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Total number of protein in "GO:0043202" GO term:  96

Identifier UniProt Gene UniProt Accession UniProt Name Chromosome GO term Database Cancer Driver Number of missense mutations Missense mutation per residues Number of disordered residues Number of mutations in disordered regions Disordered missense mutations per residues Number of OMIM mutation
ACAN-202 ACAN P16112 Aggrecan core protein chr15 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 243 0.0960474308300395 1891 218 0.0861660079051383 2
ACP2-206 ACP2 P11117 Lysosomal acid phosphatase chr11 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.0827423167848699 78 8 0.0189125295508274 0
AGRN-201 AGRN O00468 Agrin chr1 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 145 0.0709046454767726 467 32 0.0156479217603911 6
APOB-201 APOB P04114 Apolipoprotein B-100 chr2 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 795 0.1742274819197896 317 51 0.0111768573307034 3
ARSA-201 ARSA P15289 Arylsulfatase A chr22 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.0510805500982318 61 7 0.0137524557956778 85
ARSB-201 ARSB P15848 Arylsulfatase B chr5 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 45 0.0844277673545966 84 6 0.0112570356472795 27
ASAH1-257 ASAH1 Q13510 Acid ceramidase chr8 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.070886075949367 10 3 0.0075949367088607 13
ATP13A2-201 ATP13A2 Q9NQ11 Polyamine-transporting ATPase 13A2 chr1 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 125 0.1059322033898305 121 9 0.0076271186440677 9
BCAN-201 BCAN Q96GW7 Brevican core protein chr1 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 167 0.1833150384193194 342 69 0.0757409440175631 0
BGN-201 BGN P21810 Biglycan chrX GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.1168478260869565 28 3 0.0081521739130434 2
CBLIF-201 CBLIF P27352 Cobalamin binding intrinsic factor chr11 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.1294964028776978 61 6 0.014388489208633 1
CD1E-212 CD1E P15812 T-cell surface glycoprotein CD1e, membrane-associated chr1 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 144 0.3711340206185567 21 11 0.0283505154639175 0
CD74-201 CD74 P04233 HLA class II histocompatibility antigen gamma chain chr5 GO:0043202 Census Yes 24 0.081081081081081 186 15 0.0506756756756756 0
CHID1-201 CHID1 Q9BWS9 Chitinase domain-containing protein 1 chr11 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.089058524173028 4 0 0.0 0
CSF3-201 CSF3 P09919 Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor chr17 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.0772946859903381 7 0 0.0 0
CSPG4-201 CSPG4 Q6UVK1 Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 4 chr15 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 187 0.0805340223944875 840 64 0.0275624461670973 0
CSPG5-202 CSPG5 O95196 Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 5 chr3 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.0954063604240282 397 32 0.0565371024734982 0
CTSA-220 CTSA P10619 Lysosomal protective protein chr20 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.0833333333333333 14 1 0.0020833333333333 12
CTSD-201 CTSD P07339 Cathepsin D chr11 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 49 0.1189320388349514 6 2 0.0048543689320388 2
CTSF-201 CTSF Q9UBX1 Cathepsin F chr11 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.1074380165289256 78 6 0.012396694214876 4
CTSK-201 CTSK P43235 Cathepsin K chr1 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.0972644376899696 24 3 0.0091185410334346 6
CTSL-203 CTSL P07711 Procathepsin L chr9 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.1081081081081081 34 5 0.015015015015015 0
CTSS-201 CTSS P25774 Cathepsin S chr1 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.120845921450151 0 0 0.0 0
CTSV-201 CTSV O60911 Cathepsin L2 chr9 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.1137724550898203 7 1 0.0029940119760479 0
CUBN-202 CUBN O60494 Cubilin chr10 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 585 0.1614683963566105 274 40 0.0110405741098537 2
DCN-201 DCN P07585 Decorin chr12 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 74 0.2061281337047353 81 21 0.0584958217270195 0
EPDR1-201 EPDR1 Q9UM22 Mammalian ependymin-related protein 1 chr7 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.1607142857142857 38 13 0.0580357142857142 0
FASLG-202 FASLG P48023 Tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 6 chr1 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 51 0.1814946619217081 94 15 0.0533807829181494 1
FMOD-201 FMOD Q06828 Fibromodulin chr1 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 69 0.1835106382978723 48 7 0.0186170212765957 0
FUCA1-201 FUCA1 P04066 Tissue alpha-L-fucosidase chr1 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.0643776824034334 13 1 0.0021459227467811 3
GAA-201 GAA P10253 Lysosomal alpha-glucosidase chr17 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 78 0.0819327731092437 149 12 0.0126050420168067 105
GALC-201 GALC P54803 Galactocerebrosidase chr14 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 60 0.0875912408759124 22 1 0.0014598540145985 40
GALNS-201 GALNS P34059 N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfatase chr16 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 57 0.1091954022988505 38 5 0.0095785440613026 112
GBA1-202 GBA1 P04062 Lysosomal acid glucosylceramidase chr1 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 60 0.1119402985074626 38 6 0.0111940298507462 157
GC-201 GC P02774 Vitamin D-binding protein chr4 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 72 0.1518987341772152 13 3 0.0063291139240506 0
GLA-201 GLA P06280 Alpha-galactosidase A chrX GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 45 0.1048951048951049 7 1 0.0023310023310023 123
GLB1-201 GLB1 P16278 Beta-galactosidase chr3 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 58 0.0856720827178729 44 6 0.0088626292466765 89
GM2A-201 GM2A P17900 Ganglioside GM2 activator chr5 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.0932642487046632 0 0 0.0 2
GNS-201 GNS P15586 N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulfatase chr12 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.0652173913043478 22 0 0.0 3
GPC1-201 GPC1 P35052 Glypican-1 chr2 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.078853046594982 168 10 0.017921146953405 0
GPC2-201 GPC2 Q8N158 Glypican-2 chr7 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.0708117443868739 201 11 0.0189982728842832 0
GPC3-201 GPC3 P51654 Glypican-3 chrX GO:0043202 Census Yes 55 0.0948275862068965 87 7 0.0120689655172413 1
GPC4-201 GPC4 O75487 Glypican-4 chrX GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 67 0.1205035971223021 122 15 0.026978417266187 0
GPC5-201 GPC5 P78333 Glypican-5 chr13 GO:0043202 Census Yes 198 0.3461538461538461 117 49 0.0856643356643356 0
GPC6-201 GPC6 Q9Y625 Glypican-6 chr13 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 114 0.2054054054054054 140 26 0.0468468468468468 0
GUSB-201 GUSB P08236 Beta-glucuronidase chr7 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 71 0.1090629800307219 11 0 0.0 34
GYG1-202 GYG1 P46976 Glycogenin-1 chr3 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.0771428571428571 21 3 0.0085714285714285 3
HEXA-201 HEXA P06865 Beta-hexosaminidase subunit alpha chr15 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 48 0.0907372400756143 5 1 0.0018903591682419 39
HEXB-201 HEXB P07686 Beta-hexosaminidase subunit beta chr5 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.0575539568345323 0 0 0.0 9
HGSNAT-201 HGSNAT Q68CP4 Heparan-alpha-glucosaminide N-acetyltransferase chr8 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 60 0.0944881889763779 31 1 0.0015748031496062 23
HPSE-201 HPSE Q9Y251 Heparanase chr4 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.0994475138121546 16 2 0.003683241252302 0
HSP90AA1-201 HSP90AA1 P07900 Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha chr14 GO:0043202 Census, Compendium Yes 44 0.0601092896174863 258 15 0.0204918032786885 0
HSPA8-224 HSPA8 P11142 Heat shock cognate 71 kDa protein chr11 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 82 0.1269349845201238 252 28 0.0433436532507739 0
HSPG2-203 HSPG2 P98160 Basement membrane-specific heparan sulfate proteoglycan core protein chr1 GO:0043202 Compendium Yes 414 0.0942837622409474 1724 160 0.0364381689820086 1
HYAL1-204 HYAL1 Q12794 Hyaluronidase-1 chr3 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.0689655172413793 9 0 0.0 1
IDS-201 IDS P22304 Iduronate 2-sulfatase chrX GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 74 0.1345454545454545 86 11 0.02 91
IDUA-210 IDUA P35475 Alpha-L-iduronidase chr4 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.0535987748851454 103 3 0.004594180704441 55
IFI30-201 IFI30 P13284 Gamma-interferon-inducible lysosomal thiol reductase chr19 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.052 16 0 0.0 0
KERA-201 KERA O60938 Keratocan chr12 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 66 0.1875 25 6 0.0170454545454545 2
LAMP2-201 LAMP2 P13473 Lysosome-associated membrane glycoprotein 2 chrX GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.0707317073170731 55 4 0.0097560975609756 1
LGMN-201 LGMN Q99538 Legumain chr14 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.092378752886836 112 11 0.0254041570438799 0
LIPA-202 LIPA P38571 Lysosomal acid lipase/cholesteryl ester hydrolase chr10 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.075187969924812 13 1 0.0025062656641604 3
LUM-201 LUM P51884 Lumican chr12 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 84 0.2485207100591716 1 0 0.0 0
MAN2B1-203 MAN2B1 O00754 Lysosomal alpha-mannosidase chr19 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 99 0.0979228486646884 146 15 0.0148367952522255 37
MAN2B2-201 MAN2B2 Q9Y2E5 Epididymis-specific alpha-mannosidase chr4 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 106 0.1050545094152626 155 20 0.0198216055500495 0
MANBA-216 MANBA O00462 Beta-mannosidase chr4 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 81 0.0921501706484641 10 0 0.0 3
NAAA-201 NAAA Q02083 N-acylethanolamine-hydrolyzing acid amidase chr4 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.0779944289693593 44 3 0.0083565459610027 0
NAGLU-201 NAGLU P54802 Alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase chr17 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 57 0.0767160161507402 18 0 0.0 61
NCAN-201 NCAN O14594 Neurocan core protein chr19 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 210 0.1589704769114307 791 120 0.0908402725208175 0
NEU1-206 NEU1 Q99519 Sialidase-1 chr6 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.0963855421686747 65 7 0.016867469879518 22
NEU4-205 NEU4 Q8WWR8 Sialidase-4 chr2 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 71 0.146694214876033 199 34 0.0702479338842975 0
NPC2-207 NPC2 P61916 NPC intracellular cholesterol transporter 2 chr14 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 5 0.0331125827814569 0 0 0.0 7
NSG1-211 NSG1 P42857 Neuronal vesicle trafficking-associated protein 1 chr4 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.1351351351351351 29 6 0.0324324324324324 0
NSG2-201 NSG2 Q9Y328 Neuronal vesicle trafficking-associated protein 2 chr5 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.1520467836257309 43 6 0.0350877192982456 0
OGN-202 OGN P20774 Mimecan chr9 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.1006711409395973 22 3 0.0100671140939597 0
OMD-201 OMD Q99983 Osteomodulin chr9 GO:0043202 Census Yes 41 0.0973871733966745 59 9 0.0213776722090261 0
PDGFRB-201 PDGFRB P09619 Platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta chr5 GO:0043202 Census, Compendium Yes 134 0.1211573236889692 233 40 0.0361663652802893 7
PLBD2-201 PLBD2 Q8NHP8 Putative phospholipase B-like 2 chr12 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 45 0.0764006791171477 29 4 0.0067911714770797 0
PLD3-207 PLD3 Q8IV08 5'-3' exonuclease PLD3 chr19 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 51 0.1040816326530612 62 6 0.0122448979591836 0
PPT1-219 PPT1 P50897 Palmitoyl-protein thioesterase 1 chr1 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.088235294117647 0 0 0.0 22
PPT2-244 PPT2 Q9UMR5 Lysosomal thioesterase PPT2 chr6 GO:0043202 Compendium Yes 31 0.1026490066225165 0 0 0.0 0
PRELP-201 PRELP P51888 Prolargin chr1 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 57 0.1492146596858638 55 11 0.0287958115183246 0
PSAP-201 PSAP P07602 Prosaposin chr10 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 46 0.0877862595419847 28 2 0.0038167938931297 7
RNASET2-210 RNASET2 O00584 Ribonuclease T2 chr6 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.0703125 37 2 0.0078125 1
SCARB2-201 SCARB2 Q14108 Lysosome membrane protein 2 chr4 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 46 0.0962343096234309 13 3 0.006276150627615 1
SDC1-201 SDC1 P18827 Syndecan-1 chr2 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.0774193548387096 263 23 0.0741935483870967 0
SDC2-201 SDC2 P34741 Syndecan-2 chr8 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.1641791044776119 130 21 0.1044776119402985 0
SDC3-202 SDC3 O75056 Syndecan-3 chr1 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.0520361990950226 384 16 0.0361990950226244 0
SDC4-201 SDC4 P31431 Syndecan-4 chr20 GO:0043202 Census, Compendium Yes 20 0.101010101010101 111 15 0.0757575757575757 0
SERPINB13-202 SERPINB13 Q9UIV8 Serpin B13 chr18 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 55 0.1406649616368286 55 9 0.0230179028132992 0
SGSH-201 SGSH P51688 N-sulphoglucosamine sulphohydrolase chr17 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.0796812749003984 44 2 0.0039840637450199 49
SMPD1-201 SMPD1 P17405 Sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase chr11 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 51 0.080824088748019 51 4 0.0063391442155309 105
TCN2-201 TCN2 P20062 Transcobalamin-2 chr22 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 59 0.1381733021077283 12 0 0.0 0
TPP1-201 TPP1 O14773 Tripeptidyl-peptidase 1 chr11 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 56 0.0994671403197158 92 7 0.0124333925399644 34
TXNDC5-201 TXNDC5 Q8NBS9 Thioredoxin domain-containing protein 5 chr6 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.074074074074074 104 7 0.0162037037037037 0
VCAN-201 VCAN P13611 Versican core protein chr5 GO:0043202 Not Cancer Driver No 487 0.1434040047114252 2654 365 0.1074793875147232 0