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EDEM3-201 ,EDEM3 ,Q9BZQ6
  • Number of Interaction partner in intact: 0
  • Number of Interaction partner in biogrid: 42
  • Number of Interaction partner in hippie: 114
Identifier UniProt Gene UniProt Accession UniProt Name Chromosome Cancer Database Cancer Driver Number of independent pubication Interaction Database Number of missense mutations Number of disordered residues Number of mutations in disordered residues Number of mutations in disordered residues Number of omim mutations
ALOXE3-203 ALOXE3 Q9BYJ1 Hydroperoxide isomerase ALOXE3 chr17 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 80 69 10 10 6
ANGPTL7-201 ANGPTL7 O43827 Angiopoietin-related protein 7 chr1 Not Cancer Driver No 2 hippie, biogrid 28 33 6 6 0
BTNL2-203 BTNL2 Q9UIR0 Butyrophilin-like protein 2 chr6 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 52 75 9 9 0
CA6-203 CA6 P23280 Carbonic anhydrase 6 chr1 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 35 58 7 7 0
CALR-201 CALR P27797 Calreticulin chr19 Census Yes 1 hippie 28 245 16 16 0
CANX-201 CANX P27824 Calnexin chr5 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 57 334 36 36 0
CBLN4-201 CBLN4 Q9NTU7 Cerebellin-4 chr20 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 45 20 7 7 0
CD70-201 CD70 P32970 CD70 antigen chr19 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 23 12 2 2 0
CDC37-201 CDC37 Q16543 Hsp90 co-chaperone Cdc37 chr19 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 43 214 29 29 0
CDHR4-202 CDHR4 A6H8M9 Cadherin-related family member 4 chr3 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 35 111 2 2 0
CEACAM8-201 CEACAM8 P31997 Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 8 chr19 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 48 136 13 13 0
CFC1-201 CFC1 P0CG37 Cryptic protein chr2 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 22 68 20 20 1
CHST8-206 CHST8 Q9H2A9 Carbohydrate sulfotransferase 8 chr19 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 81 152 16 16 1
CLEC2B-201 CLEC2B Q92478 C-type lectin domain family 2 member B chr12 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 26 0 0 0 0
COPA-201 COPA P53621 Coatomer subunit alpha chr1 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 119 158 15 15 4
COPB1-202 COPB1 P53618 Coatomer subunit beta chr11 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 74 95 6 6 1
COPB2-201 COPB2 P35606 Coatomer subunit beta' chr3 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 70 114 18 18 0
DDOST-201 DDOST P39656 Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycosyltransferase 48 kDa subunit chr1 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 20 13 3 3 1
DISC1-209 DISC1 Q9NRI5 Disrupted in schizophrenia 1 protein chr1 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 106 520 65 65 0
DNAJB9-201 DNAJB9 Q9UBS3 DnaJ homolog subfamily B member 9 chr7 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 21 109 12 12 0
DNAJC10-201 DNAJC10 Q8IXB1 DnaJ homolog subfamily C member 10 chr2 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 77 37 3 3 0
ECPAS-207 ECPAS Q5VYK3 Proteasome adapter and scaffold protein ECM29 chr9 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 119 243 14 14 0
EDEM1-201 EDEM1 Q92611 ER degradation-enhancing alpha-mannosidase-like protein 1 chr3 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 44 141 5 5 0
EDEM2-202 EDEM2 Q9BV94 ER degradation-enhancing alpha-mannosidase-like protein 2 chr20 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 54 55 3 3 0
ELSPBP1-201 ELSPBP1 Q96BH3 Epididymal sperm-binding protein 1 chr19 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 40 0 0 0 0
EMC1-207 EMC1 Q8N766 ER membrane protein complex subunit 1 chr1 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 77 61 4 4 2
EMC2-201 EMC2 Q15006 ER membrane protein complex subunit 2 chr8 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 38 29 2 2 0
EMC3-201 EMC3 Q9P0I2 ER membrane protein complex subunit 3 chr3 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 17 31 2 2 0
ERAP1-202 ERAP1 Q9NZ08 Endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 1 chr5 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 57 70 1 1 0
ERGIC2-201 ERGIC2 Q96RQ1 Endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment protein 2 chr12 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 25 25 3 3 0
ERLEC1-201 ERLEC1 Q96DZ1 Endoplasmic reticulum lectin 1 chr2 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 43 135 12 12 0
ERLIN1-203 ERLIN1 O75477 Erlin-1 chr10 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 19 46 3 3 1
ERLIN2-204 ERLIN2 O94905 Erlin-2 chr8 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 29 22 2 2 0
ERP29-201 ERP29 P30040 Endoplasmic reticulum resident protein 29 chr12 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 24 34 4 4 0
ERP44-201 ERP44 Q9BS26 Endoplasmic reticulum resident protein 44 chr9 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 33 43 3 3 0
FBXO6-201 FBXO6 Q9NRD1 F-box only protein 6 chr1 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 25 27 3 3 0
FIBIN-201 FIBIN Q8TAL6 Fin bud initiation factor homolog chr11 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 33 51 11 11 0
FPR1-201 FPR1 P21462 fMet-Leu-Phe receptor chr19 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 79 18 2 2 0
GANAB-202 GANAB Q14697 Neutral alpha-glucosidase AB chr11 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 91 133 17 17 3
GGH-201 GGH Q92820 Gamma-glutamyl hydrolase chr8 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 35 5 0 0 0
GP9-201 GP9 P14770 Platelet glycoprotein IX chr3 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 21 0 0 0 7
GPIHBP1-201 GPIHBP1 Q8IV16 Glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored high density lipoprotein-binding protein 1 chr8 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 19 84 15 15 8
GPR182-201 GPR182 O15218 G-protein coupled receptor 182 chr12 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 38 33 5 5 0
GPR45-201 GPR45 Q9Y5Y3 Probable G-protein coupled receptor 45 chr2 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 75 0 0 0 0
GXYLT1-202 GXYLT1 Q4G148 Glucoside xylosyltransferase 1 chr12 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 37 7 0 0 0
HSP90B1-201 HSP90B1 P14625 Endoplasmin chr12 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 56 269 17 17 0
HSPA1L-201 HSPA1L P34931 Heat shock 70 kDa protein 1-like chr6 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 86 141 23 23 0
HSPA4L-201 HSPA4L O95757 Heat shock 70 kDa protein 4L chr4 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 57 268 19 19 0
HSPA5-201 HSPA5 P11021 Endoplasmic reticulum chaperone BiP chr9 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 49 282 26 26 0
HSPA8-224 HSPA8 P11142 Heat shock cognate 71 kDa protein chr11 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 82 252 28 28 0
HSPB1-201 HSPB1 P04792 Heat shock protein beta-1 chr7 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 10 118 8 8 19
HSPBP1-202 HSPBP1 Q9NZL4 Hsp70-binding protein 1 chr19 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 26 130 6 6 0
HSPD1-202 HSPD1 P10809 60 kDa heat shock protein, mitochondrial chr2 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 45 83 1 1 2
HSPH1-201 HSPH1 Q92598 Heat shock protein 105 kDa chr13 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 69 323 31 31 0
HYOU1-218 HYOU1 Q9Y4L1 Hypoxia up-regulated protein 1 chr11 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 98 373 36 36 0
IL5RA-209 IL5RA Q01344 Interleukin-5 receptor subunit alpha chr3 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 67 23 2 2 0
ISLR-201 ISLR O14498 Immunoglobulin superfamily containing leucine-rich repeat protein chr15 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 62 87 12 12 0
KLK15-204 KLK15 Q9H2R5 Kallikrein-15 chr19 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 83 74 33 33 0
LGI1-202 LGI1 O95970 Leucine-rich glioma-inactivated protein 1 chr10 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 64 3 1 1 16
LLCFC1-201 LLCFC1 Q96L11 Sperm-egg fusion protein LLCFC1 chr7 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 22 42 7 7 0
LMAN1-201 LMAN1 P49257 Protein ERGIC-53 chr18 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 50 223 18 18 1
LRPPRC-201 LRPPRC P42704 Leucine-rich PPR motif-containing protein, mitochondrial chr2 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 99 18 0 0 1
LY9-201 LY9 Q9HBG7 T-lymphocyte surface antigen Ly-9 chr1 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 109 250 39 39 0
LYZL2-202 LYZL2 Q7Z4W2 Lysozyme-like protein 2 chr10 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 33 0 0 0 0
MAN2A1-201 MAN2A1 Q16706 Alpha-mannosidase 2 chr5 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 121 83 6 6 0
MFAP4-201 MFAP4 P55083 Microfibril-associated glycoprotein 4 chr17 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 27 0 0 0 0
MOGS-203 MOGS Q13724 Mannosyl-oligosaccharide glucosidase chr2 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 80 201 21 21 2
NCR3-201 NCR3 O14931 Natural cytotoxicity triggering receptor 3 chr6 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 21 31 2 2 0
NEDD4L-205 NEDD4L Q96PU5 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase NEDD4-like chr18 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 99 463 44 44 4
NTRK1-206 NTRK1 P04629 High affinity nerve growth factor receptor chr1 Census, Compendium Yes 1 hippie 133 57 8 8 23
NUDCD1-201 NUDCD1 Q96RS6 NudC domain-containing protein 1 chr8 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 49 38 2 2 0
OS9-202 OS9 Q13438 Protein OS-9 chr12 Not Cancer Driver No 2 hippie, biogrid 62 451 43 43 0
P2RY10-201 P2RY10 O00398 Putative P2Y purinoceptor 10 chrX Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 90 0 0 0 0
P2RY8-201 P2RY8 Q86VZ1 P2Y purinoceptor 8 chrX Census, Compendium Yes 1 hippie, biogrid 84 23 4 4 0
P4HB-201 P4HB P07237 Protein disulfide-isomerase chr17 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 41 80 13 13 1
PBXIP1-202 PBXIP1 Q96AQ6 Pre-B-cell leukemia transcription factor-interacting protein 1 chr1 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 69 606 60 60 0
PDIA3-201 PDIA3 P30101 Protein disulfide-isomerase A3 chr15 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 34 98 6 6 0
PDIA4-204 PDIA4 P13667 Protein disulfide-isomerase A4 chr7 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 61 147 18 18 0
PI15-201 PI15 O43692 Peptidase inhibitor 15 chr8 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 66 4 1 1 0
PLD3-207 PLD3 Q8IV08 5'-3' exonuclease PLD3 chr19 Not Cancer Driver No 1 biogrid 51 62 6 6 0
PRG2-201 PRG2 P13727 Bone marrow proteoglycan chr11 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 37 66 13 13 0
PRKCSH-209 PRKCSH P14314 Glucosidase 2 subunit beta chr19 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 47 320 28 28 0
PSMD1-201 PSMD1 Q99460 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 1 chr2 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 77 201 14 14 0
PSMD5-201 PSMD5 Q16401 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 5 chr9 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 29 2 0 0 0
RIPK4-202 RIPK4 P57078 Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 4 chr21 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 99 232 31 31 3
RPN1-201 RPN1 P04843 Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycosyltransferase subunit 1 chr3 Census Yes 1 hippie 32 69 3 3 0
RPN2-201 RPN2 P04844 Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycosyltransferase subunit 2 chr20 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 48 26 3 3 0
SAE1-201 SAE1 Q9UBE0 SUMO-activating enzyme subunit 1 chr19 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 26 90 4 4 0
SDF2L1-201 SDF2L1 Q9HCN8 Stromal cell-derived factor 2-like protein 1 chr22 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 12 130 7 7 0
SEC13-202 SEC13 P55735 Protein SEC13 homolog chr3 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 26 36 4 4 0
SEL1L-201 SEL1L Q9UBV2 Protein sel-1 homolog 1 chr14 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 64 188 10 10 0
SERPINA1-202 SERPINA1 P01009 Alpha-1-antitrypsin chr14 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 51 38 7 7 0
SERPINH1-201 SERPINH1 P50454 Serpin H1 chr11 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 45 53 5 5 1
SHH-201 SHH Q15465 Sonic hedgehog protein chr7 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 36 139 11 11 69
SHISAL1-201 SHISAL1 Q3SXP7 Protein shisa-like-1 chr22 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 35 53 12 12 0
SRPRA-201 SRPRA P08240 Signal recognition particle receptor subunit alpha chr11 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 76 233 33 33 0
SSR1-201 SSR1 P43307 Translocon-associated protein subunit alpha chr6 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 17 115 5 5 0
STT3A-201 STT3A P46977 Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycosyltransferase subunit STT3A chr11 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 60 27 1 1 4
STT3B-201 STT3B Q8TCJ2 Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycosyltransferase subunit STT3B chr3 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 48 136 8 8 0
TGOLN2-201 TGOLN2 O43493 Trans-Golgi network integral membrane protein 2 chr2 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 39 401 33 33 0
TM2D3-201 TM2D3 Q9BRN9 TM2 domain-containing protein 3 chr15 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 26 13 3 3 0
TMEM106B-202 TMEM106B Q9NUM4 Transmembrane protein 106B chr7 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 22 57 4 4 1
TMEM87A-202 TMEM87A Q8NBN3 Transmembrane protein 87A chr15 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 46 71 6 6 0
TMPRSS2-201 TMPRSS2 O15393 Transmembrane protease serine 2 chr21 Census Yes 1 hippie, biogrid 47 25 3 3 0
TMPRSS4-201 TMPRSS4 Q9NRS4 Transmembrane protease serine 4 chr11 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 41 34 1 1 0
TNIK-204 TNIK Q9UKE5 TRAF2 and NCK-interacting protein kinase chr3 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 126 782 86 86 0
TRAP1-201 TRAP1 Q12931 Heat shock protein 75 kDa, mitochondrial chr16 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 51 110 6 6 0
TRAV20-201 TRAV20 A0A0B4J274 T cell receptor alpha variable 20 chr14 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 0 0 0 0 0
TRIM33-201 TRIM33 Q9UPN9 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRIM33 chr1 Census, Compendium Yes 1 hippie 71 618 34 34 0
TRIM66-208 TRIM66 O15016 Tripartite motif-containing protein 66 chr11 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 32 773 20 20 0
TXNDC5-201 TXNDC5 Q8NBS9 Thioredoxin domain-containing protein 5 chr6 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 32 104 7 7 0
UBA1-201 UBA1 P22314 Ubiquitin-like modifier-activating enzyme 1 chrX Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 82 166 14 14 4
UBA2-201 UBA2 Q9UBT2 SUMO-activating enzyme subunit 2 chr19 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 62 221 22 22 4
UPK2-201 UPK2 O00526 Uroplakin-2 chr11 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 7 9 1 1 0
VCPIP1-201 VCPIP1 Q96JH7 Deubiquitinating protein VCPIP1 chr8 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 103 543 45 45 0