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Total number of protein in "GO:0060021" GO term:  65

Identifier UniProt Gene UniProt Accession UniProt Name Chromosome GO term Database Cancer Driver Number of missense mutations Missense mutation per residues Number of disordered residues Number of mutations in disordered regions Disordered missense mutations per residues Number of OMIM mutation
ACVR2B-201 ACVR2B Q13705 Activin receptor type-2B chr3 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 55 0.107421875 70 11 0.021484375 2
ALX4-201 ALX4 Q9H161 Homeobox protein aristaless-like 4 chr11 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 72 0.1751824817518248 325 56 0.1362530413625304 4
ANP32B-201 ANP32B Q92688 Acidic leucine-rich nuclear phosphoprotein 32 family member B chr9 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 8 0.0318725099601593 117 1 0.0039840637450199 0
ARID5B-201 ARID5B Q14865 AT-rich interactive domain-containing protein 5B chr10 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 133 0.1119528619528619 770 82 0.069023569023569 0
ASPH-203 ASPH Q12797 Aspartyl/asparaginyl beta-hydroxylase chr8 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 80 0.1055408970976253 374 33 0.0435356200527704 1
BCOR-202 BCOR Q6W2J9 BCL-6 corepressor chrX GO:0060021 Census, Compendium Yes 219 0.1247863247863247 1289 174 0.0991452991452991 1
BMPR1A-201 BMPR1A P36894 Bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-1A chr10 GO:0060021 Census, Compendium Yes 37 0.0695488721804511 21 0 0.0 8
BNC2-203 BNC2 Q6ZN30 Zinc finger protein basonuclin-2 chr9 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 175 0.1592356687898089 683 100 0.0909918107370336 1
CDK20-201 CDK20 Q8IZL9 Cyclin-dependent kinase 20 chr9 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.0838150289017341 32 1 0.0028901734104046 0
CLDN5-204 CLDN5 O00501 Claudin-5 chr22 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.0779816513761468 0 0 0.0 0
COL11A2-201 COL11A2 P13942 Collagen alpha-2(XI) chain chr6 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 99 0.0570276497695852 1471 77 0.0443548387096774 7
COL2A1-202 COL2A1 P02458 Collagen alpha-1(II) chain chr12 GO:0060021 Census Yes 86 0.0578345662407531 1217 56 0.0376597175521183 62
CSRNP1-201 CSRNP1 Q96S65 Cysteine/serine-rich nuclear protein 1 chr3 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 48 0.0814940577249575 314 21 0.0356536502546689 0
DHRS3-204 DHRS3 O75911 Short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase 3 chr1 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.0927152317880794 0 0 0.0 0
DLX5-203 DLX5 P56178 Homeobox protein DLX-5 chr7 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 64 0.2214532871972318 223 54 0.1868512110726643 1
ENST00000696133 IRF6 O14896 Interferon regulatory factor 6 chr1 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 73 0.1502057613168724 183 31 0.0637860082304526 42
EPHB2-204 EPHB2 P29323 Ephrin type-B receptor 2 chr1 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 149 0.1412322274881516 120 11 0.0104265402843601 7
EPHB3-201 EPHB3 P54753 Ephrin type-B receptor 3 chr3 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 126 0.12625250501002 137 14 0.0140280561122244 0
FOXF2-201 FOXF2 Q12947 Forkhead box protein F2 chr6 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.0765765765765765 277 7 0.0157657657657657 0
FRAS1-206 FRAS1 Q86XX4 Extracellular matrix organizing protein FRAS1 chr4 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 475 0.1183948155533399 774 99 0.0246759720837487 0
GABRB3-202 GABRB3 P28472 Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit beta-3 chr15 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 147 0.3107822410147992 56 16 0.0338266384778012 9
GDF11-201 GDF11 O95390 Growth/differentiation factor 11 chr12 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.0737100737100737 109 6 0.0147420147420147 1
GLI3-201 GLI3 P10071 Transcriptional activator GLI3 chr7 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 308 0.1949367088607595 1362 270 0.170886075949367 7
IFT172-201 IFT172 Q9UG01 Intraflagellar transport protein 172 homolog chr2 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 154 0.0880503144654088 96 4 0.0022870211549456 8
INHBA-201 INHBA P08476 Inhibin beta A chain chr7 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 121 0.284037558685446 154 54 0.1267605633802817 0
INSIG1-201 INSIG1 O15503 Insulin-induced gene 1 protein chr7 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.0902527075812274 43 1 0.003610108303249 0
INSIG2-201 INSIG2 Q9Y5U4 Insulin-induced gene 2 protein chr2 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.12 11 3 0.0133333333333333 0
INTU-201 INTU Q9ULD6 Protein inturned chr4 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 101 0.1072186836518046 283 30 0.0318471337579617 0
IRF6-201 IRF6 O14896 Interferon regulatory factor 6 chr1 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 73 0.1563169164882226 174 31 0.0663811563169164 42
LOXL3-201 LOXL3 P58215 Lysyl oxidase homolog 3 chr2 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 73 0.096945551128818 86 16 0.0212483399734395 0
MEOX2-201 MEOX2 P50222 Homeobox protein MOX-2 chr7 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 59 0.194078947368421 275 53 0.1743421052631578 0
MSC-201 MSC O60682 Musculin chr8 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.1893203883495145 173 35 0.1699029126213592 0
MSX1-201 MSX1 P28360 Homeobox protein MSX-1 chr4 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.1056105610561056 199 12 0.0396039603960396 7
NPRL3-211 NPRL3 Q12980 GATOR complex protein NPRL3 chr16 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.0597539543057996 160 18 0.031634446397188 0
OSR1-201 OSR1 Q8TAX0 Protein odd-skipped-related 1 chr2 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.150375939849624 67 11 0.0413533834586466 0
OSR2-201 OSR2 Q8N2R0 Protein odd-skipped-related 2 chr8 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.1506410256410256 67 10 0.032051282051282 0
PAK1IP1-201 PAK1IP1 Q9NWT1 p21-activated protein kinase-interacting protein 1 chr6 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.0663265306122449 83 2 0.0051020408163265 0
PDGFRA-201 PDGFRA P16234 Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha chr4 GO:0060021 Census, Compendium Yes 213 0.1955922865013774 173 36 0.0330578512396694 2
PKDCC-201 PKDCC Q504Y2 Extracellular tyrosine-protein kinase PKDCC chr2 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.0547667342799188 125 0 0.0 0
PLEKHA1-203 PLEKHA1 Q9HB21 Pleckstrin homology domain-containing family A member 1 chr10 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 48 0.1188118811881188 192 28 0.0693069306930693 0
PRRX1-201 PRRX1 P54821 Paired mesoderm homeobox protein 1 chr1 GO:0060021 Census, Compendium Yes 54 0.2204081632653061 206 37 0.1510204081632653 1
PYGO2-202 PYGO2 Q9BRQ0 Pygopus homolog 2 chr1 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.1083743842364532 341 39 0.0960591133004926 0
SATB2-202 SATB2 Q9UPW6 DNA-binding protein SATB2 chr2 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 129 0.1759890859481582 412 77 0.1050477489768076 0
SGPL1-202 SGPL1 O95470 Sphingosine-1-phosphate lyase 1 chr10 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 46 0.0809859154929577 19 3 0.005281690140845 2
SHH-201 SHH Q15465 Sonic hedgehog protein chr7 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.0779220779220779 139 11 0.0238095238095238 69
SKI-201 SKI P12755 Ski oncogene chr1 GO:0060021 Census Yes 41 0.0563186813186813 434 27 0.037087912087912 8
SNAI1-201 SNAI1 O95863 Zinc finger protein SNAI1 chr20 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.1553030303030303 98 8 0.0303030303030303 0
SNAI2-201 SNAI2 O43623 Zinc finger protein SNAI2 chr8 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.1604477611940298 52 8 0.0298507462686567 0
SOS1-202 SOS1 Q07889 Son of sevenless homolog 1 chr2 GO:0060021 Compendium Yes 155 0.1162790697674418 459 47 0.0352588147036759 32
SUMO1-203 SUMO1 P63165 Small ubiquitin-related modifier 1 chr2 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 10 0.099009900990099 76 7 0.0693069306930693 0
TBC1D32-204 TBC1D32 Q96NH3 Protein broad-minded chr6 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 124 0.0986475735879077 113 14 0.011137629276054 0
TBX2-201 TBX2 Q13207 T-box transcription factor TBX2 chr17 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 64 0.0898876404494382 401 30 0.0421348314606741 1
TBX3-201 TBX3 O15119 T-box transcription factor TBX3 chr12 GO:0060021 Census, Compendium Yes 102 0.1372812920592193 353 52 0.0699865410497981 2
TCF21-202 TCF21 O43680 Transcription factor 21 chr6 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.2458100558659217 122 31 0.1731843575418994 0
TFAP2A-203 TFAP2A P05549 Transcription factor AP-2-alpha chr6 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.123006833712984 277 32 0.0728929384965831 4
TGFBR1-202 TGFBR1 P36897 TGF-beta receptor type-1 chr9 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 57 0.1133200795228628 23 3 0.0059642147117296 13
TGFBR2-201 TGFBR2 P37173 TGF-beta receptor type-2 chr3 GO:0060021 Census, Compendium Yes 93 0.164021164021164 61 15 0.0264550264550264 21
TIPARP-201 TIPARP Q7Z3E1 Protein mono-ADP-ribosyltransferase TIPARP chr3 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.0669710806697108 202 16 0.0243531202435312 0
TMEM107-204 TMEM107 Q6UX40 Transmembrane protein 107 chr17 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 9 0.0642857142857142 0 0 0.0 1
TWIST1-201 TWIST1 Q15672 Twist-related protein 1 chr7 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.1039603960396039 132 9 0.0445544554455445 6
VAX1-202 VAX1 Q5SQQ9 Ventral anterior homeobox 1 chr10 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.1017964071856287 234 23 0.0688622754491018 1
WDPCP-201 WDPCP O95876 WD repeat-containing and planar cell polarity effector protein fritz homolog chr2 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 85 0.113941018766756 75 12 0.0160857908847185 1
WFIKKN1-201 WFIKKN1 Q96NZ8 WAP, Kazal, immunoglobulin, Kunitz and NTR domain-containing protein 1 chr16 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.0510948905109489 90 6 0.010948905109489 0
WFIKKN2-201 WFIKKN2 Q8TEU8 WAP, Kazal, immunoglobulin, Kunitz and NTR domain-containing protein 2 chr17 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 99 0.171875 95 28 0.0486111111111111 0
WNT9B-201 WNT9B O14905 Protein Wnt-9b chr17 GO:0060021 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.1176470588235294 11 6 0.0168067226890756 0