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Total number of protein in "GO:0055038" GO term:  106

Identifier UniProt Gene UniProt Accession UniProt Name Chromosome GO term Database Cancer Driver Number of missense mutations Missense mutation per residues Number of disordered residues Number of mutations in disordered regions Disordered missense mutations per residues Number of OMIM mutation
ABCB11-206 ABCB11 O95342 Bile salt export pump chr2 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 167 0.1264193792581378 125 20 0.0151400454201362 21
ABHD17A-202 ABHD17A Q96GS6 Alpha/beta hydrolase domain-containing protein 17A chr19 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.0709677419354838 20 2 0.0064516129032258 0
ABHD17B-201 ABHD17B Q5VST6 Alpha/beta hydrolase domain-containing protein 17B chr9 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.0902777777777777 0 0 0.0 0
ABHD17C-201 ABHD17C Q6PCB6 Alpha/beta hydrolase domain-containing protein 17C chr15 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.0455927051671732 53 0 0.0 0
ACAP1-201 ACAP1 Q15027 Arf-GAP with coiled-coil, ANK repeat and PH domain-containing protein 1 chr17 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 82 0.1108108108108108 267 34 0.0459459459459459 0
ARF6-201 ARF6 P62330 ADP-ribosylation factor 6 chr14 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.0914285714285714 5 0 0.0 0
ATG9A-201 ATG9A Q7Z3C6 Autophagy-related protein 9A chr2 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 63 0.0750893921334922 252 22 0.0262216924910607 0
ATG9B-211 ATG9B Q674R7 Autophagy-related protein 9B chr7 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 78 0.0844155844155844 371 34 0.0367965367965368 0
ATP11B-201 ATP11B Q9Y2G3 Phospholipid-transporting ATPase IF chr3 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 85 0.0722175021240441 73 8 0.0067969413763806 0
ATP11C-201 ATP11C Q8NB49 Phospholipid-transporting ATPase IG chrX GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 130 0.1148409893992932 32 4 0.0035335689045936 1
ATP13A3-202 ATP13A3 Q9H7F0 Polyamine-transporting ATPase 13A3 chr3 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 110 0.0897226753670473 49 6 0.0048939641109298 1
ATP13A4-202 ATP13A4 Q4VNC1 Probable cation-transporting ATPase 13A4 chr3 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 159 0.132943143812709 34 2 0.0016722408026755 0
ATP9A-202 ATP9A O75110 Probable phospholipid-transporting ATPase IIA chr20 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 138 0.1318051575931232 69 14 0.0133715377268385 0
B2M-211 B2M P61769 Beta-2-microglobulin chr15 GO:0055038 Census, Compendium Yes 25 0.2100840336134453 5 0 0.0 2
BAIAP3-201 BAIAP3 O94812 BAI1-associated protein 3 chr16 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 124 0.1044650379106992 232 29 0.0244313395113732 0
BOK-201 BOK Q9UMX3 Bcl-2-related ovarian killer protein chr2 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 5 0.0235849056603773 0 0 0.0 0
CD274-202 CD274 Q9NZQ7 Programmed cell death 1 ligand 1 chr9 GO:0055038 Census Yes 26 0.0896551724137931 54 9 0.0310344827586206 0
CFTR-201 CFTR P13569 Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator chr7 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 216 0.1459459459459459 145 9 0.006081081081081 130
CLCN4-202 CLCN4 P51793 H(+)/Cl(-) exchange transporter 4 chrX GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 87 0.1144736842105263 62 12 0.0157894736842105 10
CLIP3-201 CLIP3 Q96DZ5 CAP-Gly domain-containing linker protein 3 chr19 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 55 0.1005484460694698 220 15 0.0274223034734917 0
CMTM6-201 CMTM6 Q9NX76 CKLF-like MARVEL transmembrane domain-containing protein 6 chr3 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 8 0.0437158469945355 30 1 0.0054644808743169 0
DYNC1LI1-201 DYNC1LI1 Q9Y6G9 Cytoplasmic dynein 1 light intermediate chain 1 chr3 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.0573613766730401 208 13 0.0248565965583174 0
EHD1-201 EHD1 Q9H4M9 EH domain-containing protein 1 chr11 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 62 0.1161048689138576 92 11 0.0205992509363295 0
EHD2-201 EHD2 Q9NZN4 EH domain-containing protein 2 chr19 GO:0055038 Compendium Yes 59 0.1086556169429097 126 8 0.0147329650092081 0
EHD3-201 EHD3 Q9NZN3 EH domain-containing protein 3 chr2 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 79 0.1476635514018691 77 14 0.0261682242990654 0
EHD4-201 EHD4 Q9H223 EH domain-containing protein 4 chr15 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.0720887245841035 98 7 0.0129390018484288 0
ENST00000648869 RAB13 P51153 Ras-related protein Rab-13 chr1 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 10 0.0492610837438423 41 0 0.0 0
ENTREP1-204 ENTREP1 Q15884 Endosomal transmembrane epsin interactor 1 chr9 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.0955555555555555 232 23 0.0511111111111111 0
FZD7-201 FZD7 O75084 Frizzled-7 chr2 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 72 0.1254355400696864 22 1 0.0017421602787456 0
GGA3-201 GGA3 Q9NZ52 ADP-ribosylation factor-binding protein GGA3 chr17 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 51 0.0705394190871369 421 29 0.0401106500691562 0
GRIA1-201 GRIA1 P42261 Glutamate receptor 1 chr5 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 252 0.2781456953642384 104 37 0.0408388520971302 3
GRIPAP1-201 GRIPAP1 Q4V328 GRIP1-associated protein 1 chrX GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 78 0.0927467300832342 726 69 0.0820451843043995 0
HLA-A-203 HLA-A P04439 HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, A alpha chain chr6 GO:0055038 Census, Compendium Yes 38 0.1041095890410958 125 16 0.0438356164383561 0
HLA-B-249 HLA-B P01889 HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, B alpha chain chr6 GO:0055038 Compendium Yes 49 0.1353591160220994 169 18 0.0497237569060773 0
HLA-C-201 HLA-C P10321 HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, C alpha chain chr6 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.0983606557377049 175 14 0.0382513661202185 0
HLA-E-201 HLA-E P13747 HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, alpha chain E chr6 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.1117318435754189 140 22 0.0614525139664804 0
HLA-F-217 HLA-F P30511 HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, alpha chain F chr6 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.1040462427745664 115 20 0.0578034682080924 0
HLA-G-201 HLA-G P17693 HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, alpha chain G chr6 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.1538461538461538 85 20 0.059171597633136 0
INPP4A-209 INPP4A Q96PE3 Inositol polyphosphate-4-phosphatase type I A chr2 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 88 0.09007164790174 153 14 0.014329580348004 0
LAMP5-201 LAMP5 Q9UJQ1 Lysosome-associated membrane glycoprotein 5 chr20 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 73 0.2607142857142857 40 16 0.0571428571428571 0
LZTR1-221 LZTR1 Q8N653 Leucine-zipper-like transcriptional regulator 1 chr22 GO:0055038 Census, Compendium Yes 125 0.1488095238095238 106 18 0.0214285714285714 26
MCOLN2-202 MCOLN2 Q8IZK6 Mucolipin-2 chr1 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 65 0.1148409893992932 0 0 0.0 0
MICALL1-201 MICALL1 Q8N3F8 MICAL-like protein 1 chr22 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 71 0.082271147161066 633 55 0.063731170336037 0
NDRG1-201 NDRG1 Q92597 Protein NDRG1 chr8 GO:0055038 Census Yes 44 0.1116751269035533 141 18 0.0456852791878172 0
NEU3-201 NEU3 Q9UQ49 Sialidase-3 chr11 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.0932754880694143 113 7 0.0151843817787418 0
NSG1-211 NSG1 P42857 Neuronal vesicle trafficking-associated protein 1 chr4 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.1351351351351351 29 6 0.0324324324324324 0
NTRK1-206 NTRK1 P04629 High affinity nerve growth factor receptor chr1 GO:0055038 Census, Compendium Yes 133 0.1670854271356784 57 8 0.0100502512562814 23
OPTN-202 OPTN Q96CV9 Optineurin chr10 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.0814558058925476 475 40 0.0693240901213171 6
PACSIN2-201 PACSIN2 Q9UNF0 Protein kinase C and casein kinase substrate in neurons protein 2 chr22 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.0802469135802469 303 19 0.0390946502057613 0
PDIA3-201 PDIA3 P30101 Protein disulfide-isomerase A3 chr15 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.0673267326732673 98 6 0.0118811881188118 0
PDLIM4-201 PDLIM4 P50479 PDZ and LIM domain protein 4 chr5 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.106060606060606 240 27 0.0818181818181818 0
PLEKHB2-212 PLEKHB2 Q96CS7 Pleckstrin homology domain-containing family B member 2 chr2 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.1396396396396396 42 7 0.0315315315315315 0
RAB10-201 RAB10 P61026 Ras-related protein Rab-10 chr2 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.06 28 1 0.005 0
RAB11A-201 RAB11A P62491 Ras-related protein Rab-11A chr15 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.0555555555555555 43 2 0.0092592592592592 0
RAB11B-201 RAB11B Q15907 Ras-related protein Rab-11B chr19 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.1009174311926605 39 2 0.0091743119266055 2
RAB11FIP2-201 RAB11FIP2 Q7L804 Rab11 family-interacting protein 2 chr10 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.080078125 356 24 0.046875 0
RAB11FIP3-201 RAB11FIP3 O75154 Rab11 family-interacting protein 3 chr16 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.0529100529100529 605 27 0.0357142857142857 0
RAB11FIP4-211 RAB11FIP4 Q86YS3 Rab11 family-interacting protein 4 chr17 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 57 0.0894819466248037 437 44 0.0690737833594976 0
RAB11FIP5-201 RAB11FIP5 Q9BXF6 Rab11 family-interacting protein 5 chr2 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.0796324655436447 533 44 0.0673813169984686 0
RAB13-201 RAB13 P51153 Ras-related protein Rab-13 chr1 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 10 0.0492610837438423 40 0 0.0 0
RAB14-201 RAB14 P61106 Ras-related protein Rab-14 chr9 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 10 0.0465116279069767 41 3 0.013953488372093 0
RAB17-201 RAB17 Q9H0T7 Ras-related protein Rab-17 chr2 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.1179245283018868 43 4 0.0188679245283018 0
RAB35-201 RAB35 Q15286 Ras-related protein Rab-35 chr12 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.0796019900497512 26 1 0.0049751243781094 0
RAB4A-201 RAB4A P20338 Ras-related protein Rab-4A chr1 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.0688073394495412 32 8 0.036697247706422 0
RAB8A-201 RAB8A P61006 Ras-related protein Rab-8A chr19 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.144927536231884 26 3 0.0144927536231884 0
RAB8B-201 RAB8B Q92930 Ras-related protein Rab-8B chr15 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.0772946859903381 29 2 0.0096618357487922 0
RAC1-201 RAC1 P63000 Ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1 chr7 GO:0055038 Census, Compendium Yes 61 0.3177083333333333 2 0 0.0 6
RAP2A-201 RAP2A P10114 Ras-related protein Rap-2a chr13 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.0710382513661202 9 0 0.0 0
RAP2B-201 RAP2B P61225 Ras-related protein Rap-2b chr3 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.1038251366120218 0 0 0.0 0
RAP2C-202 RAP2C Q9Y3L5 Ras-related protein Rap-2c chrX GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.1366120218579235 8 1 0.0054644808743169 0
RFFL-202 RFFL Q8WZ73 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase rififylin chr17 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.1074380165289256 151 17 0.046831955922865 0
SCAMP1-207 SCAMP1 O15126 Secretory carrier-associated membrane protein 1 chr5 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.0710059171597633 118 11 0.0325443786982248 0
SCAMP2-201 SCAMP2 O15127 Secretory carrier-associated membrane protein 2 chr15 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.0911854103343465 113 8 0.0243161094224924 0
SCAMP3-201 SCAMP3 O14828 Secretory carrier-associated membrane protein 3 chr1 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.100864553314121 130 21 0.0605187319884726 0
SCAMP4-201 SCAMP4 Q969E2 Secretory carrier-associated membrane protein 4 chr19 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 10 0.0436681222707423 19 2 0.0087336244541484 0
SCAMP5-202 SCAMP5 Q8TAC9 Secretory carrier-associated membrane protein 5 chr15 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.1319148936170212 2 1 0.0042553191489361 0
SLC11A2-229 SLC11A2 P49281 Natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 2 chr12 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.0827464788732394 39 4 0.0070422535211267 3
SLC1A1-201 SLC1A1 P43005 Excitatory amino acid transporter 3 chr9 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.0954198473282442 17 3 0.0057251908396946 1
SLC26A7-201 SLC26A7 Q8TE54 Anion exchange transporter chr8 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 108 0.1646341463414634 1 0 0.0 0
SLC30A10-202 SLC30A10 Q6XR72 Calcium/manganese antiporter SLC30A10 chr1 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 57 0.1175257731958762 61 4 0.0082474226804123 2
SLC31A1-201 SLC31A1 O15431 High affinity copper uptake protein 1 chr9 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.0631578947368421 28 3 0.0157894736842105 0
SLC36A2-201 SLC36A2 Q495M3 Proton-coupled amino acid transporter 2 chr5 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 64 0.1325051759834368 31 1 0.0020703933747412 2
SLC39A4-202 SLC39A4 Q6P5W5 Zinc transporter ZIP4 chr8 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 58 0.0896445131375579 116 9 0.0139103554868624 9
SLC9A3-201 SLC9A3 P48764 Sodium/hydrogen exchanger 3 chr5 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 87 0.1043165467625899 227 26 0.0311750599520383 3
SLC9A5-201 SLC9A5 Q14940 Sodium/hydrogen exchanger 5 chr16 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 89 0.0993303571428571 307 24 0.0267857142857142 0
SLC9A6-201 SLC9A6 Q92581 Sodium/hydrogen exchanger 6 chrX GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 69 0.0984308131241084 111 11 0.0156918687589158 3
SLC9A7-201 SLC9A7 Q96T83 Sodium/hydrogen exchanger 7 chrX GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 78 0.1075862068965517 182 20 0.0275862068965517 1
SLC9A9-201 SLC9A9 Q8IVB4 Sodium/hydrogen exchanger 9 chr3 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 95 0.1472868217054263 101 8 0.0124031007751937 0
SLC9B2-202 SLC9B2 Q86UD5 Sodium/hydrogen exchanger 9B2 chr4 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 45 0.0837988826815642 80 12 0.0223463687150838 0
SNX18-202 SNX18 Q96RF0 Sorting nexin-18 chr5 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.0621019108280254 238 4 0.0063694267515923 0
SORCS2-203 SORCS2 Q96PQ0 VPS10 domain-containing receptor SorCS2 chr4 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 111 0.0957722174288179 191 4 0.0034512510785159 0
SORL1-201 SORL1 Q92673 Sortilin-related receptor chr11 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 298 0.1345980126467931 87 8 0.003613369467028 0
STX12-201 STX12 Q86Y82 Syntaxin-12 chr1 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.0471014492753623 156 6 0.0217391304347826 0
STX6-201 STX6 O43752 Syntaxin-6 chr1 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.0980392156862745 78 9 0.0352941176470588 0
SYT11-201 SYT11 Q9BT88 Synaptotagmin-11 chr1 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 51 0.1183294663573085 106 19 0.0440835266821345 0
SYT5-201 SYT5 O00445 Synaptotagmin-5 chr19 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 46 0.1191709844559585 111 8 0.0207253886010362 0
TFRC-201 TFRC P02786 Transferrin receptor protein 1 chr3 GO:0055038 Census Yes 66 0.0868421052631579 80 4 0.0052631578947368 1
TPCN1-201 TPCN1 Q9ULQ1 Two pore channel protein 1 chr12 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 83 0.1017156862745098 99 8 0.0098039215686274 0
VAMP3-201 VAMP3 Q15836 Vesicle-associated membrane protein 3 chr1 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 8 0.08 17 1 0.01 0
VAMP8-201 VAMP8 Q9BV40 Vesicle-associated membrane protein 8 chr2 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 7 0.07 27 1 0.01 0
VPS13B-203 VPS13B Q7Z7G8 Intermembrane lipid transfer protein VPS13B chr8 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 454 0.1128791645947289 636 74 0.0183988065638985 5
VTI1B-204 VTI1B Q9UEU0 Vesicle transport through interaction with t-SNAREs homolog 1B chr14 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.0603448275862069 195 12 0.0517241379310344 0
WASH6P-217 WASH4P A8MWX3 Putative WAS protein family homolog 4 chrY GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 390 0 0.0 0
WASHC1-203 WASHC1 A8K0Z3 WASH complex subunit 1 chr9 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 340 0 0.0 0
ZDHHC2-201 ZDHHC2 Q9UIJ5 Palmitoyltransferase ZDHHC2 chr8 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.0790190735694822 73 3 0.0081743869209809 0
ZFYVE27-212 ZFYVE27 Q5T4F4 Protrudin chr10 GO:0055038 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.0681265206812652 141 13 0.0316301703163017 1