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Total number of protein in "GO:0016589" GO term:  7

Identifier UniProt Gene UniProt Accession UniProt Name Chromosome GO term Database Cancer Driver Number of missense mutations Missense mutation per residues Number of disordered residues Number of mutations in disordered regions Disordered missense mutations per residues Number of OMIM mutation
BPTF-202 BPTF Q12830 Nucleosome-remodeling factor subunit BPTF chr17 GO:0016589 Not Cancer Driver No 207 0.0679579776756401 2190 143 0.0469468154957321 2
C17orf49-201 BAP18 Q8IXM2 Chromatin complexes subunit BAP18 chr17 GO:0016589 Not Cancer Driver No 8 0.0465116279069767 124 7 0.0406976744186046 0
HMGXB4-201 HMGXB4 Q9UGU5 HMG domain-containing protein 4 chr22 GO:0016589 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.0831946755407653 476 38 0.0632279534109817 0
RBBP4-202 RBBP4 Q09028 Histone-binding protein RBBP4 chr1 GO:0016589 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.0941176470588235 169 19 0.0447058823529411 0
RBBP7-203 RBBP7 Q16576 Histone-binding protein RBBP7 chrX GO:0016589 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.0988235294117647 138 8 0.0188235294117647 0
SMARCA1-202 SMARCA1 P28370 Probable global transcription activator SNF2L1 chrX GO:0016589 Compendium Yes 99 0.0939278937381404 309 28 0.0265654648956356 0
SMARCA5-201 SMARCA5 O60264 SWI/SNF-related matrix-associated actin-dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily A member 5 chr4 GO:0016589 Not Cancer Driver No 73 0.0693916349809885 364 26 0.0247148288973384 0