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Total number of protein in "GO:0042472" GO term:  54

Identifier UniProt Gene UniProt Accession UniProt Name Chromosome GO term Database Cancer Driver Number of missense mutations Missense mutation per residues Number of disordered residues Number of mutations in disordered regions Disordered missense mutations per residues Number of OMIM mutation
ALDH1A3-201 ALDH1A3 P47895 Retinaldehyde dehydrogenase 3 chr15 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.09765625 73 4 0.0078125 11
ATOH1-201 ATOH1 Q92858 Transcription factor ATOH1 chr4 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.1525423728813559 329 46 0.1299435028248587 0
ATP6V1B1-201 ATP6V1B1 P15313 V-type proton ATPase subunit B, kidney isoform chr2 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 60 0.1169590643274853 67 7 0.0136452241715399 9
ATP8A2-203 ATP8A2 Q9NTI2 Phospholipid-transporting ATPase IB chr13 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 165 0.1388888888888889 78 8 0.0067340067340067 1
BCR-201 BCR P11274 Breakpoint cluster region protein chr22 GO:0042472 Census, Compendium Yes 112 0.088119590873328 607 57 0.044846577498033 0
CHD7-201 CHD7 Q9P2D1 Chromodomain-helicase-DNA-binding protein 7 chr8 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 264 0.088088088088088 1876 129 0.043043043043043 47
CHRNA10-201 CHRNA10 Q9GZZ6 Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-10 chr11 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.0911111111111111 35 3 0.0066666666666666 0
CHRNA9-201 CHRNA9 Q9UGM1 Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-9 chr4 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 55 0.1148225469728601 23 3 0.0062630480167014 0
COL11A1-203 COL11A1 P12107 Collagen alpha-1(XI) chain chr1 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 181 0.1002214839424141 1437 122 0.0675526024363233 8
COL2A1-202 COL2A1 P02458 Collagen alpha-1(II) chain chr12 GO:0042472 Census Yes 86 0.0578345662407531 1217 56 0.0376597175521183 62
DCANP1-201 DCANP1 Q8TF63 Dendritic cell nuclear protein 1 chr5 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.1311475409836065 161 27 0.110655737704918 0
DLX5-203 DLX5 P56178 Homeobox protein DLX-5 chr7 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 64 0.2214532871972318 223 54 0.1868512110726643 1
EPHB2-204 EPHB2 P29323 Ephrin type-B receptor 2 chr1 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 149 0.1412322274881516 120 11 0.0104265402843601 7
FGF9-201 FGF9 P31371 Fibroblast growth factor 9 chr13 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.1586538461538461 43 8 0.0384615384615384 1
FGFR1-214 FGFR1 P11362 Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 chr8 GO:0042472 Census, Compendium Yes 92 0.1119221411192214 231 26 0.0316301703163017 69
FGFR2-206 FGFR2 P21802 Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 chr10 GO:0042472 Census, Compendium Yes 193 0.2350791717417783 229 34 0.0414129110840438 57
FOXG1-201 FOXG1 P55316 Forkhead box protein G1 chr14 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 99 0.2024539877300613 322 53 0.1083844580777096 3
FOXI1-201 FOXI1 Q12951 Forkhead box protein I1 chr5 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 74 0.1957671957671957 254 56 0.1481481481481481 0
FZD3-201 FZD3 Q9NPG1 Frizzled-3 chr8 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.066066066066066 140 10 0.015015015015015 0
FZD6-201 FZD6 O60353 Frizzled-6 chr8 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 60 0.0849858356940509 173 14 0.0198300283286118 1
GATA2-201 GATA2 P23769 Endothelial transcription factor GATA-2 chr3 GO:0042472 Census, Compendium Yes 60 0.125 372 43 0.0895833333333333 6
GATA3-201 GATA3 P23771 Trans-acting T-cell-specific transcription factor GATA-3 chr10 GO:0042472 Census, Compendium Yes 99 0.2234762979683973 368 79 0.1783295711060948 2
GBX2-201 GBX2 P52951 Homeobox protein GBX-2 chr2 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.0890804597701149 247 24 0.0689655172413793 0
HMX2-201 HMX2 A2RU54 Homeobox protein HMX2 chr10 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.1062271062271062 170 17 0.0622710622710622 0
HMX3-201 HMX3 A6NHT5 Homeobox protein HMX3 chr10 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.0672268907563025 241 14 0.0392156862745098 0
INSIG1-201 INSIG1 O15503 Insulin-induced gene 1 protein chr7 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.0902527075812274 43 1 0.003610108303249 0
INSIG2-201 INSIG2 Q9Y5U4 Insulin-induced gene 2 protein chr2 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.12 11 3 0.0133333333333333 0
ITGA8-201 ITGA8 P53708 Integrin alpha-8 chr10 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 224 0.2107243650047036 114 25 0.0235183443085606 1
KCNQ1-201 KCNQ1 P51787 Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 1 chr11 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 55 0.0813609467455621 219 14 0.0207100591715976 109
KCNQ4-201 KCNQ4 P56696 Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT member 4 chr1 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 67 0.0964028776978417 268 27 0.0388489208633093 6
MAFB-201 MAFB Q9Y5Q3 Transcription factor MafB chr20 GO:0042472 Census Yes 29 0.0897832817337461 301 28 0.0866873065015479 8
MYO15A-221 MYO15A Q9UKN7 Unconventional myosin-XV chr17 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 307 0.0869688385269121 1382 92 0.0260623229461756 4
MYO6-202 MYO6 Q9UM54 Unconventional myosin-VI chr6 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 92 0.0715953307392996 335 9 0.0070038910505836 3
NEUROG1-201 NEUROG1 Q92886 Neurogenin-1 chr5 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.1097046413502109 179 17 0.0717299578059071 0
NTN1-201 NTN1 O95631 Netrin-1 chr17 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.0711920529801324 66 2 0.0033112582781456 1
OTOP1-201 OTOP1 Q7RTM1 Proton channel OTOP1 chr4 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 81 0.1323529411764706 90 7 0.011437908496732 0
OTX1-201 OTX1 P32242 Homeobox protein OTX1 chr2 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.0338983050847457 248 10 0.0282485875706214 0
PAX2-205 PAX2 Q02962 Paired box protein Pax-2 chr10 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 49 0.1175059952038369 294 39 0.0935251798561151 22
PAX8-205 PAX8 Q06710 Paired box protein Pax-8 chr2 GO:0042472 Census Yes 60 0.1333333333333333 291 34 0.0755555555555555 4
POU4F3-201 POU4F3 Q15319 POU domain, class 4, transcription factor 3 chr5 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 49 0.1449704142011834 199 32 0.0946745562130177 10
PRRX1-201 PRRX1 P54821 Paired mesoderm homeobox protein 1 chr1 GO:0042472 Census, Compendium Yes 54 0.2204081632653061 206 37 0.1510204081632653 1
SIX1-205 SIX1 Q15475 Homeobox protein SIX1 chr14 GO:0042472 Census, Compendium Yes 27 0.0950704225352112 144 16 0.056338028169014 7
SIX4-201 SIX4 Q9UIU6 Homeobox protein SIX4 chr14 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 81 0.1037131882202304 462 48 0.0614596670934699 0
SOBP-201 SOBP A7XYQ1 Sine oculis-binding protein homolog chr6 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 79 0.0904925544100801 706 59 0.0675830469644902 0
SPRY2-202 SPRY2 O43597 Protein sprouty homolog 2 chr13 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.1015873015873015 170 19 0.0603174603174603 1
TBX1-201 TBX1 O43435 T-box transcription factor TBX1 chr22 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.0326633165829145 198 1 0.0025125628140703 4
TFAP2A-203 TFAP2A P05549 Transcription factor AP-2-alpha chr6 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.123006833712984 277 32 0.0728929384965831 4
TIFAB-201 TIFAB Q6ZNK6 TRAF-interacting protein with FHA domain-containing protein B chr5 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.1677018633540372 26 4 0.0248447204968944 0
TMIE-201 TMIE Q8NEW7 Transmembrane inner ear expressed protein chr3 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 7 0.0448717948717948 64 3 0.0192307692307692 3
USH1C-202 USH1C Q9Y6N9 Harmonin chr11 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 79 0.1431159420289855 154 32 0.0579710144927536 0
USH1G-202 USH1G Q495M9 pre-mRNA splicing regulator USH1G chr17 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 61 0.1323210412147505 256 30 0.0650759219088937 3
WNT1-201 WNT1 P04628 Proto-oncogene Wnt-1 chr12 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.054054054054054 25 0 0.0 8
WNT3A-201 WNT3A P56704 Protein Wnt-3a chr1 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 60 0.1704545454545454 37 2 0.0056818181818181 0
ZIC1-201 ZIC1 Q15915 Zinc finger protein ZIC 1 chr3 GO:0042472 Not Cancer Driver No 172 0.3847874720357941 246 102 0.2281879194630872 1