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Total number of protein in "GO:0070374" GO term:  214

Identifier UniProt Gene UniProt Accession UniProt Name Chromosome GO term Database Cancer Driver Number of missense mutations Missense mutation per residues Number of disordered residues Number of mutations in disordered regions Disordered missense mutations per residues Number of OMIM mutation
ABCA7-201 ABCA7 Q8IZY2 Phospholipid-transporting ATPase ABCA7 chr19 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 171 0.0796831314072693 405 22 0.0102516309412861 1
ABL1-201 ABL1 P00519 Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 chr9 GO:0070374 Census, Compendium Yes 106 0.0938053097345132 609 53 0.0469026548672566 2
ACKR3-201 ACKR3 P25106 Atypical chemokine receptor 3 chr2 GO:0070374 Census, Compendium Yes 54 0.149171270718232 0 0 0.0 1
ACTA2-201 ACTA2 P62736 Actin, aortic smooth muscle chr10 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.1114058355437665 39 3 0.0079575596816976 15
ADCYAP1-202 ADCYAP1 P18509 Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide chr18 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.1534090909090909 76 7 0.0397727272727272 0
ADRA1A-204 ADRA1A P35348 Alpha-1A adrenergic receptor chr8 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 90 0.1931330472103004 40 1 0.0021459227467811 0
AGER-206 AGER Q15109 Advanced glycosylation end product-specific receptor chr6 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.042079207920792 297 12 0.0297029702970297 0
AKAP12-204 AKAP12 Q02952 A-kinase anchor protein 12 chr6 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 156 0.0875420875420875 1780 156 0.0875420875420875 0
ALKAL1-201 ALKAL1 Q6UXT8 ALK and LTK ligand 1 chr8 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.0852713178294573 49 1 0.0077519379844961 0
ALKAL2-204 ALKAL2 Q6UX46 ALK and LTK ligand 2 chr2 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 6 0.0394736842105263 31 0 0.0 0
ALOX15-201 ALOX15 P16050 Polyunsaturated fatty acid lipoxygenase ALOX15 chr17 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 64 0.0966767371601208 46 4 0.0060422960725075 0
ANGPT1-202 ANGPT1 Q15389 Angiopoietin-1 chr8 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 100 0.2008032128514056 131 10 0.0200803212851405 1
APELA-202 APELA P0DMC3 Apelin receptor early endogenous ligand chr4 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0
APOE-201 APOE P02649 Apolipoprotein E chr19 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.0630914826498422 124 5 0.0157728706624605 10
APP-201 APP P05067 Amyloid-beta precursor protein chr21 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 94 0.122077922077922 419 52 0.0675324675324675 12
ARHGAP8-204 ARHGAP8 P85298 Rho GTPase-activating protein 8 chr22 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.1163793103448275 77 12 0.0258620689655172 0
ARRB1-202 ARRB1 P49407 Beta-arrestin-1 chr11 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 37 0.0885167464114832 154 11 0.0263157894736842 0
ARRB2-201 ARRB2 P32121 Beta-arrestin-2 chr17 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.0953545232273838 122 19 0.0464547677261613 0
BMP2-201 BMP2 P12643 Bone morphogenetic protein 2 chr20 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.1363636363636363 140 22 0.0555555555555555 0
BMP4-201 BMP4 P12644 Bone morphogenetic protein 4 chr14 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 69 0.1691176470588235 142 20 0.0490196078431372 5
BMPER-221 BMPER Q8N8U9 BMP-binding endothelial regulator protein chr7 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 144 0.2102189781021897 0 0 0.0 1
BRAF-220 BRAF P15056 Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf chr7 GO:0070374 Census, Compendium Yes 755 0.9856396866840732 311 30 0.0391644908616188 35
C5AR1-201 C5AR1 P21730 C5a anaphylatoxin chemotactic receptor 1 chr19 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.1485714285714285 0 0 0.0 0
CALCR-204 CALCR P30988 Calcitonin receptor chr7 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 124 0.2616033755274262 22 6 0.0126582278481012 0
CARD9-201 CARD9 Q9H257 Caspase recruitment domain-containing protein 9 chr9 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.1007462686567164 225 26 0.0485074626865671 10
CASR-205 CASR P41180 Extracellular calcium-sensing receptor chr3 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 234 0.2170686456400742 189 46 0.0426716141001855 100
CAVIN3-201 CAVIN3 Q969G5 Caveolae-associated protein 3 chr11 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.0613026819923371 236 13 0.0498084291187739 0
CCL1-201 CCL1 P22362 C-C motif chemokine 1 chr17 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.21875 0 0 0.0 0
CCL11-201 CCL11 P51671 Eotaxin chr17 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.1546391752577319 14 3 0.0309278350515463 0
CCL13-201 CCL13 Q99616 C-C motif chemokine 13 chr17 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.1530612244897959 1 0 0.0 0
CCL14-202 CCL14 Q16627 C-C motif chemokine 14 chr17 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.1612903225806451 0 0 0.0 0
CCL15-204 CCL15 Q16663 C-C motif chemokine 15 chr17 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.2300884955752212 0 0 0.0 0
CCL15-CCL14-201 CCL15 Q16663 C-C motif chemokine 15 chr17 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0
CCL16-205 CCL16 O15467 C-C motif chemokine 16 chr17 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.1166666666666666 4 0 0.0 0
CCL17-201 CCL17 Q92583 C-C motif chemokine 17 chr16 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 8 0.0851063829787234 0 0 0.0 0
CCL18-201 CCL18 P55774 C-C motif chemokine 18 chr17 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 9 0.1011235955056179 0 0 0.0 0
CCL19-201 CCL19 Q99731 C-C motif chemokine 19 chr9 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 5 0.0510204081632653 7 0 0.0 0
CCL2-201 CCL2 P13500 C-C motif chemokine 2 chr17 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.1919191919191919 15 5 0.0505050505050505 0
CCL20-201 CCL20 P78556 C-C motif chemokine 20 chr2 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.15625 0 0 0.0 0
CCL21-201 CCL21 O00585 C-C motif chemokine 21 chr9 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.0895522388059701 59 5 0.0373134328358208 0
CCL22-201 CCL22 O00626 C-C motif chemokine 22 chr16 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.1397849462365591 0 0 0.0 0
CCL23-201 CCL23 P55773 C-C motif chemokine 23 chr17 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.1666666666666666 3 0 0.0 0
CCL24-201 CCL24 O00175 C-C motif chemokine 24 chr7 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.1512605042016806 23 3 0.0252100840336134 0
CCL25-202 CCL25 O15444 C-C motif chemokine 25 chr19 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.1066666666666666 27 3 0.02 0
CCL26-201 CCL26 Q9Y258 C-C motif chemokine 26 chr7 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 6 0.0638297872340425 0 0 0.0 0
CCL3-204 CCL3 P10147 C-C motif chemokine 3 chr17 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.1413043478260869 0 0 0.0 0
CCL3L3-203 CCL3L3 P16619 C-C motif chemokine 3-like 1 chr17 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0
CCL4-202 CCL4 P13236 C-C motif chemokine 4 chr17 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 10 0.108695652173913 0 0 0.0 0
CCL4L2-217 CCL4L2 Q8NHW4 C-C motif chemokine 4-like chr17 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0
CCL5-201 CCL5 P13501 C-C motif chemokine 5 chr17 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 7 0.0769230769230769 0 0 0.0 0
CCL7-201 CCL7 P80098 C-C motif chemokine 7 chr17 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.202020202020202 13 3 0.0303030303030303 0
CCL8-201 CCL8 P80075 C-C motif chemokine 8 chr17 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.1212121212121212 0 0 0.0 0
CCN2-201 CCN2 P29279 CCN family member 2 chr6 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 37 0.1060171919770773 0 0 0.0 0
CCR1-201 CCR1 P32246 C-C chemokine receptor type 1 chr3 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.1323943661971831 14 0 0.0 0
CCR7-201 CCR7 P32248 C-C chemokine receptor type 7 chr17 GO:0070374 Census, Compendium Yes 42 0.1111111111111111 0 0 0.0 0
CD36-214 CD36 P16671 Platelet glycoprotein 4 chr7 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 48 0.1016949152542373 12 3 0.0063559322033898 3
CD4-201 CD4 P01730 T-cell surface glycoprotein CD4 chr12 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.1091703056768559 56 7 0.0152838427947598 0
CD44-208 CD44 P16070 CD44 antigen chr11 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 58 0.0781671159029649 547 50 0.0673854447439353 0
CD74-201 CD74 P04233 HLA class II histocompatibility antigen gamma chain chr5 GO:0070374 Census Yes 24 0.081081081081081 186 15 0.0506756756756756 0
CFLAR-201 CFLAR O15519 CASP8 and FADD-like apoptosis regulator chr2 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.0645833333333333 44 1 0.0020833333333333 0
CHI3L1-201 CHI3L1 P36222 Chitinase-3-like protein 1 chr1 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 48 0.1253263707571801 24 4 0.010443864229765 0
CHRNA7-201 CHRNA7 P36544 Neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-7 chr15 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.099601593625498 18 3 0.0059760956175298 0
CIB1-201 CIB1 Q99828 Calcium and integrin-binding protein 1 chr15 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.0837696335078534 6 1 0.0052356020942408 0
CRKL-201 CRKL P46109 Crk-like protein chr22 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.0792079207920792 160 17 0.0561056105610561 0
CSF1R-210 CSF1R P07333 Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor chr5 GO:0070374 Census Yes 101 0.1039094650205761 124 12 0.0123456790123456 20
CX3CL1-201 CX3CL1 P78423 Fractalkine chr16 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 53 0.1335012594458438 259 36 0.0906801007556675 0
CXCL17-202 CXCL17 Q6UXB2 C-X-C motif chemokine 17 chr19 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 6 0.0504201680672268 44 4 0.0336134453781512 0
DDR1-225 DDR1 Q08345 Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 chr6 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 98 0.1073384446878422 253 41 0.044906900328587 0
DDR2-201 DDR2 Q16832 Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2 chr1 GO:0070374 Census Yes 129 0.1508771929824561 120 25 0.0292397660818713 7
DDT-202 DDT P30046 D-dopachrome decarboxylase chr22 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 2 0.0169491525423728 0 0 0.0 0
DENND2B-201 DENND2B P78524 DENN domain-containing protein 2B chr11 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 104 0.0914687774846086 672 69 0.0606860158311345 0
DNAJC27-201 DNAJC27 Q9NZQ0 DnaJ homolog subfamily C member 27 chr2 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.1172161172161172 36 5 0.0183150183150183 0
DRD2-202 DRD2 P14416 D(2) dopamine receptor chr11 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 91 0.2054176072234763 124 31 0.0699774266365688 0
DSTYK-202 DSTYK Q6XUX3 Dual serine/threonine and tyrosine protein kinase chr1 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 88 0.0947255113024757 113 6 0.0064585575888051 2
EGFR-201 EGFR P00533 Epidermal growth factor receptor chr7 GO:0070374 Census, Compendium Yes 346 0.2859504132231405 223 30 0.024793388429752 1
ENST00000560629 ITGB3 P05106 Integrin beta-3 chr17 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 92 0.1168996188055908 68 6 0.0076238881829733 27
EPO-201 EPO P01588 Erythropoietin chr7 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.1398963730569948 9 1 0.005181347150259 1
ERBB4-202 ERBB4 Q15303 Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4 chr2 GO:0070374 Census, Compendium Yes 376 0.2874617737003058 324 95 0.0726299694189602 2
F2R-201 F2R P25116 Proteinase-activated receptor 1 chr5 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 55 0.1294117647058823 19 2 0.0047058823529411 0
F2RL1-201 F2RL1 P55085 Proteinase-activated receptor 2 chr5 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.0831234256926952 7 0 0.0 0
FBXW7-201 FBXW7 Q969H0 F-box/WD repeat-containing protein 7 chr4 GO:0070374 Census, Compendium Yes 289 0.4087694483734088 232 15 0.0212164073550212 17
FERMT2-201 FERMT2 Q96AC1 Fermitin family homolog 2 chr14 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.0647058823529411 102 8 0.0117647058823529 0
FFAR4-201 FFAR4 Q5NUL3 Free fatty acid receptor 4 chr10 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 36 0.0997229916897507 0 0 0.0 0
FGA-202 FGA P02671 Fibrinogen alpha chain chr4 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 179 0.2066974595842956 523 113 0.1304849884526558 7
FGB-201 FGB P02675 Fibrinogen beta chain chr4 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 75 0.1527494908350305 144 31 0.0631364562118126 7
FGF1-201 FGF1 P05230 Fibroblast growth factor 1 chr5 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.1354838709677419 29 2 0.0129032258064516 0
FGF10-201 FGF10 O15520 Fibroblast growth factor 10 chr5 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.2019230769230769 34 8 0.0384615384615384 2
FGF18-201 FGF18 O76093 Fibroblast growth factor 18 chr5 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 29 0.1400966183574879 57 8 0.038647342995169 0
FGF19-201 FGF19 O95750 Fibroblast growth factor 19 chr11 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.0833333333333333 36 5 0.0231481481481481 0
FGF2-201 FGF2 P09038 Fibroblast growth factor 2 chr4 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.0590277777777777 183 5 0.0173611111111111 0
FGF20-201 FGF20 Q9NP95 Fibroblast growth factor 20 chr8 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.0900473933649289 57 2 0.0094786729857819 0
FGF21-202 FGF21 Q9NSA1 Fibroblast growth factor 21 chr19 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.1291866028708134 110 20 0.0956937799043062 0
FGF23-201 FGF23 Q9GZV9 Fibroblast growth factor 23 chr12 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 83 0.3306772908366533 97 53 0.2111553784860557 6
FGF4-201 FGF4 P08620 Fibroblast growth factor 4 chr11 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 15 0.0728155339805825 21 3 0.0145631067961165 0
FGF8-202 FGF8 P55075 Fibroblast growth factor 8 chr10 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.1158798283261802 79 8 0.0343347639484978 6
FGFR2-206 FGFR2 P21802 Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 chr10 GO:0070374 Census, Compendium Yes 193 0.2350791717417783 229 34 0.0414129110840438 57
FGFR3-205 FGFR3 P22607 Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 chr4 GO:0070374 Census, Compendium Yes 134 0.1662531017369727 241 18 0.0223325062034739 32
FGFR4-201 FGFR4 P22455 Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 chr5 GO:0070374 Census, Compendium Yes 101 0.1259351620947631 163 27 0.0336658354114713 0
FGG-201 FGG P02679 Fibrinogen gamma chain chr4 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 61 0.1346578366445916 53 5 0.0110375275938189 8
FLT4-201 FLT4 P35916 Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3 chr5 GO:0070374 Census, Compendium Yes 203 0.1489361702127659 259 33 0.0242112986060161 14
FPR2-201 FPR2 P25090 N-formyl peptide receptor 2 chr19 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 92 0.2621082621082621 26 7 0.0199430199430199 0
FSHR-202 FSHR P23945 Follicle-stimulating hormone receptor chr2 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 177 0.2546762589928057 28 8 0.0115107913669064 15
GAREM1-201 GAREM1 Q9H706 GRB2-associated and regulator of MAPK protein 1 chr18 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 95 0.1084474885844748 411 37 0.0422374429223744 0
GAS6-201 GAS6 Q14393 Growth arrest-specific protein 6 chr13 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 60 0.0884955752212389 43 3 0.0044247787610619 0
GCG-202 GCG P01275 Pro-glucagon chr2 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.2222222222222222 83 20 0.1111111111111111 0
GCNT2-216 GCNT2 Q8N0V5 N-acetyllactosaminide beta-1,6-N-acetylglucosaminyl-transferase chr6 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 27 0.0671641791044776 3 0 0.0 0
GLIPR2-202 GLIPR2 Q9H4G4 Golgi-associated plant pathogenesis-related protein 1 chr9 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 13 0.0844155844155844 79 11 0.0714285714285714 0
GNAI2-202 GNAI2 P04899 Guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(i) subunit alpha-2 chr3 GO:0070374 Compendium Yes 37 0.104225352112676 24 0 0.0 0
GPBAR1-202 GPBAR1 Q8TDU6 G-protein coupled bile acid receptor 1 chr2 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.0787878787878787 22 3 0.009090909090909 0
GPER1-202 GPER1 Q99527 G-protein coupled estrogen receptor 1 chr7 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.1253333333333333 13 4 0.0106666666666666 0
GPNMB-202 GPNMB Q14956 Transmembrane glycoprotein NMB chr7 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 72 0.1258741258741259 95 13 0.0227272727272727 0
GPR183-201 GPR183 P32249 G-protein coupled receptor 183 chr13 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.0969529085872576 25 3 0.0083102493074792 0
GPR55-206 GPR55 Q9Y2T6 G-protein coupled receptor 55 chr2 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 50 0.1567398119122257 0 0 0.0 0
HAND2-201 HAND2 P61296 Heart- and neural crest derivatives-expressed protein 2 chr4 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.1797235023041474 124 24 0.1105990783410138 0
HAVCR2-201 HAVCR2 Q8TDQ0 Hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 2 chr5 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 45 0.1495016611295681 17 1 0.0033222591362126 3
HCRTR1-203 HCRTR1 O43613 Orexin/Hypocretin receptor type 1 chr1 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.0941176470588235 28 0 0.0 0
HLA-DRB1-201 HLA-DRB1 P01911 HLA class II histocompatibility antigen, DRB1 beta chain chr6 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 11 0.0413533834586466 12 0 0.0 0
HMGB1-203 HMGB1 P09429 High mobility group protein B1 chr13 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 10 0.0465116279069767 202 7 0.0325581395348837 0
HRAS-201 HRAS P01112 GTPase HRas chr11 GO:0070374 Census, Compendium Yes 129 0.6825396825396826 16 2 0.0105820105820105 10
HTR2A-201 HTR2A P28223 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2A chr13 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 75 0.1592356687898089 45 6 0.0127388535031847 0
HTR2B-201 HTR2B P41595 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2B chr2 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.0519750519750519 23 0 0.0 0
HTR2C-201 HTR2C P28335 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2C chrX GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 105 0.2292576419213974 40 8 0.0174672489082969 0
ICAM1-201 ICAM1 P05362 Intercellular adhesion molecule 1 chr19 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 52 0.0977443609022556 253 25 0.0469924812030075 0
IGF1-201 IGF1 P05019 Insulin-like growth factor I chr12 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.1538461538461538 87 18 0.0923076923076923 0
IL1A-201 IL1A P01583 Interleukin-1 alpha chr2 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.084870848708487 35 6 0.022140221402214 0
IL26-201 IL26 Q9NPH9 Interleukin-26 chr12 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.1286549707602339 0 0 0.0 0
INHBA-201 INHBA P08476 Inhibin beta A chain chr7 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 121 0.284037558685446 154 54 0.1267605633802817 0
ITGB3-201 ITGB3 P05106 Integrin beta-3 chr17 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 92 0.116751269035533 68 5 0.0063451776649746 28
KDR-201 KDR P35968 Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 chr4 GO:0070374 Census, Compendium Yes 276 0.2035398230088495 276 40 0.0294985250737463 2
LGALS9-203 LGALS9 O00182 Galectin-9 chr17 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 46 0.1295774647887324 65 13 0.0366197183098591 0
MAP2K1-201 MAP2K1 Q02750 Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1 chr15 GO:0070374 Census, Compendium Yes 83 0.2111959287531806 96 22 0.0559796437659033 5
MAP2K7-201 MAP2K7 O14733 Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 7 chr19 GO:0070374 Compendium Yes 78 0.1861575178997613 145 17 0.0405727923627685 0
MAP3K12-201 MAP3K12 Q12852 Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 12 chr12 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 91 0.1059371362048894 481 54 0.0628637951105937 0
MAPK3-201 MAPK3 P27361 Mitogen-activated protein kinase 3 chr16 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.0844327176781002 49 3 0.0079155672823219 0
MARCO-201 MARCO Q9UEW3 Macrophage receptor MARCO chr2 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 82 0.1576923076923077 323 59 0.1134615384615384 0
MFAP3-212 MFAP3 P55082 Microfibril-associated glycoprotein 3 chr5 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.0718232044198895 95 8 0.0220994475138121 0
MFHAS1-201 MFHAS1 Q9Y4C4 Malignant fibrous histiocytoma-amplified sequence 1 chr8 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 72 0.0684410646387832 98 8 0.0076045627376425 0
MIF-201 MIF P14174 Macrophage migration inhibitory factor chr22 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 4 0.0347826086956521 0 0 0.0 0
MOS-201 MOS P00540 Proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase mos chr8 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 69 0.1994219653179191 16 2 0.0057803468208092 0
MT3-201 MT3 P25713 Metallothionein-3 chr16 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 4 0.0588235294117647 0 0 0.0 0
MTURN-201 MTURN Q8N3F0 Maturin chr7 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 9 0.0687022900763358 27 3 0.0229007633587786 0
MUSK-204 MUSK O15146 Muscle, skeletal receptor tyrosine-protein kinase chr9 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 145 0.1668584579976985 35 7 0.0080552359033371 7
NDRG4-255 NDRG4 Q9ULP0 Protein NDRG4 chr16 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.096590909090909 90 10 0.0284090909090909 0
NECAB2-201 NECAB2 Q7Z6G3 N-terminal EF-hand calcium-binding protein 2 chr16 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.1010362694300518 122 7 0.0181347150259067 0
NELFE-202 NELFE P18615 Negative elongation factor E chr6 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.1026315789473684 352 37 0.0973684210526315 0
NOD1-201 NOD1 Q9Y239 Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-containing protein 1 chr7 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 98 0.1028331584470094 39 4 0.0041972717733473 0
NOD2-201 NOD2 Q9HC29 Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-containing protein 2 chr16 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 130 0.125 41 3 0.0028846153846153 15
NODAL-201 NODAL Q96S42 Nodal homolog chr10 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.0979827089337175 34 9 0.0259365994236311 4
NOTCH1-204 NOTCH1 P46531 Neurogenic locus notch homolog protein 1 chr9 GO:0070374 Census, Compendium Yes 312 0.1221135029354207 690 71 0.0277886497064579 3
NOTCH2-201 NOTCH2 Q04721 Neurogenic locus notch homolog protein 2 chr1 GO:0070374 Census, Compendium Yes 191 0.0772966410360178 631 61 0.0246863617968433 1
NOX4-201 NOX4 Q9NPH5 NADPH oxidase 4 chr11 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 101 0.1747404844290657 0 0 0.0 0
NPNT-202 NPNT Q6UXI9 Nephronectin chr4 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 71 0.1256637168141593 218 26 0.0460176991150442 0
NPSR1-202 NPSR1 Q6W5P4 Neuropeptide S receptor chr7 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 75 0.2021563342318059 9 0 0.0 0
NPY5R-201 NPY5R Q15761 Neuropeptide Y receptor type 5 chr4 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 112 0.251685393258427 44 11 0.0247191011235955 0
NRG1-203 NRG1 Q02297 Pro-neuregulin-1, membrane-bound isoform chr8 GO:0070374 Census, Compendium Yes 104 0.1625 532 91 0.1421875 0
NRP1-206 NRP1 O14786 Neuropilin-1 chr10 GO:0070374 Compendium Yes 112 0.1213434452871072 212 25 0.0270855904658721 0
NTRK1-206 NTRK1 P04629 High affinity nerve growth factor receptor chr1 GO:0070374 Census, Compendium Yes 133 0.1670854271356784 57 8 0.0100502512562814 23
NTRK2-246 NTRK2 Q16620 BDNF/NT-3 growth factors receptor chr9 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 103 0.1253041362530413 117 14 0.0170316301703163 1
NTRK3-217 NTRK3 Q16288 NT-3 growth factor receptor chr15 GO:0070374 Census, Compendium Yes 214 0.2550655542312277 56 15 0.0178784266984505 3
OPRM1-202 OPRM1 P35372 Mu-type opioid receptor chr6 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 71 0.1775 59 17 0.0425 0
OR2AT4-201 OR2AT4 A6NND4 Olfactory receptor 2AT4 chr11 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.146875 0 0 0.0 0
P2RY1-201 P2RY1 P47900 P2Y purinoceptor 1 chr3 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.1179624664879356 16 0 0.0 0
P2RY6-208 P2RY6 Q15077 P2Y purinoceptor 6 chr11 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 40 0.1219512195121951 10 2 0.0060975609756097 0
PDE8A-203 PDE8A O60658 High affinity cAMP-specific and IBMX-insensitive 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 8A chr15 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 53 0.0639324487334137 187 12 0.0144752714113389 0
PDE8B-201 PDE8B O95263 High affinity cAMP-specific and IBMX-insensitive 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 8B chr5 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 104 0.1175141242937853 208 14 0.015819209039548 1
PDGFA-201 PDGFA P04085 Platelet-derived growth factor subunit A chr7 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.1232227488151658 75 10 0.0473933649289099 0
PDGFB-201 PDGFB P01127 Platelet-derived growth factor subunit B chr22 GO:0070374 Census Yes 30 0.1244813278008298 99 16 0.0663900414937759 2
PDGFC-203 PDGFC Q9NRA1 Platelet-derived growth factor C chr4 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 63 0.1826086956521739 53 6 0.017391304347826 0
PDGFD-202 PDGFD Q9GZP0 Platelet-derived growth factor D chr11 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 72 0.1945945945945946 38 14 0.0378378378378378 0
PDGFRA-201 PDGFRA P16234 Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha chr4 GO:0070374 Census, Compendium Yes 213 0.1955922865013774 173 36 0.0330578512396694 2
PDGFRB-201 PDGFRB P09619 Platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta chr5 GO:0070374 Census, Compendium Yes 134 0.1211573236889692 233 40 0.0361663652802893 7
PHB1-201 PHB1 P35232 Prohibitin 1 chr17 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.0772058823529411 4 1 0.0036764705882352 0
PHB2-203 PHB2 Q99623 Prohibitin-2 chr12 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.0836120401337792 26 4 0.0133779264214046 0
PLA2G2A-204 PLA2G2A P14555 Phospholipase A2, membrane associated chr1 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.1458333333333333 0 0 0.0 0
PLA2G5-201 PLA2G5 P39877 Phospholipase A2 group V chr1 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.1376811594202898 0 0 0.0 2
PRKCA-202 PRKCA P17252 Protein kinase C alpha type chr17 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 70 0.1041666666666666 155 17 0.025297619047619 0
PRKCZ-201 PRKCZ Q05513 Protein kinase C zeta type chr1 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.0793918918918918 117 11 0.018581081081081 0
PRKD2-201 PRKD2 Q9BZL6 Serine/threonine-protein kinase D2 chr19 GO:0070374 Compendium Yes 89 0.1013667425968109 247 26 0.0296127562642369 0
PRXL2C-201 PRXL2C Q7RTV5 Peroxiredoxin-like 2C chr9 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 10 0.0442477876106194 27 0 0.0 0
PTK2B-201 PTK2B Q14289 Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta chr8 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 117 0.1159563924677899 263 23 0.0227948463825569 0
PTPN11-201 PTPN11 Q06124 Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 11 chr12 GO:0070374 Census, Compendium Yes 92 0.1551433389544688 260 27 0.0455311973018549 44
PTPN22-201 PTPN22 Q9Y2R2 Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 22 chr1 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 107 0.1325898389095415 344 44 0.0545229244114002 4
PTPRC-209 PTPRC P08575 Receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase C chr1 GO:0070374 Census, Compendium Yes 257 0.1967840735068912 462 91 0.0696784073506891 0
PYCARD-201 PYCARD Q9ULZ3 Apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a CARD chr16 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.0615384615384615 39 4 0.0205128205128205 0
RAMP3-201 RAMP3 O60896 Receptor activity-modifying protein 3 chr7 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.1216216216216216 0 0 0.0 0
RAP1A-202 RAP1A P62834 Ras-related protein Rap-1A chr1 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.125 5 0 0.0 0
RAP1B-201 RAP1B P61224 Ras-related protein Rap-1b chr12 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.108695652173913 14 2 0.0108695652173913 0
RAPGEF2-201 RAPGEF2 Q9Y4G8 Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor 2 chr4 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 132 0.0880587058038692 805 72 0.048032021347565 0
RASGRP1-201 RASGRP1 O95267 RAS guanyl-releasing protein 1 chr15 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 70 0.0878293601003764 192 11 0.013801756587202 1
RIPK2-201 RIPK2 O43353 Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 chr8 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 43 0.0796296296296296 143 14 0.0259259259259259 0
ROR1-201 ROR1 Q01973 Inactive tyrosine-protein kinase transmembrane receptor ROR1 chr1 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 113 0.1205976520811099 281 37 0.03948772678762 1
ROR2-201 ROR2 Q01974 Tyrosine-protein kinase transmembrane receptor ROR2 chr9 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 164 0.1739130434782608 304 58 0.0615058324496288 5
S100A7-202 S100A7 P31151 Protein S100-A7 chr1 GO:0070374 Census Yes 24 0.2376237623762376 28 8 0.0792079207920792 0
SCIMP-203 SCIMP Q6UWF3 SLP adapter and CSK-interacting membrane protein chr17 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 6 0.0413793103448275 73 5 0.0344827586206896 0
SEMA7A-201 SEMA7A O75326 Semaphorin-7A chr15 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 64 0.0960960960960961 150 19 0.0285285285285285 1
SERPINF2-204 SERPINF2 P08697 Alpha-2-antiplasmin chr17 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 46 0.0936863543788187 113 14 0.0285132382892057 1
SHC1-202 SHC1 P29353 SHC-transforming protein 1 chr1 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 58 0.0994854202401372 400 41 0.0703259005145797 0
SLAMF1-201 SLAMF1 Q13291 Signaling lymphocytic activation molecule chr1 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 54 0.1611940298507462 64 8 0.0238805970149253 0
SLC30A10-202 SLC30A10 Q6XR72 Calcium/manganese antiporter SLC30A10 chr1 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 57 0.1175257731958762 61 4 0.0082474226804123 2
SPRY2-202 SPRY2 O43597 Protein sprouty homolog 2 chr13 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.1015873015873015 170 19 0.0603174603174603 1
SRC-204 SRC P12931 Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src chr20 GO:0070374 Census Yes 40 0.0746268656716417 130 10 0.0186567164179104 1
SSTR4-201 SSTR4 P31391 Somatostatin receptor type 4 chr20 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 97 0.25 40 9 0.0231958762886597 0
TEK-201 TEK Q02763 Angiopoietin-1 receptor chr9 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 145 0.1290035587188612 126 13 0.0115658362989323 9
TGFB1-201 TGFB1 P01137 Transforming growth factor beta-1 proprotein chr19 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.0769230769230769 44 3 0.0076923076923076 8
THPO-205 THPO P40225 Thrombopoietin chr3 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 47 0.1331444759206798 163 20 0.0566572237960339 0
TIRAP-202 TIRAP P58753 Toll/interleukin-1 receptor domain-containing adapter protein chr11 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.0633484162895927 80 5 0.0226244343891402 0
TLR4-201 TLR4 O00206 Toll-like receptor 4 chr9 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 253 0.301549463647199 0 0 0.0 0
TNF-208 TNF P01375 Tumor necrosis factor chr6 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.0944206008583691 45 2 0.0085836909871244 0
TNFAIP8L3-201 TNFAIP8L3 Q5GJ75 Tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced protein 8-like protein 3 chr15 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.1164383561643835 112 11 0.0376712328767123 0
TPBG-201 TPBG Q13641 Trophoblast glycoprotein chr6 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 39 0.0928571428571428 13 1 0.0023809523809523 0
TREM2-202 TREM2 Q9NZC2 Triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2 chr6 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.1347826086956521 27 2 0.008695652173913 1
TRPV4-201 TRPV4 Q9HBA0 Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 4 chr12 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 109 0.1251435132032147 232 30 0.0344431687715269 38
XCL1-201 XCL1 P47992 Lymphotactin chr1 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.219298245614035 35 10 0.087719298245614 0
XCL2-201 XCL2 Q9UBD3 Cytokine SCM-1 beta chr1 GO:0070374 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.1403508771929824 35 4 0.0350877192982456 0