1473922902494331 96 14 0.0158730158730158 0
TMTC2-201 TMTC2 Q8N394 Protein O-mannosyl-transferase TMTC2 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 113 0.1351674641148325 35 6 0.0071770334928229 0
TMTC3-201 TMTC3 Q6ZXV5 Protein O-mannosyl-transferase TMTC3 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 90 0.0984682713347921 82 4 0.0043763676148796 2
TMTC4-203 TMTC4 Q5T4D3 Protein O-mannosyl-transferase TMTC4 chr13 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 83 0.1120107962213225 0 0 0.0 0
TMX3-201 TMX3 Q96JJ7 Protein disulfide-isomerase TMX3 chr18 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 45 0.0991189427312775 49 8 0.0176211453744493 0
TMX4-201 TMX4 Q9H1E5 Thioredoxin-related transmembrane protein 4 chr20 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.1232091690544412 147 21 0.0601719197707736 0
TOR1A-201 TOR1A O14656 Torsin-1A chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.0783132530120482 0 0 0.0 3
TOR1AIP2-206 TOR1AIP2 Q8NFQ8 Torsin-1A-interacting protein 2 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 48 0.102127659574468 251 23 0.0489361702127659 0
TOR1B-201 TOR1B O14657 Torsin-1B chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.0773809523809523 0 0 0.0 0
TOR3A-203 TOR3A Q9H497 Torsin-3A chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.0957178841309823 16 0 0.0 0
TP53-201 TP53 P04637 Cellular tumor antigen p53 chr17 GO:0005783 Census, Compendium Yes 2742 6.977099236641221 282 1364 3.470737913486005 60
TPBG-201 TPBG Q13641 Trophoblast glycoprotein chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.0928571428571428 13 1 0.0023809523809523 0
TPD52-202 TPD52 P55327 Tumor protein D52 chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.0803571428571428 176 14 0.0625 0
TPST2-201 TPST2 O60704 Protein-tyrosine sulfotransferase 2 chr22 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.1007957559681697 48 5 0.013262599469496 0
TRAM1-201 TRAM1 Q15629 Translocating chain-associated membrane protein 1 chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.106951871657754 40 3 0.0080213903743315 0
TRAPPC1-201 TRAPPC1 Q9Y5R8 Trafficking protein particle complex subunit 1 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 8 0.0551724137931034 0 0 0.0 0
TRAPPC2-203 TRAPPC2 P0DI81 Trafficking protein particle complex subunit 2 chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 5 0.0357142857142857 0 0 0.0 4
TRAPPC2B-201 TRAPPC2 P0DI81 Trafficking protein particle complex subunit 2 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.0785714285714285 0 0 0.0 4
TRAPPC2L-201 TRAPPC2L Q9UL33 Trafficking protein particle complex subunit 2-like protein chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.0928571428571428 0 0 0.0 1
TRAPPC3-204 TRAPPC3 O43617 Trafficking protein particle complex subunit 3 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.0666666666666666 14 0 0.0 0
TRAPPC3L-202 TRAPPC3L Q5T215 Trafficking protein particle complex subunit 3-like protein chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 4 0.0220994475138121 10 0 0.0 0
TRAPPC4-214 TRAPPC4 Q9Y296 Trafficking protein particle complex subunit 4 chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.0684931506849315 4 0 0.0 0
TRAPPC5-204 TRAPPC5 Q8IUR0 Trafficking protein particle complex subunit 5 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.0904255319148936 0 0 0.0 0
TRAPPC6A-202 TRAPPC6A O75865 Trafficking protein particle complex subunit 6A chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.1132075471698113 15 3 0.0188679245283018 0
TRAPPC6B-201 TRAPPC6B Q86SZ2 Trafficking protein particle complex subunit 6B chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 7 0.0443037974683544 0 0 0.0 0
TRAPPC9-201 TRAPPC9 Q96Q05 Trafficking protein particle complex subunit 9 chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 136 0.1184668989547038 133 20 0.0174216027874564 0
TRDN-201 TRDN Q13061 Triadin chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 59 0.0809327846364883 646 55 0.0754458161865569 1
TRIM59-201 TRIM59 Q8IWR1 Tripartite motif-containing protein 59 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.0794044665012407 33 4 0.009925558312655 0
TRPM4-201 TRPM4 Q8TD43 Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 4 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 124 0.1021416803953871 149 17 0.0140032948929159 12
TRPV4-201 TRPV4 Q9HBA0 Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 4 chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 109 0.1251435132032147 232 30 0.0344431687715269 38
TSN-201 TSN Q15631 Translin chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.0921052631578947 0 0 0.0 0
TSPO-202 TSPO P30536 Translocator protein chr22 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 3 0.0177514792899408 1 0 0.0 0
TSPO2-202 TSPO2 Q5TGU0 Translocator protein 2 chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.1 7 3 0.0176470588235294 0
TUNAR-202 TUNAR A0A1B0GTB2 Protein TUNAR chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 18 0 0.0 0
TXNDC12-201 TXNDC12 O95881 Thioredoxin domain-containing protein 12 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.0755813953488372 44 3 0.0174418604651162 0
TXNDC5-201 TXNDC5 Q8NBS9 Thioredoxin domain-containing protein 5 chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.074074074074074 104 7 0.0162037037037037 0
TXNRD3-204 TXNRD3 Q86VQ6 Thioredoxin reductase 3 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 1 0.0015552099533437 66 0 0.0 0
UBA52-202 UBA52 P62987 Ubiquitin-ribosomal protein eL40 fusion protein chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.1328125 45 8 0.0625 0
UBAC2-203 UBAC2 Q8NBM4 Ubiquitin-associated domain-containing protein 2 chr13 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.0784883720930232 57 9 0.0261627906976744 0
UBE2G2-202 UBE2G2 P60604 Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 G2 chr21 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.109090909090909 22 4 0.0242424242424242 0
UBE2J2-202 UBE2J2 Q8N2K1 Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 J2 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.1235521235521235 51 5 0.0193050193050193 0
UBIAD1-202 UBIAD1 Q9Y5Z9 UbiA prenyltransferase domain-containing protein 1 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.1035502958579881 18 1 0.0029585798816568 16
UBQLN1-202 UBQLN1 Q9UMX0 Ubiquilin-1 chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.0679117147707979 545 38 0.064516129032258 0
UBXN1-202 UBXN1 Q04323 UBX domain-containing protein 1 chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.101010101010101 271 29 0.0976430976430976 0
UBXN10-201 UBXN10 Q96LJ8 UBX domain-containing protein 10 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.1392857142857143 254 35 0.125 0
UBXN2A-201 UBXN2A P68543 UBX domain-containing protein 2A chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.0965250965250965 58 7 0.027027027027027 0
UBXN2B-201 UBXN2B Q14CS0 UBX domain-containing protein 2B chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.1027190332326284 163 14 0.0422960725075528 0
UBXN4-201 UBXN4 Q92575 UBX domain-containing protein 4 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 53 0.1043307086614173 303 32 0.0629921259842519 0
UBXN8-201 UBXN8 O00124 UBX domain-containing protein 8 chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 118 0 0.0 0
UFL1-201 UFL1 O94874 E3 UFM1-protein ligase 1 chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 77 0.096977329974811 141 19 0.0239294710327455 0
UFM1-201 UFM1 P61960 Ubiquitin-fold modifier 1 chr13 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 7 0.0823529411764705 0 0 0.0 1
UFSP2-201 UFSP2 Q9NUQ7 Ufm1-specific protease 2 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.0660980810234541 22 1 0.0021321961620469 4
UGGT1-201 UGGT1 Q9NYU2 UDP-glucose:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase 1 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 113 0.072668810289389 162 14 0.0090032154340836 0
UGGT2-203 UGGT2 Q9NYU1 UDP-glucose:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase 2 chr13 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 136 0.0897097625329815 65 5 0.0032981530343007 0
UGT1A1-201 UGT1A1 P22309 UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.0712945590994371 11 0 0.0 53
UGT1A10-201 UGT1A10 Q9HAW8 UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A10 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 92 0.1735849056603773 11 0 0.0 0
UGT1A3-201 UGT1A3 P35503 UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A3 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 80 0.149812734082397 11 0 0.0 0
UGT1A4-201 UGT1A4 P22310 UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A4 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 86 0.1610486891385767 11 0 0.0 0
UGT1A5-201 UGT1A5 P35504 UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A5 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 78 0.146067415730337 11 0 0.0 0
UGT1A6-201 UGT1A6 P19224 UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-6 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 77 0.1447368421052631 11 0 0.0 0
UGT1A7-201 UGT1A7 Q9HAW7 UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A7 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 79 0.1490566037735849 11 0 0.0 0
UGT1A8-201 UGT1A8 Q9HAW9 UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A8 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 76 0.1433962264150943 11 0 0.0 0
UGT1A9-201 UGT1A9 O60656 UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A9 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 83 0.1566037735849056 11 0 0.0 0
UGT2B28-201 UGT2B28 Q9BY64 UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B28 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 118 0.2230623818525519 5 1 0.0018903591682419 0
UGT8-201 UGT8 Q16880 2-hydroxyacylsphingosine 1-beta-galactosyltransferase chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 68 0.1256931608133087 18 1 0.0018484288354898 0
ULBP1-201 ULBP1 Q9BZM6 UL16-binding protein 1 chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.1065573770491803 25 4 0.0163934426229508 0
ULBP2-201 ULBP2 Q9BZM5 UL16-binding protein 2 chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.0772357723577235 26 3 0.0121951219512195 0
UMOD-202 UMOD P07911 Uromodulin chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 102 0.159375 12 0 0.0 33
UNC93B1-201 UNC93B1 Q9H1C4 Protein unc-93 homolog B1 chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.0703517587939698 127 3 0.0050251256281407 0
UPK1A-201 UPK1A O00322 Uroplakin-1a chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.0813953488372093 0 0 0.0 0
USE1-201 USE1 Q9NZ43 Vesicle transport protein USE1 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.1042471042471042 102 19 0.0733590733590733 0
USO1-204 USO1 O60763 General vesicular transport factor p115 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 51 0.053014553014553 370 19 0.0197505197505197 0
USP17L1-201 USP17L1 Q7RTZ2 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 17-like protein 1 chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 192 0 0.0 0
USP17L10-201 USP17L10 C9JJH3 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 17-like protein 10 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 200 0 0.0 0
USP17L11-201 USP17L11 C9JVI0 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 17-like protein 11 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 200 0 0.0 0
USP17L12-201 USP17L12 C9JPN9 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 17-like protein 12 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 202 0 0.0 0
USP17L13-201 USP17L13 C9JLJ4 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 17-like protein 13 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 197 0 0.0 0
USP17L15-201 USP17L15 C9J2P7 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 17-like protein 15 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 213 0 0.0 0
USP17L17-201 USP17L17 D6RBQ6 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 17-like protein 17 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 199 0 0.0 0
USP17L18-201 USP17L18 D6R9N7 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 17-like protein 18 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 200 0 0.0 0
USP17L19-201 USP17L19 D6RCP7 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 17-like protein 19 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 202 0 0.0 0
USP17L20-201 USP17L20 D6RJB6 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 17-like protein 20 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 200 0 0.0 0
USP17L21-201 USP17L21 D6R901 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 17-like protein 21 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 201 0 0.0 0
USP17L22-201 USP17L22 D6RA61 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 17-like protein 22 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 200 0 0.0 0
USP17L23-201 USP17L23 D6RBM5 Putative ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 17-like protein 23 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 51 0 0.0 0
USP17L24-201 USP17L30 Q0WX57 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 17-like protein 24 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 199 0 0.0 0
USP17L25-201 USP17L30 Q0WX57 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 17-like protein 24 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 199 0 0.0 0
USP17L26-201 USP17L30 Q0WX57 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 17-like protein 24 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 199 0 0.0 0
USP17L27-201 USP17L30 Q0WX57 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 17-like protein 24 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 199 0 0.0 0
USP17L28-201 USP17L30 Q0WX57 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 17-like protein 24 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 199 0 0.0 0
USP17L29-201 USP17L30 Q0WX57 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 17-like protein 24 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 199 0 0.0 0
USP17L3-201 USP17L3 A6NCW0 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 17-like protein 3 chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 199 0 0.0 0
USP17L30-201 USP17L30 Q0WX57 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 17-like protein 24 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 199 0 0.0 0
USP17L4-201 USP17L4 A6NCW7 Inactive ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 17-like protein 4 chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 196 0 0.0 0
USP17L5-201 USP17L5 A8MUK1 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 17-like protein 5 chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 202 0 0.0 0
USP17L7-201 USP17L7 P0C7H9 Inactive ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 17-like protein 7 chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 178 0 0.0 0
USP17L8-201 USP17L8 P0C7I0 Inactive ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 17-like protein 8 chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 202 0 0.0 0
USP20-203 USP20 Q9Y2K6 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 20 chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 87 0.0951859956236323 296 30 0.0328227571115973 0
USP25-201 USP25 Q9UHP3 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 25 chr21 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 89 0.0843601895734597 356 39 0.0369668246445497 0
UTP15-201 UTP15 Q8TED0 U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 15 homolog chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.0521235521235521 40 3 0.0057915057915057 0
UVRAG-201 UVRAG Q9P2Y5 UV radiation resistance-associated gene protein chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 58 0.0829756795422031 243 21 0.0300429184549356 0
VAC14-201 VAC14 Q08AM6 Protein VAC14 homolog chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 76 0.0971867007672634 117 17 0.0217391304347826 3
VAPA-202 VAPA Q9P0L0 Vesicle-associated membrane protein-associated protein A chr18 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.0803212851405622 184 11 0.0441767068273092 0
VAPB-204 VAPB O95292 Vesicle-associated membrane protein-associated protein B/C chr20 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 10 0.0411522633744856 138 7 0.0288065843621399 3
VASH1-201 VASH1 Q7L8A9 Tubulinyl-Tyr carboxypeptidase 1 chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.0904109589041095 215 14 0.0383561643835616 0
VCAM1-201 VCAM1 P19320 Vascular cell adhesion protein 1 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 152 0.2056833558863328 110 21 0.0284167794316644 0
VCP-201 VCP P55072 Transitional endoplasmic reticulum ATPase chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 74 0.0918114143920595 186 14 0.0173697270471464 12
VEGFA-226 VEGFA P15692 Vascular endothelial growth factor A, long form chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.060759493670886 215 9 0.0227848101265822 0
VHL-201 VHL P40337 von Hippel-Lindau disease tumor suppressor chr3 GO:0005783 Census, Compendium Yes 85 0.3990610328638497 117 15 0.0704225352112676 84
VKORC1-205 VKORC1 Q9BQB6 Vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.0674846625766871 3 0 0.0 15
VKORC1L1-201 VKORC1L1 Q8N0U8 Vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1-like protein 1 chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.0909090909090909 0 0 0.0 0
VMP1-201 VMP1 Q96GC9 Vacuole membrane protein 1 chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.0960591133004926 68 7 0.0172413793103448 0
VPREB1-202 VPREB1 P12018 Immunoglobulin iota chain chr22 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.193103448275862 71 14 0.096551724137931 0
VPREB3-201 VPREB3 Q9UKI3 Pre-B lymphocyte protein 3 chr22 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.0975609756097561 7 0 0.0 0
VRK2-201 VRK2 Q86Y07 Serine/threonine-protein kinase VRK2 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.0866141732283464 126 9 0.0177165354330708 0
VTN-201 VTN P04004 Vitronectin chr17 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.1087866108786611 168 20 0.0418410041841004 0
VWF-201 VWF P04275 von Willebrand factor chr12 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 350 0.1244223249200142 93 12 0.0042659082829719 40
WASHC5-201 WASHC5 Q12768 WASH complex subunit 5 chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 123 0.1061259706643658 23 6 0.0051768766177739 6
WDFY4-201 WDFY4 Q6ZS81 WD repeat- and FYVE domain-containing protein 4 chr10 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 146 0.0458542713567839 483 26 0.0081658291457286 0
WFS1-201 WFS1 O76024 Wolframin chr4 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 78 0.0876404494382022 205 11 0.0123595505617977 40
WLS-201 WLS Q5T9L3 Protein wntless homolog chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.0794824399260628 14 1 0.0018484288354898 4
XBP1-201 XBP1 P17861 X-box-binding protein 1 chr22 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.0421455938697318 171 6 0.0229885057471264 0
YBX1-201 YBX1 P67809 Y-box-binding protein 1 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.095679012345679 312 31 0.095679012345679 0
YIF1B-203 YIF1B Q5BJH7 Protein YIF1B chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.0955414012738853 62 2 0.0063694267515923 1
YIPF4-201 YIPF4 Q9BSR8 Protein YIPF4 chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.0696721311475409 22 0 0.0 0
YIPF5-201 YIPF5 Q969M3 Protein YIPF5 chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.0661478599221789 57 3 0.0116731517509727 1
YIPF6-204 YIPF6 Q96EC8 Protein YIPF6 chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.1059322033898305 20 3 0.0127118644067796 0
YKT6-201 YKT6 O15498 Synaptobrevin homolog YKT6 chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.0555555555555555 21 1 0.005050505050505 0
YTHDC2-201 YTHDC2 Q9H6S0 3'-5' RNA helicase YTHDC2 chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 103 0.072027972027972 442 34 0.0237762237762237 0
ZDHHC1-201 ZDHHC1 Q8WTX9 Palmitoyltransferase ZDHHC1 chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.068041237113402 167 8 0.0164948453608247 0
ZDHHC11-201 ZDHHC11 Q9H8X9 Palmitoyltransferase ZDHHC11 chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.0970873786407767 76 15 0.0364077669902912 0
ZDHHC11B-201 ZDHHC11B P0C7U3 Probable palmitoyltransferase ZDHHC11B chr5 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 58 0 0.0 0
ZDHHC12-201 ZDHHC12 Q96GR4 Palmitoyltransferase ZDHHC12 chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.0561797752808988 13 1 0.0037453183520599 0
ZDHHC13-202 ZDHHC13 Q8IUH4 Palmitoyltransferase ZDHHC13 chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.0610932475884244 27 1 0.0016077170418006 0
ZDHHC14-203 ZDHHC14 Q8IZN3 Palmitoyltransferase ZDHHC14 chr6 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 45 0.0922131147540983 201 15 0.0307377049180327 0
ZDHHC15-201 ZDHHC15 Q96MV8 Palmitoyltransferase ZDHHC15 chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 53 0.1572700296735905 45 4 0.0118694362017804 0
ZDHHC18-202 ZDHHC18 Q9NUE0 Palmitoyltransferase ZDHHC18 chr1 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.0592783505154639 105 5 0.0128865979381443 0
ZDHHC19-201 ZDHHC19 Q8WVZ1 Palmitoyltransferase ZDHHC19 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.1294498381877022 35 9 0.029126213592233 0
ZDHHC2-201 ZDHHC2 Q9UIJ5 Palmitoyltransferase ZDHHC2 chr8 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.0790190735694822 73 3 0.0081743869209809 0
ZDHHC20-203 ZDHHC20 Q5W0Z9 Palmitoyltransferase ZDHHC20 chr13 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.0657534246575342 66 5 0.0136986301369863 0
ZDHHC21-201 ZDHHC21 Q8IVQ6 Palmitoyltransferase ZDHHC21 chr9 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.0792452830188679 0 0 0.0 0
ZDHHC22-201 ZDHHC22 Q8N966 Palmitoyltransferase ZDHHC22 chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.0722433460076045 4 3 0.0114068441064638 0
ZDHHC23-201 ZDHHC23 Q8IYP9 Palmitoyltransferase ZDHHC23 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.0880195599022004 49 8 0.0195599022004889 0
ZDHHC24-201 ZDHHC24 Q6UX98 Probable palmitoyltransferase ZDHHC24 chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.0598591549295774 8 0 0.0 0
ZDHHC3-205 ZDHHC3 Q9NYG2 Palmitoyltransferase ZDHHC3 chr3 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.0836120401337792 0 0 0.0 0
ZDHHC4-201 ZDHHC4 Q9NPG8 Palmitoyltransferase ZDHHC4 chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 37 0.1075581395348837 0 0 0.0 0
ZDHHC6-202 ZDHHC6 Q9H6R6 Palmitoyltransferase ZDHHC6 chr10 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.0920096852300242 11 3 0.0072639225181598 0
ZDHHC7-201 ZDHHC7 Q9NXF8 Palmitoyltransferase ZDHHC7 chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.0714285714285714 18 0 0.0 0
ZDHHC9-201 ZDHHC9 Q9Y397 Palmitoyltransferase ZDHHC9 chrX GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.0934065934065934 84 4 0.0109890109890109 2
ZFAND2A-201 ZFAND2A Q8N6M9 AN1-type zinc finger protein 2A chr7 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.1034482758620689 9 0 0.0 0
ZFAND2B-201 ZFAND2B Q8WV99 AN1-type zinc finger protein 2B chr2 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.0817120622568093 148 12 0.046692607003891 0
ZFYVE1-208 ZFYVE1 Q9HBF4 Zinc finger FYVE domain-containing protein 1 chr14 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 67 0.0862290862290862 122 10 0.0128700128700128 0
ZFYVE27-212 ZFYVE27 Q5T4F4 Protrudin chr10 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.0681265206812652 141 13 0.0316301703163017 1
ZNRF4-201 ZNRF4 Q8WWF5 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase ZNRF4 chr19 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 85 0.1981351981351981 100 19 0.0442890442890442 0
ZP2-204 ZP2 Q05996 Zona pellucida sperm-binding protein 2 chr16 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 84 0.1127516778523489 65 11 0.0147651006711409 0
ZW10-201 ZW10 O43264 Centromere/kinetochore protein zw10 homolog chr11 GO:0005783 Not Cancer Driver No 69 0.0885750962772785 63 6 0.0077021822849807 0