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Total number of protein in "GO:0060996" GO term:  13

Identifier UniProt Gene UniProt Accession UniProt Name Chromosome GO term Database Cancer Driver Number of missense mutations Missense mutation per residues Number of disordered residues Number of mutations in disordered regions Disordered missense mutations per residues Number of OMIM mutation
ARF4-201 ARF4 P18085 ADP-ribosylation factor 4 chr3 GO:0060996 Not Cancer Driver No 7 0.0388888888888888 0 0 0.0 0
CAMK2A-201 CAMK2A Q9UQM7 Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II subunit alpha chr5 GO:0060996 Not Cancer Driver No 62 0.1297071129707113 62 10 0.0209205020920502 7
EPHB1-201 EPHB1 P54762 Ephrin type-B receptor 1 chr3 GO:0060996 Not Cancer Driver No 260 0.2642276422764227 67 14 0.0142276422764227 0
EPHB2-204 EPHB2 P29323 Ephrin type-B receptor 2 chr1 GO:0060996 Not Cancer Driver No 149 0.1412322274881516 120 11 0.0104265402843601 7
EPHB3-201 EPHB3 P54753 Ephrin type-B receptor 3 chr3 GO:0060996 Not Cancer Driver No 126 0.12625250501002 137 14 0.0140280561122244 0
IQSEC1-201 IQSEC1 Q6DN90 IQ motif and SEC7 domain-containing protein 1 chr3 GO:0060996 Not Cancer Driver No 109 0.1131879543094496 609 76 0.0789200415368639 2
NCK2-201 NCK2 O43639 Cytoplasmic protein NCK2 chr2 GO:0060996 Not Cancer Driver No 66 0.1736842105263158 88 15 0.0394736842105263 0
NDP-202 NDP Q00604 Norrin chrX GO:0060996 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.0827067669172932 0 0 0.0 45
PAK2-201 PAK2 Q13177 Serine/threonine-protein kinase PAK 2 chr3 GO:0060996 Compendium Yes 61 0.116412213740458 242 31 0.0591603053435114 1
PAK4-203 PAK4 O96013 Serine/threonine-protein kinase PAK 4 chr19 GO:0060996 Not Cancer Driver No 46 0.077834179357022 344 27 0.0456852791878172 0
SLC12A5-205 SLC12A5 Q9H2X9 Solute carrier family 12 member 5 chr20 GO:0060996 Not Cancer Driver No 203 0.1782265144863915 291 41 0.0359964881474978 5
SRGAP2-203 SRGAP2 O75044 SLIT-ROBO Rho GTPase-activating protein 2 chr1 GO:0060996 Not Cancer Driver No 98 0.0915032679738562 543 57 0.0532212885154061 0
UBA6-201 UBA6 A0AVT1 Ubiquitin-like modifier-activating enzyme 6 chr4 GO:0060996 Not Cancer Driver No 106 0.1007604562737642 90 7 0.0066539923954372 0