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Total number of protein in "GO:0045444" GO term:  81

Identifier UniProt Gene UniProt Accession UniProt Name Chromosome GO term Database Cancer Driver Number of missense mutations Missense mutation per residues Number of disordered residues Number of mutations in disordered regions Disordered missense mutations per residues Number of OMIM mutation
ADGRF1-203 ADGRF1 Q5T601 Adhesion G-protein coupled receptor F1 chr6 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 122 0.134065934065934 8 0 0.0 0
ADGRF5-202 ADGRF5 Q8IZF2 Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor F5 chr6 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 180 0.1337295690936107 53 7 0.0052005943536404 0
AKT2-206 AKT2 P31751 RAC-beta serine/threonine-protein kinase chr19 GO:0045444 Census Yes 57 0.1185031185031185 84 9 0.0187110187110187 2
ALOXE3-203 ALOXE3 Q9BYJ1 Hydroperoxide isomerase ALOXE3 chr17 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 80 0.1125175808720112 69 10 0.0140646976090014 6
ANGPTL8-201 ANGPTL8 Q6UXH0 Angiopoietin-like protein 8 chr19 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.0909090909090909 26 8 0.0404040404040404 0
ARID5B-201 ARID5B Q14865 AT-rich interactive domain-containing protein 5B chr10 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 133 0.1119528619528619 770 82 0.069023569023569 0
ATF5-201 ATF5 Q9Y2D1 Cyclic AMP-dependent transcription factor ATF-5 chr19 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.1099290780141844 242 27 0.0957446808510638 0
BBS1-201 BBS1 Q8NFJ9 Bardet-Biedl syndrome 1 protein chr11 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.087689713322091 100 9 0.0151770657672849 11
BBS12-201 BBS12 Q6ZW61 Bardet-Biedl syndrome 12 protein chr4 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 60 0.0845070422535211 34 2 0.0028169014084507 10
BBS2-201 BBS2 Q9BXC9 Bardet-Biedl syndrome 2 protein chr16 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 60 0.0832177531206657 76 8 0.0110957004160887 20
BBS4-201 BBS4 Q96RK4 Bardet-Biedl syndrome 4 protein chr15 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.0847784200385356 111 14 0.0269749518304431 9
BBS7-201 BBS7 Q8IWZ6 Bardet-Biedl syndrome 7 protein chr4 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 69 0.0965034965034965 56 4 0.0055944055944055 4
BBS9-201 BBS9 Q3SYG4 Protein PTHB1 chr7 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 128 0.1443066516347237 103 16 0.0180383314543404 1
BSCL2-207 BSCL2 Q96G97 Seipin chr11 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 37 0.092964824120603 126 7 0.0175879396984924 5
C1QTNF3-201 C1QTNF3 Q9BXJ4 Complement C1q tumor necrosis factor-related protein 3 chr5 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.1341463414634146 73 12 0.048780487804878 0
CBY1-201 CBY1 Q9Y3M2 Protein chibby homolog 1 chr22 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 9 0.0714285714285714 98 7 0.0555555555555555 0
CCND1-201 CCND1 P24385 G1/S-specific cyclin-D1 chr11 GO:0045444 Census, Compendium Yes 47 0.159322033898305 32 25 0.0847457627118644 0
CEBPA-201 CEBPA P49715 CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein alpha chr19 GO:0045444 Census, Compendium Yes 10 0.0279329608938547 343 10 0.0279329608938547 1
CEBPD-201 CEBPD P49716 CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein delta chr8 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 5 0.0185873605947955 234 4 0.0148698884758364 0
CLIP3-201 CLIP3 Q96DZ5 CAP-Gly domain-containing linker protein 3 chr19 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 55 0.1005484460694698 220 15 0.0274223034734917 0
CNTN2-201 CNTN2 Q02246 Contactin-2 chr1 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 130 0.125 371 56 0.0538461538461538 0
EGR2-201 EGR2 P11161 E3 SUMO-protein ligase EGR2 chr10 GO:0045444 Compendium Yes 58 0.1218487394957983 352 38 0.0798319327731092 10
ENST00000419755 BBS1 Q8NFJ9 Bardet-Biedl syndrome 1 protein chr11 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.0825396825396825 132 7 0.0111111111111111 11
EP300-201 EP300 Q09472 Histone acetyltransferase p300 chr22 GO:0045444 Census, Compendium Yes 203 0.084092792046396 1792 84 0.0347970173985087 1
ERAP1-202 ERAP1 Q9NZ08 Endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 1 chr5 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 57 0.0605738575982996 70 1 0.0010626992561105 0
FAM120B-201 FAM120B Q96EK7 Constitutive coactivator of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma chr6 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 75 0.0824175824175824 296 22 0.0241758241758241 0
FBXO9-201 FBXO9 Q9UK97 F-box only protein 9 chr6 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.076062639821029 110 7 0.0156599552572706 0
FFAR2-202 FFAR2 O15552 Free fatty acid receptor 2 chr19 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.1212121212121212 32 7 0.0212121212121212 0
FOSL2-201 FOSL2 P15408 Fos-related antigen 2 chr2 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.1196319018404908 323 39 0.1196319018404908 0
FOXO1-201 FOXO1 Q12778 Forkhead box protein O1 chr13 GO:0045444 Census, Compendium Yes 52 0.0793893129770992 586 51 0.0778625954198473 0
GATA2-201 GATA2 P23769 Endothelial transcription factor GATA-2 chr3 GO:0045444 Census, Compendium Yes 60 0.125 372 43 0.0895833333333333 6
GDF10-201 GDF10 P55107 Growth/differentiation factor 10 chr10 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 81 0.1694560669456067 254 54 0.1129707112970711 0
GDF6-201 GDF6 Q6KF10 Growth/differentiation factor 6 chr8 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 73 0.1604395604395604 225 38 0.0835164835164835 14
GPX1-202 GPX1 P07203 Glutathione peroxidase 1 chr3 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.1083743842364532 12 3 0.0147783251231527 0
GRK5-202 GRK5 P34947 G protein-coupled receptor kinase 5 chr10 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 58 0.0983050847457627 105 12 0.0203389830508474 0
HMGA2-204 HMGA2 P52926 High mobility group protein HMGI-C chr12 GO:0045444 Census Yes 9 0.0825688073394495 109 9 0.0825688073394495 0
ID4-201 ID4 P47928 DNA-binding protein inhibitor ID-4 chr6 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 5 0.031055900621118 72 1 0.0062111801242236 0
IL11-201 IL11 P20809 Interleukin-11 chr19 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 10 0.050251256281407 70 4 0.0201005025125628 0
INHBB-201 INHBB P09529 Inhibin beta B chain chr2 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.0982800982800982 98 2 0.0049140049140049 0
JDP2-208 JDP2 Q8WYK2 Jun dimerization protein 2 chr14 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.0981595092024539 142 13 0.0797546012269938 0
KCNJ8-201 KCNJ8 Q15842 ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 8 chr12 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 78 0.1839622641509433 69 17 0.0400943396226415 1
KLF4-201 KLF4 O43474 Krueppel-like factor 4 chr9 GO:0045444 Census, Compendium Yes 41 0.0855949895615866 417 25 0.0521920668058455 0
LRRC8C-201 LRRC8C Q8TDW0 Volume-regulated anion channel subunit LRRC8C chr1 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 68 0.0846824408468244 59 5 0.0062266500622665 0
MAFB-201 MAFB Q9Y5Q3 Transcription factor MafB chr20 GO:0045444 Census Yes 29 0.0897832817337461 301 28 0.0866873065015479 8
MED1-201 MED1 Q15648 Mediator of RNA polymerase II transcription subunit 1 chr17 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 81 0.0512333965844402 1104 50 0.0316255534471853 0
METRNL-201 METRNL Q641Q3 Meteorin-like protein chr17 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.0707395498392283 88 5 0.0160771704180064 0
MKKS-201 MKKS Q9NPJ1 Molecular chaperone MKKS chr20 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.0614035087719298 7 0 0.0 22
NIPBL-201 NIPBL Q6KC79 Nipped-B-like protein chr5 GO:0045444 Compendium Yes 262 0.0934379457917261 1530 138 0.0492154065620542 35
NOC3L-201 NOC3L Q8WTT2 Nucleolar complex protein 3 homolog chr10 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 49 0.06125 284 21 0.02625 0
NR4A1-204 NR4A1 P22736 Nuclear receptor subfamily 4 group A member 1 chr12 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.0869565217391304 252 24 0.040133779264214 0
NR4A2-201 NR4A2 P43354 Nuclear receptor subfamily 4 group A member 2 chr2 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 84 0.1404682274247491 262 32 0.0535117056856187 3
NR4A3-203 NR4A3 Q92570 Nuclear receptor subfamily 4 group A member 3 chr9 GO:0045444 Census Yes 52 0.0830670926517571 298 29 0.0463258785942492 0
OSBPL11-201 OSBPL11 Q9BXB4 Oxysterol-binding protein-related protein 11 chr3 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 45 0.0602409638554216 336 22 0.0294511378848728 0
OSBPL8-201 OSBPL8 Q9BZF1 Oxysterol-binding protein-related protein 8 chr12 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 79 0.0888638920134983 402 31 0.0348706411698537 0
PIAS1-201 PIAS1 O75925 E3 SUMO-protein ligase PIAS1 chr15 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 48 0.0737327188940092 241 25 0.0384024577572964 0
PID1-201 PID1 Q7Z2X4 PTB-containing, cubilin and LRP1-interacting protein chr2 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 61 0.244 24 9 0.036 0
PLCB1-201 PLCB1 Q9NQ66 1-phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate phosphodiesterase beta-1 chr20 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 264 0.2171052631578947 484 85 0.0699013157894736 0
PRLH-201 PRLH P81277 Prolactin-releasing peptide chr2 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 7 0.0804597701149425 28 3 0.0344827586206896 0
PSMB8-202 PSMB8 P28062 Proteasome subunit beta type-8 chr6 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.1231884057971014 62 6 0.0217391304347826 3
RETN-201 RETN Q9HD89 Resistin chr19 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 9 0.0833333333333333 0 0 0.0 0
RNASEL-201 RNASEL Q05823 2-5A-dependent ribonuclease chr1 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 66 0.0890688259109311 149 14 0.0188933873144399 0
SDF4-202 SDF4 Q9BRK5 45 kDa calcium-binding protein chr1 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.1070422535211267 195 27 0.076056338028169 0
SENP2-201 SENP2 Q9HC62 Sentrin-specific protease 2 chr3 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.0696095076400679 285 22 0.0373514431239388 0
SMAD6-201 SMAD6 O43541 Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 6 chr15 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.0584677419354838 249 4 0.0080645161290322 7
SOCS1-201 SOCS1 O15524 Suppressor of cytokine signaling 1 chr16 GO:0045444 Census, Compendium Yes 20 0.0947867298578199 66 3 0.0142180094786729 2
SOX8-201 SOX8 P57073 Transcription factor SOX-8 chr16 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.085201793721973 403 35 0.0784753363228699 0
SREBF1-201 SREBF1 P36956 Sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1 chr17 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 87 0.075850043591979 530 42 0.036617262423714 3
STEAP4-202 STEAP4 Q687X5 Metalloreductase STEAP4 chr7 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 72 0.1568627450980392 0 0 0.0 0
TCF7L2-206 TCF7L2 Q9NQB0 Transcription factor 7-like 2 chr10 GO:0045444 Census, Compendium Yes 76 0.122778675282714 517 62 0.1001615508885298 0
TFAP2B-202 TFAP2B Q92481 Transcription factor AP-2-beta chr6 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 77 0.1673913043478261 306 55 0.1195652173913043 5
TGFB1I1-203 TGFB1I1 O43294 Transforming growth factor beta-1-induced transcript 1 protein chr16 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 49 0.106290672451193 219 27 0.0585683297180043 0
TMEM120A-214 TMEM120A Q9BXJ8 Ion channel TACAN chr7 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 27 0 0.0 0
TMEM120B-204 TMEM120B A0PK00 Transmembrane protein 120B chr12 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.0707964601769911 6 1 0.0029498525073746 0
TRIM32-203 TRIM32 Q13049 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRIM32 chr9 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 62 0.0949464012251148 87 9 0.0137825421133231 3
TTC8-201 TTC8 Q8TAM2 Tetratricopeptide repeat protein 8 chr14 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.1016949152542373 78 11 0.0207156308851224 0
WNT1-201 WNT1 P04628 Proto-oncogene Wnt-1 chr12 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.054054054054054 25 0 0.0 8
WNT10B-201 WNT10B O00744 Protein Wnt-10b chr12 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 45 0.1156812339331619 84 14 0.0359897172236503 2
WNT3A-201 WNT3A P56704 Protein Wnt-3a chr1 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 60 0.1704545454545454 37 2 0.0056818181818181 0
WNT5B-202 WNT5B Q9H1J7 Protein Wnt-5b chr12 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 55 0.1532033426183844 23 4 0.011142061281337 0
ZBTB7A-201 ZBTB7A O95365 Zinc finger and BTB domain-containing protein 7A chr19 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.0856164383561643 286 26 0.0445205479452054 2
ZFPM2-201 ZFPM2 Q8WW38 Zinc finger protein ZFPM2 chr8 GO:0045444 Not Cancer Driver No 310 0.2693310165073849 660 195 0.1694178974804517 8