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ORC1-202 ,ORC1 ,Q13415
  • Number of GO Term: 15
GO term GO name GO namespace GO def
GO:0000781 chromosome, telomeric region cellular_component The end of a linear chromosome, required for the integrity and maintenance of the end. A chromosome telomere usually includes a region of telomerase-encoded repeats the length of which rarely exceeds 20 bp each and that permits the formation of a telomeric loop (T-loop). The telomeric repeat region is usually preceded by a sub-telomeric region that is gene-poor but rich in repetitive elements. Some telomeres only consist of the latter part (for eg. D. melanogaster telomeres). [GOC:elh]
GO:0003677 DNA binding molecular_function Any molecular function by which a gene product interacts selectively and non-covalently with DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). [GOC:dph, GOC:jl, GOC:tb, GOC:vw]
GO:0003682 chromatin binding molecular_function Binding to chromatin, the network of fibers of DNA, protein, and sometimes RNA, that make up the chromosomes of the eukaryotic nucleus during interphase. [GOC:jl, ISBN:0198506732, PMID:20404130]
GO:0005515 protein binding molecular_function Binding to a protein. [GOC:go_curators]
GO:0005524 ATP binding molecular_function Binding to ATP, adenosine 5'-triphosphate, a universally important coenzyme and enzyme regulator. [ISBN:0198506732]
GO:0016887 ATP hydrolysis activity molecular_function Catalysis of the reaction
GO:0046872 metal ion binding molecular_function Binding to a metal ion. [GOC:ai]
GO:0006270 DNA replication initiation biological_process The process in which DNA-dependent DNA replication is started; it begins when specific sequences, known as origins of replication, are recognized and bound by the origin recognition complex, followed by DNA unwinding. [PMID:28209641]
GO:0005634 nucleus cellular_component A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent. [GOC:go_curators]
GO:0005654 nucleoplasm cellular_component That part of the nuclear content other than the chromosomes or the nucleolus. [GOC:ma, ISBN:0124325653]
GO:0005664 nuclear origin of replication recognition complex cellular_component A multisubunit complex that is located at the replication origins of a chromosome in the nucleus. [GOC:elh]
GO:0005829 cytosol cellular_component The part of the cytoplasm that does not contain organelles but which does contain other particulate matter, such as protein complexes. [GOC:hjd, GOC:jl]
GO:0000808 origin recognition complex cellular_component A multisubunit complex that is located at the replication origins of a chromosome. [GOC:elh]
GO:0033314 mitotic DNA replication checkpoint signaling biological_process A signal transduction process that contributes to a mitotic DNA replication checkpoint. [GOC:mtg_cell_cycle]
GO:0003688 DNA replication origin binding molecular_function Binding to a DNA replication origin, a unique DNA sequence of a replicon at which DNA replication is initiated and proceeds bidirectionally or unidirectionally. [GOC:curators]