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Total number of protein in "GO:0070828" GO term:  39

Identifier UniProt Gene UniProt Accession UniProt Name Chromosome GO term Database Cancer Driver Number of missense mutations Missense mutation per residues Number of disordered residues Number of mutations in disordered regions Disordered missense mutations per residues Number of OMIM mutation
DMRTC2-201 DMRTC2 Q8IXT2 Doublesex- and mab-3-related transcription factor C2 chr19 GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.0953678474114441 310 27 0.0735694822888283 0
H2AB1-201 H2AB1 P0C5Y9 Histone H2A-Bbd type 1 chrX GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 67 0 0.0 0
H2AB2-201 H2AB3 P0C5Z0 Histone H2A-Bbd type 2/3 chrX GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 60 0 0.0 0
H2AB3-201 H2AB3 P0C5Z0 Histone H2A-Bbd type 2/3 chrX GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 60 0 0.0 0
H2AC1-201 H2AC1 Q96QV6 Histone H2A type 1-A chr6 GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.1679389312977099 60 6 0.0458015267175572 0
H2AC11-201 H2AC17 P0C0S8 Histone H2A type 1 chr6 GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 30 0.2307692307692307 59 13 0.1 0
H2AC12-201 H2AC12 Q96KK5 Histone H2A type 1-H chr6 GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.1796875 55 6 0.046875 0
H2AC13-201 H2AC17 P0C0S8 Histone H2A type 1 chr6 GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 20 0.1538461538461538 58 7 0.0538461538461538 0
H2AC14-201 H2AC14 Q99878 Histone H2A type 1-J chr6 GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.140625 56 2 0.015625 0
H2AC15-201 H2AC17 P0C0S8 Histone H2A type 1 chr6 GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 33 0.2538461538461538 58 12 0.0923076923076923 0
H2AC16-201 H2AC17 P0C0S8 Histone H2A type 1 chr6 GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.1307692307692307 61 3 0.023076923076923 0
H2AC17-201 H2AC17 P0C0S8 Histone H2A type 1 chr6 GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 10 0.0769230769230769 58 4 0.0307692307692307 0
H2AC18-201 H2AC19 Q6FI13 Histone H2A type 2-A chr1 GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 59 0 0.0 0
H2AC19-201 H2AC19 Q6FI13 Histone H2A type 2-A chr1 GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 59 0 0.0 0
H2AC20-201 H2AC20 Q16777 Histone H2A type 2-C chr1 GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.1705426356589147 56 4 0.0310077519379844 0
H2AC21-201 H2AC21 Q8IUE6 Histone H2A type 2-B chr1 GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.1307692307692307 61 4 0.0307692307692307 0
H2AC25-202 H2AC25 Q7L7L0 Histone H2A type 3 chr1 GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 12 0.0923076923076923 61 5 0.0384615384615384 0
H2AC4-201 H2AC8 P04908 Histone H2A type 1-B/E chr6 GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 21 0.1615384615384615 62 10 0.0769230769230769 0
H2AC6-202 H2AC6 Q93077 Histone H2A type 1-C chr6 GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 24 0.1846153846153846 59 12 0.0923076923076923 0
H2AC7-201 H2AC7 P20671 Histone H2A type 1-D chr6 GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.1461538461538461 63 9 0.0692307692307692 0
H2AC8-201 H2AC8 P04908 Histone H2A type 1-B/E chr6 GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 35 0.2692307692307692 62 13 0.1 0
H2AJ-203 H2AJ Q9BTM1 Histone H2A.J chr12 GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 14 0.1085271317829457 54 8 0.0620155038759689 0
H2AL3-201 H2AL3 A0A3B3IU63 Histone H2A-like 3 chrX GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 0 0.0 81 0 0.0 0
H2AP-201 H2AP O75409 Huntingtin-interacting protein M chrX GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 17 0.1452991452991453 106 16 0.1367521367521367 0
H2AX-202 H2AX P16104 Histone H2AX chr11 GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 19 0.1328671328671328 68 8 0.0559440559440559 0
H2AZ1-201 H2AZ1 P0C0S5 Histone H2A.Z chr4 GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.140625 71 12 0.09375 0
H2AZ2-202 H2AZ2 Q71UI9 Histone H2A.V chr7 GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 16 0.125 75 13 0.1015625 0
HP1BP3-210 HP1BP3 Q5SSJ5 Heterochromatin protein 1-binding protein 3 chr1 GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 42 0.0759493670886076 404 35 0.0632911392405063 0
LOXL2-201 LOXL2 Q9Y4K0 Lysyl oxidase homolog 2 chr8 GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 103 0.1330749354005168 39 3 0.003875968992248 0
MACROH2A1-202 MACROH2A1 O75367 Core histone macro-H2A.1 chr5 GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.084010840108401 122 9 0.024390243902439 0
MACROH2A2-201 MACROH2A2 Q9P0M6 Core histone macro-H2A.2 chr10 GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.1182795698924731 171 23 0.0618279569892473 0
MECOM-217 MECOM Q03112 Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase MECOM chr3 GO:0070828 Census, Compendium Yes 225 0.1829268292682926 751 120 0.0975609756097561 3
MTHFR-204 MTHFR P42898 Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (NADPH) chr1 GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 70 0.1067073170731707 125 17 0.0259146341463414 50
PCID2-202 PCID2 Q5JVF3 PCI domain-containing protein 2 chr13 GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.0852130325814536 13 2 0.0050125313283208 0
PRDM16-201 PRDM16 Q9HAZ2 Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase PRDM16 chr1 GO:0070828 Census Yes 196 0.1536050156739812 834 117 0.091692789968652 1
SETD7-201 SETD7 Q8WTS6 Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase SETD7 chr4 GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.0710382513661202 106 5 0.0136612021857923 0
SETDB1-201 SETDB1 Q15047 Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase SETDB1 chr1 GO:0070828 Census, Compendium Yes 133 0.1030209140201394 598 62 0.0480247869868319 0
SETDB2-202 SETDB2 Q96T68 Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase SETDB2 chr13 GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 51 0.0709318497913769 255 20 0.0278164116828929 0
SNAI1-201 SNAI1 O95863 Zinc finger protein SNAI1 chr20 GO:0070828 Not Cancer Driver No 41 0.1553030303030303 98 8 0.0303030303030303 0