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Total number of protein in "GO:0007165" GO term:  1109

Identifier UniProt Gene UniProt Accession UniProt Name Chromosome GO term Database Cancer Driver Number of missense mutations Missense mutation per residues Number of disordered residues Number of mutations in disordered regions Disordered missense mutations per residues Number of OMIM mutation
ABL2-203 ABL2 P42684 Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL2 chr1 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 125 0.1057529610829103 644 53 0.0448392554991539 0
ACTL6A-202 ACTL6A O96019 Actin-like protein 6A chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.0909090909090909 74 8 0.0186480186480186 1
ACVR1B-201 ACVR1B P36896 Activin receptor type-1B chr12 GO:0007165 Census Yes 95 0.1881188118811881 0 0 0.0 0
ACVR2B-201 ACVR2B Q13705 Activin receptor type-2B chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 55 0.107421875 70 11 0.021484375 2
ACVRL1-201 ACVRL1 P37023 Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 80 0.1590457256461232 60 10 0.0198807157057654 64
ADA2-203 ADA2 Q9NZK5 Adenosine deaminase 2 chr22 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 68 0.1330724070450097 1 0 0.0 9
ADAMTS20-201 ADAMTS20 P59510 A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 20 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 413 0.2162303664921466 120 25 0.013089005235602 0
ADCY3-213 ADCY3 O60266 Adenylate cyclase type 3 chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 105 0.0917832167832167 186 16 0.0139860139860139 0
ADCY8-201 ADCY8 P40145 Adenylate cyclase type 8 chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 358 0.2861710631494804 215 31 0.0247801758593125 0
ADCY9-201 ADCY9 O60503 Adenylate cyclase type 9 chr16 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 137 0.1012564671101256 272 32 0.0236511456023651 0
ADGRA1-202 ADGRA1 Q86SQ6 Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor A1 chr10 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 59 0.1053571428571428 214 9 0.0160714285714285 0
ADGRB1-201 ADGRB1 O14514 Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor B1 chr8 GO:0007165 Compendium Yes 170 0.1073232323232323 487 39 0.0246212121212121 0
ADIPOQ-201 ADIPOQ Q15848 Adiponectin chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.1311475409836065 92 16 0.0655737704918032 1
ADM-201 ADM P35318 Pro-adrenomedullin chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.0756756756756756 113 10 0.054054054054054 0
ADORA1-202 ADORA1 P30542 Adenosine receptor A1 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 53 0.1625766871165644 12 4 0.0122699386503067 0
ADORA3-201 ADORA3 P0DMS8 Adenosine receptor A3 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 10 0.0314465408805031 4 0 0.0 0
ADRA1A-204 ADRA1A P35348 Alpha-1A adrenergic receptor chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 90 0.1931330472103004 40 1 0.0021459227467811 0
AFDN-211 AFDN P55196 Afadin chr6 GO:0007165 Census Yes 162 0.0888157894736842 1247 123 0.0674342105263157 0
AGRN-201 AGRN O00468 Agrin chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 145 0.0709046454767726 467 32 0.0156479217603911 6
AIMP1-211 AIMP1 Q12904 Aminoacyl tRNA synthase complex-interacting multifunctional protein 1 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.0769230769230769 164 13 0.0416666666666666 0
AKAP10-201 AKAP10 O43572 A-kinase anchor protein 10, mitochondrial chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.0543806646525679 306 14 0.0211480362537764 0
AKAP12-204 AKAP12 Q02952 A-kinase anchor protein 12 chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 156 0.0875420875420875 1780 156 0.0875420875420875 0
AKAP17A-201 AKAP17A Q02040 A-kinase anchor protein 17A chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 74 0.1064748201438848 411 45 0.0647482014388489 0
AKAP4-201 AKAP4 Q5JQC9 A-kinase anchor protein 4 chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 127 0.148711943793911 414 60 0.0702576112412178 0
AKAP5-202 AKAP5 P24588 A-kinase anchor protein 5 chr14 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.0562060889929742 409 21 0.0491803278688524 0
AKAP8-201 AKAP8 O43823 A-kinase anchor protein 8 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 66 0.0953757225433526 566 57 0.0823699421965317 0
AKAP9-201 AKAP9 Q99996 A-kinase anchor protein 9 chr7 GO:0007165 Census Yes 352 0.090094701817251 2287 200 0.0511901714870744 1
AKT1-218 AKT1 P31749 RAC-alpha serine/threonine-protein kinase chr14 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 99 0.20625 158 19 0.0395833333333333 4
AKT2-206 AKT2 P31751 RAC-beta serine/threonine-protein kinase chr19 GO:0007165 Census Yes 57 0.1185031185031185 84 9 0.0187110187110187 2
AKT3-217 AKT3 Q9Y243 RAC-gamma serine/threonine-protein kinase chr1 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 71 0.1482254697286012 131 19 0.0396659707724425 3
ALCAM-201 ALCAM Q13740 CD166 antigen chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 66 0.1132075471698113 97 12 0.0205831903945111 0
ALK-201 ALK Q9UM73 ALK tyrosine kinase receptor chr2 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 233 0.1438271604938271 577 79 0.0487654320987654 12
AMBN-201 AMBN Q9NP70 Ameloblastin chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 75 0.1677852348993288 369 62 0.1387024608501118 0
AMELX-203 AMELX Q99217 Amelogenin, X isoform chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 9 0.0471204188481675 127 0 0.0 3
AMFR-201 AMFR Q9UKV5 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase AMFR chr16 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 49 0.0762052877138413 229 22 0.0342146189735614 0
ANGPT2-201 ANGPT2 O15123 Angiopoietin-2 chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.0887096774193548 96 7 0.0141129032258064 1
ANGPT4-201 ANGPT4 Q9Y264 Angiopoietin-4 chr20 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 87 0.172962226640159 152 31 0.0616302186878727 0
ANGPTL3-201 ANGPTL3 Q9Y5C1 Angiopoietin-related protein 3 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.0760869565217391 154 19 0.0413043478260869 0
ANGPTL8-201 ANGPTL8 Q6UXH0 Angiopoietin-like protein 8 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.0909090909090909 26 8 0.0404040404040404 0
ANK1-205 ANK1 P16157 Ankyrin-1 chr8 GO:0007165 Census Yes 315 0.1674641148325359 813 131 0.0696438064859117 3
ANK3-201 ANK3 Q12955 Ankyrin-3 chr10 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 652 0.1489604752113319 3069 442 0.1009824080420379 0
ANKDD1A-201 ANKDD1A Q495B1 Ankyrin repeat and death domain-containing protein 1A chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 49 0.0938697318007662 65 4 0.0076628352490421 0
ANKDD1B-204 ANKDD1B A6NHY2 Ankyrin repeat and death domain-containing protein 1B chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 6 0.0113636363636363 125 3 0.0056818181818181 0
ANXA1-201 ANXA1 P04083 Annexin A1 chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.1040462427745664 61 7 0.0202312138728323 0
ANXA4-201 ANXA4 P09525 Annexin A4 chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.1090342679127725 36 3 0.0093457943925233 0
ANXA5-201 ANXA5 P08758 Annexin A5 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 37 0.115625 33 4 0.0125 0
APBB1-220 APBB1 O00213 Amyloid beta precursor protein binding family B member 1 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 80 0.1126760563380281 400 43 0.0605633802816901 0
APBB1IP-202 APBB1IP Q7Z5R6 Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family B member 1-interacting protein chr10 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 109 0.1636636636636636 399 55 0.0825825825825825 0
APLN-201 APLN Q9ULZ1 Apelin chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 6 0.0779220779220779 52 7 0.0909090909090909 0
APPL1-201 APPL1 Q9UKG1 DCC-interacting protein 13-alpha chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.0493653032440056 293 18 0.0253878702397743 1
APPL2-201 APPL2 Q8NEU8 DCC-interacting protein 13-beta chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 49 0.0737951807228915 149 8 0.0120481927710843 0
AR-201 AR P10275 Androgen receptor chrX GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 116 0.1260869565217391 443 38 0.0413043478260869 144
ARAP1-204 ARAP1 Q96P48 Arf-GAP with Rho-GAP domain, ANK repeat and PH domain-containing protein 1 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 115 0.0793103448275862 401 26 0.0179310344827586 0
ARAP2-201 ARAP2 Q8WZ64 Arf-GAP with Rho-GAP domain, ANK repeat and PH domain-containing protein 2 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 200 0.1173708920187793 449 56 0.0328638497652582 0
ARAP3-201 ARAP3 Q8WWN8 Arf-GAP with Rho-GAP domain, ANK repeat and PH domain-containing protein 3 chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 138 0.0893782383419689 580 55 0.035621761658031 0
ARFRP1-214 ARFRP1 Q13795 ADP-ribosylation factor-related protein 1 chr20 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.0845771144278607 7 0 0.0 0
ARHGAP10-201 ARHGAP10 A1A4S6 Rho GTPase-activating protein 10 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 72 0.0916030534351145 270 30 0.0381679389312977 0
ARHGAP11A-201 ARHGAP11A Q6P4F7 Rho GTPase-activating protein 11A chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 85 0.0830889540566959 696 66 0.064516129032258 0
ARHGAP11B-208 ARHGAP11B Q3KRB8 Inactive Rho GTPase-activating protein 11B chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.0449438202247191 17 0 0.0 0
ARHGAP12-202 ARHGAP12 Q8IWW6 Rho GTPase-activating protein 12 chr10 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 62 0.0732860520094562 498 36 0.0425531914893617 0
ARHGAP15-201 ARHGAP15 Q53QZ3 Rho GTPase-activating protein 15 chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 80 0.1684210526315789 138 32 0.0673684210526315 0
ARHGAP17-201 ARHGAP17 Q68EM7 Rho GTPase-activating protein 17 chr16 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 68 0.0771850170261067 547 35 0.039727582292849 0
ARHGAP19-202 ARHGAP19 Q14CB8 Rho GTPase-activating protein 19 chr10 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.0951417004048583 179 16 0.0323886639676113 0
ARHGAP19-SLIT1-202 ARHGAP19 Q14CB8 Rho GTPase-activating protein 19 chr10 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.0909090909090909 191 16 0.0309477756286266 0
ARHGAP20-207 ARHGAP20 Q9P2F6 Rho GTPase-activating protein 20 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 124 0.1041141897565071 609 57 0.0478589420654911 0
ARHGAP21-202 ARHGAP21 Q5T5U3 Rho GTPase-activating protein 21 chr10 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 168 0.0858018386108273 1613 140 0.0715015321756894 0
ARHGAP22-201 ARHGAP22 Q7Z5H3 Rho GTPase-activating protein 22 chr10 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 107 0.153295128939828 449 65 0.0931232091690544 0
ARHGAP23-222 ARHGAP23 Q9P227 Rho GTPase-activating protein 23 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.0274983232729711 1139 23 0.0154258886653252 0
ARHGAP24-203 ARHGAP24 Q8N264 Rho GTPase-activating protein 24 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 73 0.0975935828877005 487 47 0.0628342245989304 0
ARHGAP25-202 ARHGAP25 P42331 Rho GTPase-activating protein 25 chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 79 0.1222910216718266 342 46 0.0712074303405572 0
ARHGAP26-201 ARHGAP26 Q9UNA1 Rho GTPase-activating protein 26 chr5 GO:0007165 Census Yes 72 0.0884520884520884 259 19 0.0233415233415233 1
ARHGAP27-219 ARHGAP27 Q6ZUM4 Rho GTPase-activating protein 27 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 66 0.0742407199100112 517 43 0.0483689538807649 0
ARHGAP28-203 ARHGAP28 Q9P2N2 Rho GTPase-activating protein 28 chr18 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 88 0.120713305898491 337 32 0.0438957475994513 0
ARHGAP36-201 ARHGAP36 Q6ZRI8 Rho GTPase-activating protein 36 chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 163 0.2979890310786106 132 54 0.0987202925045703 0
ARHGAP39-201 ARHGAP39 Q9C0H5 Rho GTPase-activating protein 39 chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 100 0.0923361034164358 614 52 0.0480147737765466 0
ARHGAP40-202 ARHGAP40 Q5TG30 Rho GTPase-activating protein 40 chr20 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 315 0 0.0 0
ARHGAP42-201 ARHGAP42 A6NI28 Rho GTPase-activating protein 42 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.0389016018306636 313 12 0.0137299771167048 0
ARHGAP44-203 ARHGAP44 Q17R89 Rho GTPase-activating protein 44 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 105 0.128361858190709 427 56 0.0684596577017114 0
ARHGAP45-201 ARHGAP45 Q92619 Rho GTPase-activating protein 45 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 85 0.0748239436619718 684 52 0.0457746478873239 0
ARHGAP9-202 ARHGAP9 Q9BRR9 Rho GTPase-activating protein 9 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 92 0.1226666666666666 409 41 0.0546666666666666 0
ARHGEF7-206 ARHGEF7 Q14155 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 7 chr13 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 67 0.0834371108343711 302 30 0.037359900373599 0
ARL2BP-201 ARL2BP Q9Y2Y0 ADP-ribosylation factor-like protein 2-binding protein chr16 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.0797546012269938 5 0 0.0 1
ARR3-201 ARR3 P36575 Arrestin-C chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.1134020618556701 63 7 0.018041237113402 0
ARRB1-202 ARRB1 P49407 Beta-arrestin-1 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 37 0.0885167464114832 154 11 0.0263157894736842 0
ARTN-202 ARTN Q5T4W7 Artemin chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 7 0.0318181818181818 154 2 0.009090909090909 0
ASB2-203 ASB2 Q96Q27 Ankyrin repeat and SOCS box protein 2 chr14 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 66 0.1039370078740157 167 16 0.0251968503937007 0
ASIC3-202 ASIC3 Q9UHC3 Acid-sensing ion channel 3 chr7 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.1016949152542373 126 13 0.0244821092278719 0
ASIP-201 ASIP P42127 Agouti-signaling protein chr20 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.0833333333333333 36 8 0.0606060606060606 0
ATF6-201 ATF6 P18850 Cyclic AMP-dependent transcription factor ATF-6 alpha chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 62 0.0925373134328358 474 43 0.0641791044776119 2
ATF6B-210 ATF6B Q99941 Cyclic AMP-dependent transcription factor ATF-6 beta chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 58 0.0825035561877667 557 46 0.0654338549075391 0
ATM-229 ATM Q13315 Serine-protein kinase ATM chr11 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 358 0.1171465968586387 226 29 0.0094895287958115 41
AVP-201 AVP P01185 Vasopressin-neurophysin 2-copeptin chr20 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.0670731707317073 26 1 0.0060975609756097 26
AXL-201 AXL P30530 Tyrosine-protein kinase receptor UFO chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 131 0.1465324384787472 342 51 0.0570469798657718 0
BABAM2-204 BABAM2 Q9NXR7 BRISC and BRCA1-A complex member 2 chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.0913838120104438 0 0 0.0 0
BCAM-201 BCAM P50895 Basal cell adhesion molecule chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 72 0.1146496815286624 358 49 0.0780254777070063 0
BCAR3-201 BCAR3 O75815 Breast cancer anti-estrogen resistance protein 3 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 74 0.0896969696969696 397 34 0.0412121212121212 0
BCR-201 BCR P11274 Breakpoint cluster region protein chr22 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 112 0.088119590873328 607 57 0.044846577498033 0
BEX1-201 BEX1 Q9HBH7 Protein BEX1 chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.144 114 17 0.136 0
BEX2-202 BEX2 Q9BXY8 Protein BEX2 chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.15625 108 11 0.0859375 0
BEX3-203 BEX3 Q00994 Protein BEX3 chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.1351351351351351 98 13 0.1171171171171171 0
BEX5-201 BEX5 Q5H9J7 Protein BEX5 chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.1621621621621621 98 17 0.1531531531531531 0
BGLAP-201 BGLAP P02818 Osteocalcin chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 6 0.06 21 0 0.0 0
BMP1-202 BMP1 P13497 Bone morphogenetic protein 1 chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 93 0.0943204868154158 154 23 0.0233265720081135 3
BMP15-201 BMP15 O95972 Bone morphogenetic protein 15 chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 73 0.1862244897959183 81 10 0.0255102040816326 11
BMP3-201 BMP3 P12645 Bone morphogenetic protein 3 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 88 0.1864406779661017 148 37 0.0783898305084745 0
BMP8A-201 BMP8A Q7Z5Y6 Bone morphogenetic protein 8A chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.0398009950248756 93 2 0.0049751243781094 0
BMP8B-201 BMP8B P34820 Bone morphogenetic protein 8B chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.044776119402985 93 4 0.0099502487562189 0
BMX-202 BMX P51813 Cytoplasmic tyrosine-protein kinase BMX chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 74 0.1096296296296296 172 16 0.0237037037037037 0
BST1-201 BST1 Q10588 ADP-ribosyl cyclase/cyclic ADP-ribose hydrolase 2 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.0911949685534591 11 0 0.0 0
BTRC-202 BTRC Q9Y297 F-box/WD repeat-containing protein 1A chr10 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 57 0.0942148760330578 45 3 0.0049586776859504 0
C1QTNF4-201 C1QTNF4 Q9BXJ3 Complement C1q tumor necrosis factor-related protein 4 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.0516717325227963 91 4 0.0121580547112462 0
C1QTNF9-201 C1QTNF9 P0C862 Complement C1q and tumor necrosis factor-related protein 9A chr13 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.1291291291291291 186 29 0.087087087087087 0
C3-201 C3 P01024 Complement C3 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 257 0.1545399879735418 287 38 0.0228502705953096 11
C5AR1-201 C5AR1 P21730 C5a anaphylatoxin chemotactic receptor 1 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.1485714285714285 0 0 0.0 0
CAB39-201 CAB39 Q9Y376 Calcium-binding protein 39 chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.0703812316715542 43 5 0.0146627565982404 0
CABP2-201 CABP2 Q9NPB3 Calcium-binding protein 2 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.1363636363636363 64 4 0.0181818181818181 0
CABP4-201 CABP4 P57796 Calcium-binding protein 4 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 49 0.1781818181818182 189 39 0.1418181818181818 1
CABP5-201 CABP5 Q9NP86 Calcium-binding protein 5 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.1907514450867052 34 3 0.0173410404624277 0
CACNA1I-202 CACNA1I Q9P0X4 Voltage-dependent T-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1I chr22 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 222 0.0998650472334682 874 57 0.0256410256410256 3
CALCB-201 CALCB P10092 Calcitonin gene-related peptide 2 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.1732283464566929 52 6 0.0472440944881889 0
CALCOCO1-218 CALCOCO1 Q9P1Z2 Calcium-binding and coiled-coil domain-containing protein 1 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 74 0.1070911722141823 489 48 0.0694645441389291 0
CALML5-201 CALML5 Q9NZT1 Calmodulin-like protein 5 chr10 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.1780821917808219 101 17 0.1164383561643835 0
CAMK1-201 CAMK1 Q14012 Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type 1 chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.0864864864864864 31 1 0.0027027027027027 0
CAMK2B-209 CAMK2B Q13554 Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II subunit beta chr7 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 78 0.1171171171171171 273 22 0.033033033033033 6
CAMK4-201 CAMK4 Q16566 Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type IV chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 67 0.1416490486257928 128 21 0.0443974630021141 0
CAMLG-201 CAMLG P49069 Guided entry of tail-anchored proteins factor CAMLG chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.0777027027027027 158 13 0.0439189189189189 0
CAP1-206 CAP1 Q01518 Adenylyl cyclase-associated protein 1 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.0821052631578947 157 11 0.0231578947368421 0
CAP2-201 CAP2 P40123 Adenylyl cyclase-associated protein 2 chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 59 0.1236897274633123 171 22 0.0461215932914046 0
CAPN5-207 CAPN5 O15484 Calpain-5 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 79 0.1234375 110 24 0.0375 2
CARTPT-201 CARTPT Q16568 Cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript protein chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.1293103448275862 0 0 0.0 0
CASKIN1-201 CASKIN1 Q8WXD9 Caskin-1 chr16 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 90 0.0628930817610062 1106 54 0.0377358490566037 0
CASP1-212 CASP1 P29466 Caspase-1 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.1336633663366336 88 12 0.0297029702970297 0
CASP8AP2-205 CASP8AP2 Q9UKL3 CASP8-associated protein 2 chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 1508 0 0.0 0
CBL-201 CBL P22681 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase CBL chr11 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 84 0.0927152317880794 513 44 0.0485651214128035 4
CBLB-201 CBLB Q13191 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase CBL-B chr3 GO:0007165 Census Yes 126 0.1283095723014256 565 77 0.0784114052953156 0
CBLC-203 CBLC Q9ULV8 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase CBL-C chr19 GO:0007165 Census Yes 43 0.090717299578059 126 12 0.0253164556962025 0
CCK-202 CCK P06307 Cholecystokinin chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.2 68 10 0.0869565217391304 0
CCL1-201 CCL1 P22362 C-C motif chemokine 1 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.21875 0 0 0.0 0
CCL11-201 CCL11 P51671 Eotaxin chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.1546391752577319 14 3 0.0309278350515463 0
CCL13-201 CCL13 Q99616 C-C motif chemokine 13 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.1530612244897959 1 0 0.0 0
CCL15-204 CCL15 Q16663 C-C motif chemokine 15 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.2300884955752212 0 0 0.0 0
CCL15-CCL14-201 CCL15 Q16663 C-C motif chemokine 15 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0
CCL18-201 CCL18 P55774 C-C motif chemokine 18 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 9 0.1011235955056179 0 0 0.0 0
CCL2-201 CCL2 P13500 C-C motif chemokine 2 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.1919191919191919 15 5 0.0505050505050505 0
CCL20-201 CCL20 P78556 C-C motif chemokine 20 chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.15625 0 0 0.0 0
CCL22-201 CCL22 O00626 C-C motif chemokine 22 chr16 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.1397849462365591 0 0 0.0 0
CCL23-201 CCL23 P55773 C-C motif chemokine 23 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.1666666666666666 3 0 0.0 0
CCL24-201 CCL24 O00175 C-C motif chemokine 24 chr7 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.1512605042016806 23 3 0.0252100840336134 0
CCL26-201 CCL26 Q9Y258 C-C motif chemokine 26 chr7 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 6 0.0638297872340425 0 0 0.0 0
CCL27-201 CCL27 Q9Y4X3 C-C motif chemokine 27 chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 8 0.0714285714285714 0 0 0.0 0
CCL28-201 CCL28 Q9NRJ3 C-C motif chemokine 28 chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.0866141732283464 48 7 0.0551181102362204 0
CCL4-202 CCL4 P13236 C-C motif chemokine 4 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 10 0.108695652173913 0 0 0.0 0
CCL7-201 CCL7 P80098 C-C motif chemokine 7 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.202020202020202 13 3 0.0303030303030303 0
CCL8-201 CCL8 P80075 C-C motif chemokine 8 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.1212121212121212 0 0 0.0 0
CCN1-201 CCN1 O00622 CCN family member 1 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.0761154855643044 12 0 0.0 0
CCN2-201 CCN2 P29279 CCN family member 2 chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 37 0.1060171919770773 0 0 0.0 0
CCN3-201 CCN3 P48745 CCN family member 3 chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 49 0.1372549019607843 20 2 0.0056022408963585 0
CCN4-202 CCN4 O95388 CCN family member 4 chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 84 0.2288828337874659 20 7 0.0190735694822888 0
CCN5-201 CCN5 O76076 CCN family member 5 chr20 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 37 0.148 22 3 0.012 0
CCN6-203 CCN6 O95389 Cellular communication network factor 6 chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.0734463276836158 11 0 0.0 6
CCND3-203 CCND3 P30281 G1/S-specific cyclin-D3 chr6 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 24 0.0821917808219178 46 7 0.023972602739726 0
CCR6-201 CCR6 P51684 C-C chemokine receptor type 6 chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 46 0.1229946524064171 13 2 0.0053475935828877 0
CD164-202 CD164 Q04900 Sialomucin core protein 24 chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.065989847715736 64 5 0.0253807106598984 0
CD200R1-202 CD200R1 Q8TD46 Cell surface glycoprotein CD200 receptor 1 chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 67 0.1925287356321839 67 11 0.0316091954022988 0
CD226-207 CD226 Q15762 CD226 antigen chr18 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 65 0.1934523809523809 47 7 0.0208333333333333 0
CD244-202 CD244 Q9BZW8 Natural killer cell receptor 2B4 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.1459459459459459 93 16 0.0432432432432432 0
CD274-202 CD274 Q9NZQ7 Programmed cell death 1 ligand 1 chr9 GO:0007165 Census Yes 26 0.0896551724137931 54 9 0.0310344827586206 0
CD2AP-201 CD2AP Q9Y5K6 CD2-associated protein chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 51 0.0798122065727699 458 38 0.0594679186228482 0
CD320-201 CD320 Q9NPF0 CD320 antigen chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.0780141843971631 84 7 0.0248226950354609 0
CD33-201 CD33 P20138 Myeloid cell surface antigen CD33 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 84 0.2307692307692307 184 39 0.1071428571428571 0
CD34-201 CD34 P28906 Hematopoietic progenitor cell antigen CD34 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 48 0.1246753246753246 221 24 0.0623376623376623 0
CD38-201 CD38 P28907 ADP-ribosyl cyclase/cyclic ADP-ribose hydrolase 1 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.13 3 0 0.0 0
CD4-201 CD4 P01730 T-cell surface glycoprotein CD4 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.1091703056768559 56 7 0.0152838427947598 0
CD53-201 CD53 P19397 Leukocyte surface antigen CD53 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.1506849315068493 0 0 0.0 0
CD70-201 CD70 P32970 CD70 antigen chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.1191709844559585 12 2 0.0103626943005181 0
CD79B-201 CD79B P40259 B-cell antigen receptor complex-associated protein beta chain chr17 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 18 0.0786026200873362 43 10 0.0436681222707423 1
CD83-201 CD83 Q01151 CD83 antigen chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.1121951219512195 49 8 0.0390243902439024 0
CDC42BPB-201 CDC42BPB Q9Y5S2 Serine/threonine-protein kinase MRCK beta chr14 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 148 0.086499123319696 697 74 0.043249561659848 2
CDC42EP3-201 CDC42EP3 Q9UKI2 Cdc42 effector protein 3 chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.0629921259842519 193 9 0.0354330708661417 0
CDC42SE1-201 CDC42SE1 Q9NRR8 CDC42 small effector protein 1 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 7 0.0886075949367088 70 7 0.0886075949367088 0
CDC7-201 CDC7 O00311 Cell division cycle 7-related protein kinase chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 49 0.0853658536585365 187 17 0.0296167247386759 0
CDK2-201 CDK2 P24941 Cyclin-dependent kinase 2 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.0570469798657718 0 0 0.0 0
CDK3-202 CDK3 Q00526 Cyclin-dependent kinase 3 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.0950819672131147 17 1 0.0032786885245901 0
CDK4-201 CDK4 P11802 Cyclin-dependent kinase 4 chr12 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 38 0.1254125412541254 52 3 0.0099009900990099 2
CDK6-202 CDK6 Q00534 Cyclin-dependent kinase 6 chr7 GO:0007165 Census Yes 25 0.0766871165644171 24 3 0.00920245398773 1
CDKL2-202 CDKL2 Q92772 Cyclin-dependent kinase-like 2 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.0851926977687626 171 19 0.0385395537525354 0
CDNF-203 CDNF Q49AH0 Cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor chr10 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.1016042780748663 5 0 0.0 0
CDS1-201 CDS1 Q92903 Phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase 1 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 49 0.106290672451193 67 7 0.0151843817787418 0
CEACAM1-201 CEACAM1 P13688 Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 1 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.0798479087452471 242 14 0.026615969581749 0
CEACAM20-203 CEACAM20 Q6UY09 Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 20 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 185 0 0.0 0
CEACAM3-202 CEACAM3 P40198 Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 3 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.1587301587301587 57 11 0.0436507936507936 0
CEACAM4-201 CEACAM4 O75871 Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 4 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.180327868852459 59 14 0.0573770491803278 0
CEACAM6-201 CEACAM6 P40199 Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 6 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.1162790697674418 110 11 0.0319767441860465 0
CEACAM7-202 CEACAM7 Q14002 Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 7 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.1471698113207547 42 5 0.0188679245283018 0
CERT1-215 CERT1 Q9Y5P4 Ceramide transfer protein chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 51 0.0817307692307692 215 17 0.0272435897435897 2
CGB3-201 CGB8 P0DN86 Choriogonadotropin subunit beta 3 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 7 0.0424242424242424 41 2 0.0121212121212121 0
CGB5-201 CGB8 P0DN86 Choriogonadotropin subunit beta 3 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.0848484848484848 41 6 0.0363636363636363 0
CGB7-204 CGB7 P0DN87 Choriogonadotropin subunit beta 7 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.0969696969696969 41 7 0.0424242424242424 0
CGB8-201 CGB8 P0DN86 Choriogonadotropin subunit beta 3 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 7 0.0424242424242424 41 2 0.0121212121212121 0
CHGB-201 CHGB P05060 Secretogranin-1 chr20 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 146 0.2156573116691285 585 128 0.1890694239290989 0
CHL1-202 CHL1 O00533 Neural cell adhesion molecule L1-like protein chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 269 0.222682119205298 416 93 0.0769867549668874 0
CHN2-201 CHN2 P52757 Beta-chimaerin chr7 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 57 0.1217948717948717 48 8 0.017094017094017 0
CHRM1-201 CHRM1 P11229 Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.108695652173913 131 19 0.0413043478260869 0
CHRM3-211 CHRM3 P20309 Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M3 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 155 0.2627118644067797 137 35 0.059322033898305 0
CHRM4-202 CHRM4 P08173 Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M4 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 57 0.1189979123173277 143 21 0.0438413361169102 0
CHRNA1-202 CHRNA1 P02708 Acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 67 0.1466083150984682 10 1 0.0021881838074398 12
CHRNA2-202 CHRNA2 Q15822 Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-2 chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 63 0.1190926275992438 34 5 0.0094517958412098 1
CHRNA3-201 CHRNA3 P32297 Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-3 chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 66 0.1306930693069307 11 1 0.0019801980198019 0
CHRNA4-201 CHRNA4 P43681 Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-4 chr20 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 112 0.1786283891547049 188 26 0.0414673046251993 1
CHRNA5-201 CHRNA5 P30532 Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-5 chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.0876068376068376 25 4 0.0085470085470085 0
CHRNA6-201 CHRNA6 Q15825 Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-6 chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 64 0.1295546558704453 33 4 0.0080971659919028 0
CHRNA7-201 CHRNA7 P36544 Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-7 chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.099601593625498 18 3 0.0059760956175298 0
CHRNB1-201 CHRNB1 P11230 Acetylcholine receptor subunit beta chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.0998003992015968 45 7 0.0139720558882235 2
CHRNB2-201 CHRNB2 P17787 Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit beta-2 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 72 0.1434262948207171 23 1 0.0019920318725099 1
CHRNB3-201 CHRNB3 Q05901 Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit beta-3 chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 96 0.2096069868995633 4 1 0.0021834061135371 0
CHRNB4-201 CHRNB4 P30926 Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit beta-4 chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 74 0.1485943775100401 30 6 0.0120481927710843 0
CHRND-201 CHRND Q07001 Acetylcholine receptor subunit delta chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 87 0.1682785299806576 71 18 0.034816247582205 7
CHRNE-203 CHRNE Q04844 Acetylcholine receptor subunit epsilon chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.0730223123732251 37 3 0.0060851926977687 13
CHRNG-203 CHRNG P07510 Acetylcholine receptor subunit gamma chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 60 0.11605415860735 8 1 0.0019342359767891 4
CILK1-203 CILK1 Q9UPZ9 Serine/threonine-protein kinase ICK chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 57 0.0901898734177215 369 38 0.060126582278481 3
CKLF-201 CKLF Q9UBR5 Chemokine-like factor chr16 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 10 0.0657894736842105 0 0 0.0 0
CLCN6-202 CLCN6 P51797 H(+)/Cl(-) exchange transporter 6 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 94 0.1081703107019562 110 18 0.0207134637514384 1
CLEC11A-201 CLEC11A Q9Y240 C-type lectin domain family 11 member A chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.0681114551083591 184 18 0.0557275541795665 0
CLEC12A-201 CLEC12A Q5QGZ9 C-type lectin domain family 12 member A chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.1132075471698113 9 1 0.0037735849056603 0
CLEC1A-201 CLEC1A Q8NC01 C-type lectin domain family 1 member A chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.1785714285714285 76 17 0.0607142857142857 0
CLEC1B-201 CLEC1B Q9P126 C-type lectin domain family 1 member B chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.1441048034934497 3 0 0.0 0
CLEC5A-206 CLEC5A Q9NY25 C-type lectin domain family 5 member A chr7 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.2074468085106383 0 0 0.0 0
CLIC1-208 CLIC1 O00299 Chloride intracellular channel protein 1 chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.1161825726141078 27 4 0.0165975103734439 0
CLIC2-202 CLIC2 O15247 Chloride intracellular channel protein 2 chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.117408906882591 58 4 0.0161943319838056 1
CLIC3-203 CLIC3 O95833 Chloride intracellular channel protein 3 chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.0635593220338983 36 3 0.0127118644067796 0
CLOCK-211 CLOCK O15516 Circadian locomoter output cycles protein kaput chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 56 0.0661938534278959 459 25 0.0295508274231678 0
CMTM1-206 CMTM1 Q8IZ96 CKLF-like MARVEL transmembrane domain-containing protein 1 chr16 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.0710059171597633 32 2 0.0118343195266272 0
CMTM2-201 CMTM2 Q8TAZ6 CKLF-like MARVEL transmembrane domain-containing protein 2 chr16 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.064516129032258 103 4 0.0161290322580645 0
CMTM3-214 CMTM3 Q96MX0 CKLF-like MARVEL transmembrane domain-containing protein 3 chr16 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.0659340659340659 39 0 0.0 0
CMTM5-201 CMTM5 Q96DZ9 CKLF-like MARVEL transmembrane domain-containing protein 5 chr14 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.116591928251121 12 1 0.0044843049327354 0
CMTM7-201 CMTM7 Q96FZ5 CKLF-like MARVEL transmembrane domain-containing protein 7 chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.08 0 0 0.0 0
CMTM8-201 CMTM8 Q8IZV2 CKLF-like MARVEL transmembrane domain-containing protein 8 chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.0982658959537572 10 1 0.0057803468208092 0
CNGA3-201 CNGA3 Q16281 Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel alpha-3 chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 142 0.2046109510086455 218 53 0.0763688760806916 55
CNGB3-201 CNGB3 Q9NQW8 Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel beta-3 chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 187 0.2311495673671199 339 101 0.1248454882571075 8
CNIH1-201 CNIH1 O95406 Protein cornichon homolog 1 chr14 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 7 0.0486111111111111 0 0 0.0 0
CNTF-201 CNTF P26441 Ciliary neurotrophic factor chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.115 34 4 0.02 0
CNTFR-202 CNTFR P26992 Ciliary neurotrophic factor receptor subunit alpha chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.0940860215053763 92 7 0.0188172043010752 0
CNTNAP1-201 CNTNAP1 P78357 Contactin-associated protein 1 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 131 0.0946531791907514 141 15 0.0108381502890173 6
COL15A1-201 COL15A1 P39059 Collagen alpha-1(XV) chain chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 213 0.1534582132564841 985 162 0.11671469740634 0
COPA-201 COPA P53621 Coatomer subunit alpha chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 119 0.0972222222222222 158 15 0.0122549019607843 4
COPS2-202 COPS2 P61201 COP9 signalosome complex subunit 2 chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.0790067720090293 59 2 0.0045146726862302 0
COPS3-201 COPS3 Q9UNS2 COP9 signalosome complex subunit 3 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.0851063829787234 67 7 0.0165484633569739 0
CORO1C-201 CORO1C Q9ULV4 Coronin-1C chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.0864978902953586 84 12 0.0253164556962025 0
CRABP1-201 CRABP1 P29762 Cellular retinoic acid-binding protein 1 chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.0802919708029197 22 3 0.0218978102189781 0
CRABP2-203 CRABP2 P29373 Cellular retinoic acid-binding protein 2 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.1739130434782608 23 5 0.036231884057971 0
CREB1-201 CREB1 P16220 Cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein 1 chr2 GO:0007165 Census Yes 14 0.0428134556574923 278 13 0.0397553516819571 0
CREBBP-201 CREBBP Q92793 CREB-binding protein chr16 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 217 0.0888615888615888 1801 91 0.0372645372645372 30
CREBL2-201 CREBL2 O60519 cAMP-responsive element-binding protein-like 2 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.0916666666666666 78 4 0.0333333333333333 0
CREM-215 CREM Q03060 cAMP-responsive element modulator chr10 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.0579710144927536 290 16 0.0463768115942029 0
CRH-201 CRH P06850 Corticoliberin chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 9 0.0459183673469387 131 9 0.0459183673469387 0
CRHBP-201 CRHBP P24387 Corticotropin-releasing factor-binding protein chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.1211180124223602 0 0 0.0 0
CRK-201 CRK P46108 Adapter molecule crk chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.0789473684210526 197 19 0.0625 0
CRKL-201 CRKL P46109 Crk-like protein chr22 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.0792079207920792 160 17 0.0561056105610561 0
CSF1R-210 CSF1R P07333 Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor chr5 GO:0007165 Census Yes 101 0.1039094650205761 124 12 0.0123456790123456 20
CSF2RB-201 CSF2RB P32927 Cytokine receptor common subunit beta chr22 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 164 0.1828316610925306 547 102 0.1137123745819397 0
CSF3R-203 CSF3R Q99062 Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor receptor chr1 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 108 0.1291866028708134 210 27 0.0322966507177033 3
CSNK1A1-202 CSNK1A1 P48729 Casein kinase I isoform alpha chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.1008902077151335 46 2 0.0059347181008902 0
CSNK1A1L-201 CSNK1A1L Q8N752 Casein kinase I isoform alpha-like chr13 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.1483679525222551 46 2 0.0059347181008902 0
CSNK1D-202 CSNK1D P48730 Casein kinase I isoform delta chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.0915662650602409 133 13 0.0313253012048192 2
CSNK1E-203 CSNK1E P49674 Casein kinase I isoform epsilon chr22 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.1057692307692307 133 13 0.03125 0
CSNK1G1-201 CSNK1G1 Q9HCP0 Casein kinase I isoform gamma-1 chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.0900473933649289 130 12 0.0284360189573459 1
CSNK1G2-201 CSNK1G2 P78368 Casein kinase I isoform gamma-2 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.0771084337349397 112 10 0.0240963855421686 0
CSNK1G3-203 CSNK1G3 Q9Y6M4 Casein kinase I isoform gamma-3 chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.0917225950782997 151 14 0.0313199105145413 0
CSNK2A1-201 CSNK2A1 P68400 Casein kinase II subunit alpha chr20 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.1202046035805626 75 6 0.0153452685421994 4
CSNK2B-203 CSNK2B P67870 Casein kinase II subunit beta chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.0837209302325581 19 0 0.0 3
CSPG5-202 CSPG5 O95196 Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 5 chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.0954063604240282 397 32 0.0565371024734982 0
CTNND2-201 CTNND2 Q9UQB3 Catenin delta-2 chr5 GO:0007165 Census Yes 338 0.2759183673469387 841 228 0.1861224489795918 6
CTTN-201 CTTN Q14247 Src substrate cortactin chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 55 0.1 466 37 0.0672727272727272 0
CXCL1-201 CXCL1 P09341 Growth-regulated alpha protein chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.1214953271028037 18 2 0.0186915887850467 0
CXCL10-201 CXCL10 P02778 C-X-C motif chemokine 10 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.1122448979591836 12 1 0.010204081632653 0
CXCL11-201 CXCL11 O14625 C-X-C motif chemokine 11 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 5 0.0531914893617021 0 0 0.0 0
CXCL12-203 CXCL12 P48061 Stromal cell-derived factor 1 chr10 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 8 0.086021505376344 0 0 0.0 0
CXCL14-201 CXCL14 O95715 C-X-C motif chemokine 14 chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.1441441441441441 0 0 0.0 0
CXCL16-201 CXCL16 Q9H2A7 C-X-C motif chemokine 16 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.0905511811023622 121 12 0.0472440944881889 0
CXCL5-201 CXCL5 P42830 C-X-C motif chemokine 5 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.1578947368421052 1 0 0.0 0
CXCL6-201 CXCL6 P80162 C-X-C motif chemokine 6 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.1228070175438596 9 0 0.0 0
CXCL8-201 CXCL8 P10145 Interleukin-8 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.1212121212121212 0 0 0.0 0
CXCL9-201 CXCL9 Q07325 C-X-C motif chemokine 9 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.088 38 0 0.0 0
CXCR2-201 CXCR2 P25025 C-X-C chemokine receptor type 2 chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 68 0.1888888888888888 8 0 0.0 0
CYTL1-201 CYTL1 Q9NRR1 Cytokine-like protein 1 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.1397058823529411 1 0 0.0 0
DAPP1-203 DAPP1 Q9UN19 Dual adapter for phosphotyrosine and 3-phosphotyrosine and 3-phosphoinositide chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.1 41 5 0.0178571428571428 0
DDR2-201 DDR2 Q16832 Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2 chr1 GO:0007165 Census Yes 129 0.1508771929824561 120 25 0.0292397660818713 7
DEK-212 DEK P35659 Protein DEK chr6 GO:0007165 Census Yes 34 0.0906666666666666 300 31 0.0826666666666666 0
DGKD-201 DGKD Q16760 Diacylglycerol kinase delta chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 110 0.0906095551894563 442 41 0.0337726523887973 0
DIRAS1-201 DIRAS1 O95057 GTP-binding protein Di-Ras1 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.1616161616161616 32 4 0.0202020202020202 0
DIRAS2-201 DIRAS2 Q96HU8 GTP-binding protein Di-Ras2 chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.1608040201005025 27 1 0.0050251256281407 0
DLC1-201 DLC1 Q96QB1 Rho GTPase-activating protein 7 chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 237 0.1551047120418848 928 169 0.1106020942408377 0
DLG4-202 DLG4 P78352 Disks large homolog 4 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 74 0.1022099447513812 233 34 0.0469613259668508 0
DLG5-201 DLG5 Q8TDM6 Disks large homolog 5 chr10 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 184 0.09588327253778 1119 107 0.0557582073996873 0
DLL4-201 DLL4 Q9NR61 Delta-like protein 4 chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 64 0.0934306569343065 73 11 0.0160583941605839 6
DNM2-201 DNM2 P50570 Dynamin-2 chr19 GO:0007165 Census Yes 95 0.1091954022988505 271 32 0.0367816091954023 16
DOCK1-201 DOCK1 Q14185 Dedicator of cytokinesis protein 1 chr10 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 168 0.0900804289544235 356 37 0.0198391420911528 0
DOK1-201 DOK1 Q99704 Docking protein 1 chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.0977130977130977 294 31 0.0644490644490644 0
DOK2-201 DOK2 O60496 Docking protein 2 chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.0970873786407767 255 21 0.0509708737864077 0
DPYSL2-201 DPYSL2 Q16555 Dihydropyrimidinase-related protein 2 chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 61 0.1066433566433566 146 27 0.0472027972027972 0
DPYSL5-201 DPYSL5 Q9BPU6 Dihydropyrimidinase-related protein 5 chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 115 0.2039007092198581 116 20 0.0354609929078014 2
DRG2-201 DRG2 P55039 Developmentally-regulated GTP-binding protein 2 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.0851648351648351 11 0 0.0 0
DTHD1-202 DTHD1 Q6ZMT9 Death domain-containing protein 1 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.0217669654289372 197 2 0.0025608194622279 0
DTNA-205 DTNA Q9Y4J8 Dystrobrevin alpha chr18 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 107 0.1440107671601615 412 58 0.0780619111709286 0
DUSP15-201 DUSP15 Q9H1R2 Dual specificity protein phosphatase 15 chr20 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.0372881355932203 122 4 0.0135593220338983 0
DUSP22-201 DUSP22 Q9NRW4 Dual specificity protein phosphatase 22 chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 76 0.4130434782608695 0 0 0.0 0
ECM1-202 ECM1 Q16610 Extracellular matrix protein 1 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 66 0.1222222222222222 224 23 0.0425925925925925 1
EDARADD-201 EDARADD Q8WWZ3 Ectodysplasin-A receptor-associated adapter protein chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.1581395348837209 108 17 0.0790697674418604 3
EDN3-202 EDN3 P14138 Endothelin-3 chr20 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 51 0.2142857142857142 140 36 0.1512605042016806 3
EDNRA-209 EDNRA P25101 Endothelin-1 receptor chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.1217798594847775 21 5 0.0117096018735363 2
EGFR-201 EGFR P00533 Epidermal growth factor receptor chr7 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 346 0.2859504132231405 223 30 0.024793388429752 1
ELK3-201 ELK3 P41970 ETS domain-containing protein Elk-3 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.0737100737100737 164 8 0.0196560196560196 0
ENDOU-202 ENDOU P21128 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.0780487804878048 54 3 0.0073170731707317 0
ENHO-201 ENHO Q6UWT2 Adropin chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.1447368421052631 32 5 0.0657894736842105 0
ENST00000685924 ARHGAP11B Q3KRB8 Inactive Rho GTPase-activating protein 11B chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.0449438202247191 17 0 0.0 0
ENST00000646106 IL2RG P31785 Cytokine receptor common subunit gamma chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0
ENST00000654459 GUCA1A P43080 Guanylyl cyclase-activating protein 1 chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.1343283582089552 20 0 0.0 15
EPAS1-201 EPAS1 Q99814 Endothelial PAS domain-containing protein 1 chr2 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 109 0.125287356321839 451 54 0.0620689655172413 4
EPO-201 EPO P01588 Erythropoietin chr7 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.1398963730569948 9 1 0.005181347150259 1
EPOR-201 EPOR P19235 Erythropoietin receptor chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.076771653543307 121 11 0.0216535433070866 1
ERBB2-201 ERBB2 P04626 Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 chr17 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 249 0.198406374501992 315 32 0.0254980079681274 1
ERBB3-201 ERBB3 P21860 Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-3 chr12 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 265 0.1974664679582712 398 59 0.0439642324888226 3
ERBB4-202 ERBB4 Q15303 Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4 chr2 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 376 0.2874617737003058 324 95 0.0726299694189602 2
ERBIN-201 ERBIN Q96RT1 Erbin chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 113 0.080028328611898 971 78 0.0552407932011331 0
ERFE-207 ERFE Q4G0M1 Erythroferrone chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 3 0.0084745762711864 180 0 0.0 0
ERG-201 ERG P11308 Transcriptional regulator ERG chr21 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 68 0.1419624217118998 297 38 0.0793319415448851 0
ESR1-201 ESR1 P03372 Estrogen receptor chr6 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 92 0.1546218487394958 198 19 0.0319327731092436 2
ESR2-202 ESR2 Q92731 Estrogen receptor beta chr14 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 69 0.130188679245283 92 10 0.0188679245283018 1
F2RL3-201 F2RL3 Q96RI0 Proteinase-activated receptor 4 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.0831168831168831 47 4 0.0103896103896103 0
FAM13A-201 FAM13A O94988 Protein FAM13A chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 88 0.086021505376344 633 54 0.0527859237536656 0
FAM13B-201 FAM13B Q9NYF5 Protein FAM13B chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 66 0.0721311475409836 576 45 0.0491803278688524 0
FAM3B-201 FAM3B P58499 Protein FAM3B chr21 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.102127659574468 38 3 0.0127659574468085 0
FAM3C-201 FAM3C Q92520 Protein FAM3C chr7 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.0881057268722467 33 2 0.0088105726872246 0
FAM3D-201 FAM3D Q96BQ1 Protein FAM3D chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.1383928571428571 18 5 0.0223214285714285 0
FAM83B-201 FAM83B Q5T0W9 Protein FAM83B chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 239 0.2363996043521266 691 172 0.1701285855588526 0
FAM83D-202 FAM83D Q9H4H8 Protein FAM83D chr20 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 56 0.0957264957264957 274 26 0.0444444444444444 0
FAM83E-201 FAM83E Q2M2I3 Protein FAM83E chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 56 0.1171548117154811 264 30 0.0627615062761506 0
FAM83F-201 FAM83F Q8NEG4 Protein FAM83F chr22 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.1 257 20 0.04 0
FAM83H-201 FAM83H Q6ZRV2 Protein FAM83H chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 125 0.106022052586938 898 76 0.0644614079728583 1
FAS-221 FAS P25445 Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 6 chr10 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 35 0.1044776119402985 63 15 0.044776119402985 16
FASLG-202 FASLG P48023 Tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 6 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 51 0.1814946619217081 94 15 0.0533807829181494 1
FBN1-201 FBN1 P35555 Fibrillin-1 chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 358 0.124695228143504 110 13 0.0045280390107976 340
FBN2-201 FBN2 P35556 Fibrillin-2 chr5 GO:0007165 Compendium Yes 476 0.1634615384615384 137 21 0.0072115384615384 27
FCGR1A-201 FCGR1A P12314 High affinity immunoglobulin gamma Fc receptor I chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.1149732620320855 37 4 0.0106951871657754 0
FEZ2-204 FEZ2 Q9UHY8 Fasciculation and elongation protein zeta-2 chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.0311614730878186 248 6 0.0169971671388102 0
FGD1-201 FGD1 P98174 FYVE, RhoGEF and PH domain-containing protein 1 chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 105 0.109261186264308 521 60 0.0624349635796045 5
FGF1-201 FGF1 P05230 Fibroblast growth factor 1 chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.1354838709677419 29 2 0.0129032258064516 0
FGF11-201 FGF11 Q92914 Fibroblast growth factor 11 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.0577777777777777 68 2 0.0088888888888888 0
FGF12-207 FGF12 P61328 Fibroblast growth factor 12 chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 62 0.2551440329218107 104 30 0.1234567901234567 1
FGF13-202 FGF13 Q92913 Fibroblast growth factor 13 chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 49 0.2 96 20 0.0816326530612244 3
FGF14-202 FGF14 Q92915 Fibroblast growth factor 14 chr13 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.1740890688259109 93 18 0.0728744939271255 1
FGF16-201 FGF16 O43320 Fibroblast growth factor 16 chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.1256038647342995 28 5 0.0241545893719806 1
FGF17-201 FGF17 O60258 Fibroblast growth factor 17 chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.1018518518518518 108 13 0.0601851851851851 3
FGF18-201 FGF18 O76093 Fibroblast growth factor 18 chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.1400966183574879 57 8 0.038647342995169 0
FGF2-201 FGF2 P09038 Fibroblast growth factor 2 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.0590277777777777 183 5 0.0173611111111111 0
FGF20-201 FGF20 Q9NP95 Fibroblast growth factor 20 chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.0900473933649289 57 2 0.0094786729857819 0
FGF21-202 FGF21 Q9NSA1 Fibroblast growth factor 21 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.1291866028708134 110 20 0.0956937799043062 0
FGF3-201 FGF3 P11487 Fibroblast growth factor 3 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.1297071129707113 105 19 0.0794979079497908 2
FGF4-201 FGF4 P08620 Fibroblast growth factor 4 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.0728155339805825 21 3 0.0145631067961165 0
FGF7-201 FGF7 P21781 Fibroblast growth factor 7 chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.134020618556701 22 4 0.0206185567010309 0
FGF9-201 FGF9 P31371 Fibroblast growth factor 9 chr13 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.1586538461538461 43 8 0.0384615384615384 1
FGFBP1-201 FGFBP1 Q14512 Fibroblast growth factor-binding protein 1 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.1111111111111111 81 8 0.0341880341880341 0
FLNB-201 FLNB O75369 Filamin-B chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 257 0.0987701767870868 1187 123 0.0472713297463489 19
FLT3LG-206 FLT3LG P49771 Fms-related tyrosine kinase 3 ligand chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.102127659574468 40 3 0.0127659574468085 0
FNBP1-202 FNBP1 Q96RU3 Formin-binding protein 1 chr9 GO:0007165 Census Yes 61 0.0988654781199351 461 51 0.0826580226904376 0
FNBP1L-202 FNBP1L Q5T0N5 Formin-binding protein 1-like chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.0710743801652892 371 24 0.0396694214876033 0
FNDC5-201 FNDC5 Q8NAU1 Fibronectin type III domain-containing protein 5 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.0613207547169811 74 6 0.0283018867924528 0
FPR1-201 FPR1 P21462 fMet-Leu-Phe receptor chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 79 0.2257142857142857 18 2 0.0057142857142857 0
FPR3-201 FPR3 P25089 N-formyl peptide receptor 3 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 61 0.1728045325779036 28 1 0.0028328611898017 0
FRS3-202 FRS3 O43559 Fibroblast growth factor receptor substrate 3 chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 64 0.1300813008130081 390 48 0.0975609756097561 0
GAB1-201 GAB1 Q13480 GRB2-associated-binding protein 1 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.0778097982708933 570 46 0.0662824207492795 1
GAB2-202 GAB2 Q9UQC2 GRB2-associated-binding protein 2 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 63 0.0931952662721893 540 53 0.0784023668639053 0
GAB3-202 GAB3 Q8WWW8 GRB2-associated-binding protein 3 chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 63 0.1075085324232082 390 46 0.0784982935153583 0
GAB4-201 GAB4 Q2WGN9 GRB2-associated-binding protein 4 chr22 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 115 0.2003484320557491 431 78 0.1358885017421602 0
GABRA5-201 GABRA5 P31644 Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit alpha-5 chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 117 0.2532467532467532 55 16 0.0346320346320346 2
GABRA6-201 GABRA6 Q16445 Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit alpha-6 chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 156 0.3443708609271523 7 2 0.0044150110375275 0
GABRB1-201 GABRB1 P18505 Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit beta-1 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 105 0.2215189873417721 44 11 0.0232067510548523 2
GABRB3-202 GABRB3 P28472 Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit beta-3 chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 147 0.3107822410147992 56 16 0.0338266384778012 9
GABRD-201 GABRD O14764 Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit delta chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 56 0.1238938053097345 19 4 0.0088495575221238 1
GABRQ-201 GABRQ Q9UN88 Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit theta chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 124 0.1962025316455696 175 44 0.0696202531645569 0
GABRR2-201 GABRR2 P28476 Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit rho-2 chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.0924731182795698 8 1 0.0021505376344086 0
GAS6-201 GAS6 Q14393 Growth arrest-specific protein 6 chr13 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 60 0.0884955752212389 43 3 0.0044247787610619 0
GAST-201 GAST P01350 Gastrin chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.1386138613861386 82 11 0.1089108910891089 0
GATA3-201 GATA3 P23771 Trans-acting T-cell-specific transcription factor GATA-3 chr10 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 99 0.2234762979683973 368 79 0.1783295711060948 2
GDF1-201 GDF1 P27539 Embryonic growth/differentiation factor 1 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 5 0.0134408602150537 146 3 0.0080645161290322 6
GDF15-201 GDF15 Q99988 Growth/differentiation factor 15 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.0909090909090909 145 15 0.0487012987012987 0
GDF3-201 GDF3 Q9NR23 Growth/differentiation factor 3 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 67 0.184065934065934 3 3 0.0082417582417582 5
GDI1-204 GDI1 P31150 Rab GDP dissociation inhibitor alpha chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.1208053691275167 34 4 0.0089485458612975 2
GDI2-203 GDI2 P50395 Rab GDP dissociation inhibitor beta chr10 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.0764044943820224 23 1 0.0022471910112359 0
GDNF-201 GDNF P39905 Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.2037914691943128 83 16 0.0758293838862559 2
GEM-201 GEM P55040 GTP-binding protein GEM chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.1756756756756756 97 14 0.0472972972972973 0
GFER-201 GFER P55789 FAD-linked sulfhydryl oxidase ALR chr16 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 9 0.0439024390243902 97 3 0.0146341463414634 1
GFRA3-201 GFRA3 O60609 GDNF family receptor alpha-3 chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.0975 40 2 0.005 0
GIP-201 GIP P09681 Gastric inhibitory polypeptide chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.2156862745098039 68 14 0.0915032679738562 0
GJA1-201 GJA1 P17302 Gap junction alpha-1 protein chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 62 0.1623036649214659 111 20 0.0523560209424083 43
GKAP1-203 GKAP1 Q5VSY0 G kinase-anchoring protein 1 chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.081967213114754 280 21 0.0573770491803278 0
GKN1-201 GKN1 Q9NS71 Gastrokine-1 chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.1675675675675675 52 9 0.0486486486486486 0
GLDN-201 GLDN Q6ZMI3 Gliomedin chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 58 0.1052631578947368 270 30 0.0544464609800363 2
GMFB-201 GMFB P60983 Glia maturation factor beta chr14 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 8 0.056338028169014 11 0 0.0 0
GMFG-206 GMFG O60234 Glia maturation factor gamma chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.1197183098591549 10 1 0.0070422535211267 0
GNA11-201 GNA11 P29992 Guanine nucleotide-binding protein subunit alpha-11 chr19 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 74 0.2061281337047353 10 0 0.0 5
GNA13-201 GNA13 Q14344 Guanine nucleotide-binding protein subunit alpha-13 chr17 GO:0007165 Compendium Yes 45 0.1193633952254641 32 4 0.0106100795755968 0
GNA14-201 GNA14 O95837 Guanine nucleotide-binding protein subunit alpha-14 chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.1183098591549295 11 2 0.0056338028169014 0
GNAI2-202 GNAI2 P04899 Guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(i) subunit alpha-2 chr3 GO:0007165 Compendium Yes 37 0.104225352112676 24 0 0.0 0
GNAL-203 GNAL P38405 Guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(olf) subunit alpha chr18 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.1076115485564304 46 3 0.0078740157480314 2
GNAT1-201 GNAT1 P11488 Guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(t) subunit alpha-1 chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.08 39 3 0.0085714285714285 3
GNB1-201 GNB1 P62873 Guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(I)/G(S)/G(T) subunit beta-1 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.1235294117647058 24 2 0.0058823529411764 14
GNB5-201 GNB5 O14775 Guanine nucleotide-binding protein subunit beta-5 chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 45 0.1139240506329113 16 0 0.0 1
GNG10-201 GNG10 P50151 Guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(I)/G(S)/G(O) subunit gamma-10 chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 5 0.0735294117647058 0 0 0.0 0
GNG11-201 GNG11 P61952 Guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(I)/G(S)/G(O) subunit gamma-11 chr7 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.1780821917808219 66 12 0.1643835616438356 0
GNG12-201 GNG12 Q9UBI6 Guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(I)/G(S)/G(O) subunit gamma-12 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 5 0.0694444444444444 26 2 0.0277777777777777 0
GNG5-202 GNG5 P63218 Guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(I)/G(S)/G(O) subunit gamma-5 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 3 0.0441176470588235 9 0 0.0 0
GNGT1-201 GNGT1 P63211 Guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(T) subunit gamma-T1 chr7 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 8 0.1081081081081081 25 2 0.027027027027027 0
GNL1-201 GNL1 P36915 Guanine nucleotide-binding protein-like 1 chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 45 0.0741350906095551 268 16 0.0263591433278418 0
GNRH1-202 GNRH1 P01148 Progonadoliberin-1 chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.1739130434782608 29 6 0.0652173913043478 0
GNRH2-201 GNRH2 O43555 Progonadoliberin-2 chr20 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.0916666666666666 101 8 0.0666666666666666 0
GPI-201 GPI P06744 Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 56 0.1003584229390681 73 10 0.017921146953405 23
GPNMB-202 GPNMB Q14956 Transmembrane glycoprotein NMB chr7 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 72 0.1258741258741259 95 13 0.0227272727272727 0
GPR143-203 GPR143 P51810 G-protein coupled receptor 143 chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 37 0.0915841584158415 83 13 0.0321782178217821 27
GPR173-201 GPR173 Q9NS66 Probable G-protein coupled receptor 173 chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 46 0.1233243967828418 13 0 0.0 0
GPR27-201 GPR27 Q9NS67 Probable G-protein coupled receptor 27 chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.0586666666666666 23 0 0.0 0
GPR85-202 GPR85 P60893 Probable G-protein coupled receptor 85 chr7 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 59 0.1594594594594594 7 4 0.0108108108108108 0
GPRC5A-201 GPRC5A Q8NFJ5 Retinoic acid-induced protein 3 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.0812324929971988 19 2 0.0056022408963585 0
GRAP-201 GRAP Q13588 GRB2-related adapter protein chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 9 0.0414746543778801 0 0 0.0 1
GRAP2-201 GRAP2 O75791 GRB2-related adapter protein 2 chr22 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 49 0.1484848484848485 151 16 0.0484848484848484 0
GRAPL-201 GRAPL Q8TC17 GRB2-related adapter protein-like chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 26 0 0.0 0
GRB14-201 GRB14 Q14449 Growth factor receptor-bound protein 14 chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 58 0.1074074074074074 117 7 0.0129629629629629 0
GRB2-202 GRB2 P62993 Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.0967741935483871 10 0 0.0 0
GREM1-203 GREM1 O60565 Gremlin-1 chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.1141304347826086 77 9 0.0489130434782608 0
GRIA1-201 GRIA1 P42261 Glutamate receptor 1 chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 252 0.2781456953642384 104 37 0.0408388520971302 3
GRIA2-201 GRIA2 P42262 Glutamate receptor 2 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 217 0.2457531143827859 50 15 0.0169875424688561 14
GRK3-201 GRK3 P35626 Beta-adrenergic receptor kinase 2 chr22 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 64 0.0930232558139534 78 8 0.0116279069767441 0
GRK4-203 GRK4 P32298 G protein-coupled receptor kinase 4 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.0709342560553633 32 1 0.0017301038062283 0
GRK7-202 GRK7 Q8WTQ7 Rhodopsin kinase GRK7 chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 81 0.1464737793851717 90 16 0.0289330922242314 0
GRN-201 GRN P28799 Progranulin chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 64 0.1079258010118043 29 4 0.0067453625632377 1
GRP-201 GRP P07492 Gastrin-releasing peptide chr18 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.1216216216216216 113 17 0.1148648648648648 0
GTPBP1-201 GTPBP1 O00178 GTP-binding protein 1 chr22 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 59 0.0881913303437967 263 21 0.0313901345291479 0
GUCA1A-201 GUCA1A P43080 Guanylyl cyclase-activating protein 1 chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.1343283582089552 20 0 0.0 15
GUCA1C-201 GUCA1C O95843 Guanylyl cyclase-activating protein 3 chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.2057416267942583 35 6 0.0287081339712918 0
GUCA2A-201 GUCA2A Q02747 Guanylin chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.1130434782608695 18 1 0.008695652173913 0
GUCY1A2-203 GUCY1A2 P33402 Guanylate cyclase soluble subunit alpha-2 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 145 0.198087431693989 187 38 0.0519125683060109 0
HBEGF-201 HBEGF Q99075 Proheparin-binding EGF-like growth factor chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.0528846153846153 63 2 0.0096153846153846 0
HBS1L-205 HBS1L Q9Y450 HBS1-like protein chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 51 0.0745614035087719 229 17 0.0248538011695906 0
HCLS1-201 HCLS1 P14317 Hematopoietic lineage cell-specific protein chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 81 0.1666666666666666 448 75 0.1543209876543209 0
HDGF-201 HDGF P51858 Hepatoma-derived growth factor chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.1041666666666666 203 21 0.0875 0
HDGFL3-201 HDGFL3 Q9Y3E1 Hepatoma-derived growth factor-related protein 3 chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.1133004926108374 164 17 0.083743842364532 0
HGS-201 HGS O14964 Hepatocyte growth factor-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 83 0.1068211068211068 535 62 0.0797940797940797 0
HHIP-201 HHIP Q96QV1 Hedgehog-interacting protein chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 103 0.1471428571428571 75 23 0.0328571428571428 0
HIF1A-202 HIF1A Q16665 Hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha chr14 GO:0007165 Census Yes 54 0.0653753026634382 436 28 0.0338983050847457 0
HINT1-201 HINT1 P49773 Adenosine 5'-monophosphoramidase HINT1 chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 7 0.0555555555555555 6 0 0.0 7
HLA-DRB1-201 HLA-DRB1 P01911 HLA class II histocompatibility antigen, DRB1 beta chain chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.0413533834586466 12 0 0.0 0
HLX-201 HLX Q14774 H2.0-like homeobox protein chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 90 0.1844262295081967 416 80 0.1639344262295081 0
HMGB1-203 HMGB1 P09429 High mobility group protein B1 chr13 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 10 0.0465116279069767 202 7 0.0325581395348837 0
HNRNPK-226 HNRNPK P61978 Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.1166306695464362 303 46 0.0993520518358531 0
HPGDS-201 HPGDS O60760 Hematopoietic prostaglandin D synthase chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.1256281407035175 0 0 0.0 0
HRAS-201 HRAS P01112 GTPase HRas chr11 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 129 0.6825396825396826 16 2 0.0105820105820105 10
HSH2D-206 HSH2D Q96JZ2 Hematopoietic SH2 domain-containing protein chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 235 0 0.0 0
HSPA1A-201 HSPA1A P0DMV8 Heat shock 70 kDa protein 1A chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.0312012480499219 200 10 0.0156006240249609 0
HSPA1B-201 HSPA1A P0DMV8 Heat shock 70 kDa protein 1A chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.0296411856474258 200 7 0.0109204368174727 0
HUNK-201 HUNK P57058 Hormonally up-regulated neu tumor-associated kinase chr21 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 93 0.1302521008403361 327 46 0.0644257703081232 0
IAPP-201 IAPP P10997 Islet amyloid polypeptide chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.2134831460674157 10 4 0.0449438202247191 0
ICOSLG-204 ICOSLG O75144 ICOS ligand chr21 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.0662251655629139 29 2 0.0066225165562913 0
IFNGR1-201 IFNGR1 P15260 Interferon gamma receptor 1 chr6 GO:0007165 Compendium Yes 38 0.0777096114519427 176 13 0.0265848670756646 9
IGBP1-202 IGBP1 P78318 Immunoglobulin-binding protein 1 chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.0943952802359882 194 18 0.0530973451327433 0
IGF1-201 IGF1 P05019 Insulin-like growth factor I chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.1538461538461538 87 18 0.0923076923076923 0
IGF1R-217 IGF1R P08069 Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 143 0.1046086320409656 265 30 0.021945866861741 6
IGF2R-201 IGF2R P11717 Cation-independent mannose-6-phosphate receptor chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 233 0.0935367322360497 257 13 0.0052187876354877 0
IGFALS-201 IGFALS P35858 Insulin-like growth factor-binding protein complex acid labile subunit chr16 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.0595041322314049 14 0 0.0 9
IGFBP1-201 IGFBP1 P08833 Insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 1 chr7 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.1119691119691119 42 7 0.027027027027027 0
IGFBP4-201 IGFBP4 P22692 Insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 4 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.0697674418604651 106 12 0.0465116279069767 0
IGFBP5-201 IGFBP5 P24593 Insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 5 chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.0845588235294117 112 18 0.0661764705882353 0
IGFBP6-201 IGFBP6 P24592 Insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 6 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.0541666666666666 166 11 0.0458333333333333 0
IL10-202 IL10 P22301 Interleukin-10 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.095505617977528 23 1 0.0056179775280898 0
IL10RB-201 IL10RB Q08334 Interleukin-10 receptor subunit beta chr21 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.1107692307692307 39 5 0.0153846153846153 0
IL12RB1-203 IL12RB1 P42701 Interleukin-12 receptor subunit beta-1 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 84 0.1268882175226586 209 30 0.0453172205438066 1
IL13-201 IL13 P35225 Interleukin-13 chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.0821917808219178 0 0 0.0 0
IL15-202 IL15 P40933 Interleukin-15 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.1234567901234567 6 1 0.0061728395061728 0
IL16-214 IL16 Q14005 Pro-interleukin-16 chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 144 0.1081081081081081 963 97 0.0728228228228228 0
IL17B-201 IL17B Q9UHF5 Interleukin-17B chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.1333333333333333 48 9 0.05 0
IL17D-204 IL17D Q8TAD2 Interleukin-17D chr13 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 6 0.0297029702970297 64 1 0.0049504950495049 0
IL18R1-201 IL18R1 Q13478 Interleukin-18 receptor 1 chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 86 0.1589648798521257 18 3 0.0055452865064695 0
IL19-205 IL19 Q9UHD0 Interleukin-19 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.0847457627118644 0 0 0.0 0
IL1B-201 IL1B P01584 Interleukin-1 beta chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.1189591078066914 16 2 0.0074349442379182 0
IL1RAPL1-201 IL1RAPL1 Q9NZN1 Interleukin-1 receptor accessory protein-like 1 chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 153 0.2198275862068965 77 15 0.021551724137931 0
IL1RL1-201 IL1RL1 Q01638 Interleukin-1 receptor-like 1 chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 101 0.1816546762589928 25 5 0.0089928057553956 0
IL1RL2-201 IL1RL2 Q9HB29 Interleukin-1 receptor-like 2 chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 82 0.1426086956521739 11 1 0.0017391304347826 0
IL1RN-205 IL1RN P18510 Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protein chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.1242937853107344 17 5 0.0282485875706214 0
IL20-202 IL20 Q9NYY1 Interleukin-20 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.1136363636363636 0 0 0.0 0
IL21-203 IL21 Q9HBE4 Interleukin-21 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.1728395061728395 71 13 0.0802469135802469 1
IL22-202 IL22 Q9GZX6 Interleukin-22 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.1340782122905028 0 0 0.0 0
IL23A-201 IL23A Q9NPF7 Interleukin-23 subunit alpha chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 7 0.037037037037037 42 2 0.0105820105820105 0
IL24-201 IL24 Q13007 Interleukin-24 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.116504854368932 0 0 0.0 0
IL25-201 IL25 Q9H293 Interleukin-25 chr14 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.135593220338983 50 7 0.03954802259887 0
IL26-201 IL26 Q9NPH9 Interleukin-26 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.1286549707602339 0 0 0.0 0
IL27-201 IL27 Q8NEV9 Interleukin-27 subunit alpha chr16 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.1275720164609053 28 0 0.0 0
IL2RB-201 IL2RB P14784 Interleukin-2 receptor subunit beta chr22 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 66 0.1197822141560798 184 26 0.0471869328493647 1
IL2RG-202 IL2RG P31785 Cytokine receptor common subunit gamma chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.1138211382113821 32 6 0.016260162601626 29
IL31-201 IL31 Q6EBC2 Interleukin-31 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.0853658536585365 26 2 0.0121951219512195 0
IL32-223 IL32 P24001 Interleukin-32 chr16 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.0811965811965812 70 8 0.0341880341880341 0
IL36RN-202 IL36RN Q9UBH0 Interleukin-36 receptor antagonist protein chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.1741935483870967 7 2 0.0129032258064516 4
IL4R-202 IL4R P24394 Interleukin-4 receptor subunit alpha chr16 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 105 0.1272727272727272 426 48 0.0581818181818181 0
IL5RA-209 IL5RA Q01344 Interleukin-5 receptor subunit alpha chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 67 0.1595238095238095 23 2 0.0047619047619047 0
IL7R-201 IL7R P16871 Interleukin-7 receptor subunit alpha chr5 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 140 0.3050108932461873 89 40 0.0871459694989106 1
IL9-201 IL9 P15248 Interleukin-9 chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 7 0.0486111111111111 4 0 0.0 0
IL9R-201 IL9R Q01113 Interleukin-9 receptor chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 77 0.1477927063339731 79 16 0.0307101727447216 0
IMPA1-201 IMPA1 P29218 Inositol monophosphatase 1 chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.0902527075812274 3 0 0.0 0
IMPA2-201 IMPA2 O14732 Inositol monophosphatase 2 chr18 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.1215277777777777 21 1 0.0034722222222222 0
ING2-201 ING2 Q9H160 Inhibitor of growth protein 2 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.0857142857142857 169 18 0.0642857142857142 0
INHA-201 INHA P05111 Inhibin alpha chain chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.1174863387978142 144 13 0.0355191256830601 0
INHBC-201 INHBC P55103 Inhibin beta C chain chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.0852272727272727 35 2 0.0056818181818181 0
INHBE-201 INHBE P58166 Inhibin beta E chain chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.1028571428571428 85 7 0.02 0
INPP1-202 INPP1 P49441 Inositol polyphosphate 1-phosphatase chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 37 0.0927318295739348 24 0 0.0 0
INPP4A-209 INPP4A Q96PE3 Inositol polyphosphate-4-phosphatase type I A chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 88 0.09007164790174 153 14 0.014329580348004 0
INPP4B-201 INPP4B O15327 Inositol polyphosphate 4-phosphatase type II chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 109 0.1179653679653679 187 28 0.0303030303030303 0
INPP5B-203 INPP5B P32019 Type II inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate 5-phosphatase chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 74 0.0745216515609264 115 4 0.0040281973816717 0
INPP5D-204 INPP5D Q92835 Phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate 5-phosphatase 1 chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 140 0.1177460050462573 579 75 0.0630782169890664 0
INS-IGF2-202 INS-IGF2 F8WCM5 Insulin, isoform 2 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 10 0.05 132 4 0.02 0
INSL4-201 INSL4 Q14641 Early placenta insulin-like peptide chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.2158273381294964 52 11 0.079136690647482 0
INSL5-201 INSL5 Q9Y5Q6 Insulin-like peptide INSL5 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.1333333333333333 56 6 0.0444444444444444 0
INSL6-201 INSL6 Q9Y581 Insulin-like peptide INSL6 chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.1596244131455399 41 7 0.0328638497652582 0
IPO8-201 IPO8 O15397 Importin-8 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 93 0.0896817743490838 111 10 0.0096432015429122 3
IQGAP1-201 IQGAP1 P46940 Ras GTPase-activating-like protein IQGAP1 chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 137 0.0826795413397706 351 25 0.0150875075437537 0
IQGAP2-201 IQGAP2 Q13576 Ras GTPase-activating-like protein IQGAP2 chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 159 0.1009523809523809 257 36 0.0228571428571428 0
IRS1-201 IRS1 P35568 Insulin receptor substrate 1 chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 118 0.0950080515297906 1075 104 0.0837359098228663 2
IRS2-201 IRS2 Q9Y4H2 Insulin receptor substrate 2 chr13 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.0328849028400597 1117 34 0.0254110612855007 0
IRS4-202 IRS4 O14654 Insulin receptor substrate 4 chrX GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 98 0.0779634049323786 801 80 0.0636435958631662 0
ITGAL-201 ITGAL P20701 Integrin alpha-L chr16 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 144 0.123076923076923 144 20 0.017094017094017 0
ITGB1BP2-201 ITGB1BP2 Q9UKP3 Integrin beta-1-binding protein 2 chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.1152737752161383 137 14 0.0403458213256484 0
ITGB3BP-201 ITGB3BP Q13352 Centromere protein R chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.0847457627118644 123 12 0.0677966101694915 0
ITK-201 ITK Q08881 Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK chr5 GO:0007165 Census Yes 106 0.1709677419354838 43 9 0.014516129032258 1
ITPK1-201 ITPK1 Q13572 Inositol-tetrakisphosphate 1-kinase chr14 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 58 0.1400966183574879 24 1 0.002415458937198 0
ITPKA-201 ITPKA P23677 Inositol-trisphosphate 3-kinase A chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.0477223427331887 216 4 0.0086767895878524 0
ITPKB-203 ITPKB P27987 Inositol-trisphosphate 3-kinase B chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 101 0.1067653276955602 727 81 0.0856236786469344 0
ITPR1-237 ITPR1 Q14643 Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1 chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 272 0.0986221899927483 581 56 0.0203045685279187 6
ITPR2-202 ITPR2 Q14571 Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 2 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 260 0.0962606442058496 398 46 0.0170307293594964 1
JAK2-201 JAK2 O60674 Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 chr9 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 81 0.0715547703180212 59 4 0.0035335689045936 4
KALRN-204 KALRN O60229 Kalirin chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 371 0.124246483590087 739 106 0.0354989953114534 0
KCNIP2-206 KCNIP2 Q9NS61 Kv channel-interacting protein 2 chr10 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.1037037037037037 89 13 0.0481481481481481 0
KCNIP3-201 KCNIP3 Q9Y2W7 Calsenilin chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.109375 60 8 0.03125 0
KCNK10-203 KCNK10 P57789 Potassium channel subfamily K member 10 chr14 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 120 0.2230483271375464 176 44 0.0817843866171003 0
KIF13B-206 KIF13B Q9NQT8 Kinesin-like protein KIF13B chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 131 0.0717415115005476 970 56 0.0306681270536692 0
KIFAP3-201 KIFAP3 Q92845 Kinesin-associated protein 3 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 89 0.1123737373737373 71 8 0.0101010101010101 0
KIR2DL4-205 KIR2DL4 Q99706 Killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor 2DL4 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0
KIT-201 KIT P10721 Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit chr4 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 186 0.1905737704918032 84 24 0.0245901639344262 15
KLRC2-202 KLRC2 P26717 NKG2-C type II integral membrane protein chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.1645021645021645 45 11 0.0476190476190476 0
KLRK1-201 KLRK1 P26718 NKG2-D type II integral membrane protein chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.162037037037037 0 0 0.0 0
KNG1-203 KNG1 P01042 Kininogen-1 chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 100 0.15527950310559 297 55 0.0854037267080745 1
LALBA-201 LALBA P00709 Alpha-lactalbumin chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.1056338028169014 0 0 0.0 0
LEFTY2-201 LEFTY2 O00292 Left-right determination factor 2 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.0792349726775956 54 1 0.0027322404371584 1
LGALS3BP-201 LGALS3BP Q08380 Galectin-3-binding protein chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 49 0.0837606837606837 9 0 0.0 0
LHB-201 LHB P01229 Lutropin subunit beta chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.0992907801418439 0 0 0.0 1
LILRA2-204 LILRA2 Q8N149 Leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor subfamily A member 2 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 138 0.2857142857142857 137 37 0.0766045548654244 0
LILRB1-201 LILRB1 Q8NHL6 Leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor subfamily B member 1 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 170 0.2607361963190184 325 86 0.1319018404907975 0
LILRB2-201 LILRB2 Q8N423 Leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor subfamily B member 2 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 120 0.2010050251256281 235 41 0.0686767169179229 0
LIMK1-201 LIMK1 P53667 LIM domain kinase 1 chr7 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 80 0.1236476043276661 170 20 0.0309119010819165 0
LMBR1-201 LMBR1 Q8WVP7 Limb region 1 protein homolog chr7 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.0836734693877551 19 0 0.0 0
LMBR1L-201 LMBR1L Q6UX01 Protein LMBR1L chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 46 0.0940695296523517 4 0 0.0 0
LPXN-201 LPXN O60711 Leupaxin chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.077720207253886 135 10 0.0259067357512953 0
LRP12-201 LRP12 Q9Y561 Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 12 chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 160 0.1862630966239813 242 46 0.0535506402793946 0
LRP8-201 LRP8 Q14114 Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 8 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 70 0.0726895119418483 190 17 0.0176531671858774 0
LRPAP1-205 LRPAP1 P30533 Alpha-2-macroglobulin receptor-associated protein chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.0812324929971988 189 16 0.0448179271708683 0
LRR1-201 LRR1 Q96L50 Leucine-rich repeat protein 1 chr14 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.072463768115942 3 1 0.002415458937198 0
LRRC18-201 LRRC18 Q8N456 Leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 18 chr10 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 63 0.2413793103448276 37 2 0.0076628352490421 0
LRRC2-202 LRRC2 Q9BYS8 Leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 2 chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.105121293800539 25 4 0.0107816711590296 0
LRRC28-201 LRRC28 Q86X40 Leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 28 chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.106267029972752 0 0 0.0 0
LRRC30-201 LRRC30 A6NM36 Leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 30 chr18 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 72 0.2392026578073089 22 6 0.0199335548172757 0
LRRC39-202 LRRC39 Q96DD0 Leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 39 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.053731343283582 50 3 0.008955223880597 0
LRRC40-201 LRRC40 Q9H9A6 Leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 40 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 51 0.0847176079734219 35 3 0.0049833887043189 0
LRRC58-201 LRRC58 Q96CX6 Leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 58 chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.0404312668463611 43 2 0.0053908355795148 0
LRRC59-201 LRRC59 Q96AG4 Leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 59 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.0846905537459283 123 13 0.0423452768729641 0
LRRC63-201 LRRC63 Q05C16 Leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 63 chr13 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0
LRRC69-202 LRRC69 Q6ZNQ3 Leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 69 chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.0345821325648415 4 0 0.0 0
LRRD1-203 LRRD1 A4D1F6 Leucine-rich repeat and death domain-containing protein 1 chr7 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.0325581395348837 132 6 0.0069767441860465 0
LRRK2-201 LRRK2 Q5S007 Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 402 0.1590819153146023 91 13 0.0051444400474871 20
LRRN2-203 LRRN2 O75325 Leucine-rich repeat neuronal protein 2 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 94 0.1318373071528751 84 16 0.0224403927068723 0
LSP1-201 LSP1 P33241 Lymphocyte-specific protein 1 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.1238938053097345 334 40 0.1179941002949852 0
LTA-213 LTA P01374 Lymphotoxin-alpha chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.1560975609756097 20 4 0.0195121951219512 0
LTB-210 LTB Q06643 Lymphotoxin-beta chr6 GO:0007165 Compendium Yes 23 0.0942622950819672 91 10 0.040983606557377 0
LTBR-201 LTBR P36941 Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 3 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.0712643678160919 202 16 0.0367816091954023 0
LTK-201 LTK P29376 Leukocyte tyrosine kinase receptor chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 63 0.0729166666666666 301 17 0.0196759259259259 0
LYN-202 LYN P07948 Tyrosine-protein kinase Lyn chr8 GO:0007165 Census Yes 78 0.15234375 85 10 0.01953125 0
MACC1-202 MACC1 Q6ZN28 Metastasis-associated in colon cancer protein 1 chr7 GO:0007165 Census Yes 115 0.1349765258215962 93 12 0.0140845070422535 0
MADCAM1-201 MADCAM1 Q13477 Mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule 1 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.0471204188481675 243 16 0.0418848167539267 0
MAGI1-202 MAGI1 Q96QZ7 Membrane-associated guanylate kinase, WW and PDZ domain-containing protein 1 chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 173 0.1183310533515731 1181 140 0.0957592339261285 0
MAGI2-201 MAGI2 Q86UL8 Membrane-associated guanylate kinase, WW and PDZ domain-containing protein 2 chr7 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 246 0.1690721649484536 1092 169 0.1161512027491409 0
MAGI3-201 MAGI3 Q5TCQ9 Membrane-associated guanylate kinase, WW and PDZ domain-containing protein 3 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 115 0.0776502363268062 1041 83 0.0560432140445644 0
MANF-204 MANF P55145 Mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.0604395604395604 1 0 0.0 0
MAP2K1-201 MAP2K1 Q02750 Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1 chr15 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 83 0.2111959287531806 96 22 0.0559796437659033 5
MAP2K3-202 MAP2K3 P46734 Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 3 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 74 0.2132564841498559 76 19 0.0547550432276657 0
MAP2K4-201 MAP2K4 P45985 Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 4 chr17 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 72 0.1804511278195488 137 23 0.0576441102756892 0
MAP2K5-201 MAP2K5 Q13163 Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 5 chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.0580357142857142 85 6 0.0133928571428571 0
MAP2K6-206 MAP2K6 P52564 Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 6 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.0838323353293413 55 6 0.0179640718562874 0
MAP2K7-201 MAP2K7 O14733 Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 7 chr19 GO:0007165 Compendium Yes 78 0.1861575178997613 145 17 0.0405727923627685 0
MAP3K10-201 MAP3K10 Q02779 Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 10 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 84 0.0880503144654088 591 45 0.0471698113207547 0
MAP3K21-203 MAP3K21 Q5TCX8 Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 21 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 146 0.1409266409266409 665 92 0.0888030888030888 0
MAP3K6-201 MAP3K6 O95382 Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 6 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 72 0.0559006211180124 392 21 0.0163043478260869 0
MAPK1-201 MAPK1 P28482 Mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 chr22 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 52 0.1444444444444444 2 0 0.0 6
MAPK10-319 MAPK10 P53779 Mitogen-activated protein kinase 10 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 72 0.1551724137931034 107 15 0.0323275862068965 0
MAPK12-201 MAPK12 P53778 Mitogen-activated protein kinase 12 chr22 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.0735694822888283 63 5 0.0136239782016348 0
MAPK14-201 MAPK14 Q16539 Mitogen-activated protein kinase 14 chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.0611111111111111 25 0 0.0 0
MAPK6-201 MAPK6 Q16659 Mitogen-activated protein kinase 6 chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.0721220527045769 166 13 0.0180305131761442 0
MAPK7-204 MAPK7 Q13164 Mitogen-activated protein kinase 7 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 56 0.0686274509803921 490 31 0.0379901960784313 0
MAPKAPK3-208 MAPKAPK3 Q16644 MAP kinase-activated protein kinase 3 chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.06282722513089 117 8 0.0209424083769633 1
MAPKAPK5-207 MAPKAPK5 Q8IW41 MAP kinase-activated protein kinase 5 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.080338266384778 101 6 0.0126849894291754 0
MAVS-202 MAVS Q7Z434 Mitochondrial antiviral-signaling protein chr20 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 55 0.1018518518518518 415 44 0.0814814814814814 0
MCC-201 MCC P23508 Colorectal mutant cancer protein chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 104 0.1254523522316043 593 69 0.083232810615199 0
MDK-203 MDK P21741 Midkine chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.0909090909090909 20 1 0.0069930069930069 0
MET-202 MET P08581 Hepatocyte growth factor receptor chr7 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 161 0.1158273381294964 62 10 0.0071942446043165 16
METRN-204 METRN Q9UJH8 Meteorin chr16 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 8 0.0273037542662116 40 1 0.0034129692832764 0
METRNL-201 METRNL Q641Q3 Meteorin-like protein chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.0707395498392283 88 5 0.0160771704180064 0
MFHAS1-201 MFHAS1 Q9Y4C4 Malignant fibrous histiocytoma-amplified sequence 1 chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 72 0.0684410646387832 98 8 0.0076045627376425 0
MIA-201 MIA Q16674 Melanoma-derived growth regulatory protein chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.1068702290076335 0 0 0.0 0
MIA-RAB4B-201 MIA Q16674 Melanoma-derived growth regulatory protein chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.1068702290076335 18 0 0.0 0
MICAL1-202 MICAL1 Q8TDZ2 [F-actin]-monooxygenase MICAL1 chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 91 0.0852858481724461 365 30 0.0281162136832239 0
MKLN1-201 MKLN1 Q9UL63 Muskelin chr7 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 51 0.0693877551020408 91 9 0.0122448979591836 0
MLN-202 MLN P12872 Promotilin chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.1130434782608695 77 7 0.0608695652173913 0
MOB3A-201 MOB3A Q96BX8 MOB kinase activator 3A chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.0783410138248847 16 1 0.0046082949308755 0
MOB3B-201 MOB3B Q86TA1 MOB kinase activator 3B chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.0833333333333333 16 2 0.0092592592592592 0
MOB3C-202 MOB3C Q70IA8 MOB kinase activator 3C chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.1388888888888889 1 0 0.0 0
MOK-201 MOK Q9UQ07 MAPK/MAK/MRK overlapping kinase chr14 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.0620525059665871 136 5 0.0119331742243436 0
MOS-201 MOS P00540 Proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase mos chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 69 0.1994219653179191 16 2 0.0057803468208092 0
MPP1-202 MPP1 Q00013 55 kDa erythrocyte membrane protein chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 58 0.1244635193133047 194 29 0.0622317596566523 0
MRGPRX1-202 MRGPRX1 Q96LB2 Mas-related G-protein coupled receptor member X1 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 97 0.3012422360248447 0 0 0.0 0
MSMP-202 MSMP Q1L6U9 Prostate-associated microseminoprotein chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.079136690647482 28 0 0.0 0
MST1R-201 MST1R Q04912 Macrophage-stimulating protein receptor chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 147 0.105 183 24 0.0171428571428571 1
MTA1-201 MTA1 Q13330 Metastasis-associated protein MTA1 chr14 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 68 0.0951048951048951 328 33 0.0461538461538461 0
MX1-202 MX1 P20591 Interferon-induced GTP-binding protein Mx1 chr21 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 64 0.0966767371601208 74 8 0.0120845921450151 0
MYD88-209 MYD88 Q99836 Myeloid differentiation primary response protein MyD88 chr3 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 29 0.0979729729729729 47 2 0.0067567567567567 2
MYO10-210 MYO10 Q9HD67 Unconventional myosin-X chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 226 0.1098153547133139 420 44 0.021379980563654 0
MYOC-201 MYOC Q99972 Myocilin chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 76 0.1507936507936507 197 36 0.0714285714285714 49
NAE1-201 NAE1 Q13564 NEDD8-activating enzyme E1 regulatory subunit chr16 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.0505617977528089 69 2 0.0037453183520599 0
NAMPT-201 NAMPT P43490 Nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase chr7 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.0794297352342158 27 5 0.010183299389002 0
NBL1-202 NBL1 P41271 Neuroblastoma suppressor of tumorigenicity 1 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.0607734806629834 64 3 0.0165745856353591 0
NCK1-207 NCK1 P16333 Cytoplasmic protein NCK1 chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.1087533156498673 111 15 0.039787798408488 0
NCK2-201 NCK2 O43639 Cytoplasmic protein NCK2 chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 66 0.1736842105263158 88 15 0.0394736842105263 0
NCR1-201 NCR1 O76036 Natural cytotoxicity triggering receptor 1 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 68 0.2236842105263158 29 8 0.0263157894736842 0
NCR2-203 NCR2 O95944 Natural cytotoxicity triggering receptor 2 chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 46 0.1666666666666666 61 10 0.036231884057971 0
NDRG1-201 NDRG1 Q92597 Protein NDRG1 chr8 GO:0007165 Census Yes 44 0.1116751269035533 141 18 0.0456852791878172 0
NDRG2-250 NDRG2 Q9UN36 Protein NDRG2 chr14 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.1159029649595687 112 7 0.0188679245283018 0
NDRG3-201 NDRG3 Q9UGV2 Protein NDRG3 chr20 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.096 109 16 0.0426666666666666 0
NDRG4-255 NDRG4 Q9ULP0 Protein NDRG4 chr16 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.096590909090909 90 10 0.0284090909090909 0
NEDD9-202 NEDD9 Q14511 Enhancer of filamentation 1 chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 80 0.0959232613908872 520 55 0.065947242206235 0
NET1-201 NET1 Q7Z628 Neuroepithelial cell-transforming gene 1 protein chr10 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 48 0.0805369127516778 297 32 0.0536912751677852 0
NFAM1-201 NFAM1 Q8NET5 NFAT activation molecule 1 chr22 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.0777777777777777 120 14 0.0518518518518518 0
NFAT5-202 NFAT5 O94916 Nuclear factor of activated T-cells 5 chr16 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 107 0.069888961463096 1308 89 0.0581319399085565 0
NFKBIB-201 NFKBIB Q15653 NF-kappa-B inhibitor beta chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.0870786516853932 224 24 0.0674157303370786 0
NLRP12-201 NLRP12 P59046 NACHT, LRR and PYD domains-containing protein 12 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 258 0.2431668237511781 115 37 0.0348727615457115 0
NLRP3-201 NLRP3 Q96P20 NACHT, LRR and PYD domains-containing protein 3 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 287 0.2775628626692456 65 30 0.0290135396518375 34
NMB-201 NMB P08949 Neuromedin-B chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 6 0.0495867768595041 30 1 0.0082644628099173 0
NOD1-201 NOD1 Q9Y239 Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-containing protein 1 chr7 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 98 0.1028331584470094 39 4 0.0041972717733473 0
NOSTRIN-201 NOSTRIN Q8IVI9 Nostrin chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.0770750988142292 191 12 0.0237154150197628 0
NOX1-204 NOX1 Q9Y5S8 NADPH oxidase 1 chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 76 0.1347517730496454 18 5 0.0088652482269503 0
NPHP1-203 NPHP1 O15259 Nephrocystin-1 chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 83 0.1133879781420765 260 24 0.0327868852459016 1
NPHP4-201 NPHP4 O75161 Nephrocystin-4 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 137 0.0960729312762973 474 44 0.0308555399719495 17
NPM1-201 NPM1 P06748 Nucleophosmin chr5 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 25 0.0850340136054421 249 19 0.064625850340136 0
NPR3-201 NPR3 P17342 Atrial natriuretic peptide receptor 3 chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 79 0.1460258780036968 58 7 0.0129390018484288 2
NR1I2-202 NR1I2 O75469 Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group I member 2 chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 45 0.1036866359447004 82 9 0.02073732718894 0
NR1I3-204 NR1I3 Q14994 Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group I member 3 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 46 0.1306818181818181 23 2 0.0056818181818181 0
NR2E3-202 NR2E3 Q9Y5X4 Photoreceptor-specific nuclear receptor chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 172 0 0.0 15
NR2F1-201 NR2F1 P10589 COUP transcription factor 1 chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.1276595744680851 110 4 0.0094562647754137 4
NR3C1-203 NR3C1 P04150 Glucocorticoid receptor chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 55 0.0707850707850707 364 20 0.0257400257400257 11
NR3C2-203 NR3C2 P08235 Mineralocorticoid receptor chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 120 0.1219512195121951 487 63 0.0640243902439024 14
NR4A1-204 NR4A1 P22736 Nuclear receptor subfamily 4 group A member 1 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.0869565217391304 252 24 0.040133779264214 0
NR4A2-201 NR4A2 P43354 Nuclear receptor subfamily 4 group A member 2 chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 84 0.1404682274247491 262 32 0.0535117056856187 3
NRG2-205 NRG2 O14511 Pro-neuregulin-2, membrane-bound isoform chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 63 0.0741176470588235 592 37 0.0435294117647058 0
NRGN-201 NRGN Q92686 Neurogranin chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 5 0.0641025641025641 76 5 0.0641025641025641 0
NRP1-206 NRP1 O14786 Neuropilin-1 chr10 GO:0007165 Compendium Yes 112 0.1213434452871072 212 25 0.0270855904658721 0
NRXN2-201 NRXN2 Q9P2S2 Neurexin-2 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 223 0.1302570093457944 547 69 0.040303738317757 0
NSMAF-201 NSMAF Q92636 Protein FAN chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 84 0.0916030534351145 80 12 0.0130861504907306 0
NTF3-201 NTF3 P20783 Neurotrophin-3 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 49 0.1906614785992217 102 23 0.0894941634241245 0
NTS-201 NTS P30990 Neurotensin/neuromedin N chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.088235294117647 23 2 0.0117647058823529 0
OCRL-202 OCRL Q01968 Inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase OCRL chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 105 0.1165371809100998 126 18 0.0199778024417314 36
OGN-202 OGN P20774 Mimecan chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.1006711409395973 22 3 0.0100671140939597 0
OGT-202 OGT O15294 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine--peptide N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 110 kDa subunit chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 111 0.1061185468451242 90 9 0.008604206500956 2
OLFM1-204 OLFM1 Q99784 Noelin chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 67 0.1381443298969072 84 11 0.022680412371134 0
OLFM2-201 OLFM2 O95897 Noelin-2 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 60 0.13215859030837 16 0 0.0 0
OLFM3-201 OLFM3 Q96PB7 Noelin-3 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 110 0.2301255230125523 46 11 0.0230125523012552 0
OLFM4-201 OLFM4 Q6UX06 Olfactomedin-4 chr13 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 81 0.1588235294117647 54 10 0.0196078431372549 0
OLFML1-201 OLFML1 Q6UWY5 Olfactomedin-like protein 1 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.0945273631840796 14 2 0.0049751243781094 0
OLFML2A-203 OLFML2A Q68BL7 Olfactomedin-like protein 2A chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 89 0.1365030674846625 278 33 0.0506134969325153 0
OLFML2B-201 OLFML2B Q68BL8 Olfactomedin-like protein 2B chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 127 0.1693333333333333 373 60 0.08 0
OLFML3-201 OLFML3 Q9NRN5 Olfactomedin-like protein 3 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.0960591133004926 105 10 0.0246305418719211 0
OMP-201 OMP P47874 Olfactory marker protein chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.1901840490797546 56 5 0.0306748466257668 0
OPHN1-201 OPHN1 O60890 Oligophrenin-1 chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 86 0.1072319201995012 302 30 0.0374064837905236 0
OPN1LW-201 OPN1LW P04000 Long-wave-sensitive opsin 1 chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 53 0.1456043956043956 9 0 0.0 3
OPN1SW-201 OPN1SW P03999 Short-wave-sensitive opsin 1 chr7 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.1246376811594203 20 0 0.0 4
OPTN-202 OPTN Q96CV9 Optineurin chr10 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.0814558058925476 475 40 0.0693240901213171 6
OR1A1-202 OR1A1 Q9P1Q5 Olfactory receptor 1A1 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 67 0.2168284789644013 1 0 0.0 0
OR1A2-201 OR1A2 Q9Y585 Olfactory receptor 1A2 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 45 0.145631067961165 0 0 0.0 0
OR1B1-201 OR1B1 Q8NGR6 Olfactory receptor 1B1 chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 58 0.1829652996845426 0 0 0.0 0
OR1C1-202 OR1C1 Q15619 Olfactory receptor 1C1 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 120 0.3821656050955414 0 0 0.0 0
OR1D2-202 OR1D2 P34982 Olfactory receptor 1D2 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 53 0.1698717948717948 2 0 0.0 0
OR1D5-201 OR1D5 P58170 Olfactory receptor 1D5 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.1506410256410256 2 0 0.0 0
OR1E1-201 OR1E1 P30953 Olfactory receptor 1E1 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 37 0.1178343949044586 0 0 0.0 0
OR1E2-201 OR1E2 P47887 Olfactory receptor 1E2 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.1114551083591331 0 0 0.0 0
OR1F1-201 OR1F1 O43749 Olfactory receptor 1F1 chr16 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.1217948717948717 1 0 0.0 0
OR1G1-201 OR1G1 P47890 Olfactory receptor 1G1 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 45 0.1437699680511182 0 0 0.0 0
OR1I1-202 OR1I1 O60431 Olfactory receptor 1I1 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.1183098591549295 18 2 0.0056338028169014 0
OR1J1-201 OR1J1 Q8NGS3 Olfactory receptor 1J1 chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.1118012422360248 1 0 0.0 0
OR1J2-201 OR1J2 Q8NGS2 Olfactory receptor 1J2 chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 56 0.1789137380191693 1 0 0.0 0
OR1J4-201 OR1J4 Q8NGS1 Olfactory receptor 1J4 chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 55 0.1757188498402556 1 0 0.0 0
OR1L1-202 OR1L1 Q8NH94 Olfactory receptor 1L1 chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.1305555555555555 4 0 0.0 0
OR1L3-201 OR1L3 Q8NH93 Olfactory receptor 1L3 chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 51 0.1574074074074074 0 0 0.0 0
OR1L4-201 OR1L4 Q8NGR5 Olfactory receptor 1L4 chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.1511254019292604 1 0 0.0 0
OR1L6-202 OR1L6 Q8NGR2 Olfactory receptor 1L6 chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.0922190201729106 0 0 0.0 0
OR1L8-201 OR1L8 Q8NGR8 Olfactory receptor 1L8 chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 70 0.2265372168284789 0 0 0.0 0
OR1M1-202 OR1M1 Q8NGA1 Olfactory receptor 1M1 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 71 0.2268370607028754 2 0 0.0 0
OR1N1-201 OR1N1 Q8NGS0 Olfactory receptor 1N1 chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 46 0.1479099678456591 0 0 0.0 0
OR1N2-201 OR1N2 Q8NGR9 Olfactory receptor 1N2 chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 60 0.189873417721519 3 3 0.0094936708860759 0
OR1Q1-201 OR1Q1 Q15612 Olfactory receptor 1Q1 chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.1719745222929936 0 0 0.0 0
OR1S1-201 OR1S1 Q8NH92 Olfactory receptor 1S1 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 78 0.25 1 0 0.0 0
OR1S2-201 OR1S2 Q8NGQ3 Olfactory receptor 1S2 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 78 0.25 1 0 0.0 0
OR2AT4-201 OR2AT4 A6NND4 Olfactory receptor 2AT4 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.146875 0 0 0.0 0
OR2F1-203 OR2F1 Q13607 Olfactory receptor 2F1 chr7 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 84 0.2649842271293375 0 0 0.0 0
OR3A1-201 OR3A1 P47881 Olfactory receptor 3A1 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.1587301587301587 1 0 0.0 0
OR3A2-202 OR3A2 P47893 Olfactory receptor 3A2 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.1587301587301587 3 0 0.0 0
OR3A3-202 OR3A3 P47888 Olfactory receptor 3A3 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.1238095238095238 3 0 0.0 0
OR52A1-201 OR52A1 Q9UKL2 Olfactory receptor 52A1 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 76 0.2435897435897435 0 0 0.0 0
OR5I1-201 OR5I1 Q13606 Olfactory receptor 5I1 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 107 0.340764331210191 0 0 0.0 0
OR6A2-201 OR6A2 O95222 Olfactory receptor 6A2 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 64 0.1957186544342507 7 3 0.0091743119266055 0
OR7A10-201 OR7A10 O76100 Olfactory receptor 7A10 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.1262135922330097 0 0 0.0 0
OR7A17-201 OR7A17 O14581 Olfactory receptor 7A17 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.1294498381877022 2 0 0.0 0
OR7A5-201 OR7A5 Q15622 Olfactory receptor 7A5 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.1630094043887147 1 0 0.0 0
OR7C1-203 OR7C1 O76099 Olfactory receptor 7C1 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 37 0.115625 1 0 0.0 0
OR7C2-201 OR7C2 O60412 Olfactory receptor 7C2 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 49 0.1536050156739812 1 0 0.0 0
OR7D2-202 OR7D2 Q96RA2 Olfactory receptor 7D2 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 66 0.2115384615384615 0 0 0.0 0
OR7D4-203 OR7D4 Q8NG98 Olfactory receptor 7D4 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 91 0.2916666666666667 0 0 0.0 0
OR7E24-201 OR7E24 Q6IFN5 Olfactory receptor 7E24 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 70 0.2064896755162241 0 0 0.0 0
OR7G1-201 OR7G1 Q8NGA0 Olfactory receptor 7G1 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 46 0.1479099678456591 1 0 0.0 0
OR7G2-201 OR7G2 Q8NG99 Olfactory receptor 7G2 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.1450617283950617 0 0 0.0 0
OR7G3-201 OR7G3 Q8NG95 Olfactory receptor 7G3 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 45 0.1442307692307692 0 0 0.0 0
OSGIN1-203 OSGIN1 Q9UJX0 Oxidative stress-induced growth inhibitor 1 chr16 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 48 0.10062893081761 82 13 0.0272536687631027 0
OSGIN2-204 OSGIN2 Q9Y236 Oxidative stress-induced growth inhibitor 2 chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.0851485148514851 11 0 0.0 0
OSTF1-201 OSTF1 Q92882 Osteoclast-stimulating factor 1 chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.0607476635514018 51 2 0.0093457943925233 0
OXSR1-201 OXSR1 O95747 Serine/threonine-protein kinase OSR1 chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 51 0.0967741935483871 208 22 0.0417457305502846 0
OXT-201 OXT P01178 Oxytocin-neurophysin 1 chr20 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 9 0.072 0 0 0.0 0
P2RX1-201 P2RX1 P51575 P2X purinoceptor 1 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.1052631578947368 14 0 0.0 0
P2RX3-201 P2RX3 P56373 P2X purinoceptor 3 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 63 0.1586901763224181 15 3 0.0075566750629722 0
P2RX4-202 P2RX4 Q99571 P2X purinoceptor 4 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.0515463917525773 0 0 0.0 0
P2RX5-201 P2RX5 Q93086 P2X purinoceptor 5 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.0971563981042654 73 10 0.0236966824644549 0
P2RX5-TAX1BP3-201 P2RX5 Q93086 P2X purinoceptor 5 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.0949074074074074 84 11 0.0254629629629629 0
P2RX6-202 P2RX6 O15547 P2X purinoceptor 6 chr22 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.0498866213151927 43 1 0.0022675736961451 0
PAG1-201 PAG1 Q9NWQ8 Phosphoprotein associated with glycosphingolipid-enriched microdomains 1 chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.1018518518518518 399 44 0.1018518518518518 0
PAK2-201 PAK2 Q13177 Serine/threonine-protein kinase PAK 2 chr3 GO:0007165 Compendium Yes 61 0.116412213740458 242 31 0.0591603053435114 1
PAK4-203 PAK4 O96013 Serine/threonine-protein kinase PAK 4 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 46 0.077834179357022 344 27 0.0456852791878172 0
PAK5-201 PAK5 Q9P286 Serine/threonine-protein kinase PAK 5 chr20 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 186 0.258692628650904 410 105 0.1460361613351877 0
PCNT-201 PCNT O95613 Pericentrin chr21 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 331 0.099220623501199 2503 263 0.0788369304556354 0
PDAP1-201 PDAP1 Q13442 28 kDa heat- and acid-stable phosphoprotein chr7 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.1049723756906077 181 19 0.1049723756906077 0
PDCL-201 PDCL Q13371 Phosducin-like protein chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.0897009966777408 147 10 0.0332225913621262 0
PDE7B-201 PDE7B Q9NP56 cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 7B chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 55 0.1222222222222222 47 5 0.0111111111111111 0
PDGFRB-201 PDGFRB P09619 Platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta chr5 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 134 0.1211573236889692 233 40 0.0361663652802893 7
PDPN-211 PDPN Q86YL7 Podoplanin chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.1851851851851851 97 21 0.1296296296296296 0
PECAM1-203 PECAM1 P16284 Platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 153 0 0.0 0
PENK-202 PENK P01210 Proenkephalin-A chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 92 0.3445692883895131 143 55 0.2059925093632958 0
PEX11A-201 PEX11A O75192 Peroxisomal membrane protein 11A chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.1012145748987854 0 0 0.0 0
PEX11B-201 PEX11B O96011 Peroxisomal membrane protein 11B chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.0849420849420849 22 3 0.0115830115830115 0
PGF-202 PGF P49763 Placenta growth factor chr14 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.0678733031674208 72 2 0.0090497737556561 0
PGLYRP1-201 PGLYRP1 O75594 Peptidoglycan recognition protein 1 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.1377551020408163 4 0 0.0 0
PGR-202 PGR P06401 Progesterone receptor chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 136 0.1457663451232583 482 54 0.0578778135048231 0
PHB1-201 PHB1 P35232 Prohibitin 1 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.0772058823529411 4 1 0.0036764705882352 0
PHLPP1-201 PHLPP1 O60346 PH domain leucine-rich repeat-containing protein phosphatase 1 chr18 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 104 0.0605707629586488 746 21 0.0122306348281887 0
PHLPP2-206 PHLPP2 Q6ZVD8 PH domain leucine-rich repeat-containing protein phosphatase 2 chr16 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 109 0.0823885109599395 310 27 0.0204081632653061 0
PI4KA-201 PI4KA P42356 Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase alpha chr22 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 198 0.0941960038058991 142 10 0.0047573739295908 7
PI4KB-202 PI4KB Q9UBF8 Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 70 0.0857843137254902 311 24 0.0294117647058823 0
PIDD1-201 PIDD1 Q9HB75 p53-induced death domain-containing protein 1 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 72 0.0791208791208791 140 9 0.0098901098901098 2
PIK3CB-214 PIK3CB P42338 Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit beta isoform chr3 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 112 0.1046728971962616 42 3 0.002803738317757 0
PIK3CD-202 PIK3CD O00329 Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit delta isoform chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 116 0.1111111111111111 61 8 0.0076628352490421 1
PILRA-201 PILRA Q9UKJ1 Paired immunoglobulin-like type 2 receptor alpha chr7 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.1023102310231023 133 16 0.0528052805280528 0
PIP5K1A-202 PIP5K1A Q99755 Phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate 5-kinase type-1 alpha chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 53 0.094306049822064 217 22 0.0391459074733096 0
PITPNC1-203 PITPNC1 Q9UKF7 Cytoplasmic phosphatidylinositol transfer protein 1 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.1204819277108433 146 19 0.0572289156626506 0
PKN1-201 PKN1 Q16512 Serine/threonine-protein kinase N1 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 93 0.0987261146496815 460 44 0.0467091295116772 0
PKN2-203 PKN2 Q16513 Serine/threonine-protein kinase N2 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 76 0.0772357723577235 415 29 0.0294715447154471 0
PKN3-201 PKN3 Q6P5Z2 Serine/threonine-protein kinase N3 chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 78 0.0877390326209223 393 39 0.0438695163104611 0
PKP1-202 PKP1 Q13835 Plakophilin-1 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 82 0.109772423025435 192 20 0.0267737617135207 0
PLA2G1B-201 PLA2G1B P04054 Phospholipase A2 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 10 0.0675675675675675 0 0 0.0 0
PLAA-201 PLAA Q9Y263 Phospholipase A-2-activating protein chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 56 0.070440251572327 152 11 0.0138364779874213 2
PLAU-201 PLAU P00749 Urokinase-type plasminogen activator chr10 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 51 0.1183294663573085 10 0 0.0 0
PLAUR-203 PLAUR Q03405 Urokinase plasminogen activator surface receptor chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.1134328358208955 18 4 0.0119402985074626 0
PLCB1-201 PLCB1 Q9NQ66 1-phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate phosphodiesterase beta-1 chr20 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 264 0.2171052631578947 484 85 0.0699013157894736 0
PLCXD2-204 PLCXD2 Q0VAA5 PI-PLC X domain-containing protein 2 chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 46 0.1508196721311475 30 3 0.0098360655737704 0
PLCXD3-201 PLCXD3 Q63HM9 PI-PLC X domain-containing protein 3 chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 94 0.292834890965732 14 1 0.0031152647975077 0
PLEKHH3-204 PLEKHH3 Q7Z736 Pleckstrin homology domain-containing family H member 3 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.0630517023959646 356 18 0.0226986128625472 0
PLPP1-202 PLPP1 O14494 Phospholipid phosphatase 1 chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.0528169014084507 27 1 0.0035211267605633 0
PLPP2-203 PLPP2 O43688 Phospholipid phosphatase 2 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.1215277777777777 0 0 0.0 0
PLPP3-201 PLPP3 O14495 Phospholipid phosphatase 3 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.135048231511254 10 1 0.0032154340836012 0
PLPPR1-201 PLPPR1 Q8TBJ4 Phospholipid phosphatase-related protein type 1 chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 61 0.1876923076923076 34 12 0.0369230769230769 0
PLPPR2-201 PLPPR2 Q96GM1 Phospholipid phosphatase-related protein type 2 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.0932944606413994 55 2 0.0058309037900874 0
PLPPR3-204 PLPPR3 Q6T4P5 Phospholipid phosphatase-related protein type 3 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.0501392757660167 438 8 0.011142061281337 0
PLPPR4-202 PLPPR4 Q7Z2D5 Phospholipid phosphatase-related protein type 4 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 156 0.2181818181818181 419 103 0.144055944055944 0
PLPPR5-201 PLPPR5 Q32ZL2 Phospholipid phosphatase-related protein type 5 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 57 0.1775700934579439 0 0 0.0 0
PNOC-201 PNOC Q13519 Prepronociceptin chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.1022727272727272 79 11 0.0625 0
POMC-203 POMC P01189 Pro-opiomelanocortin chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.1048689138576779 200 23 0.0861423220973782 0
PPARG-201 PPARG P37231 Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma chr3 GO:0007165 Census Yes 60 0.1188118811881188 44 3 0.0059405940594059 3
PPFIA1-201 PPFIA1 Q13136 Liprin-alpha-1 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 118 0.0981697171381031 865 96 0.0798668885191347 0
PPP1R12A-203 PPP1R12A O14974 Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 12A chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 76 0.0737864077669902 822 63 0.0611650485436893 0
PPP1R12B-216 PPP1R12B O60237 Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 12B chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 90 0.0916496945010183 801 79 0.080448065173116 0
PPP1R12C-201 PPP1R12C Q9BZL4 Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 12C chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 49 0.0626598465473145 609 36 0.0460358056265984 0
PPP1R1B-201 PPP1R1B Q9UD71 Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 1B chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.1127450980392156 204 23 0.1127450980392156 0
PPP2R5A-201 PPP2R5A Q15172 Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 2A 56 kDa regulatory subunit alpha isoform chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.0637860082304526 93 2 0.0041152263374485 0
PPP2R5B-201 PPP2R5B Q15173 Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 2A 56 kDa regulatory subunit beta isoform chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 68 0.1368209255533199 121 11 0.0221327967806841 0
PPP2R5C-202 PPP2R5C Q13362 Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 2A 56 kDa regulatory subunit gamma isoform chr14 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 48 0.0916030534351145 89 15 0.0286259541984732 0
PPP2R5D-208 PPP2R5D Q14738 Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 2A 56 kDa regulatory subunit delta isoform chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 56 0.0930232558139534 178 15 0.0249169435215946 4
PPP2R5E-201 PPP2R5E Q16537 Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 2A 56 kDa regulatory subunit epsilon isoform chr14 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 53 0.1134903640256959 87 16 0.0342612419700214 0
PPP3CB-202 PPP3CB P16298 Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 2B catalytic subunit beta isoform chr10 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.0896946564885496 139 11 0.0209923664122137 0
PPP4R1-203 PPP4R1 Q8TF05 Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 4 regulatory subunit 1 chr18 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 68 0.071578947368421 305 11 0.011578947368421 0
PRKAA1-204 PRKAA1 Q13131 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase catalytic subunit alpha-1 chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.0966010733452593 124 13 0.0232558139534883 0
PRKAA2-201 PRKAA2 P54646 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase catalytic subunit alpha-2 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 90 0.1630434782608695 98 18 0.0326086956521739 0
PRKAB1-201 PRKAB1 Q9Y478 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase subunit beta-1 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.0777777777777777 125 11 0.0407407407407407 0
PRKAB2-201 PRKAB2 O43741 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase subunit beta-2 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.0735294117647058 111 8 0.0294117647058823 0
PRKACB-205 PRKACB P22694 cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit beta chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.0997150997150997 26 2 0.0056980056980056 3
PRKAG1-206 PRKAG1 P54619 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase subunit gamma-1 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.0815709969788519 25 2 0.0060422960725075 0
PRKCB-201 PRKCB P05771 Protein kinase C beta type chr16 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 153 0.2280178837555886 148 26 0.0387481371087928 0
PRKCD-201 PRKCD Q05655 Protein kinase C delta type chr3 GO:0007165 Compendium Yes 52 0.0769230769230769 43 7 0.0103550295857988 0
PRKCE-201 PRKCE Q02156 Protein kinase C epsilon type chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 80 0.1085481682496607 170 16 0.0217096336499321 0
PRKCH-201 PRKCH P24723 Protein kinase C eta type chr14 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 66 0.0966325036603221 92 10 0.0146412884333821 0
PRKCZ-201 PRKCZ Q05513 Protein kinase C zeta type chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.0793918918918918 117 11 0.018581081081081 0
PRKD1-201 PRKD1 Q15139 Serine/threonine-protein kinase D1 chr14 GO:0007165 Census Yes 164 0.1798245614035087 190 31 0.0339912280701754 2
PRKG1-204 PRKG1 Q13976 cGMP-dependent protein kinase 1 chr10 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 129 0.1922503725782414 93 18 0.0268256333830104 1
PRKG2-201 PRKG2 Q13237 cGMP-dependent protein kinase 2 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 111 0.1456692913385826 217 44 0.0577427821522309 0
PRMT2-203 PRMT2 P55345 Protein arginine N-methyltransferase 2 chr21 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.0715935334872979 72 7 0.0161662817551963 0
PROK1-201 PROK1 P58294 Prokineticin-1 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.1333333333333333 0 0 0.0 0
PSD-201 PSD A5PKW4 PH and SEC7 domain-containing protein 1 chr10 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 149 0.1455078125 716 119 0.1162109375 0
PSG1-204 PSG1 P11464 Pregnancy-specific beta-1-glycoprotein 1 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 103 0.2458233890214797 78 16 0.0381861575178997 0
PSG3-201 PSG3 Q16557 Pregnancy-specific beta-1-glycoprotein 3 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 117 0.2733644859813084 67 15 0.0350467289719626 0
PSG4-202 PSG4 Q00888 Pregnancy-specific beta-1-glycoprotein 4 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 120 0.2863961813842482 38 9 0.0214797136038186 0
PSG6-202 PSG6 Q00889 Pregnancy-specific beta-1-glycoprotein 6 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 113 0.2597701149425287 24 8 0.0183908045977011 0
PSG7-201 PSG7 Q13046 Pregnancy-specific beta-1-glycoprotein 7 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 124 0.2959427207637231 76 27 0.0644391408114558 0
PSG8-201 PSG8 Q9UQ74 Pregnancy-specific beta-1-glycoprotein 8 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 122 0.2863849765258216 48 15 0.0352112676056338 0
PSG9-202 PSG9 Q00887 Pregnancy-specific beta-1-glycoprotein 9 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 96 0.2253521126760563 41 7 0.0164319248826291 0
PSPN-201 PSPN O60542 Persephin chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 9 0.0576923076923076 13 2 0.0128205128205128 0
PSTPIP1-203 PSTPIP1 O43586 Proline-serine-threonine phosphatase-interacting protein 1 chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.0817307692307692 225 17 0.0408653846153846 2
PTGES-201 PTGES O14684 Prostaglandin E synthase chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 6 0.0394736842105263 0 0 0.0 0
PTGES3-201 PTGES3 Q15185 Prostaglandin E synthase 3 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 8 0.05 52 2 0.0125 0
PTK2B-201 PTK2B Q14289 Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 117 0.1159563924677899 263 23 0.0227948463825569 0
PTK7-202 PTK7 Q13308 Inactive tyrosine-protein kinase 7 chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 113 0.105607476635514 359 43 0.0401869158878504 0
PTPN5-201 PTPN5 P54829 Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 5 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 78 0.1380530973451327 163 23 0.0407079646017699 0
PTPRK-206 PTPRK Q15262 Receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase kappa chr6 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 233 0.1619179986101459 302 44 0.0305767894371091 0
PTPRM-201 PTPRM P28827 Receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase mu chr18 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 199 0.1370523415977961 368 45 0.03099173553719 0
PTPRR-201 PTPRR Q15256 Receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase R chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 118 0.1796042617960426 74 23 0.0350076103500761 0
PTPRT-203 PTPRT O14522 Receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase T chr20 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 460 0.3192227619708536 298 104 0.0721721027064538 0
PXN-201 PXN P49023 Paxillin chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.0693739424703891 342 14 0.0236886632825719 0
PYCARD-201 PYCARD Q9ULZ3 Apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a CARD chr16 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.0615384615384615 39 4 0.0205128205128205 0
RABEP1-202 RABEP1 Q15276 Rab GTPase-binding effector protein 1 chr17 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 47 0.0545243619489559 520 31 0.0359628770301624 0
RABEP2-202 RABEP2 Q9H5N1 Rab GTPase-binding effector protein 2 chr16 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 71 0.1247803163444639 443 59 0.1036906854130052 0
RAC2-201 RAC2 P15153 Ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 2 chr22 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.125 0 0 0.0 2
RADIL-201 RADIL Q96JH8 Ras-associating and dilute domain-containing protein chr7 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 121 0.1125581395348837 387 41 0.0381395348837209 0
RAF1-201 RAF1 P04049 RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase chr3 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 64 0.0987654320987654 169 30 0.0462962962962962 18
RALA-201 RALA P11233 Ras-related protein Ral-A chr7 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.1407766990291262 34 3 0.0145631067961165 4
RALB-201 RALB P11234 Ras-related protein Ral-B chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.1407766990291262 35 4 0.0194174757281553 0
RANBP1-201 RANBP1 P43487 Ran-specific GTPase-activating protein chr22 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.0646766169154228 137 11 0.0547263681592039 0
RANGAP1-201 RANGAP1 P46060 Ran GTPase-activating protein 1 chr22 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.0681431005110732 160 12 0.0204429301533219 0
RAP1GAP-205 RAP1GAP P47736 Rap1 GTPase-activating protein 1 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 64 0.0965309200603318 313 30 0.0452488687782805 0
RAP2B-201 RAP2B P61225 Ras-related protein Rap-2b chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.1038251366120218 0 0 0.0 0
RAPGEF1-201 RAPGEF1 Q13905 Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor 1 chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 119 0.1104921077065923 588 66 0.0612813370473537 0
RAPGEF3-205 RAPGEF3 O95398 Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor 3 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 79 0.085590465872156 197 18 0.0195016251354279 0
RAPH1-202 RAPH1 Q70E73 Ras-associated and pleckstrin homology domains-containing protein 1 chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 91 0.0728 964 74 0.0592 0
RARB-214 RARB P10826 Retinoic acid receptor beta chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 60 0.1318681318681318 148 17 0.0373626373626373 3
RASA1-201 RASA1 P20936 Ras GTPase-activating protein 1 chr5 GO:0007165 Compendium Yes 118 0.1127029608404966 181 19 0.0181470869149952 3
RASA2-201 RASA2 Q15283 Ras GTPase-activating protein 2 chr3 GO:0007165 Compendium Yes 69 0.0812720848056537 142 13 0.0153121319199057 0
RASA3-201 RASA3 Q14644 Ras GTPase-activating protein 3 chr13 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 93 0.1115107913669064 101 14 0.0167865707434052 0
RASAL1-201 RASAL1 O95294 RasGAP-activating-like protein 1 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 107 0.1330845771144278 107 24 0.0298507462686567 0
RASAL2-203 RASAL2 Q9UJF2 Ras GTPase-activating protein nGAP chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 134 0.1176470588235294 607 69 0.0605794556628621 0
RASD1-201 RASD1 Q9Y272 Dexamethasone-induced Ras-related protein 1 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.0533807829181494 40 1 0.0035587188612099 0
RASD2-201 RASD2 Q96D21 GTP-binding protein Rhes chr22 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.1654135338345864 14 2 0.0075187969924812 0
RASGRF1-202 RASGRF1 Q13972 Ras-specific guanine nucleotide-releasing factor 1 chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 169 0.1327572663000785 333 53 0.0416339355852317 0
RASGRP1-201 RASGRP1 O95267 RAS guanyl-releasing protein 1 chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 70 0.0878293601003764 192 11 0.013801756587202 1
RASGRP2-211 RASGRP2 Q7LDG7 RAS guanyl-releasing protein 2 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 76 0.1247947454844006 88 11 0.0180623973727422 4
RASIP1-201 RASIP1 Q5U651 Ras-interacting protein 1 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 59 0.0612668743509865 506 39 0.0404984423676012 0
RASSF10-201 RASSF10 A6NK89 Ras association domain-containing protein 10 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 373 0 0.0 0
RASSF2-202 RASSF2 P50749 Ras association domain-containing protein 2 chr20 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 70 0.2147239263803681 127 38 0.1165644171779141 0
RASSF3-203 RASSF3 Q86WH2 Ras association domain-containing protein 3 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.0756302521008403 60 2 0.0084033613445378 0
RASSF4-201 RASSF4 Q9H2L5 Ras association domain-containing protein 4 chr10 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.1183800623052959 142 14 0.043613707165109 0
RASSF5-202 RASSF5 Q8WWW0 Ras association domain-containing protein 5 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.0598086124401913 184 11 0.0263157894736842 0
RASSF6-203 RASSF6 Q6ZTQ3 Ras association domain-containing protein 6 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 37 0.1002710027100271 74 8 0.021680216802168 0
RASSF7-202 RASSF7 Q02833 Ras association domain-containing protein 7 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.0697050938337801 280 19 0.0509383378016085 0
RASSF8-218 RASSF8 Q8NHQ8 Ras association domain-containing protein 8 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.0835322195704057 207 14 0.0334128878281622 0
RASSF9-201 RASSF9 O75901 Ras association domain-containing protein 9 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 58 0.1333333333333333 131 17 0.0390804597701149 0
RBPJL-201 RBPJL Q9UBG7 Recombining binding protein suppressor of hairless-like protein chr20 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 65 0.1257253384912959 121 13 0.0251450676982591 0
RCVRN-201 RCVRN P35243 Recoverin chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.16 24 6 0.03 0
REG1A-201 REG1A P05451 Lithostathine-1-alpha chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 82 0.4939759036144578 9 5 0.0301204819277108 0
REG3A-201 REG3A Q06141 Regenerating islet-derived protein 3-alpha chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 84 0.48 19 7 0.04 0
RET-202 RET P07949 Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret chr10 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 176 0.1579892280071813 108 11 0.0098743267504488 91
RETN-201 RETN Q9HD89 Resistin chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 9 0.0833333333333333 0 0 0.0 0
RETNLB-201 RETNLB Q9BQ08 Resistin-like beta chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.2432432432432432 0 0 0.0 0
RGMB-207 RGMB Q6NW40 Repulsive guidance molecule B chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.0594965675057208 85 10 0.022883295194508 0
RGS1-201 RGS1 Q08116 Regulator of G-protein signaling 1 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.1913875598086124 45 6 0.0287081339712918 0
RHBDL1-201 RHBDL1 O75783 Rhomboid-related protein 1 chr16 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.0776255707762557 116 3 0.0068493150684931 0
RHEB-201 RHEB Q15382 GTP-binding protein Rheb chr7 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.1358695652173913 0 0 0.0 0
RHOB-201 RHOB P62745 Rho-related GTP-binding protein RhoB chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.2551020408163265 20 1 0.0051020408163265 0
RHOC-202 RHOC P08134 Rho-related GTP-binding protein RhoC chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.1191709844559585 53 4 0.0207253886010362 0
RHOD-201 RHOD O00212 Rho-related GTP-binding protein RhoD chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.0761904761904762 10 0 0.0 0
RHOF-201 RHOF Q9HBH0 Rho-related GTP-binding protein RhoF chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.0710900473933649 11 0 0.0 0
RHOH-201 RHOH Q15669 Rho-related GTP-binding protein RhoH chr4 GO:0007165 Census Yes 32 0.1675392670157068 12 3 0.0157068062827225 0
RHOQ-201 RHOQ P17081 Rho-related GTP-binding protein RhoQ chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.0926829268292682 0 0 0.0 0
RHOT1-201 RHOT1 Q8IXI2 Mitochondrial Rho GTPase 1 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.076051779935275 46 2 0.0032362459546925 0
RHOT2-201 RHOT2 Q8IXI1 Mitochondrial Rho GTPase 2 chr16 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.0647249190938511 81 4 0.0064724919093851 0
RHPN1-201 RHPN1 Q8TCX5 Rhophilin-1 chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 60 0.0895522388059701 257 26 0.0388059701492537 0
RHPN2-201 RHPN2 Q8IUC4 Rhophilin-2 chr19 GO:0007165 Compendium Yes 79 0.1151603498542274 89 11 0.0160349854227405 0
RIN1-201 RIN1 Q13671 Ras and Rab interactor 1 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 65 0.0830140485312899 379 37 0.0472541507024265 0
RIN3-201 RIN3 Q8TB24 Ras and Rab interactor 3 chr14 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 64 0.0649746192893401 420 31 0.0314720812182741 0
RIPK2-201 RIPK2 O43353 Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.0796296296296296 143 14 0.0259259259259259 0
RIPK3-201 RIPK3 Q9Y572 Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 3 chr14 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.0907335907335907 295 27 0.0521235521235521 0
RIT1-202 RIT1 Q92963 GTP-binding protein Rit1 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.136986301369863 44 2 0.0091324200913242 9
RLN1-201 RLN1 P04808 Prorelaxin H1 chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.1027027027027027 38 3 0.0162162162162162 0
RLN2-201 RLN2 P04090 Prorelaxin H2 chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.1027027027027027 39 3 0.0162162162162162 0
RLN3-201 RLN3 Q8WXF3 Relaxin-3 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.1056338028169014 14 2 0.0140845070422535 0
RND1-201 RND1 Q92730 Rho-related GTP-binding protein Rho6 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.1508620689655172 9 1 0.0043103448275862 0
RND2-202 RND2 P52198 Rho-related GTP-binding protein RhoN chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.0748898678414096 54 4 0.0176211453744493 0
RND3-201 RND3 P61587 Rho-related GTP-binding protein RhoE chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.0942622950819672 70 7 0.0286885245901639 0
RNF14-205 RNF14 Q9UBS8 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF14 chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.0717299578059071 40 7 0.0147679324894514 0
ROCK1-201 ROCK1 Q13464 Rho-associated protein kinase 1 chr18 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 116 0.0856720827178729 780 61 0.0450516986706056 0
ROR2-201 ROR2 Q01974 Tyrosine-protein kinase transmembrane receptor ROR2 chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 164 0.1739130434782608 304 58 0.0615058324496288 5
RPS6KA1-204 RPS6KA1 Q15418 Ribosomal protein S6 kinase alpha-1 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 71 0.0965986394557823 178 22 0.0299319727891156 0
RPS6KA2-201 RPS6KA2 Q15349 Ribosomal protein S6 kinase alpha-2 chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 110 0.1500682128240109 92 13 0.0177353342428376 0
RPS6KA3-201 RPS6KA3 P51812 Ribosomal protein S6 kinase alpha-3 chrX GO:0007165 Compendium Yes 72 0.0972972972972973 146 10 0.0135135135135135 13
RPS6KA6-201 RPS6KA6 Q9UK32 Ribosomal protein S6 kinase alpha-6 chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 144 0.1932885906040268 135 29 0.0389261744966442 0
RPS6KB1-201 RPS6KB1 P23443 Ribosomal protein S6 kinase beta-1 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.0685714285714285 226 22 0.0419047619047619 0
RPS6KB2-201 RPS6KB2 Q9UBS0 Ribosomal protein S6 kinase beta-2 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.0705394190871369 195 8 0.0165975103734439 0
RPS6KC1-202 RPS6KC1 Q96S38 Ribosomal protein S6 kinase delta-1 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 108 0.1013133208255159 475 40 0.0375234521575985 0
RSU1-201 RSU1 Q15404 Ras suppressor protein 1 chr10 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.0794223826714801 63 4 0.0144404332129963 0
RTKN-202 RTKN Q9BST9 Rhotekin chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 53 0.0941385435168739 265 30 0.0532859680284191 0
RTKN2-202 RTKN2 Q8IZC4 Rhotekin-2 chr10 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 56 0.0919540229885057 160 20 0.0328407224958949 0
RYK-208 RYK P34925 Tyrosine-protein kinase RYK chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.0626029654036243 85 3 0.0049423393739703 0
S100A11-201 S100A11 P31949 Protein S100-A11 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 9 0.0857142857142857 14 2 0.019047619047619 0
S100A6-201 S100A6 P06703 Protein S100-A6 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 5 0.0555555555555555 4 0 0.0 0
SARM1-208 SARM1 Q6SZW1 NAD(+) hydrolase SARM1 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.0441988950276243 80 4 0.005524861878453 0
SCGB1A1-201 SCGB1A1 P11684 Uteroglobin chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 7 0.0769230769230769 14 1 0.0109890109890109 0
SCGB3A1-201 SCGB3A1 Q96QR1 Secretoglobin family 3A member 1 chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 3 0.0288461538461538 0 0 0.0 0
SCT-201 SCT P09683 Secretin chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 4 0.0330578512396694 71 3 0.024793388429752 0
SCUBE1-202 SCUBE1 Q8IWY4 Signal peptide, CUB and EGF-like domain-containing protein 1 chr22 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 118 0.1194331983805668 97 19 0.0192307692307692 0
SCUBE2-201 SCUBE2 Q9NQ36 Signal peptide, CUB and EGF-like domain-containing protein 2 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 79 0.079079079079079 119 13 0.013013013013013 0
SCUBE3-201 SCUBE3 Q8IX30 Signal peptide, CUB and EGF-like domain-containing protein 3 chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 89 0.0896273917421953 110 10 0.0100704934541792 2
SECTM1-201 SECTM1 Q8WVN6 Secreted and transmembrane protein 1 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.0967741935483871 25 4 0.0161290322580645 0
SERGEF-201 SERGEF Q9UGK8 Secretion-regulating guanine nucleotide exchange factor chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.0829694323144104 92 6 0.0131004366812227 0
SFN-201 SFN P31947 14-3-3 protein sigma chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.064516129032258 75 3 0.0120967741935483 0
SFRP5-201 SFRP5 Q5T4F7 Secreted frizzled-related protein 5 chr10 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.0504731861198738 7 2 0.0063091482649842 0
SH2D2A-202 SH2D2A Q9NP31 SH2 domain-containing protein 2A chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 37 0.0951156812339331 272 30 0.0771208226221079 0
SH3BP2-206 SH3BP2 P78314 SH3 domain-binding protein 2 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.0926916221033868 356 32 0.0570409982174688 3
SH3BP5-202 SH3BP5 O60239 SH3 domain-binding protein 5 chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.0725274725274725 380 23 0.0505494505494505 0
SH3GL1-201 SH3GL1 Q99961 Endophilin-A2 chr19 GO:0007165 Census Yes 37 0.1005434782608695 247 27 0.0733695652173913 0
SH3GL2-201 SH3GL2 Q99962 Endophilin-A1 chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 58 0.1647727272727272 215 36 0.1022727272727272 0
SH3GL3-202 SH3GL3 Q99963 Endophilin-A3 chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 66 0.1902017291066282 84 19 0.0547550432276657 0
SHB-201 SHB Q15464 SH2 domain-containing adapter protein B chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.0825147347740668 338 29 0.0569744597249508 0
SHOC2-202 SHOC2 Q9UQ13 Leucine-rich repeat protein SHOC-2 chr10 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.0652920962199312 110 9 0.0154639175257731 2
SIGIRR-203 SIGIRR Q6IA17 Single Ig IL-1-related receptor chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.0560975609756097 85 3 0.0073170731707317 0
SIGLEC8-201 SIGLEC8 Q9NYZ4 Sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectin 8 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 115 0.2304609218436873 240 65 0.1302605210420841 0
SIPA1-209 SIPA1 Q96FS4 Signal-induced proliferation-associated protein 1 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 56 0.0537428023032629 671 41 0.0393474088291746 0
SIRPB1-205 SIRPB1 O00241 Signal-regulatory protein beta-1 chr20 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 95 0.2386934673366834 123 38 0.0954773869346733 0
SIT1-201 SIT1 Q9Y3P8 Signaling threshold-regulating transmembrane adapter 1 chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.0816326530612244 122 6 0.0306122448979591 0
SKAP2-201 SKAP2 O75563 Src kinase-associated phosphoprotein 2 chr7 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.1114206128133704 157 17 0.0473537604456824 0
SLA-201 SLA Q13239 Src-like-adapter chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.1557971014492753 51 8 0.0289855072463768 0
SLC12A3-203 SLC12A3 P55017 Solute carrier family 12 member 3 chr16 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 109 0.1067580803134182 125 14 0.0137120470127326 99
SLC39A12-201 SLC39A12 Q504Y0 Zinc transporter ZIP12 chr10 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 176 0.2547033285094066 89 24 0.0347322720694645 0
SMAD1-201 SMAD1 Q15797 Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 1 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.0838709677419354 162 19 0.0408602150537634 0
SMAD5-211 SMAD5 Q99717 Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 5 chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.053763440860215 172 6 0.0129032258064516 0
SMPD1-201 SMPD1 P17405 Sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 51 0.080824088748019 51 4 0.0063391442155309 105
SNX17-201 SNX17 Q15036 Sorting nexin-17 chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 46 0.0978723404255319 118 11 0.0234042553191489 0
SNX27-204 SNX27 Q96L92 Sorting nexin-27 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 45 0.0831792975970425 120 7 0.0129390018484288 0
SOS1-202 SOS1 Q07889 Son of sevenless homolog 1 chr2 GO:0007165 Compendium Yes 155 0.1162790697674418 459 47 0.0352588147036759 32
SOX8-201 SOX8 P57073 Transcription factor SOX-8 chr16 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.085201793721973 403 35 0.0784753363228699 0
SOX9-201 SOX9 P48436 Transcription factor SOX-9 chr17 GO:0007165 Compendium Yes 69 0.1355599214145383 497 66 0.1296660117878192 13
SPARCL1-201 SPARCL1 Q14515 SPARC-like protein 1 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 64 0.0963855421686747 422 38 0.0572289156626506 0
SPN-206 SPN P16150 Leukosialin chr16 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 37 0.0925 359 29 0.0725 0
SPP1-203 SPP1 P10451 Osteopontin chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.1305732484076433 302 40 0.1273885350318471 0
SPX-201 SPX Q9BT56 Spexin chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.1637931034482758 40 6 0.0517241379310344 0
SRC-204 SRC P12931 Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src chr20 GO:0007165 Census Yes 40 0.0746268656716417 130 10 0.0186567164179104 1
SRGAP1-201 SRGAP1 Q7Z6B7 SLIT-ROBO Rho GTPase-activating protein 1 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 150 0.1382488479262673 555 69 0.0635944700460829 4
SRGAP2-203 SRGAP2 O75044 SLIT-ROBO Rho GTPase-activating protein 2 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 98 0.0915032679738562 543 57 0.0532212885154061 0
SRGAP3-202 SRGAP3 O43295 SLIT-ROBO Rho GTPase-activating protein 3 chr3 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 166 0.1510464058234759 551 87 0.0791628753412193 0
SRI-201 SRI P30626 Sorcin chr7 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 8 0.0404040404040404 32 0 0.0 0
STAC-201 STAC Q99469 SH3 and cysteine-rich domain-containing protein chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 91 0.2263681592039801 201 54 0.1343283582089552 0
STAM-202 STAM Q92783 Signal transducing adapter molecule 1 chr10 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.0925925925925925 361 26 0.0481481481481481 0
STAM2-201 STAM2 O75886 Signal transducing adapter molecule 2 chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 49 0.0933333333333333 292 25 0.0476190476190476 0
STARD13-202 STARD13 Q9Y3M8 StAR-related lipid transfer protein 13 chr13 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 140 0.1257861635220125 497 60 0.0539083557951482 0
STARD8-202 STARD8 Q92502 StAR-related lipid transfer protein 8 chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 114 0.1114369501466275 579 70 0.0684261974584555 0
STAT3-201 STAT3 P40763 Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 chr17 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 93 0.1207792207792207 152 16 0.0207792207792207 15
STAT6-201 STAT6 P42226 Signal transducer and activator of transcription 6 chr12 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 86 0.101534828807556 325 39 0.0460448642266824 0
STC1-201 STC1 P52823 Stanniocalcin-1 chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 45 0.1821862348178137 58 9 0.0364372469635627 0
STK11-201 STK11 Q15831 Serine/threonine-protein kinase STK11 chr19 GO:0007165 Census, Compendium Yes 63 0.1454965357967667 135 12 0.0277136258660508 9
STK24-201 STK24 Q9Y6E0 Serine/threonine-protein kinase 24 chr13 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.0948081264108352 118 13 0.0293453724604966 0
STK25-201 STK25 O00506 Serine/threonine-protein kinase 25 chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.0798122065727699 171 13 0.0305164319248826 0
STK3-201 STK3 Q13188 Serine/threonine-protein kinase 3 chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 48 0.0977596741344195 241 22 0.0448065173116089 0
STK39-201 STK39 Q9UEW8 STE20/SPS1-related proline-alanine-rich protein kinase chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.0770642201834862 183 13 0.0238532110091743 0
STK4-202 STK4 Q13043 Serine/threonine-protein kinase 4 chr20 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 49 0.1006160164271047 233 20 0.0410677618069815 0
STMN1-206 STMN1 P16949 Stathmin chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 8 0.0536912751677852 149 8 0.0536912751677852 0
STOML3-201 STOML3 Q8TAV4 Stomatin-like protein 3 chr13 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.1615120274914089 29 5 0.0171821305841924 0
STX2-203 STX2 P32856 Syntaxin-2 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.1111111111111111 142 19 0.0659722222222222 0
SUFU-202 SUFU Q9UMX1 Suppressor of fused homolog chr10 GO:0007165 Census Yes 48 0.0991735537190082 200 15 0.03099173553719 2
SYDE1-201 SYDE1 Q6ZW31 Rho GTPase-activating protein SYDE1 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.0707482993197279 412 25 0.0340136054421768 0
SYDE2-202 SYDE2 Q5VT97 Rho GTPase-activating protein SYDE2 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 72 0.0603015075376884 698 38 0.0318257956448911 0
TAAR5-201 TAAR5 O14804 Trace amine-associated receptor 5 chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.1543026706231454 0 0 0.0 0
TAFA1-201 TAFA1 Q7Z5A9 Chemokine-like protein TAFA-1 chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 37 0.2781954887218045 6 0 0.0 0
TAFA2-201 TAFA2 Q8N3H0 Chemokine-like protein TAFA-2 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.3282442748091603 4 1 0.0076335877862595 0
TAFA3-201 TAFA3 Q7Z5A8 Chemokine-like protein TAFA-3 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.0977443609022556 6 0 0.0 0
TAFA4-201 TAFA4 Q96LR4 Chemokine-like protein TAFA-4 chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.2142857142857142 4 0 0.0 0
TAGAP-203 TAGAP Q8N103 T-cell activation Rho GTPase-activating protein chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 80 0.1094391244870041 458 57 0.0779753761969904 0
TAMALIN-201 TAMALIN Q7Z6J2 Protein TAMALIN chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.0329113924050632 234 11 0.0278481012658227 0
TANK-202 TANK Q92844 TRAF family member-associated NF-kappa-B activator chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 37 0.0870588235294117 302 25 0.0588235294117647 0
TBXT-201 TBXT O15178 T-box transcription factor T chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 85 0.1954022988505747 255 52 0.1195402298850574 1
TCP11L1-201 TCP11L1 Q9NUJ3 T-complex protein 11-like protein 1 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.0805500982318271 74 4 0.0078585461689587 0
TCP11L2-201 TCP11L2 Q8N4U5 T-complex protein 11-like protein 2 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 60 0.1156069364161849 110 15 0.0289017341040462 0
TDGF1P3-201 TDGF1P3 P51864 Putative teratocarcinoma-derived growth factor 3 chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 24 0 0.0 0
TENM2-203 TENM2 Q9NT68 Teneurin-2 chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 385 0.138788752703677 524 63 0.0227108868060562 0
TENM3-204 TENM3 Q9P273 Teneurin-3 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 496 0.18377176732123 484 94 0.0348277139681363 0
TENM4-201 TENM4 Q6N022 Teneurin-4 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 356 0.1285662694113398 500 41 0.0148067894546767 3
TEX2-208 TEX2 Q8IWB9 Testis-expressed protein 2 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 99 0.0878438331854481 637 55 0.0488021295474711 0
TFF1-201 TFF1 P04155 Trefoil factor 1 chr21 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 8 0.0952380952380952 0 0 0.0 0
TG-201 TG P01266 Thyroglobulin chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 493 0.1781069364161849 277 63 0.0227601156069364 7
TGFBR1-202 TGFBR1 P36897 TGF-beta receptor type-1 chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 57 0.1133200795228628 23 3 0.0059642147117296 13
TGFBRAP1-201 TGFBRAP1 Q8WUH2 Transforming growth factor-beta receptor-associated protein 1 chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 108 0.1255813953488372 37 8 0.0093023255813953 0
THAP12-201 THAP12 O43422 52 kDa repressor of the inhibitor of the protein kinase chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 81 0.1064388961892247 136 12 0.0157687253613666 0
THBS4-201 THBS4 P35443 Thrombospondin-4 chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 99 0.1030176899063475 282 33 0.0343392299687825 0
THNSL2-213 THNSL2 Q86YJ6 Threonine synthase-like 2 chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 56 0.1157024793388429 51 2 0.0041322314049586 0
THOC1-201 THOC1 Q96FV9 THO complex subunit 1 chr18 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.0578386605783866 281 14 0.0213089802130898 0
TIE1-201 TIE1 P35590 Tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Tie-1 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 156 0.1370826010544815 223 36 0.031634446397188 0
TIMP1-201 TIMP1 P01033 Metalloproteinase inhibitor 1 chrX GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.0966183574879227 0 0 0.0 0
TLE1-203 TLE1 Q04724 Transducin-like enhancer protein 1 chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 86 0.1116883116883116 385 39 0.0506493506493506 0
TLE2-201 TLE2 Q04725 Transducin-like enhancer protein 2 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 62 0.0834454912516823 283 23 0.0309555854643337 0
TLE3-213 TLE3 Q04726 Transducin-like enhancer protein 3 chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 66 0.0854922279792746 382 40 0.0518134715025906 0
TLR1-201 TLR1 Q15399 Toll-like receptor 1 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 63 0.0801526717557251 1 0 0.0 0
TLR2-203 TLR2 O60603 Toll-like receptor 2 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 84 0.1071428571428571 0 0 0.0 0
TLR3-201 TLR3 O15455 Toll-like receptor 3 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 89 0.0984513274336283 0 0 0.0 1
TLR6-202 TLR6 Q9Y2C9 Toll-like receptor 6 chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 69 0.0866834170854271 1 0 0.0 0
TMDD1-201 TMDD1 P0DPE3 Transmembrane and death domain protein 1 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 172 0 0.0 0
TMED1-201 TMED1 Q13445 Transmembrane emp24 domain-containing protein 1 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.066079295154185 26 2 0.0088105726872246 0
TMEM102-201 TMEM102 Q8N9M5 Transmembrane protein 102 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.0688976377952756 141 15 0.0295275590551181 0
TMEM116-213 TMEM116 Q8NCL8 Transmembrane protein 116 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.0489795918367346 4 0 0.0 0
TMIGD3-202 TMIGD3 P0DMS9 Transmembrane domain-containing protein TMIGD3 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.1240601503759398 57 7 0.0263157894736842 0
TNFAIP6-201 TNFAIP6 P98066 Tumor necrosis factor-inducible gene 6 protein chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 48 0.1732851985559566 13 5 0.0180505415162454 0
TNFRSF10A-201 TNFRSF10A O00220 Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 10A chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.0833333333333333 175 14 0.0299145299145299 0
TNFRSF10D-201 TNFRSF10D Q9UBN6 Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 10D chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.0932642487046632 200 18 0.0466321243523316 0
TNFRSF11A-202 TNFRSF11A Q9Y6Q6 Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 11A chr18 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 61 0.099025974025974 286 33 0.0535714285714285 5
TNFRSF11B-201 TNFRSF11B O00300 Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 11B chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 62 0.1546134663341646 17 3 0.0074812967581047 0
TNFRSF17-201 TNFRSF17 Q02223 Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 17 chr16 GO:0007165 Census Yes 17 0.092391304347826 1 0 0.0 0
TNFRSF18-203 TNFRSF18 Q9Y5U5 Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 18 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 5 0.0207468879668049 23 0 0.0 0
TNFRSF25-204 TNFRSF25 Q93038 Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 25 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.079136690647482 72 4 0.0095923261390887 0
TNFRSF8-201 TNFRSF8 P28908 Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 8 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 76 0.1277310924369747 290 29 0.0487394957983193 0
TNFSF10-201 TNFSF10 P50591 Tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 10 chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.1352313167259786 61 7 0.0249110320284697 0
TNFSF12-201 TNFSF12 O43508 Tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 12 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 6 0.0240963855421686 109 3 0.0120481927710843 0
TNFSF13-201 TNFSF13 O75888 Tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 13 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 9 0.036 110 6 0.024 0
TNFSF13B-201 TNFSF13B Q9Y275 Tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 13B chr13 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.1052631578947368 91 13 0.0456140350877193 0
TNFSF14-203 TNFSF14 O43557 Tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 14 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.1833333333333333 19 2 0.0083333333333333 0
TNFSF15-202 TNFSF15 O95150 Tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 15 chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.1235059760956175 49 10 0.0398406374501992 0
TNFSF18-201 TNFSF18 Q9UNG2 Tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 18 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.1299435028248587 0 0 0.0 0
TNFSF4-201 TNFSF4 P23510 Tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 4 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.0928961748633879 1 0 0.0 0
TNFSF8-201 TNFSF8 P32971 Tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 8 chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.1025641025641025 30 1 0.0042735042735042 0
TNFSF9-201 TNFSF9 P41273 Tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 9 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.0944881889763779 39 5 0.0196850393700787 0
TOLLIP-202 TOLLIP Q9H0E2 Toll-interacting protein chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.0912408759124087 82 9 0.0328467153284671 0
TOM1-209 TOM1 O60784 Target of Myb1 membrane trafficking protein chr22 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 57 0.1158536585365853 327 34 0.0691056910569105 1
TOM1L1-221 TOM1L1 O75674 TOM1-like protein 1 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.0924369747899159 269 28 0.0588235294117647 0
TOM1L2-202 TOM1L2 Q6ZVM7 TOM1-like protein 2 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.0690335305719921 335 23 0.0453648915187376 0
TP53BP2-201 TP53BP2 Q13625 Apoptosis-stimulating of p53 protein 2 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 106 0.0934744268077601 866 83 0.0731922398589065 0
TPTE-204 TPTE P56180 Putative tyrosine-protein phosphatase TPTE chr21 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 422 0.7658802177858439 48 41 0.0744101633393829 0
TPTEP2-CSNK1E-201 CSNK1E P49674 Casein kinase I isoform epsilon chr22 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.1057692307692307 133 13 0.03125 0
TRADD-201 TRADD Q15628 Tumor necrosis factor receptor type 1-associated DEATH domain protein chr16 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.0576923076923076 74 4 0.0128205128205128 0
TRAF2-201 TRAF2 Q12933 TNF receptor-associated factor 2 chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 51 0.1017964071856287 4 1 0.0019960079840319 0
TRAF3-202 TRAF3 Q13114 TNF receptor-associated factor 3 chr14 GO:0007165 Compendium Yes 49 0.0862676056338028 101 8 0.0140845070422535 1
TRAF4-201 TRAF4 Q9BUZ4 TNF receptor-associated factor 4 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.0702127659574468 27 1 0.002127659574468 0
TRAF5-201 TRAF5 O00463 TNF receptor-associated factor 5 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 46 0.0825852782764811 59 4 0.0071813285457809 0
TRAIP-201 TRAIP Q9BWF2 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRAIP chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.0895522388059701 240 22 0.0469083155650319 1
TRAT1-201 TRAT1 Q6PIZ9 T-cell receptor-associated transmembrane adapter 1 chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 68 0.3655913978494624 131 56 0.3010752688172043 0
TRH-201 TRH P20396 Pro-thyrotropin-releasing hormone chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.1570247933884297 221 37 0.152892561983471 0
TRHDE-201 TRHDE Q9UKU6 Thyrotropin-releasing hormone-degrading ectoenzyme chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 289 0.2703461178671655 155 10 0.0093545369504209 0
TRIM54-202 TRIM54 Q9BYV2 Tripartite motif-containing protein 54 chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.1312849162011173 98 11 0.0307262569832402 0
TRIM55-202 TRIM55 Q9BYV6 Tripartite motif-containing protein 55 chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 100 0.1824817518248175 278 59 0.1076642335766423 0
TRIM63-201 TRIM63 Q969Q1 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRIM63 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.0736543909348441 71 6 0.0169971671388102 0
TRIP10-201 TRIP10 Q15642 Cdc42-interacting protein 4 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.086522462562396 462 45 0.0748752079866888 0
TRIP6-201 TRIP6 Q15654 Thyroid receptor-interacting protein 6 chr7 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 48 0.1008403361344537 270 14 0.0294117647058823 0
TSLP-201 TSLP Q969D9 Thymic stromal lymphopoietin chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.1320754716981132 16 1 0.0062893081761006 0
TSPEAR-201 TSPEAR Q8WU66 Thrombospondin-type laminin G domain and EAR repeat-containing protein chr21 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 113 0.1689088191330343 7 1 0.0014947683109118 0
TTBK1-201 TTBK1 Q5TCY1 Tau-tubulin kinase 1 chr6 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 151 0.1143073429220287 1047 114 0.0862982588947766 0
TTBK2-201 TTBK2 Q6IQ55 Tau-tubulin kinase 2 chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 93 0.0747588424437299 849 65 0.0522508038585209 0
TTR-201 TTR P02766 Transthyretin chr18 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.1224489795918367 25 5 0.0340136054421768 50
TXNRD1-204 TXNRD1 Q16881 Thioredoxin reductase 1, cytoplasmic chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 59 0.0909090909090909 67 8 0.012326656394453 0
TYMP-201 TYMP P19971 Thymidine phosphorylase chr22 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.0435684647302904 144 6 0.0124481327800829 5
TYRO3-201 TYRO3 Q06418 Tyrosine-protein kinase receptor TYRO3 chr15 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 86 0.096629213483146 197 18 0.0202247191011235 0
TYROBP-201 TYROBP O43914 TYRO protein tyrosine kinase-binding protein chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.168141592920354 29 6 0.0530973451327433 0
ULK1-201 ULK1 O75385 Serine/threonine-protein kinase ULK1 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 125 0.119047619047619 591 66 0.0628571428571428 0
ULK2-202 ULK2 Q8IYT8 Serine/threonine-protein kinase ULK2 chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 99 0.0955598455598455 520 70 0.0675675675675675 0
UTS2-202 UTS2 O95399 Urotensin-2 chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 10 0.0806451612903225 0 0 0.0 0
UTS2B-201 UTS2B Q765I0 Urotensin-2B chr3 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.1092436974789916 2 0 0.0 0
UTS2R-201 UTS2R Q9UKP6 Urotensin-2 receptor chr17 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.0976863753213367 74 4 0.0102827763496143 0
VAC14-201 VAC14 Q08AM6 Protein VAC14 homolog chr16 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 76 0.0971867007672634 117 17 0.0217391304347826 3
VAV2-201 VAV2 P52735 Guanine nucleotide exchange factor VAV2 chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 85 0.0968109339407744 136 15 0.0170842824601366 0
VEGFC-202 VEGFC P49767 Vascular endothelial growth factor C chr4 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 104 0.2482100238663484 37 8 0.0190930787589498 0
VGF-201 VGF O15240 Neurosecretory protein VGF chr7 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.032520325203252 593 20 0.032520325203252 0
VIPR2-201 VIPR2 P41587 Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide receptor 2 chr7 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 57 0.1301369863013698 0 0 0.0 0
VLDLR-203 VLDLR P98155 Very low-density lipoprotein receptor chr9 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 66 0.0756013745704467 55 3 0.0034364261168384 0
VRK1-201 VRK1 Q99986 Serine/threonine-protein kinase VRK1 chr14 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.0858585858585858 80 4 0.0101010101010101 0
VRK2-201 VRK2 Q86Y07 Serine/threonine-protein kinase VRK2 chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.0866141732283464 126 9 0.0177165354330708 0
VRK3-201 VRK3 Q8IV63 Inactive serine/threonine-protein kinase VRK3 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.1097046413502109 182 12 0.0253164556962025 0
VSTM1-201 VSTM1 Q6UX27 V-set and transmembrane domain-containing protein 1 chr19 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.2288135593220339 126 31 0.1313559322033898 0
WIF1-201 WIF1 Q9Y5W5 Wnt inhibitory factor 1 chr12 GO:0007165 Census Yes 62 0.1635883905013192 30 4 0.0105540897097625 0
WNK1-201 WNK1 Q9H4A3 Serine/threonine-protein kinase WNK1 chr12 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 129 0.0541561712846347 1948 115 0.0482787573467674 0
WNK4-201 WNK4 Q96J92 Serine/threonine-protein kinase WNK4 chr17 GO:0007165 Compendium Yes 134 0.1078037007240547 921 98 0.078841512469831 4
WNT11-201 WNT11 O96014 Protein Wnt-11 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 37 0.1045197740112994 59 3 0.0084745762711864 0
WNT8B-201 WNT8B Q93098 Protein Wnt-8b chr10 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.1111111111111111 27 4 0.0113960113960113 0
WWP1-202 WWP1 Q9H0M0 NEDD4-like E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase WWP1 chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 104 0.1127982646420824 432 55 0.0596529284164859 0
XCL1-201 XCL1 P47992 Lymphotactin chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.219298245614035 35 10 0.087719298245614 0
XCL2-201 XCL2 Q9UBD3 Cytokine SCM-1 beta chr1 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.1403508771929824 35 4 0.0350877192982456 0
YWHAB-201 YWHAB P31946 14-3-3 protein beta/alpha chr20 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.0772357723577235 110 3 0.0121951219512195 0
YWHAE-201 YWHAE P62258 14-3-3 protein epsilon chr17 GO:0007165 Census Yes 24 0.0941176470588235 41 1 0.0039215686274509 0
YWHAG-201 YWHAG P61981 14-3-3 protein gamma chr7 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.0850202429149797 78 4 0.0161943319838056 3
YWHAH-201 YWHAH Q04917 14-3-3 protein eta chr22 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 10 0.040650406504065 55 0 0.0 0
YWHAQ-201 YWHAQ P27348 14-3-3 protein theta chr2 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.0938775510204081 41 2 0.0081632653061224 0
YWHAZ-207 YWHAZ P63104 14-3-3 protein zeta/delta chr8 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.0775510204081632 81 7 0.0285714285714285 0
ZFYVE16-202 ZFYVE16 Q7Z3T8 Zinc finger FYVE domain-containing protein 16 chr5 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 96 0.0623781676413255 654 46 0.0298895386614684 0
ZP3-202 ZP3 P21754 Zona pellucida sperm-binding protein 3 chr7 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.0896226415094339 56 6 0.0141509433962264 1
ZPR1-201 ZPR1 O75312 Zinc finger protein ZPR1 chr11 GO:0007165 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.0479302832244008 291 16 0.0348583877995642 0