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  • Number of GO Term: 18
GO term GO name GO namespace GO def
GO:0000309 nicotinamide-nucleotide adenylyltransferase activity molecular_function Catalysis of the reaction
GO:0004515 nicotinate-nucleotide adenylyltransferase activity molecular_function Catalysis of the reaction
GO:0005515 protein binding molecular_function Binding to a protein. [GOC:go_curators]
GO:0005524 ATP binding molecular_function Binding to ATP, adenosine 5'-triphosphate, a universally important coenzyme and enzyme regulator. [ISBN:0198506732]
GO:0042802 identical protein binding molecular_function Binding to an identical protein or proteins. [GOC:jl]
GO:0140768 protein ADP-ribosyltransferase-substrate adaptor activity molecular_function An enzyme-substrate adaptor that bings together a protein ADP-ribosyl transferase and its substrate. [PMID:32028527]
GO:0009165 nucleotide biosynthetic process biological_process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of nucleotides, any nucleoside that is esterified with (ortho)phosphate or an oligophosphate at any hydroxyl group on the glycose moiety; may be mono-, di- or triphosphate; this definition includes cyclic-nucleotides (nucleoside cyclic phosphates). [GOC:go_curators]
GO:0009435 NAD biosynthetic process biological_process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, a coenzyme present in most living cells and derived from the B vitamin nicotinic acid; biosynthesis may be of either the oxidized form, NAD, or the reduced form, NADH. [GOC:jl, ISBN:0618254153]
GO:0009611 response to wounding biological_process Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a stimulus indicating damage to the organism. [GOC:go_curators]
GO:0043410 positive regulation of MAPK cascade biological_process Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of signal transduction mediated by the MAPK cascade. [GOC:go_curators]
GO:0043524 negative regulation of neuron apoptotic process biological_process Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of cell death by apoptotic process in neurons. [GOC:go_curators, GOC:mtg_apoptosis]
GO:0045892 negative regulation of DNA-templated transcription biological_process Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of cellular DNA-templated transcription. [GOC:go_curators, GOC:txnOH]
GO:1902511 negative regulation of apoptotic DNA fragmentation biological_process Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of apoptotic DNA fragmentation. [GOC:hjd, GOC:TermGenie, PMID:15572351]
GO:1990966 ATP generation from poly-ADP-D-ribose biological_process The process of generating ATP in the nucleus from poly-ADP-D-ribose. Nuclear ATP generation is required for extensive chromatin remodeling events that are energy-consuming. [PMID:27257257]
GO:0005634 nucleus cellular_component A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent. [GOC:go_curators]
GO:0005654 nucleoplasm cellular_component That part of the nuclear content other than the chromosomes or the nucleolus. [GOC:ma, ISBN:0124325653]
GO:0016604 nuclear body cellular_component Extra-nucleolar nuclear domains usually visualized by confocal microscopy and fluorescent antibodies to specific proteins. [GOC:ma, PMID:10330182]
GO:0000785 chromatin cellular_component The ordered and organized complex of DNA, protein, and sometimes RNA, that forms the chromosome. [GOC:elh, PMID:20404130]