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Total number of protein in "GO:0098632" GO term:  24

Identifier UniProt Gene UniProt Accession UniProt Name Chromosome GO term Database Cancer Driver Number of missense mutations Missense mutation per residues Number of disordered residues Number of mutations in disordered regions Disordered missense mutations per residues Number of OMIM mutation
CD200-201 CD200 P41217 OX-2 membrane glycoprotein chr3 GO:0098632 Not Cancer Driver No 25 0.0929368029739776 7 0 0.0 0
CD47-202 CD47 Q08722 Leukocyte surface antigen CD47 chr3 GO:0098632 Not Cancer Driver No 23 0.0712074303405572 0 0 0.0 0
CLSTN3-201 CLSTN3 Q9BQT9 Calsyntenin-3 chr12 GO:0098632 Not Cancer Driver No 106 0.1108786610878661 211 18 0.0188284518828451 0
CNTN1-208 CNTN1 Q12860 Contactin-1 chr12 GO:0098632 Not Cancer Driver No 210 0.206286836935167 221 39 0.0383104125736738 0
CNTN2-201 CNTN2 Q02246 Contactin-2 chr1 GO:0098632 Not Cancer Driver No 130 0.125 371 56 0.0538461538461538 0
CNTN4-203 CNTN4 Q8IWV2 Contactin-4 chr3 GO:0098632 Not Cancer Driver No 247 0.2407407407407407 303 72 0.0701754385964912 0
CNTN5-204 CNTN5 O94779 Contactin-5 chr11 GO:0098632 Not Cancer Driver No 330 0.3 290 68 0.0618181818181818 0
CNTN6-205 CNTN6 Q9UQ52 Contactin-6 chr3 GO:0098632 Not Cancer Driver No 239 0.2324902723735408 175 45 0.0437743190661478 0
DSCAM-201 DSCAM O60469 Cell adhesion molecule DSCAM chr21 GO:0098632 Not Cancer Driver No 528 0.2624254473161034 605 170 0.0844930417495029 0
DSCAML1-205 DSCAML1 Q8TD84 Cell adhesion molecule DSCAML1 chr11 GO:0098632 Not Cancer Driver No 358 0.1743789576229907 742 138 0.0672187043351193 0
EMB-201 EMB Q6PCB8 Embigin chr5 GO:0098632 Not Cancer Driver No 59 0.1804281345565749 97 14 0.0428134556574923 0
ESAM-201 ESAM Q96AP7 Endothelial cell-selective adhesion molecule chr11 GO:0098632 Not Cancer Driver No 37 0.0948717948717948 155 22 0.0564102564102564 0
IGSF9-202 IGSF9 Q9P2J2 Protein turtle homolog A chr1 GO:0098632 Not Cancer Driver No 125 0.106022052586938 523 41 0.0347752332485156 0
JAM3-201 JAM3 Q9BX67 Junctional adhesion molecule C chr11 GO:0098632 Not Cancer Driver No 34 0.1096774193548387 62 8 0.0258064516129032 2
LRRC4C-203 LRRC4C Q9HCJ2 Leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 4C chr11 GO:0098632 Not Cancer Driver No 240 0.375 152 46 0.071875 0
MYPN-202 MYPN Q86TC9 Myopalladin chr10 GO:0098632 Not Cancer Driver No 196 0.1484848484848485 935 137 0.1037878787878787 17
NEXN-202 NEXN Q0ZGT2 Nexilin chr1 GO:0098632 Not Cancer Driver No 66 0.0977777777777777 614 61 0.0903703703703703 4
NRCAM-203 NRCAM Q92823 Neuronal cell adhesion molecule chr7 GO:0098632 Not Cancer Driver No 156 0.1196319018404908 473 60 0.0460122699386503 0
NTNG1-205 NTNG1 Q9Y2I2 Netrin-G1 chr1 GO:0098632 Not Cancer Driver No 124 0.2300556586270872 1 0 0.0 0
PLXNB3-201 PLXNB3 Q9ULL4 Plexin-B3 chrX GO:0098632 Not Cancer Driver No 168 0.0880041906757464 358 30 0.0157150340492404 0
ROBO3-201 ROBO3 Q96MS0 Roundabout homolog 3 chr11 GO:0098632 Not Cancer Driver No 157 0.1132756132756132 862 101 0.0728715728715728 6
ROBO4-201 ROBO4 Q8WZ75 Roundabout homolog 4 chr11 GO:0098632 Not Cancer Driver No 162 0.1608738828202582 700 108 0.1072492552135054 1
SIRPA-202 SIRPA P78324 Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type substrate 1 chr20 GO:0098632 Census, Compendium Yes 60 0.119047619047619 282 41 0.0813492063492063 0
TMIGD1-201 TMIGD1 Q6UXZ0 Transmembrane and immunoglobulin domain-containing protein 1 chr17 GO:0098632 Not Cancer Driver No 26 0.099236641221374 6 1 0.0038167938931297 0