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Total number of protein in "GO:0019843" GO term:  43

Identifier UniProt Gene UniProt Accession UniProt Name Chromosome GO term Database Cancer Driver Number of missense mutations Missense mutation per residues Number of disordered residues Number of mutations in disordered regions Disordered missense mutations per residues Number of OMIM mutation
ANG-202 ANG P03950 Angiogenin chr14 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.0748299319727891 36 2 0.0136054421768707 13
BRIX1-201 BRIX1 Q8TDN6 Ribosome biogenesis protein BRX1 homolog chr5 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.0679886685552408 150 7 0.0198300283286118 0
DDX21-201 DDX21 Q9NR30 Nucleolar RNA helicase 2 chr10 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.0689655172413793 343 24 0.0306513409961685 0
DDX28-201 DDX28 Q9NUL7 Probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX28 chr16 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.0574074074074074 127 4 0.0074074074074074 0
EMG1-202 EMG1 Q92979 Ribosomal RNA small subunit methyltransferase NEP1 chr12 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.0942622950819672 59 2 0.0081967213114754 1
ENST00000455236 NOL12 Q9UGY1 Nucleolar protein 12 chr22 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.1019417475728155 199 20 0.0970873786407767 0
ERAL1-201 ERAL1 O75616 GTPase Era, mitochondrial chr17 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.0549199084668192 81 6 0.0137299771167048 1
ERI1-201 ERI1 Q8IV48 3'-5' exoribonuclease 1 chr8 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.0544412607449856 78 2 0.0057306590257879 0
FASTKD2-202 FASTKD2 Q9NYY8 FAST kinase domain-containing protein 2, mitochondrial chr2 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 49 0.0690140845070422 30 2 0.0028169014084507 0
FASTKD5-201 FASTKD5 Q7L8L6 FAST kinase domain-containing protein 5, mitochondrial chr20 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 58 0.0759162303664921 94 3 0.0039267015706806 0
IMP3-202 IMP3 Q9NV31 U3 small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein protein IMP3 chr15 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.0597826086956521 1 0 0.0 0
KDM2B-202 KDM2B Q8NHM5 Lysine-specific demethylase 2B chr12 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 142 0.1062874251497006 620 64 0.0479041916167664 0
MRPL16-201 MRPL16 Q9NX20 Large ribosomal subunit protein uL16m chr11 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.095617529880478 57 7 0.0278884462151394 0
MRPL20-201 MRPL20 Q9BYC9 Large ribosomal subunit protein bL20m chr1 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.1073825503355704 0 0 0.0 0
MRPS17-201 MRPS17 Q9Y2R5 Small ribosomal subunit protein uS17m chr7 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 7 0.0538461538461538 9 2 0.0153846153846153 0
MRPS27-201 MRPS27 Q92552 Small ribosomal subunit protein mS27 chr5 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.0676328502415458 51 4 0.0096618357487922 0
MRPS7-201 MRPS7 Q9Y2R9 Small ribosomal subunit protein uS7m chr17 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.1157024793388429 26 1 0.0041322314049586 1
MTERF4-202 MTERF4 Q7Z6M4 Transcription termination factor 4, mitochondrial chr2 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.0787401574803149 100 5 0.0131233595800524 0
NGRN-202 NGRN Q9NPE2 Neugrin chr15 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.0549828178694158 216 14 0.0481099656357388 0
NOL12-201 NOL12 Q9UGY1 Nucleolar protein 12 chr22 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.0985915492957746 207 20 0.0938967136150234 0
NPM1-201 NPM1 P06748 Nucleophosmin chr5 GO:0019843 Census, Compendium Yes 25 0.0850340136054421 249 19 0.064625850340136 0
NSUN4-204 NSUN4 Q96CB9 5-methylcytosine rRNA methyltransferase NSUN4 chr1 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.0651041666666666 20 3 0.0078125 0
PPAN-201 PPAN Q9NQ55 Suppressor of SWI4 1 homolog chr19 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.0887949260042283 258 23 0.0486257928118393 0
PPAN-P2RY11-202 PPAN Q9NQ55 Suppressor of SWI4 1 homolog chr19 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.0826923076923076 276 25 0.048076923076923 0
PTCD3-201 PTCD3 Q96EY7 Small ribosomal subunit protein mS39 chr2 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.0609579100145137 78 4 0.0058055152394775 0
RBM34-201 RBM34 P42696 RNA-binding protein 34 chr1 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.0976744186046511 268 28 0.0651162790697674 0
RCC1L-201 RCC1L Q96I51 RCC1-like G exchanging factor-like protein chr7 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.0280172413793103 87 6 0.0129310344827586 0
RNASEL-201 RNASEL Q05823 2-5A-dependent ribonuclease chr1 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 66 0.0890688259109311 149 14 0.0188933873144399 0
RPF2-203 RPF2 Q9H7B2 Ribosome production factor 2 homolog chr6 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.0751633986928104 94 7 0.022875816993464 0
RPL23A-204 RPL23A P62750 Large ribosomal subunit protein uL23 chr17 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.0961538461538461 70 8 0.0512820512820512 0
RPL37-201 RPL37 P61927 Large ribosomal subunit protein eL37 chr5 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 8 0.0824742268041237 83 6 0.0618556701030927 0
RPL8-207 RPL8 P62917 Large ribosomal subunit protein uL2 chr8 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.0894941634241245 116 17 0.0661478599221789 0
RPL9-201 RPL9P9 P32969 Large ribosomal subunit protein uL6 chr4 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.0729166666666666 3 0 0.0 0
RPS11-201 RPS11 P62280 Small ribosomal subunit protein uS17 chr19 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.0822784810126582 6 0 0.0 0
RPS18-230 RPS18 P62269 Small ribosomal subunit protein uS13 chr6 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.0723684210526315 27 2 0.0131578947368421 0
RPS4X-201 RPS4X P62701 Small ribosomal subunit protein eS4, X isoform chrX GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.1026615969581749 35 6 0.0228136882129277 0
RPS4Y1-201 RPS4Y1 P22090 Small ribosomal subunit protein eS4, Y isoform 1 chrY GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 9 0.0342205323193916 34 0 0.0 0
RPS4Y2-201 RPS4Y2 Q8TD47 Small ribosomal subunit protein eS4, Y isoform 2 chrY GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 9 0.0342205323193916 31 1 0.0038022813688212 0
RPS5-201 RPS5 P46782 Small ribosomal subunit protein uS7 chr19 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.1519607843137254 41 5 0.0245098039215686 0
RPS9-201 RPS9 P46781 Small ribosomal subunit protein uS4 chr19 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.0721649484536082 34 3 0.0154639175257731 0
SBDS-201 SBDS Q9Y3A5 Ribosome maturation protein SBDS chr7 GO:0019843 Census Yes 26 0.104 12 1 0.004 2
TACO1-201 TACO1 Q9BSH4 Translational activator of cytochrome c oxidase 1 chr17 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.0673400673400673 111 2 0.0067340067340067 0
UTP25-202 UTP25 Q68CQ4 U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 25 homolog chr1 GO:0019843 Not Cancer Driver No 76 0.1005291005291005 281 14 0.0185185185185185 0