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IBA57-201 ,IBA57 ,Q5T440
  • Number of Interaction partner in intact: 0
  • Number of Interaction partner in biogrid: 57
  • Number of Interaction partner in hippie: 82
Identifier UniProt Gene UniProt Accession UniProt Name Chromosome Cancer Database Cancer Driver Number of independent pubication Interaction Database Number of missense mutations Number of disordered residues Number of mutations in disordered residues Number of mutations in disordered residues Number of omim mutations
AAR2-201 AAR2 Q9Y312 Protein AAR2 homolog chr20 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 45 28 5 5 0
AARS2-201 AARS2 Q5JTZ9 Alanine--tRNA ligase, mitochondrial chr6 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 91 203 23 23 5
ACAD9-201 ACAD9 Q9H845 Complex I assembly factor ACAD9, mitochondrial chr3 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 54 28 2 2 12
AK3-202 AK3 Q9UIJ7 GTP:AMP phosphotransferase AK3, mitochondrial chr9 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 20 33 2 2 0
ARHGAP22-201 ARHGAP22 Q7Z5H3 Rho GTPase-activating protein 22 chr10 Not Cancer Driver No 2 hippie, biogrid 107 449 65 65 0
ATXN3-251 ATXN3 P54252 Ataxin-3 chr14 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 25 183 12 12 0
AUH-202 AUH Q13825 Methylglutaconyl-CoA hydratase, mitochondrial chr9 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 28 29 0 0 1
AURKAIP1-202 AURKAIP1 Q9NWT8 Small ribosomal subunit protein mS38 chr1 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 17 104 8 8 0
C1QBP-201 C1QBP Q07021 Complement component 1 Q subcomponent-binding protein, mitochondrial chr17 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 14 103 5 5 2
CARTPT-201 CARTPT Q16568 Cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript protein chr5 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 15 0 0 0 0
CDC34-201 CDC34 P49427 Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 R1 chr19 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 19 96 7 7 0
CLPP-201 CLPP Q16740 ATP-dependent Clp protease proteolytic subunit, mitochondrial chr19 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 15 83 7 7 3
COX4I1-201 COX4I1 P13073 Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 4 isoform 1, mitochondrial chr16 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 13 5 1 1 1
COX8A-201 COX8A P10176 Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 8A, mitochondrial chr11 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 10 1 0 0 0
CS-201 CS O75390 Citrate synthase, mitochondrial chr12 Not Cancer Driver No 2 hippie, biogrid 38 13 2 2 0
CZIB-201 CZIB Q9NWV4 CXXC motif containing zinc binding protein chr1 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 14 2 1 1 0
DNAJC19-201 DNAJC19 Q96DA6 Mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit TIM14 chr3 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 14 27 3 3 0
ECHDC2-203 ECHDC2 Q86YB7 Enoyl-CoA hydratase domain-containing protein 2, mitochondrial chr1 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 41 10 0 0 0
EFTUD2-202 EFTUD2 Q15029 116 kDa U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein component chr17 Compendium Yes 1 hippie 100 179 22 22 3
EIF4A1-201 EIF4A1 P60842 Eukaryotic initiation factor 4A-I chr17 Not Cancer Driver No 2 hippie, biogrid 32 35 4 4 0
EXD2-214 EXD2 Q9NVH0 Exonuclease 3'-5' domain-containing protein 2 chr14 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 47 178 12 12 0
FASTKD2-202 FASTKD2 Q9NYY8 FAST kinase domain-containing protein 2, mitochondrial chr2 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 49 30 2 2 0
GFM1-210 GFM1 Q96RP9 Elongation factor G, mitochondrial chr3 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 49 79 5 5 4
GFM2-201 GFM2 Q969S9 Ribosome-releasing factor 2, mitochondrial chr5 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 61 100 6 6 2
GRSF1-201 GRSF1 Q12849 G-rich sequence factor 1 chr4 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 33 147 15 15 0
GTF2E2-201 GTF2E2 P29084 Transcription initiation factor IIE subunit beta chr8 Not Cancer Driver No 2 hippie, biogrid 21 133 9 9 2
HINT2-201 HINT2 Q9BX68 Adenosine 5'-monophosphoramidase HINT2 chr9 Not Cancer Driver No 2 hippie, biogrid 6 29 1 1 0
HNRNPH1-203 HNRNPH1 P31943 Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H chr5 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 44 169 20 20 1
HSCB-201 HSCB Q8IWL3 Iron-sulfur cluster co-chaperone protein HscB chr22 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 23 25 3 3 0
HSPD1-202 HSPD1 P10809 60 kDa heat shock protein, mitochondrial chr2 Not Cancer Driver No 2 hippie, biogrid 45 83 1 1 2
IMMP2L-202 IMMP2L Q96T52 Mitochondrial inner membrane protease subunit 2 chr7 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 32 29 6 6 0
IMPDH1-208 IMPDH1 P20839 Inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase 1 chr7 Not Cancer Driver No 2 hippie, biogrid 60 12 1 1 7
ISCA1-203 ISCA1 Q9BUE6 Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog, mitochondrial chr9 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 1 11 0 0 0
ISCA2-204 ISCA2 Q86U28 Iron-sulfur cluster assembly 2 homolog, mitochondrial chr14 Not Cancer Driver No 2 hippie, biogrid 7 38 0 0 1
JUN-201 JUN P05412 Transcription factor Jun chr1 Census Yes 1 hippie 26 283 17 17 0
LONP1-201 LONP1 P36776 Lon protease homolog, mitochondrial chr19 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 75 178 16 16 10
LRPPRC-201 LRPPRC P42704 Leucine-rich PPR motif-containing protein, mitochondrial chr2 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 99 18 0 0 1
LUC7L-201 LUC7L Q9NQ29 Putative RNA-binding protein Luc7-like 1 chr16 Not Cancer Driver No 2 hippie, biogrid 12 254 7 7 0
MDH2-201 MDH2 P40926 Malate dehydrogenase, mitochondrial chr7 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 26 8 1 1 3
METTL15-204 METTL15 A6NJ78 12S rRNA N4-methylcytidine (m4C) methyltransferase chr11 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 35 92 11 11 0
METTL17-201 METTL17 Q9H7H0 Methyltransferase-like protein 17, mitochondrial chr14 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 48 95 10 10 0
MGST3-205 MGST3 O14880 Glutathione S-transferase 3, mitochondrial chr1 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 17 0 0 0 0
MICOS10-201 MICOS10 Q5TGZ0 MICOS complex subunit MIC10 chr1 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 3 0 0 0 0
MICOS10-NBL1-202 MICOS10 Q5TGZ0 MICOS complex subunit MIC10 chr1 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 3 0 0 0 0
MINDY3-201 MINDY3 Q9H8M7 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase MINDY-3 chr10 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 51 17 2 2 0
MRM1-204 MRM1 Q6IN84 rRNA methyltransferase 1, mitochondrial chr17 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 27 106 8 8 0
MRPL11-201 MRPL11 Q9Y3B7 Large ribosomal subunit protein uL11m chr11 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 20 12 2 2 0
MRPL58-201 MRPL58 Q14197 Large ribosomal subunit protein mL62 chr17 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 26 106 11 11 0
MRRF-202 MRRF Q96E11 Ribosome-recycling factor, mitochondrial chr9 Not Cancer Driver No 3 hippie, biogrid 13 118 6 6 0
MTERF3-201 MTERF3 Q96E29 Transcription termination factor 3, mitochondrial chr8 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 35 62 4 4 0
MTG1-201 MTG1 Q9BT17 Mitochondrial ribosome-associated GTPase 1 chr10 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 29 16 2 2 0
MTIF2-201 MTIF2 P46199 Translation initiation factor IF-2, mitochondrial chr2 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 71 114 7 7 0
MTIF3-202 MTIF3 Q9H2K0 Translation initiation factor IF-3, mitochondrial chr13 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 15 180 11 11 0
MTPN-201 MTPN P58546 Myotrophin chr7 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 7 11 3 3 0
MTRF1L-203 MTRF1L Q9UGC7 Peptide chain release factor 1-like, mitochondrial chr6 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 17 185 5 5 0
NIT1-203 NIT1 Q86X76 Deaminated glutathione amidase chr1 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 31 18 2 2 0
NME4-201 NME4 O00746 Nucleoside diphosphate kinase, mitochondrial chr16 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 10 43 5 5 0
NMRAL1-201 NMRAL1 Q9HBL8 NmrA-like family domain-containing protein 1 chr16 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 28 14 2 2 0
NONO-201 NONO Q15233 Non-POU domain-containing octamer-binding protein chrX Census, Compendium Yes 1 hippie, biogrid 70 349 46 46 0
OXLD1-201 OXLD1 Q5BKU9 Oxidoreductase-like domain-containing protein 1 chr17 Not Cancer Driver No 2 hippie, biogrid 20 85 15 15 0
PARL-202 PARL Q9H300 Presenilin-associated rhomboid-like protein, mitochondrial chr3 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 38 28 5 5 0
PDHA1-205 PDHA1 P08559 Pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 component subunit alpha, somatic form, mitochondrial chrX Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 40 43 4 4 19
PDK1-201 PDK1 Q15118 [Pyruvate dehydrogenase (acetyl-transferring)] kinase isozyme 1, mitochondrial chr2 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 32 49 7 7 0
PIH1D1-201 PIH1D1 Q9NWS0 PIH1 domain-containing protein 1 chr19 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 24 160 13 13 0
PLEKHA4-201 PLEKHA4 Q9H4M7 Pleckstrin homology domain-containing family A member 4 chr19 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 115 690 110 110 0
PMPCA-201 PMPCA Q10713 Mitochondrial-processing peptidase subunit alpha chr9 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 48 23 3 3 4
PMPCB-201 PMPCB O75439 Mitochondrial-processing peptidase subunit beta chr7 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 36 22 2 2 4
RAB3A-201 RAB3A P20336 Ras-related protein Rab-3A chr19 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 19 43 3 3 0
SIRT4-201 SIRT4 Q9Y6E7 NAD-dependent protein lipoamidase sirtuin-4, mitochondrial chr12 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 31 4 0 0 0
SLIRP-209 SLIRP Q9GZT3 SRA stem-loop-interacting RNA-binding protein, mitochondrial chr14 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 2 41 0 0 0
SPX-201 SPX Q9BT56 Spexin chr12 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 19 40 6 6 0
SSBP1-201 SSBP1 Q04837 Single-stranded DNA-binding protein, mitochondrial chr7 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 20 0 0 0 6
TACO1-201 TACO1 Q9BSH4 Translational activator of cytochrome c oxidase 1 chr17 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 20 111 2 2 0
TBRG4-201 TBRG4 Q969Z0 FAST kinase domain-containing protein 4 chr7 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 56 61 1 1 0
TFAM-204 TFAM Q00059 Transcription factor A, mitochondrial chr10 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 19 110 11 11 1
TMEM184A-201 TMEM184A Q6ZMB5 Transmembrane protein 184A chr7 Not Cancer Driver No 2 hippie, biogrid 45 76 12 12 0
TMEM70-201 TMEM70 Q9BUB7 Transmembrane protein 70, mitochondrial chr8 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 17 24 1 1 1
TRAP1-201 TRAP1 Q12931 Heat shock protein 75 kDa, mitochondrial chr16 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 51 110 6 6 0
TRMT61B-201 TRMT61B Q9BVS5 tRNA (adenine(58)-N(1))-methyltransferase, mitochondrial chr2 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 40 124 11 11 0
TRUB2-201 TRUB2 O95900 Pseudouridylate synthase TRUB2, mitochondrial chr9 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 28 73 6 6 0
TSFM-212 TSFM P43897 Elongation factor Ts, mitochondrial chr12 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 21 74 4 4 2
TUFM-201 TUFM P49411 Elongation factor Tu, mitochondrial chr16 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 36 51 4 4 1