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Total number of protein in "GO:0008333" GO term:  48

Identifier UniProt Gene UniProt Accession UniProt Name Chromosome GO term Database Cancer Driver Number of missense mutations Missense mutation per residues Number of disordered residues Number of mutations in disordered regions Disordered missense mutations per residues Number of OMIM mutation
ADRB2-201 ADRB2 P07550 Beta-2 adrenergic receptor chr5 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.0871670702179176 35 4 0.009685230024213 0
AKTIP-202 AKTIP Q9H8T0 AKT-interacting protein chr16 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.047945205479452 96 5 0.0171232876712328 0
ATG14-201 ATG14 Q6ZNE5 Beclin 1-associated autophagy-related key regulator chr14 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.0873983739837398 209 23 0.0467479674796747 0
BECN2-201 BECN2 A8MW95 Beclin-2 chr1 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 131 0 0.0 0
BIN1-202 BIN1 O00499 Myc box-dependent-interacting protein 1 chr2 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 46 0.0775716694772344 460 30 0.0505902192242833 6
CDX2-201 CDX2 Q99626 Homeobox protein CDX-2 chr13 GO:0008333 Census, Compendium Yes 15 0.047923322683706 272 13 0.0415335463258785 0
CLEC16A-203 CLEC16A Q2KHT3 Protein CLEC16A chr16 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 121 0.1149097815764482 376 52 0.0493827160493827 0
DENND3-201 DENND3 A2RUS2 DENN domain-containing protein 3 chr8 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 138 0.1151919866444073 121 17 0.0141903171953255 0
DTX3L-201 DTX3L Q8TDB6 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase DTX3L chr3 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 60 0.081081081081081 260 19 0.0256756756756756 0
ENST00000643536 VPS33B Q9H267 Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 33B chr15 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.0567612687813021 17 1 0.001669449081803 4
EPG5-201 EPG5 Q9HCE0 Ectopic P granules protein 5 homolog chr18 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 234 0.0907328421868941 348 37 0.0143466459868165 2
FHIP1B-202 FHIP1B Q8N612 FHF complex subunit HOOK-interacting protein 1B chr11 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 97 0.0997942386831275 420 42 0.0432098765432098 0
GPRASP1-205 GPRASP1 Q5JY77 G-protein coupled receptor-associated sorting protein 1 chrX GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 150 0.1075268817204301 919 97 0.0695340501792114 0
HMGXB4-201 HMGXB4 Q9UGU5 HMG domain-containing protein 4 chr22 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.0831946755407653 476 38 0.0632279534109817 0
HOOK1-201 HOOK1 Q9UJC3 Protein Hook homolog 1 chr1 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 73 0.1002747252747252 427 45 0.0618131868131868 0
HOOK2-202 HOOK2 Q96ED9 Protein Hook homolog 2 chr19 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 70 0.0973574408901251 489 49 0.0681502086230876 0
HOOK3-201 HOOK3 Q86VS8 Protein Hook homolog 3 chr8 GO:0008333 Census Yes 65 0.0905292479108635 493 44 0.0612813370473537 0
KIF13A-201 KIF13A Q9H1H9 Kinesin-like protein KIF13A chr6 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 176 0.0975069252077562 819 90 0.0498614958448753 0
LIPA-202 LIPA P38571 Lysosomal acid lipase/cholesteryl ester hydrolase chr10 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.075187969924812 13 1 0.0025062656641604 3
M6PR-201 M6PR P20645 Cation-dependent mannose-6-phosphate receptor chr12 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.0433212996389891 35 2 0.0072202166064981 0
MGRN1-202 MGRN1 O60291 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase MGRN1 chr16 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.0942028985507246 228 28 0.0507246376811594 0
MTM1-203 MTM1 Q13496 Myotubularin chrX GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 84 0.1393034825870646 79 8 0.0132669983416252 49
PCDHGA3-201 PCDHGA3 Q9Y5H0 Protocadherin gamma-A3 chr5 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 221 0.2371244635193133 261 39 0.0418454935622317 0
PLEKHF1-201 PLEKHF1 Q96S99 Pleckstrin homology domain-containing family F member 1 chr19 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.078853046594982 65 6 0.021505376344086 0
PLEKHF2-201 PLEKHF2 Q9H8W4 Pleckstrin homology domain-containing family F member 2 chr8 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.072289156626506 36 0 0.0 0
PXK-202 PXK Q7Z7A4 PX domain-containing protein kinase-like protein chr3 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.07439446366782 169 13 0.0224913494809688 0
RAB7A-201 RAB7A P51149 Ras-related protein Rab-7a chr3 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.0917874396135265 11 0 0.0 4
RAB7B-201 RAB7B Q96AH8 Ras-related protein Rab-7b chr1 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0
RHOB-201 RHOB P62745 Rho-related GTP-binding protein RhoB chr2 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.2551020408163265 20 1 0.0051020408163265 0
RILP-201 RILP Q96NA2 Rab-interacting lysosomal protein chr17 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.0598503740648379 333 16 0.0399002493765586 0
SCYL2-201 SCYL2 Q6P3W7 SCY1-like protein 2 chr12 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 77 0.0828848223896663 326 26 0.0279870828848223 0
SNAPIN-201 SNAPIN O95295 SNARE-associated protein Snapin chr1 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 8 0.0588235294117647 62 6 0.0441176470588235 0
SNX16-201 SNX16 P57768 Sorting nexin-16 chr8 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.0843023255813953 195 18 0.0523255813953488 0
SNX27-204 SNX27 Q96L92 Sorting nexin-27 chr1 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 45 0.0831792975970425 120 7 0.0129390018484288 0
SORT1-201 SORT1 Q99523 Sortilin chr1 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.0649819494584837 110 0 0.0 0
TGFBRAP1-201 TGFBRAP1 Q8WUH2 Transforming growth factor-beta receptor-associated protein 1 chr2 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 108 0.1255813953488372 37 8 0.0093023255813953 0
TRAK1-201 TRAK1 Q9UPV9 Trafficking kinesin-binding protein 1 chr3 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 83 0.0870933892969569 621 51 0.0535152151101783 0
TSG101-201 TSG101 Q99816 Tumor susceptibility gene 101 protein chr11 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.0794871794871794 160 15 0.0384615384615384 0
UEVLD-205 UEVLD Q8IX04 Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 variant 3 chr11 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.0721868365180467 14 1 0.0021231422505307 0
VAMP7-202 VAMP7 P51809 Vesicle-associated membrane protein 7 chrX GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.0818181818181818 4 1 0.0045454545454545 0
VIPAS39-211 VIPAS39 Q9H9C1 Spermatogenesis-defective protein 39 homolog chr14 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.101419878296146 126 13 0.0263691683569979 0
VPS11-207 VPS11 Q9H270 Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 11 homolog chr11 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 76 0.0807651434643995 118 4 0.004250797024442 1
VPS16-202 VPS16 Q9H269 Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 16 homolog chr20 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 81 0.0965435041716328 34 4 0.0047675804529201 1
VPS18-201 VPS18 Q9P253 Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 18 homolog chr15 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 67 0.0688591983556012 86 6 0.0061664953751284 0
VPS33A-201 VPS33A Q96AX1 Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 33A chr12 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 63 0.1057046979865771 46 6 0.0100671140939597 1
VPS33B-201 VPS33B Q9H267 Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 33B chr15 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.0567260940032414 17 1 0.0016207455429497 4
VPS39-202 VPS39 Q96JC1 Vam6/Vps39-like protein chr15 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 79 0.0891647855530474 51 3 0.0033860045146726 0
VPS41-202 VPS41 P49754 Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 41 homolog chr7 GO:0008333 Not Cancer Driver No 83 0.0971896955503512 45 12 0.0140515222482435 2