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Total number of protein in "GO:0019904" GO term:  205

Identifier UniProt Gene UniProt Accession UniProt Name Chromosome GO term Database Cancer Driver Number of missense mutations Missense mutation per residues Number of disordered residues Number of mutations in disordered regions Disordered missense mutations per residues Number of OMIM mutation
ACSL3-201 ACSL3 O95573 Fatty acid CoA ligase Acsl3 chr2 GO:0019904 Census, Compendium Yes 55 0.0763888888888889 47 3 0.0041666666666666 0
ACTN2-201 ACTN2 P35609 Alpha-actinin-2 chr1 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 191 0.2136465324384787 129 23 0.0257270693512304 9
AIDA-201 AIDA Q96BJ3 Axin interactor, dorsalization-associated protein chr1 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.0751633986928104 87 6 0.0196078431372549 0
ANGEL1-201 ANGEL1 Q9UNK9 Protein angel homolog 1 chr14 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 67 0.1 161 20 0.0298507462686567 0
AP4M1-201 AP4M1 O00189 AP-4 complex subunit mu-1 chr7 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.1037527593818984 64 7 0.0154525386313465 0
ARF1-201 ARF1 P84077 ADP-ribosylation factor 1 chr1 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.1215469613259668 4 2 0.011049723756906 2
ARFIP1-201 ARFIP1 P53367 Arfaptin-1 chr4 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.0697050938337801 147 14 0.0375335120643431 0
ARFIP2-202 ARFIP2 P53365 Arfaptin-2 chr11 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.0850439882697947 144 12 0.0351906158357771 0
ARHGEF4-201 ARHGEF4 Q9NR80 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 4 chr2 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 85 0.1231884057971014 291 50 0.072463768115942 0
ARL1-201 ARL1 P40616 ADP-ribosylation factor-like protein 1 chr12 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 10 0.0552486187845303 4 0 0.0 0
ATN1-202 ATN1 P54259 Atrophin-1 chr12 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 111 0.0932773109243697 1176 109 0.0915966386554621 5
BASP1-201 BASP1 P80723 Brain acid soluble protein 1 chr5 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.052863436123348 227 12 0.052863436123348 0
BHLHE40-201 BHLHE40 O14503 Class E basic helix-loop-helix protein 40 chr3 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.0849514563106796 243 20 0.0485436893203883 0
CACYBP-201 CACYBP Q9HB71 Calcyclin-binding protein chr1 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.0964912280701754 92 10 0.043859649122807 0
CAPG-201 CAPG P40121 Macrophage-capping protein chr2 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.1005747126436781 96 6 0.0172413793103448 0
CASP2-201 CASP2 P42575 Caspase-2 chr7 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 49 0.1084070796460177 42 11 0.0243362831858407 0
CBX3-202 CBX3 Q13185 Chromobox protein homolog 3 chr7 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.0983606557377049 119 13 0.0710382513661202 0
CCNA2-201 CCNA2 P20248 Cyclin-A2 chr4 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.0787037037037037 187 14 0.0324074074074074 0
CD40-202 CD40 P25942 Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 5 chr20 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.1155234657039711 57 6 0.0216606498194945 2
CDK2-201 CDK2 P24941 Cyclin-dependent kinase 2 chr12 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.0570469798657718 0 0 0.0 0
CENPJ-201 CENPJ Q9HC77 Centromere protein J chr13 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 120 0.0896860986547085 1180 108 0.0807174887892376 1
CEP250-202 CEP250 Q9BV73 Centrosome-associated protein CEP250 chr20 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 192 0.0786240786240786 1863 148 0.0606060606060606 0
CEP68-202 CEP68 Q76N32 Centrosomal protein of 68 kDa chr2 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 59 0.0779392338177014 597 46 0.0607661822985469 0
CHEK1-204 CHEK1 O14757 Serine/threonine-protein kinase Chk1 chr11 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.088235294117647 86 13 0.0273109243697479 0
CHMP1A-201 CHMP1A Q9HD42 Charged multivesicular body protein 1a chr16 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.0714285714285714 111 5 0.0255102040816326 0
CHMP1B-201 CHMP1B Q7LBR1 Charged multivesicular body protein 1b chr18 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.0954773869346733 134 13 0.0653266331658291 0
CHMP2A-201 CHMP2A O43633 Charged multivesicular body protein 2a chr19 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.0765765765765765 161 12 0.054054054054054 0
CHMP2B-201 CHMP2B Q9UQN3 Charged multivesicular body protein 2b chr3 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.1032863849765258 186 20 0.0938967136150234 4
CITED2-201 CITED2 Q99967 Cbp/p300-interacting transactivator 2 chr6 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.0814814814814814 232 19 0.0703703703703703 0
CLDN7-201 CLDN7 O95471 Claudin-7 chr17 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 8 0.0379146919431279 2 0 0.0 0
CNOT1-201 CNOT1 A5YKK6 CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 1 chr16 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 236 0.0993265993265993 465 45 0.0189393939393939 12
CNOT9-201 CNOT9 Q92600 CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 9 chr2 GO:0019904 Compendium Yes 32 0.1070234113712374 30 0 0.0 0
CNTLN-202 CNTLN Q9NXG0 Centlein chr9 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 150 0.1066856330014224 923 94 0.0668563300142247 0
CNTROB-202 CNTROB Q8N137 Centrobin chr17 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 72 0.0797342192691029 843 71 0.0786267995570321 0
CRB3-204 CRB3 Q9BUF7 Protein crumbs homolog 3 chr19 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 8 0.0666666666666666 53 4 0.0333333333333333 0
CSNK2B-203 CSNK2B P67870 Casein kinase II subunit beta chr6 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.0837209302325581 19 0 0.0 3
CTBP1-201 CTBP1 Q13363 C-terminal-binding protein 1 chr4 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.0681818181818181 123 8 0.0181818181818181 1
DBNL-210 DBNL Q9UJU6 Drebrin-like protein chr7 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.0906976744186046 306 25 0.0581395348837209 0
DDX20-201 DDX20 Q9UHI6 Probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX20 chr1 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 59 0.0716019417475728 301 20 0.0242718446601941 0
DDX6-206 DDX6 P26196 Probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX6 chr11 GO:0019904 Census, Compendium Yes 29 0.0600414078674948 129 6 0.0124223602484472 4
DFFA-202 DFFA O00273 DNA fragmentation factor subunit alpha chr1 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 37 0.1117824773413897 115 14 0.0422960725075528 0
DFFB-204 DFFB O76075 DNA fragmentation factor subunit beta chr1 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.0917159763313609 26 3 0.0088757396449704 0
DICER1-201 DICER1 Q9UPY3 Endoribonuclease Dicer chr14 GO:0019904 Census, Compendium Yes 183 0.0952133194588969 363 31 0.0161290322580645 4
DIXDC1-201 DIXDC1 Q155Q3 Dixin chr11 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 55 0.0805270863836017 498 44 0.0644216691068814 0
DVL2-201 DVL2 O14641 Segment polarity protein dishevelled homolog DVL-2 chr17 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 72 0.0978260869565217 515 52 0.0706521739130434 0
DYNLL1-201 DYNLL1 P63167 Dynein light chain 1, cytoplasmic chr12 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 8 0.0898876404494382 0 0 0.0 0
E2F4-201 E2F4 Q16254 Transcription factor E2F4 chr16 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.0799031476997578 243 24 0.0581113801452784 0
EFS-201 EFS O43281 Embryonal Fyn-associated substrate chr14 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.0926916221033868 416 36 0.0641711229946524 0
EHD2-201 EHD2 Q9NZN4 EH domain-containing protein 2 chr19 GO:0019904 Compendium Yes 59 0.1086556169429097 126 8 0.0147329650092081 0
EPB41L5-201 EPB41L5 Q9HCM4 Band 4.1-like protein 5 chr2 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 68 0.0927694406548431 315 32 0.0436562073669849 0
ESRRA-201 ESRRA P11474 Steroid hormone receptor ERR1 chr11 GO:0019904 Compendium Yes 27 0.0638297872340425 101 9 0.0212765957446808 0
ETS2-202 ETS2 P15036 Protein C-ets-2 chr21 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 55 0.1172707889125799 128 20 0.0426439232409381 0
ETV6-202 ETV6 P41212 Transcription factor ETV6 chr12 GO:0019904 Census, Compendium Yes 72 0.1592920353982301 252 32 0.0707964601769911 3
EZR-202 EZR P15311 Ezrin chr6 GO:0019904 Census Yes 51 0.0870307167235494 296 26 0.0443686006825938 0
FAF1-201 FAF1 Q9UNN5 FAS-associated factor 1 chr1 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.083076923076923 241 23 0.0353846153846153 0
FHOD1-201 FHOD1 Q9Y613 FH1/FH2 domain-containing protein 1 chr16 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 116 0.0996563573883161 576 62 0.0532646048109965 0
FOXA1-201 FOXA1 P55317 Hepatocyte nuclear factor 3-alpha chr14 GO:0019904 Census, Compendium Yes 85 0.1800847457627118 295 44 0.0932203389830508 0
FOXA2-201 FOXA2 Q9Y261 Hepatocyte nuclear factor 3-beta chr20 GO:0019904 Compendium Yes 60 0.1312910284463894 260 29 0.0634573304157549 0
FOXA3-201 FOXA3 P55318 Hepatocyte nuclear factor 3-gamma chr19 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.1428571428571428 233 30 0.0857142857142857 0
FOXH1-201 FOXH1 O75593 Forkhead box protein H1 chr8 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.1041095890410958 217 19 0.0520547945205479 0
GABRR1-203 GABRR1 P24046 Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit rho-1 chr6 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 60 0.1252609603340292 102 18 0.0375782881002087 0
GABRR2-201 GABRR2 P28476 Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit rho-2 chr6 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.0924731182795698 8 1 0.0021505376344086 0
GABRR3-202 GABRR3 A8MPY1 Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit rho-3 chr3 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 5 0.0107066381156316 30 0 0.0 0
GPSM2-201 GPSM2 P81274 G-protein-signaling modulator 2 chr1 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.0730994152046783 242 13 0.0190058479532163 0
GTF2F1-201 GTF2F1 P35269 General transcription factor IIF subunit 1 chr19 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.0909090909090909 427 35 0.0676982591876208 0
GUSB-201 GUSB P08236 Beta-glucuronidase chr7 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 71 0.1090629800307219 11 0 0.0 34
HGS-201 HGS O14964 Hepatocyte growth factor-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate chr17 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 83 0.1068211068211068 535 62 0.0797940797940797 0
HIF1A-202 HIF1A Q16665 Hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha chr14 GO:0019904 Census Yes 54 0.0653753026634382 436 28 0.0338983050847457 0
HMGB2-201 HMGB2 P26583 High mobility group protein B2 chr4 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.124401913875598 207 26 0.124401913875598 0
HNRNPA1-202 HNRNPA1 P09651 Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 chr12 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.0887096774193548 290 22 0.0591397849462365 4
HNRNPK-226 HNRNPK P61978 Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K chr9 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.1166306695464362 303 46 0.0993520518358531 0
HNRNPM-201 HNRNPM P52272 Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein M chr19 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 77 0.1054794520547945 463 50 0.0684931506849315 0
HOMER3-202 HOMER3 Q9NSC5 Homer protein homolog 3 chr19 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.038781163434903 254 7 0.0193905817174515 0
HOXB1-201 HOXB1 P14653 Homeobox protein Hox-B1 chr17 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 61 0.2026578073089701 280 60 0.1993355481727574 1
HPCAL4-201 HPCAL4 Q9UM19 Hippocalcin-like protein 4 chr1 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.1623036649214659 15 1 0.0052356020942408 0
HSPA5-201 HSPA5 P11021 Endoplasmic reticulum chaperone BiP chr9 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 49 0.0749235474006116 282 26 0.0397553516819571 0
ICA1-206 ICA1 Q05084 Islet cell autoantigen 1 chr7 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 49 0.1014492753623188 188 18 0.0372670807453416 0
ICA1L-201 ICA1L Q8NDH6 Islet cell autoantigen 1-like protein chr2 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.0684647302904564 205 19 0.0394190871369294 0
ID3-201 ID3 Q02535 DNA-binding protein inhibitor ID-3 chr1 GO:0019904 Census, Compendium Yes 10 0.0840336134453781 34 3 0.0252100840336134 0
IKBKG-206 IKBKG Q9Y6K9 NF-kappa-B essential modulator chrX GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 5 0.0119331742243436 301 4 0.0095465393794749 21
IKZF1-201 IKZF1 Q13422 DNA-binding protein Ikaros chr7 GO:0019904 Census, Compendium Yes 106 0.2042389210019267 328 72 0.1387283236994219 4
IKZF4-203 IKZF4 Q9H2S9 Zinc finger protein Eos chr12 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.0854700854700854 417 43 0.0735042735042735 0
IKZF5-201 IKZF5 Q9H5V7 Zinc finger protein Pegasus chr10 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.071599045346062 283 25 0.0596658711217183 0
IL1B-201 IL1B P01584 Interleukin-1 beta chr2 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.1189591078066914 16 2 0.0074349442379182 0
INSC-201 INSC Q1MX18 Protein inscuteable homolog chr11 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 103 0.1778929188255613 34 12 0.0207253886010362 0
INSR-201 INSR P06213 Insulin receptor chr19 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 139 0.1005788712011577 282 37 0.0267727930535455 63
IQGAP1-201 IQGAP1 P46940 Ras GTPase-activating-like protein IQGAP1 chr15 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 137 0.0826795413397706 351 25 0.0150875075437537 0
IRF3-203 IRF3 Q14653 Interferon regulatory factor 3 chr19 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.0538641686182669 205 17 0.0398126463700234 1
IRS2-201 IRS2 Q9Y4H2 Insulin receptor substrate 2 chr13 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.0328849028400597 1117 34 0.0254110612855007 0
IST1-203 IST1 P53990 IST1 homolog chr16 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.0683060109289617 188 15 0.040983606557377 0
ITGA3-202 ITGA3 P26006 Integrin alpha-3 chr17 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 80 0.0761179828734538 129 15 0.0142721217887725 3
ITPR1-237 ITPR1 Q14643 Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1 chr3 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 272 0.0986221899927483 581 56 0.0203045685279187 6
KCNAB1-212 KCNAB1 Q14722 Voltage-gated potassium channel subunit beta-1 chr3 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 64 0.152744630071599 86 17 0.0405727923627685 0
KCNN2-207 KCNN2 Q9H2S1 Small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 2 chr5 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0
KHDRBS1-202 KHDRBS1 Q07666 KH domain-containing, RNA-binding, signal transduction-associated protein 1 chr1 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.0948081264108352 362 37 0.0835214446952596 0
KHDRBS3-201 KHDRBS3 O75525 KH domain-containing, RNA-binding, signal transduction-associated protein 3 chr8 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 51 0.1473988439306358 230 32 0.0924855491329479 0
KPNB1-201 KPNB1 Q14974 Importin subunit beta-1 chr17 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 79 0.0901826484018264 95 9 0.0102739726027397 0
L1CAM-205 L1CAM P32004 Neural cell adhesion molecule L1 chrX GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 181 0.1439936356404136 443 65 0.0517104216388225 65
LAMP1-201 LAMP1 P11279 Lysosome-associated membrane glycoprotein 1 chr13 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.0863309352517985 94 8 0.0191846522781774 0
LAMP2-201 LAMP2 P13473 Lysosome-associated membrane glycoprotein 2 chrX GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.0707317073170731 55 4 0.0097560975609756 1
LIN7B-201 LIN7B Q9HAP6 Protein lin-7 homolog B chr19 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.0821256038647343 108 9 0.0434782608695652 0
LIN7C-201 LIN7C Q9NUP9 Protein lin-7 homolog C chr11 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.0862944162436548 102 8 0.0406091370558375 0
M6PR-201 M6PR P20645 Cation-dependent mannose-6-phosphate receptor chr12 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.0433212996389891 35 2 0.0072202166064981 0
MAP3K5-201 MAP3K5 Q99683 Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 5 chr6 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 146 0.106259097525473 244 23 0.0167394468704512 0
MBD2-201 MBD2 Q9UBB5 Methyl-CpG-binding domain protein 2 chr18 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 10 0.024330900243309 384 10 0.024330900243309 0
MDM2-224 MDM2 Q00987 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase Mdm2 chr12 GO:0019904 Census, Compendium Yes 39 0.0794297352342158 298 24 0.0488798370672097 0
MECP2-201 MECP2 P51608 Methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 chrX GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.0905349794238683 482 43 0.088477366255144 32
MITD1-201 MITD1 Q8WV92 MIT domain-containing protein 1 chr2 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.1004016064257028 45 7 0.0281124497991967 0
MLF1-201 MLF1 P58340 Myeloid leukemia factor 1 chr3 GO:0019904 Census Yes 29 0.1082089552238805 244 27 0.1007462686567164 0
MPP7-209 MPP7 Q5T2T1 MAGUK p55 subfamily member 7 chr10 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 105 0.1822916666666666 199 60 0.1041666666666666 0
MRPL17-201 MRPL17 Q9NRX2 Large ribosomal subunit protein bL17m chr11 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.0628571428571428 39 1 0.0057142857142857 0
MRPS31-201 MRPS31 Q92665 Small ribosomal subunit protein mS31 chr13 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.0860759493670886 231 23 0.0582278481012658 0
MYH9-201 MYH9 P35579 Myosin-9 chr22 GO:0019904 Census, Compendium Yes 247 0.1260204081632653 1124 126 0.0642857142857142 13
MYO1D-201 MYO1D O94832 Unconventional myosin-Id chr17 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 93 0.0924453280318091 61 5 0.0049701789264413 0
MYO7A-202 MYO7A Q13402 Unconventional myosin-VIIa chr11 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 231 0.1042889390519187 371 49 0.0221218961625282 48
NCK1-207 NCK1 P16333 Cytoplasmic protein NCK1 chr3 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.1087533156498673 111 15 0.039787798408488 0
NCOA2-201 NCOA2 Q15596 Nuclear receptor coactivator 2 chr8 GO:0019904 Census, Compendium Yes 152 0.1038251366120218 1283 134 0.0915300546448087 0
NEDD4-208 NEDD4 P46934 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase NEDD4 chr15 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 99 0.0750568612585291 717 55 0.0416982562547384 0
NEFL-201 NEFL P07196 Neurofilament light polypeptide chr8 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 285 0 0.0 10
NFE2L2-201 NFE2L2 Q16236 Nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 chr2 GO:0019904 Census, Compendium Yes 235 0.3884297520661157 402 59 0.0975206611570247 4
NLRP1-208 NLRP1 Q9C000 NACHT, LRR and PYD domains-containing protein 1 chr17 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 169 0.1147318397827562 341 45 0.0305498981670061 6
NR0B1-202 NR0B1 P51843 Nuclear receptor subfamily 0 group B member 1 chrX GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 74 0.1574468085106383 97 15 0.0319148936170212 16
NR0B2-201 NR0B2 Q15466 Nuclear receptor subfamily 0 group B member 2 chr1 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.1167315175097276 10 2 0.0077821011673151 0
NUMA1-205 NUMA1 Q14980 Nuclear mitotic apparatus protein 1 chr11 GO:0019904 Census, Compendium Yes 169 0.0799054373522458 1869 147 0.0695035460992907 0
OCLN-202 OCLN Q16625 Occludin chr5 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.0842911877394636 244 18 0.0344827586206896 1
OSBP-201 OSBP P22059 Oxysterol-binding protein 1 chr11 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 69 0.0855018587360594 382 27 0.0334572490706319 0
PALS1-201 PALS1 Q8N3R9 Protein PALS1 chr14 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.074074074074074 338 21 0.0311111111111111 0
PIAS1-201 PIAS1 O75925 E3 SUMO-protein ligase PIAS1 chr15 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 48 0.0737327188940092 241 25 0.0384024577572964 0
PICK1-201 PICK1 Q9NRD5 PRKCA-binding protein chr22 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.0867469879518072 49 1 0.0024096385542168 0
PKD1-201 PKD1 P98161 Polycystin-1 chr16 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 299 0.0694864048338368 695 50 0.0116198001394376 91
PLAUR-203 PLAUR Q03405 Urokinase plasminogen activator surface receptor chr19 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.1134328358208955 18 4 0.0119402985074626 0
PLG-202 PLG P00747 Plasminogen chr6 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 190 0.2345679012345679 233 55 0.0679012345679012 9
PLXNB3-201 PLXNB3 Q9ULL4 Plexin-B3 chrX GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 168 0.0880041906757464 358 30 0.0157150340492404 0
PLXND1-201 PLXND1 Q9Y4D7 Plexin-D1 chr3 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 196 0.1018181818181818 321 26 0.0135064935064935 0
PPARA-202 PPARA Q07869 Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha chr22 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 49 0.1047008547008547 68 9 0.0192307692307692 0
PPP1CC-201 PPP1CC P36873 Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase PP1-gamma catalytic subunit chr12 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.0588235294117647 23 3 0.0092879256965944 0
PPP3R1-201 PPP3R1 P63098 Calcineurin subunit B type 1 chr2 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.088235294117647 1 0 0.0 0
PRKACA-201 PRKACA P17612 cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit alpha chr19 GO:0019904 Census Yes 49 0.1396011396011396 24 0 0.0 2
PRKAR1A-216 PRKAR1A P10644 cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit chr17 GO:0019904 Census, Compendium Yes 26 0.0682414698162729 66 5 0.0131233595800524 15
PRKAR2A-201 PRKAR2A P13861 cAMP-dependent protein kinase type II-alpha regulatory subunit chr3 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.0668316831683168 150 8 0.0198019801980198 0
PRKAR2B-201 PRKAR2B P31323 cAMP-dependent protein kinase type II-beta regulatory subunit chr7 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.1028708133971291 127 5 0.0119617224880382 0
PRKDC-201 PRKDC P78527 DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit chr8 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 385 0.0932655038759689 421 43 0.0104166666666666 2
RAB27A-201 RAB27A P51159 Ras-related protein Rab-27A chr15 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.0769230769230769 15 4 0.0180995475113122 3
RAB27B-201 RAB27B O00194 Ras-related protein Rab-27B chr18 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.1605504587155963 43 9 0.0412844036697247 0
RAB6A-202 RAB6A P20340 Ras-related protein Rab-6A chr11 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.0817307692307692 45 5 0.0240384615384615 0
RABEP1-202 RABEP1 Q15276 Rab GTPase-binding effector protein 1 chr17 GO:0019904 Census, Compendium Yes 47 0.0545243619489559 520 31 0.0359628770301624 0
RAN-212 RAN P62826 GTP-binding nuclear protein Ran chr12 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.0833333333333333 14 0 0.0 0
RAP2B-201 RAP2B P61225 Ras-related protein Rap-2b chr3 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.1038251366120218 0 0 0.0 0
RAPGEF3-205 RAPGEF3 O95398 Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor 3 chr12 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 79 0.085590465872156 197 18 0.0195016251354279 0
RARA-201 RARA P10276 Retinoic acid receptor alpha chr17 GO:0019904 Census, Compendium Yes 60 0.1298701298701298 167 14 0.0303030303030303 0
RBMX-201 RBMX P38159 RNA-binding motif protein, X chromosome chrX GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.1048593350383631 381 41 0.1048593350383631 0
RCC2-202 RCC2 Q9P258 Protein RCC2 chr1 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.0900383141762452 194 20 0.0383141762452107 0
RFC1-202 RFC1 P35251 Replication factor C subunit 1 chr4 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 80 0.0696864111498257 676 42 0.0365853658536585 0
RNF41-201 RNF41 Q9H4P4 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase NRDP1 chr12 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.113564668769716 33 2 0.0063091482649842 0
RUNX2-212 RUNX2 Q13950 Runt-related transcription factor 2 chr6 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.0959692898272552 447 44 0.0844529750479846 30
SCAF1-201 SCAF1 Q9H7N4 Splicing factor, arginine/serine-rich 19 chr19 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 58 0.0442073170731707 1310 57 0.0434451219512195 0
SCAMP1-207 SCAMP1 O15126 Secretory carrier-associated membrane protein 1 chr5 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.0710059171597633 118 11 0.0325443786982248 0
SCN5A-202 SCN5A Q14524 Sodium channel protein type 5 subunit alpha chr3 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 381 0.1889880952380952 554 117 0.0580357142857142 181
SHC4-201 SHC4 Q6S5L8 SHC-transforming protein 4 chr15 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 59 0.0936507936507936 327 38 0.0603174603174603 0
SKI-201 SKI P12755 Ski oncogene chr1 GO:0019904 Census Yes 41 0.0563186813186813 434 27 0.037087912087912 8
SKP1-202 SKP1 P63208 S-phase kinase-associated protein 1 chr5 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.1226993865030674 96 19 0.1165644171779141 0
SNAP25-201 SNAP25 P60880 Synaptosomal-associated protein 25 chr20 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 46 0.2233009708737864 178 38 0.1844660194174757 1
SP100-201 SP100 P23497 Nuclear autoantigen Sp-100 chr2 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 76 0.08646188850967 683 61 0.0693970420932878 0
SRP68-201 SRP68 Q9UHB9 Signal recognition particle subunit SRP68 chr17 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 58 0.0925039872408293 170 16 0.0255183413078149 0
SRSF7-201 SRSF7 Q16629 Serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 7 chr2 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.0840336134453781 175 8 0.0336134453781512 0
SRSF9-201 SRSF9 Q13242 Serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 9 chr12 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.0633484162895927 112 8 0.0361990950226244 0
STAMBP-202 STAMBP O95630 STAM-binding protein chr2 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.0990566037735849 143 15 0.035377358490566 6
STMN3-201 STMN3 Q9NZ72 Stathmin-3 chr20 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.1277777777777777 152 22 0.1222222222222222 0
STX18-201 STX18 Q9P2W9 Syntaxin-18 chr4 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.0686567164179104 176 12 0.035820895522388 0
STXBP1-201 STXBP1 P61764 Syntaxin-binding protein 1 chr9 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 61 0.1026936026936027 112 13 0.0218855218855218 19
TADA3-201 TADA3 O75528 Transcriptional adapter 3 chr3 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.0972222222222222 353 32 0.074074074074074 0
TDG-202 TDG Q13569 G/T mismatch-specific thymine DNA glycosylase chr12 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 45 0.1097560975609756 186 21 0.0512195121951219 0
TFDP1-201 TFDP1 Q14186 Transcription factor Dp-1 chr13 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 61 0.148780487804878 246 36 0.0878048780487804 0
TFDP2-215 TFDP2 Q14188 Transcription factor Dp-2 chr3 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.0874439461883408 249 24 0.0538116591928251 0
TH-206 TH P07101 Tyrosine 3-monooxygenase chr11 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 48 0.0909090909090909 151 17 0.0321969696969696 38
THRA-201 THRA P10827 Thyroid hormone receptor alpha chr17 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.0959183673469387 207 21 0.0428571428571428 2
TJP2-202 TJP2 Q9UDY2 Tight junction protein ZO-2 chr9 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 104 0.0873949579831932 916 80 0.0672268907563025 1
TNNI3-201 TNNI3 P19429 Troponin I, cardiac muscle chr19 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.1619047619047619 109 15 0.0714285714285714 21
TOP1-201 TOP1 P11387 DNA topoisomerase 1 chr20 GO:0019904 Census, Compendium Yes 50 0.065359477124183 391 19 0.0248366013071895 0
TRA2B-204 TRA2B P62995 Transformer-2 protein homolog beta chr3 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.0833333333333333 244 20 0.0694444444444444 0
TRIM11-201 TRIM11 Q96F44 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRIM11 chr1 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 46 0.0982905982905982 132 16 0.0341880341880341 0
TRIM9-201 TRIM9 Q9C026 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRIM9 chr14 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 110 0.1549295774647887 112 21 0.0295774647887323 0
TRPS1-201 TRPS1 Q9UHF7 Zinc finger transcription factor Trps1 chr8 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 282 0.2201405152224824 803 174 0.1358313817330211 5
TUBB-205 TUBB P07437 Tubulin beta chain chr6 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.0653153153153153 63 5 0.0112612612612612 5
TWIST1-201 TWIST1 Q15672 Twist-related protein 1 chr7 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.1039603960396039 132 9 0.0445544554455445 6
VAPA-202 VAPA Q9P0L0 Vesicle-associated membrane protein-associated protein A chr18 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.0803212851405622 184 11 0.0441767068273092 0
VCP-201 VCP P55072 Transitional endoplasmic reticulum ATPase chr9 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 74 0.0918114143920595 186 14 0.0173697270471464 12
VIM-209 VIM P08670 Vimentin chr10 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 67 0.1437768240343347 316 45 0.0965665236051502 1
VPS11-207 VPS11 Q9H270 Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 11 homolog chr11 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 76 0.0807651434643995 118 4 0.004250797024442 1
VRK2-201 VRK2 Q86Y07 Serine/threonine-protein kinase VRK2 chr2 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.0866141732283464 126 9 0.0177165354330708 0
WARS1-204 WARS1 P23381 Tryptophan--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic chr14 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 51 0.10828025477707 92 8 0.0169851380042462 1
WNT1-201 WNT1 P04628 Proto-oncogene Wnt-1 chr12 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.054054054054054 25 0 0.0 8
WNT3-201 WNT3 P56703 Proto-oncogene Wnt-3 chr17 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.1239436619718309 34 9 0.0253521126760563 0
WNT3A-201 WNT3A P56704 Protein Wnt-3a chr1 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 60 0.1704545454545454 37 2 0.0056818181818181 0
WNT5A-201 WNT5A P41221 Protein Wnt-5a chr3 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.1105263157894736 0 0 0.0 2
XPA-201 XPA P23025 DNA repair protein complementing XP-A cells chr9 GO:0019904 Census Yes 12 0.0439560439560439 121 6 0.0219780219780219 5
YWHAB-201 YWHAB P31946 14-3-3 protein beta/alpha chr20 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.0772357723577235 110 3 0.0121951219512195 0
YWHAE-201 YWHAE P62258 14-3-3 protein epsilon chr17 GO:0019904 Census Yes 24 0.0941176470588235 41 1 0.0039215686274509 0
YWHAG-201 YWHAG P61981 14-3-3 protein gamma chr7 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.0850202429149797 78 4 0.0161943319838056 3
YWHAH-201 YWHAH Q04917 14-3-3 protein eta chr22 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 10 0.040650406504065 55 0 0.0 0
YWHAQ-201 YWHAQ P27348 14-3-3 protein theta chr2 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.0938775510204081 41 2 0.0081632653061224 0
ZBTB16-201 ZBTB16 Q05516 Zinc finger and BTB domain-containing protein 16 chr11 GO:0019904 Census, Compendium Yes 105 0.1560178306092124 268 42 0.0624071322436849 1
ZFYVE9-201 ZFYVE9 O95405 Zinc finger FYVE domain-containing protein 9 chr1 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 123 0.0863157894736842 670 68 0.047719298245614 0
ZMYND8-202 ZMYND8 Q9ULU4 MYND-type zinc finger-containing chromatin reader ZMYND8 chr20 GO:0019904 Not Cancer Driver No 125 0.1053962900505902 833 84 0.0708263069139966 8
ZNF521-201 ZNF521 Q96K83 Zinc finger protein 521 chr18 GO:0019904 Census, Compendium Yes 274 0.2090007627765064 366 79 0.0602593440122044 0