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Total number of protein in "GO:0008589" GO term:  23

Identifier UniProt Gene UniProt Accession UniProt Name Chromosome GO term Database Cancer Driver Number of missense mutations Missense mutation per residues Number of disordered residues Number of mutations in disordered regions Disordered missense mutations per residues Number of OMIM mutation
ACTRT1-201 ACTRT1 Q8TDG2 Actin-related protein T1 chrX GO:0008589 Not Cancer Driver No 126 0.3351063829787234 10 6 0.0159574468085106 0
C2CD3-202 C2CD3 Q4AC94 C2 domain-containing protein 3 chr11 GO:0008589 Not Cancer Driver No 183 0.0777730556736081 1105 74 0.0314492137696557 1
CPLANE2-201 CPLANE2 Q9BU20 Ciliogenesis and planar polarity effector 2 chr1 GO:0008589 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.1085271317829457 21 3 0.0116279069767441 0
CREBBP-201 CREBBP Q92793 CREB-binding protein chr16 GO:0008589 Census, Compendium Yes 217 0.0888615888615888 1801 91 0.0372645372645372 30
EFCAB7-201 EFCAB7 A8K855 EF-hand calcium-binding domain-containing protein 7 chr1 GO:0008589 Not Cancer Driver No 59 0.0937996820349761 97 12 0.0190779014308426 0
FBXL17-204 FBXL17 Q9UF56 F-box/LRR-repeat protein 17 chr5 GO:0008589 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.0599144079885877 197 1 0.0014265335235378 0
FGF10-201 FGF10 O15520 Fibroblast growth factor 10 chr5 GO:0008589 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.2019230769230769 34 8 0.0384615384615384 2
FGFR2-206 FGFR2 P21802 Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 chr10 GO:0008589 Census, Compendium Yes 193 0.2350791717417783 229 34 0.0414129110840438 57
FUZ-201 FUZ Q9BT04 Protein fuzzy homolog chr19 GO:0008589 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.0598086124401913 43 2 0.0047846889952153 0
GAS1-201 GAS1 P54826 Growth arrest-specific protein 1 chr9 GO:0008589 Not Cancer Driver No 10 0.0289855072463768 82 4 0.0115942028985507 0
GLI1-201 GLI1 P08151 Zinc finger protein GLI1 chr12 GO:0008589 Census, Compendium Yes 156 0.1410488245931284 1018 138 0.1247739602169981 0
IFT140-203 IFT140 Q96RY7 Intraflagellar transport protein 140 homolog chr16 GO:0008589 Not Cancer Driver No 138 0.094391244870041 165 22 0.015047879616963 10
IFT81-201 IFT81 Q8WYA0 Intraflagellar transport protein 81 homolog chr12 GO:0008589 Not Cancer Driver No 61 0.0902366863905325 279 29 0.0428994082840236 1
INTU-201 INTU Q9ULD6 Protein inturned chr4 GO:0008589 Not Cancer Driver No 101 0.1072186836518046 283 30 0.0318471337579617 0
MKS1-202 MKS1 Q9NXB0 Tectonic-like complex member MKS1 chr17 GO:0008589 Not Cancer Driver No 59 0.1055456171735241 153 18 0.0322003577817531 2
OTX2-201 OTX2 P32243 Homeobox protein OTX2 chr14 GO:0008589 Not Cancer Driver No 57 0.1972318339100346 166 31 0.1072664359861591 6
PTCH1-201 PTCH1 Q13635 Protein patched homolog 1 chr9 GO:0008589 Census, Compendium Yes 156 0.1078092605390463 383 39 0.0269523151347615 17
RORA-203 RORA P35398 Nuclear receptor ROR-alpha chr15 GO:0008589 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.0822179732313575 181 11 0.0210325047801147 4
RPGRIP1L-212 RPGRIP1L Q68CZ1 Protein fantom chr16 GO:0008589 Not Cancer Driver No 127 0.0965779467680608 587 73 0.0555133079847908 8
TCTN1-225 TCTN1 Q2MV58 Tectonic-1 chr12 GO:0008589 Not Cancer Driver No 56 0.0954003407155025 47 6 0.0102214650766609 0
TTC21B-201 TTC21B Q7Z4L5 Tetratricopeptide repeat protein 21B chr2 GO:0008589 Not Cancer Driver No 130 0.0987841945288753 73 13 0.0098784194528875 11
WDR11-201 WDR11 Q9BZH6 WD repeat-containing protein 11 chr10 GO:0008589 Not Cancer Driver No 100 0.0816993464052287 94 6 0.0049019607843137 6
ZIC1-201 ZIC1 Q15915 Zinc finger protein ZIC 1 chr3 GO:0008589 Not Cancer Driver No 172 0.3847874720357941 246 102 0.2281879194630872 1