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Total number of protein in "GO:1904355" GO term:  17

Identifier UniProt Gene UniProt Accession UniProt Name Chromosome GO term Database Cancer Driver Number of missense mutations Missense mutation per residues Number of disordered residues Number of mutations in disordered regions Disordered missense mutations per residues Number of OMIM mutation
AURKB-214 AURKB Q96GD4 Aurora kinase B chr17 GO:1904355 Not Cancer Driver No 31 0.0901162790697674 63 4 0.0116279069767441 0
HNRNPD-201 HNRNPD Q14103 Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein D0 chr4 GO:1904355 Not Cancer Driver No 28 0.0788732394366197 206 12 0.0338028169014084 0
MAP2K7-201 MAP2K7 O14733 Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 7 chr19 GO:1904355 Compendium Yes 78 0.1861575178997613 145 17 0.0405727923627685 0
MAP3K4-204 MAP3K4 Q9Y6R4 Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 4 chr6 GO:1904355 Not Cancer Driver No 183 0.1138059701492537 522 63 0.0391791044776119 0
MAPK1-201 MAPK1 P28482 Mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 chr22 GO:1904355 Census, Compendium Yes 52 0.1444444444444444 2 0 0.0 6
MAPK15-201 MAPK15 Q8TD08 Mitogen-activated protein kinase 15 chr8 GO:1904355 Not Cancer Driver No 66 0.1213235294117647 236 32 0.0588235294117647 0
MAPK3-201 MAPK3 P27361 Mitogen-activated protein kinase 3 chr16 GO:1904355 Not Cancer Driver No 32 0.0844327176781002 49 3 0.0079155672823219 0
MAPKAPK5-207 MAPKAPK5 Q8IW41 MAP kinase-activated protein kinase 5 chr12 GO:1904355 Not Cancer Driver No 38 0.080338266384778 101 6 0.0126849894291754 0
NABP2-201 NABP2 Q9BQ15 SOSS complex subunit B1 chr12 GO:1904355 Not Cancer Driver No 22 0.1042654028436018 125 14 0.0663507109004739 0
NEK2-202 NEK2 P51955 Serine/threonine-protein kinase Nek2 chr1 GO:1904355 Not Cancer Driver No 44 0.098876404494382 93 12 0.0269662921348314 0
NEK7-202 NEK7 Q8TDX7 Serine/threonine-protein kinase Nek7 chr1 GO:1904355 Not Cancer Driver No 18 0.0596026490066225 23 0 0.0 0
PKIB-205 PKIB Q9C010 cAMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitor beta chr6 GO:1904355 Not Cancer Driver No 10 0.1282051282051282 78 10 0.1282051282051282 0
PNKP-201 PNKP Q96T60 Bifunctional polynucleotide phosphatase/kinase chr19 GO:1904355 Not Cancer Driver No 46 0.0882917466410748 177 21 0.0403071017274472 4
PRKCQ-201 PRKCQ Q04759 Protein kinase C theta type chr10 GO:1904355 Not Cancer Driver No 124 0.1756373937677053 28 8 0.0113314447592068 0
RTEL1-205 RTEL1 Q9NZ71 Regulator of telomere elongation helicase 1 chr20 GO:1904355 Not Cancer Driver No 106 0.0869565217391304 479 50 0.0410172272354388 15
TNKS-201 TNKS O95271 Poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase tankyrase-1 chr8 GO:1904355 Not Cancer Driver No 102 0.0768651092690278 483 26 0.0195930670685757 0
TNKS2-201 TNKS2 Q9H2K2 Poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase tankyrase-2 chr10 GO:1904355 Not Cancer Driver No 99 0.0849056603773584 255 20 0.0171526586620926 0