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Total number of protein in "GO:0006919" GO term:  65

Identifier UniProt Gene UniProt Accession UniProt Name Chromosome GO term Database Cancer Driver Number of missense mutations Missense mutation per residues Number of disordered residues Number of mutations in disordered regions Disordered missense mutations per residues Number of OMIM mutation
ACER2-201 ACER2 Q5QJU3 Alkaline ceramidase 2 chr9 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.0872727272727272 0 0 0.0 0
AIFM1-201 AIFM1 O95831 Apoptosis-inducing factor 1, mitochondrial chrX GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 61 0.099510603588907 166 20 0.032626427406199 10
ANP32B-201 ANP32B Q92688 Acidic leucine-rich nuclear phosphoprotein 32 family member B chr9 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 8 0.0318725099601593 117 1 0.0039840637450199 0
APAF1-210 APAF1 O14727 Apoptotic protease-activating factor 1 chr12 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 91 0.0729166666666666 17 1 0.000801282051282 0
ATP2A3-205 ATP2A3 Q93084 Sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase 3 chr17 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 92 0.0920920920920921 147 13 0.013013013013013 0
BAD-201 BAD Q92934 Bcl2-associated agonist of cell death chr11 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 10 0.0595238095238095 165 10 0.0595238095238095 0
BAX-202 BAX Q07812 Apoptosis regulator BAX chr19 GO:0006919 Census Yes 24 0.125 39 2 0.0104166666666666 0
BBC3-204 BBC3 Q96PG8 Bcl-2-binding component 3, isoforms 3/4 chr19 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.0613026819923371 253 16 0.0613026819923371 0
BCL2L10-201 BCL2L10 Q9HD36 Bcl-2-like protein 10 chr15 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 6 0.0294117647058823 35 0 0.0 0
BCL2L13-201 BCL2L13 Q9BXK5 Bcl-2-like protein 13 chr22 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.0659793814432989 291 18 0.0371134020618556 0
BID-211 BID P55957 BH3-interacting domain death agonist chr22 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.0871794871794871 75 5 0.0256410256410256 0
BOK-201 BOK Q9UMX3 Bcl-2-related ovarian killer protein chr2 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 5 0.0235849056603773 0 0 0.0 0
CARD8-231 CARD8 Q9Y2G2 Caspase recruitment domain-containing protein 8 chr19 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.0763500931098696 130 5 0.0093109869646182 1
CASP10-201 CASP10 Q92851 Caspase-10 chr2 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 37 0.0710172744721689 126 9 0.0172744721689059 3
CASP2-201 CASP2 P42575 Caspase-2 chr7 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 49 0.1084070796460177 42 11 0.0243362831858407 0
CASP8-218 CASP8 Q14790 Caspase-8 chr2 GO:0006919 Census, Compendium Yes 116 0.2421711899791231 106 11 0.022964509394572 1
CASP8AP2-205 CASP8AP2 Q9UKL3 CASP8-associated protein 2 chr6 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 1508 0 0.0 0
CASP9-201 CASP9 P55211 Caspase-9 chr1 GO:0006919 Census Yes 26 0.0625 71 7 0.016826923076923 0
COL4A3-202 COL4A3 Q01955 Collagen alpha-3(IV) chain chr2 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 58 0.0347305389221556 1435 36 0.0215568862275449 13
CRADD-201 CRADD P78560 Death domain-containing protein CRADD chr12 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.1507537688442211 45 4 0.0201005025125628 1
DAP-201 DAP P51397 Death-associated protein 1 chr5 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 8 0.0784313725490196 102 8 0.0784313725490196 0
DIABLO-207 DIABLO Q9NR28 Diablo IAP-binding mitochondrial protein chr12 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.0836820083682008 54 2 0.00836820083682 1
DLC1-201 DLC1 Q96QB1 Rho GTPase-activating protein 7 chr8 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 237 0.1551047120418848 928 169 0.1106020942408377 0
EGLN3-201 EGLN3 Q9H6Z9 Prolyl hydroxylase EGLN3 chr14 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.0878661087866108 13 0 0.0 0
EIF2AK3-201 EIF2AK3 Q9NZJ5 Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2-alpha kinase 3 chr2 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 102 0.0913978494623656 411 37 0.0331541218637992 1
F2R-201 F2R P25116 Proteinase-activated receptor 1 chr5 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 55 0.1294117647058823 19 2 0.0047058823529411 0
F3-201 F3 P13726 Tissue factor chr1 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.0610169491525423 61 4 0.0135593220338983 0
FAM162A-203 FAM162A Q96A26 Protein FAM162A chr3 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 10 0.0649350649350649 53 4 0.0259740259740259 0
FASLG-202 FASLG P48023 Tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 6 chr1 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 51 0.1814946619217081 94 15 0.0533807829181494 1
HIP1-201 HIP1 O00291 Huntingtin-interacting protein 1 chr7 GO:0006919 Census, Compendium Yes 118 0.1137897782063645 514 60 0.0578592092574734 0
HIP1R-201 HIP1R O75146 Huntingtin-interacting protein 1-related protein chr12 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 73 0.0683520599250936 527 30 0.0280898876404494 0
HSPD1-202 HSPD1 P10809 60 kDa heat shock protein, mitochondrial chr2 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 45 0.0785340314136125 83 1 0.0017452006980802 2
HSPE1-201 HSPE1 P61604 10 kDa heat shock protein, mitochondrial chr2 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 6 0.0588235294117647 3 0 0.0 0
IFT57-201 IFT57 Q9NWB7 Intraflagellar transport protein 57 homolog chr3 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.0839160839160839 219 18 0.0419580419580419 0
JAK2-201 JAK2 O60674 Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 chr9 GO:0006919 Census, Compendium Yes 81 0.0715547703180212 59 4 0.0035335689045936 4
KHDC1-202 KHDC1 Q4VXA5 KH homology domain-containing protein 1 chr6 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.1392405063291139 23 2 0.0084388185654008 0
KHDC1L-201 KHDC1L Q5JSQ8 Putative KHDC1-like protein chr6 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.1171875 9 1 0.0078125 0
LAPTM5-201 LAPTM5 Q13571 Lysosomal-associated transmembrane protein 5 chr1 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.1297709923664122 16 4 0.015267175572519 0
LCK-202 LCK P06239 Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck chr1 GO:0006919 Census Yes 76 0.1493123772102161 95 12 0.0235756385068762 1
MAPT-212 MAPT P10636 Microtubule-associated protein tau chr17 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 100 0.1319261213720316 750 99 0.1306068601583113 17
MTCH1-202 MTCH1 Q9NZJ7 Mitochondrial carrier homolog 1 chr6 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.0539845758354755 102 1 0.0025706940874035 0
MUL1-201 MUL1 Q969V5 Mitochondrial ubiquitin ligase activator of NFKB 1 chr1 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.0823863636363636 16 2 0.0056818181818181 0
NGFR-201 NGFR P08138 Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 16 chr17 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 46 0.1077283372365339 174 23 0.0538641686182669 0
NKX3-1-201 NKX3-1 Q99801 Homeobox protein Nkx-3.1 chr8 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.1111111111111111 175 12 0.0512820512820512 0
NLRC4-203 NLRC4 Q9NPP4 NLR family CARD domain-containing protein 4 chr2 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 135 0.1318359375 15 1 0.0009765625 3
NLRP1-208 NLRP1 Q9C000 NACHT, LRR and PYD domains-containing protein 1 chr17 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 169 0.1147318397827562 341 45 0.0305498981670061 6
NLRP12-201 NLRP12 P59046 NACHT, LRR and PYD domains-containing protein 12 chr19 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 258 0.2431668237511781 115 37 0.0348727615457115 0
NOD1-201 NOD1 Q9Y239 Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-containing protein 1 chr7 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 98 0.1028331584470094 39 4 0.0041972717733473 0
PDCD2-208 PDCD2 Q16342 Programmed cell death protein 2 chr6 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.0726744186046511 42 6 0.0174418604651162 0
PIDD1-201 PIDD1 Q9HB75 p53-induced death domain-containing protein 1 chr11 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 72 0.0791208791208791 140 9 0.0098901098901098 2
PPARG-201 PPARG P37231 Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma chr3 GO:0006919 Census Yes 60 0.1188118811881188 44 3 0.0059405940594059 3
PYCARD-201 PYCARD Q9ULZ3 Apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a CARD chr16 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.0615384615384615 39 4 0.0205128205128205 0
RACK1-227 RACK1 P63244 Small ribosomal subunit protein RACK1 chr5 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.085173501577287 13 0 0.0 0
ROBO1-202 ROBO1 Q9Y6N7 Roundabout homolog 1 chr3 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 245 0.1483949121744397 1125 158 0.0956995760145366 0
RPS27L-201 RPS27L Q71UM5 Ribosomal protein eS27-like chr15 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 3 0.0357142857142857 22 1 0.0119047619047619 0
S100A8-202 S100A8 P05109 Protein S100-A8 chr1 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.1827956989247312 8 4 0.043010752688172 0
S100A9-201 S100A9 P06702 Protein S100-A9 chr1 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.1403508771929824 76 8 0.0701754385964912 0
SENP1-204 SENP1 Q9P0U3 Sentrin-specific protease 1 chr12 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.0652173913043478 355 31 0.0481366459627329 0
SLC22A2-202 SLC22A2 O15244 Solute carrier family 22 member 2 chr6 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 94 0.1693693693693693 32 10 0.018018018018018 0
SMAD3-201 SMAD3 P84022 Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 3 chr15 GO:0006919 Census, Compendium Yes 80 0.188235294117647 113 15 0.0352941176470588 5
SNCA-205 SNCA P37840 Alpha-synuclein chr4 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.1071428571428571 107 10 0.0714285714285714 5
TNF-208 TNF P01375 Tumor necrosis factor chr6 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.0944206008583691 45 2 0.0085836909871244 0
TNFSF15-202 TNFSF15 O95150 Tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 15 chr9 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.1235059760956175 49 10 0.0398406374501992 0
VCP-201 VCP P55072 Transitional endoplasmic reticulum ATPase chr9 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 74 0.0918114143920595 186 14 0.0173697270471464 12
XDH-201 XDH P47989 Xanthine dehydrogenase/oxidase chr2 GO:0006919 Not Cancer Driver No 227 0.1702925731432858 136 20 0.0150037509377344 1