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Total number of protein in "GO:0030674" GO term:  124

Identifier UniProt Gene UniProt Accession UniProt Name Chromosome GO term Database Cancer Driver Number of missense mutations Missense mutation per residues Number of disordered residues Number of mutations in disordered regions Disordered missense mutations per residues Number of OMIM mutation
ADAP2-201 ADAP2 Q9NPF8 Arf-GAP with dual PH domain-containing protein 2 chr17 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 37 0.0971128608923884 30 5 0.0131233595800524 0
AKIRIN2-201 AKIRIN2 Q53H80 Akirin-2 chr6 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.0935960591133004 124 11 0.0541871921182266 0
AMFR-201 AMFR Q9UKV5 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase AMFR chr16 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 49 0.0762052877138413 229 22 0.0342146189735614 0
ANK2-202 ANK2 Q01484 Ankyrin-2 chr4 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 597 0.1508718726307809 2850 428 0.1081627495577457 4
ANK3-201 ANK3 Q12955 Ankyrin-3 chr10 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 652 0.1489604752113319 3069 442 0.1009824080420379 0
APH1A-203 APH1A Q96BI3 Gamma-secretase subunit APH-1A chr1 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.1094339622641509 0 0 0.0 0
APH1B-201 APH1B Q8WW43 Gamma-secretase subunit APH-1B chr15 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.0583657587548638 0 0 0.0 0
ARPC4-201 ARPC4 P59998 Actin-related protein 2/3 complex subunit 4 chr3 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.0654761904761904 3 0 0.0 1
ATP1B1-201 ATP1B1 P05026 Sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit beta-1 chr1 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.1056105610561056 55 6 0.0198019801980198 0
ATP1B2-201 ATP1B2 P14415 Sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit beta-2 chr17 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.0862068965517241 16 4 0.0137931034482758 0
ATP1B3-201 ATP1B3 P54709 Sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit beta-3 chr3 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.068100358422939 6 0 0.0 0
BBS4-201 BBS4 Q96RK4 Bardet-Biedl syndrome 4 protein chr15 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.0847784200385356 111 14 0.0269749518304431 9
BCL3-201 BCL3 P20749 B-cell lymphoma 3 protein chr19 GO:0030674 Census Yes 28 0.0616740088105726 259 8 0.0176211453744493 0
BECN1-213 BECN1 Q14457 Beclin-1 chr17 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.08 190 15 0.0333333333333333 0
BECN2-201 BECN2 A8MW95 Beclin-2 chr1 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 131 0 0.0 0
BFAR-201 BFAR Q9NZS9 Bifunctional apoptosis regulator chr16 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.1111111111111111 30 1 0.0022222222222222 0
CAV1-201 CAV1 Q03135 Caveolin-1 chr7 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.1292134831460674 2 0 0.0 0
CAV2-201 CAV2 P51636 Caveolin-2 chr7 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.0802469135802469 5 2 0.0123456790123456 0
CBX5-201 CBX5 P45973 Chromobox protein homolog 5 chr12 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.0785340314136125 116 8 0.0418848167539267 0
CDYL-201 CDYL Q9Y232 Chromodomain Y-like protein chr6 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 71 0.1187290969899665 347 43 0.0719063545150501 0
CNKSR1-202 CNKSR1 Q969H4 Connector enhancer of kinase suppressor of ras 1 chr1 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 96 0.1333333333333333 408 54 0.075 0
CNTLN-202 CNTLN Q9NXG0 Centlein chr9 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 150 0.1066856330014224 923 94 0.0668563300142247 0
COL11A1-203 COL11A1 P12107 Collagen alpha-1(XI) chain chr1 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 181 0.1002214839424141 1437 122 0.0675526024363233 8
COL11A2-201 COL11A2 P13942 Collagen alpha-2(XI) chain chr6 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 99 0.0570276497695852 1471 77 0.0443548387096774 7
COL14A1-201 COL14A1 Q05707 Collagen alpha-1(XIV) chain chr8 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 317 0.1765033407572383 713 148 0.0824053452115812 0
COL19A1-205 COL19A1 Q14993 Collagen alpha-1(XIX) chain chr6 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 85 0.074430823117338 892 19 0.0166374781085814 0
COL1A2-201 COL1A2 P08123 Collagen alpha-2(I) chain chr7 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 84 0.0614934114202049 1160 50 0.0366032210834553 81
COL8A2-202 COL8A2 P25067 Collagen alpha-2(VIII) chain chr1 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.0170697012802275 561 4 0.0056899004267425 4
CRADD-201 CRADD P78560 Death domain-containing protein CRADD chr12 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.1507537688442211 45 4 0.0201005025125628 1
CSNK2B-203 CSNK2B P67870 Casein kinase II subunit beta chr6 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.0837209302325581 19 0 0.0 3
CSTPP1-201 CSTPP1 Q9H6J7 Centriolar satellite-associated tubulin polyglutamylase complex regulator 1 chr11 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.0543806646525679 101 5 0.0151057401812688 0
CUL1-201 CUL1 Q13616 Cullin-1 chr7 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 127 0.163659793814433 65 9 0.0115979381443298 0
CUL2-203 CUL2 Q13617 Cullin-2 chr10 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 64 0.0859060402684563 66 2 0.0026845637583892 0
CUL5-201 CUL5 Q93034 Cullin-5 chr11 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 69 0.0884615384615384 5 1 0.0012820512820512 0
DCAF7-205 DCAF7 P61962 DDB1- and CUL4-associated factor 7 chr17 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.0555555555555555 0 0 0.0 0
DDB1-201 DDB1 Q16531 DNA damage-binding protein 1 chr11 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 98 0.0859649122807017 50 8 0.0070175438596491 3
DDX20-201 DDX20 Q9UHI6 Probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX20 chr1 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 59 0.0716019417475728 301 20 0.0242718446601941 0
DTL-201 DTL Q9NZJ0 Denticleless protein homolog chr1 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 53 0.0726027397260273 333 38 0.0520547945205479 0
DVL2-201 DVL2 O14641 Segment polarity protein dishevelled homolog DVL-2 chr17 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 72 0.0978260869565217 515 52 0.0706521739130434 0
ELOC-206 ELOC Q15369 Elongin-C chr8 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.1160714285714285 25 3 0.0267857142857142 0
ENST00000640655 RAD50 Q92878 DNA repair protein RAD50 chr5 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 92 0.0758450123660346 721 45 0.0370981038746908 0
ENST00000690765 DCAF7 P61962 DDB1- and CUL4-associated factor 7 chr17 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.0555555555555555 0 0 0.0 0
ERCC2-204 ERCC2 P18074 General transcription and DNA repair factor IIH helicase subunit XPD chr19 GO:0030674 Census, Compendium Yes 103 0.1355263157894737 5 0 0.0 30
ERG28-201 ERG28 Q9UKR5 Ergosterol biosynthetic protein 28 homolog chr14 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.0857142857142857 3 0 0.0 0
FAF2-201 FAF2 Q96CS3 FAS-associated factor 2 chr5 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.0808988764044943 171 11 0.0247191011235955 0
FBXW7-201 FBXW7 Q969H0 F-box/WD repeat-containing protein 7 chr4 GO:0030674 Census, Compendium Yes 289 0.4087694483734088 232 15 0.0212164073550212 17
FKBP4-201 FKBP4 Q02790 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP4 chr12 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.0849673202614379 134 11 0.0239651416122004 0
FLRT1-202 FLRT1 Q9NZU1 Leucine-rich repeat transmembrane protein FLRT1 chr11 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 58 0.086053412462908 95 5 0.0074183976261127 0
FLRT2-201 FLRT2 O43155 Leucine-rich repeat transmembrane protein FLRT2 chr14 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 185 0.2803030303030303 80 19 0.0287878787878787 0
FLRT3-201 FLRT3 Q9NZU0 Leucine-rich repeat transmembrane protein FLRT3 chr20 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 74 0.1140215716486903 113 5 0.0077041602465331 4
FREY1-201 FREY1 C9JXX5 Protein Frey 1 chr11 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 7 0.0714285714285714 30 4 0.0408163265306122 0
FRMD4A-203 FRMD4A Q9P2Q2 FERM domain-containing protein 4A chr10 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 95 0.0914340712223291 668 55 0.0529355149181905 0
FSCN1-201 FSCN1 Q16658 Fascin chr7 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.0892494929006085 81 5 0.0101419878296146 0
FSCN2-202 FSCN2 O14926 Fascin-2 chr17 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.0589430894308943 48 3 0.0060975609756097 0
FSCN3-201 FSCN3 Q9NQT6 Fascin-3 chr7 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 84 0.1686746987951807 6 0 0.0 0
FXYD2-202 FXYD2 P54710 Sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit gamma chr11 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 2 0.0303030303030303 20 2 0.0303030303030303 1
GAS6-201 GAS6 Q14393 Growth arrest-specific protein 6 chr13 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 60 0.0884955752212389 43 3 0.0044247787610619 0
GATAD2A-201 GATAD2A Q86YP4 Transcriptional repressor p66-alpha chr19 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 64 0.1011058451816745 546 57 0.0900473933649289 0
GRB14-201 GRB14 Q14449 Growth factor receptor-bound protein 14 chr2 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 58 0.1074074074074074 117 7 0.0129629629629629 0
HCFC1-201 HCFC1 P51610 Host cell factor 1 chrX GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 201 0.0987714987714987 1349 135 0.0663390663390663 0
HSPA8-224 HSPA8 P11142 Heat shock cognate 71 kDa protein chr11 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 82 0.1269349845201238 252 28 0.0433436532507739 0
ICE1-201 ICE1 Q9Y2F5 Little elongation complex subunit 1 chr5 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 257 0.1134157105030891 1675 191 0.0842894969108561 0
INSC-201 INSC Q1MX18 Protein inscuteable homolog chr11 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 103 0.1778929188255613 34 12 0.0207253886010362 0
IQCB1-201 IQCB1 Q15051 IQ calmodulin-binding motif-containing protein 1 chr3 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 46 0.0769230769230769 89 6 0.0100334448160535 0
IRGM-202 IRGM A1A4Y4 Immunity-related GTPase family M protein chr5 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 7 0.0386740331491712 51 0 0.0 0
JCHAIN-201 JCHAIN P01591 Immunoglobulin J chain chr4 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.1572327044025157 9 2 0.0125786163522012 0
MAPT-212 MAPT P10636 Microtubule-associated protein tau chr17 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 100 0.1319261213720316 750 99 0.1306068601583113 17
MEN1-203 MEN1 O00255 Menin chr11 GO:0030674 Census, Compendium Yes 50 0.08130081300813 230 9 0.0146341463414634 80
MLPH-201 MLPH Q9BV36 Melanophilin chr2 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 59 0.0983333333333333 471 44 0.0733333333333333 1
MMS19-209 MMS19 Q96T76 MMS19 nucleotide excision repair protein homolog chr10 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.0524271844660194 11 0 0.0 0
MORC3-201 MORC3 Q14149 MORC family CW-type zinc finger protein 3 chr21 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 75 0.0798722044728434 397 36 0.0383386581469648 0
NCK1-207 NCK1 P16333 Cytoplasmic protein NCK1 chr3 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.1087533156498673 111 15 0.039787798408488 0
NCSTN-201 NCSTN Q92542 Nicastrin chr1 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 69 0.0973201692524682 72 10 0.0141043723554301 1
NDC1-201 NDC1 Q9BTX1 Nucleoporin NDC1 chr1 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 37 0.0548961424332344 92 9 0.0133531157270029 0
NEFH-201 NEFH P12036 Neurofilament heavy polypeptide chr22 GO:0030674 Compendium Yes 16 0.0156862745098039 866 10 0.0098039215686274 0
NEFL-201 NEFL P07196 Neurofilament light polypeptide chr8 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 285 0 0.0 10
NLRP12-201 NLRP12 P59046 NACHT, LRR and PYD domains-containing protein 12 chr19 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 258 0.2431668237511781 115 37 0.0348727615457115 0
NMD3-201 NMD3 Q96D46 60S ribosomal export protein NMD3 chr3 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.0934393638170974 104 13 0.025844930417495 0
NOLC1-209 NOLC1 Q14978 Nucleolar and coiled-body phosphoprotein 1 chr10 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.0715307582260372 660 46 0.0658082975679542 0
NUFIP1-201 NUFIP1 Q9UHK0 FMR1-interacting protein NUFIP1 chr13 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 46 0.0929292929292929 404 34 0.0686868686868686 0
OPTN-202 OPTN Q96CV9 Optineurin chr10 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.0814558058925476 475 40 0.0693240901213171 6
PDCD6-201 PDCD6 O75340 Programmed cell death protein 6 chr5 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.0837696335078534 26 1 0.0052356020942408 0
PEX14-201 PEX14 O75381 Peroxisomal membrane protein PEX14 chr1 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.0742705570291777 268 19 0.0503978779840848 0
PEX3-201 PEX3 P56589 Peroxisomal biogenesis factor 3 chr6 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.0482573726541554 24 0 0.0 2
POLD3-201 POLD3 Q15054 DNA polymerase delta subunit 3 chr11 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.0729613733905579 327 26 0.055793991416309 0
PPP4R2-201 PPP4R2 Q9NY27 Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 4 regulatory subunit 2 chr3 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.0671462829736211 316 21 0.0503597122302158 0
PSMC6-201 PSMC6 P62333 26S proteasome regulatory subunit 10B chr14 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.1002570694087403 69 6 0.0154241645244215 0
PSMD10-201 PSMD10 O75832 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 10 chrX GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.0575221238938053 53 4 0.0176991150442477 0
RAB3A-201 RAB3A P20336 Ras-related protein Rab-3A chr19 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.0863636363636363 43 3 0.0136363636363636 0
RAD50-201 RAD50 Q92878 DNA repair protein RAD50 chr5 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 106 0.0807926829268292 730 50 0.0381097560975609 0
RAPGEF4-201 RAPGEF4 Q8WZA2 Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor 4 chr2 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 113 0.1117705242334322 192 16 0.0158259149357072 0
RBM33-207 RBM33 Q96EV2 RNA-binding protein 33 chr7 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.0324786324786324 1121 32 0.0273504273504273 0
RPTOR-201 RPTOR Q8N122 Regulatory-associated protein of mTOR chr17 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 149 0.1116104868913857 242 18 0.0134831460674157 0
SERINC1-201 SERINC1 Q9NRX5 Serine incorporator 1 chr6 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.0905077262693156 21 1 0.0022075055187637 0
SH2D1B-201 SH2D1B O14796 SH2 domain-containing protein 1B chr1 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.1818181818181818 0 0 0.0 0
SHARPIN-202 SHARPIN Q9H0F6 Sharpin chr8 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.0749354005167958 237 13 0.0335917312661498 0
SLC35D3-201 SLC35D3 Q5M8T2 Solute carrier family 35 member D3 chr6 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.1009615384615384 89 13 0.03125 0
SLC9A1-201 SLC9A1 P19634 Sodium/hydrogen exchanger 1 chr1 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 57 0.0699386503067484 252 17 0.0208588957055214 1
SQSTM1-202 SQSTM1 Q13501 Sequestosome-1 chr5 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.0931818181818181 271 24 0.0545454545454545 30
SRRT-213 SRRT Q9BXP5 Serrate RNA effector molecule homolog chr7 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 96 0.1095890410958904 596 68 0.0776255707762557 0
ST13-201 ST13 P50502 Hsc70-interacting protein chr22 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.073170731707317 298 21 0.056910569105691 0
STEEP1-204 STEEP1 Q9H5V9 STING ER exit protein chrX GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.1486486486486486 117 25 0.1126126126126126 0
STUB1-201 STUB1 Q9UNE7 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase CHIP chr16 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.0957095709570957 113 11 0.0363036303630363 11
TAX1BP1-202 TAX1BP1 Q86VP1 Tax1-binding protein 1 chr7 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.0544993662864385 429 29 0.0367553865652724 0
TCAP-201 TCAP O15273 Telethonin chr17 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.1077844311377245 95 12 0.0718562874251497 4
TCOF1-207 TCOF1 Q13428 Treacle protein chr5 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 107 0.0719086021505376 1462 109 0.073252688172043 1
TIRAP-202 TIRAP P58753 Toll/interleukin-1 receptor domain-containing adapter protein chr11 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.0633484162895927 80 5 0.0226244343891402 0
TJP2-202 TJP2 Q9UDY2 Tight junction protein ZO-2 chr9 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 104 0.0873949579831932 916 80 0.0672268907563025 1
TRAF2-201 TRAF2 Q12933 TNF receptor-associated factor 2 chr9 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 51 0.1017964071856287 4 1 0.0019960079840319 0
TRDN-201 TRDN Q13061 Triadin chr6 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 59 0.0809327846364883 646 55 0.0754458161865569 1
TRIM11-201 TRIM11 Q96F44 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRIM11 chr1 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 46 0.0982905982905982 132 16 0.0341880341880341 0
TRIM17-204 TRIM17 Q9Y577 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRIM17 chr1 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 53 0.1111111111111111 129 16 0.0335429769392033 0
TRIM22-201 TRIM22 Q8IYM9 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRIM22 chr11 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 64 0.1285140562248996 27 0 0.0 0
TRIM32-203 TRIM32 Q13049 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRIM32 chr9 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 62 0.0949464012251148 87 9 0.0137825421133231 3
TRIM5-202 TRIM5 Q9C035 Tripartite motif-containing protein 5 chr11 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.0770791075050709 78 7 0.0141987829614604 0
TRIM55-202 TRIM55 Q9BYV6 Tripartite motif-containing protein 55 chr8 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 100 0.1824817518248175 278 59 0.1076642335766423 0
TRIM6-201 TRIM6 Q9C030 Tripartite motif-containing protein 6 chr11 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 58 0.1188524590163934 48 12 0.0245901639344262 0
UBXN8-201 UBXN8 O00124 UBX domain-containing protein 8 chr8 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 118 0 0.0 0
VPS11-207 VPS11 Q9H270 Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 11 homolog chr11 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 76 0.0807651434643995 118 4 0.004250797024442 1
VPS18-201 VPS18 Q9P253 Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 18 homolog chr15 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 67 0.0688591983556012 86 6 0.0061664953751284 0
WIPI1-201 WIPI1 Q5MNZ9 WD repeat domain phosphoinositide-interacting protein 1 chr17 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.0739910313901345 113 9 0.0201793721973094 0
XK-201 XK P51811 Endoplasmic reticulum membrane adapter protein XK chrX GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 60 0.1351351351351351 32 4 0.009009009009009 3
ZC3H18-201 ZC3H18 Q86VM9 Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 chr16 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.0377754459601259 929 33 0.0346274921301154 0
ZNF432-201 ZNF432 O94892 Zinc finger protein 432 chr19 GO:0030674 Not Cancer Driver No 51 0.0782208588957055 157 10 0.0153374233128834 0