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Total number of protein in "GO:0030502" GO term:  16

Identifier UniProt Gene UniProt Accession UniProt Name Chromosome GO term Database Cancer Driver Number of missense mutations Missense mutation per residues Number of disordered residues Number of mutations in disordered regions Disordered missense mutations per residues Number of OMIM mutation
AHSG-202 AHSG P02765 Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein chr3 GO:0030502 Not Cancer Driver No 61 0.1662125340599455 132 33 0.0899182561307901 0
BCOR-202 BCOR Q6W2J9 BCL-6 corepressor chrX GO:0030502 Census, Compendium Yes 219 0.1247863247863247 1289 174 0.0991452991452991 1
CCL3-204 CCL3 P10147 C-C motif chemokine 3 chr17 GO:0030502 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.1413043478260869 0 0 0.0 0
CCR1-201 CCR1 P32246 C-C chemokine receptor type 1 chr3 GO:0030502 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.1323943661971831 14 0 0.0 0
ECM1-202 ECM1 Q16610 Extracellular matrix protein 1 chr1 GO:0030502 Not Cancer Driver No 66 0.1222222222222222 224 23 0.0425925925925925 1
ENPP1-204 ENPP1 P22413 Ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase family member 1 chr6 GO:0030502 Not Cancer Driver No 114 0.1232432432432432 101 3 0.0032432432432432 32
FGF23-201 FGF23 Q9GZV9 Fibroblast growth factor 23 chr12 GO:0030502 Not Cancer Driver No 83 0.3306772908366533 97 53 0.2111553784860557 6
GATA1-202 GATA1 P15976 Erythroid transcription factor chrX GO:0030502 Census, Compendium Yes 57 0.1380145278450363 242 34 0.0823244552058111 5
GREM1-203 GREM1 O60565 Gremlin-1 chr15 GO:0030502 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.1141304347826086 77 9 0.0489130434782608 0
HIF1A-202 HIF1A Q16665 Hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha chr14 GO:0030502 Census Yes 54 0.0653753026634382 436 28 0.0338983050847457 0
LTBP3-201 LTBP3 Q9NS15 Latent-transforming growth factor beta-binding protein 3 chr11 GO:0030502 Not Cancer Driver No 87 0.066768994627782 356 20 0.0153491941673062 0
PTK2B-201 PTK2B Q14289 Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta chr8 GO:0030502 Not Cancer Driver No 117 0.1159563924677899 263 23 0.0227948463825569 0
SOX9-201 SOX9 P48436 Transcription factor SOX-9 chr17 GO:0030502 Compendium Yes 69 0.1355599214145383 497 66 0.1296660117878192 13
SRGN-201 SRGN P10124 Serglycin chr10 GO:0030502 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.1265822784810126 89 10 0.0632911392405063 0
STATH-201 STATH P02808 Statherin chr4 GO:0030502 Not Cancer Driver No 3 0.0483870967741935 0 0 0.0 0
TRPM4-201 TRPM4 Q8TD43 Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 4 chr19 GO:0030502 Not Cancer Driver No 124 0.1021416803953871 149 17 0.0140032948929159 12