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LRRC7-214 ,LRRC7 ,Q96NW7
  • Number of Interaction partner in intact: 4
  • Number of Interaction partner in biogrid: 0
  • Number of Interaction partner in hippie: 24
Identifier UniProt Gene UniProt Accession UniProt Name Chromosome Cancer Database Cancer Driver Number of independent pubication Interaction Database Number of missense mutations Number of disordered residues Number of mutations in disordered residues Number of mutations in disordered residues Number of omim mutations
ACTN2-201 ACTN2 P35609 Alpha-actinin-2 chr1 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 191 129 23 23 9
ACTN4-201 ACTN4 O43707 Alpha-actinin-4 chr19 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 110 244 36 36 7
ADGRB1-201 ADGRB1 O14514 Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor B1 chr8 Compendium Yes 1 hippie 170 487 39 39 0
CAMK2A-201 CAMK2A Q9UQM7 Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II subunit alpha chr5 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 62 62 10 10 7
CAMK2G-207 CAMK2G Q13555 Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II subunit gamma chr10 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 43 182 6 6 1
CDH1-201 CDH1 P12830 Cadherin-1 chr16 Census, Compendium Yes 1 hippie 125 401 70 70 5
CDH2-201 CDH2 P19022 Cadherin-2 chr18 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 182 464 107 107 7
CNKSR2-202 CNKSR2 Q8WXI2 Connector enhancer of kinase suppressor of ras 2 chrX Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 154 518 87 87 0
CTNND2-201 CTNND2 Q9UQB3 Catenin delta-2 chr5 Census Yes 1 hippie 338 841 228 228 6
CUL3-201 CUL3 Q13618 Cullin-3 chr2 Census, Compendium Yes 1 hippie 98 168 18 18 3
DLG4-202 DLG4 P78352 Disks large homolog 4 chr17 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 74 233 34 34 0
EPS15L1-201 EPS15L1 Q9UBC2 Epidermal growth factor receptor substrate 15-like 1 chr19 Not Cancer Driver No 1 intact, hippie 82 603 57 57 0
ERBB2-201 ERBB2 P04626 Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 chr17 Census, Compendium Yes 1 hippie 249 315 32 32 1
ERBB3-201 ERBB3 P21860 Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-3 chr12 Census, Compendium Yes 1 hippie 265 398 59 59 3
ERBB4-202 ERBB4 Q15303 Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4 chr2 Census, Compendium Yes 1 hippie 376 324 95 95 2
HNRNPL-201 HNRNPL P14866 Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein L chr19 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 61 283 23 23 0
HOMER3-202 HOMER3 Q9NSC5 Homer protein homolog 3 chr19 Not Cancer Driver No 1 intact, hippie 14 254 7 7 0
HOMEZ-201 HOMEZ Q8IX15 Homeobox and leucine zipper protein Homez chr14 Not Cancer Driver No 1 intact, hippie 50 401 40 40 0
LRRC7-214 LRRC7 Q96NW7 Leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 7 chr1 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 386 1085 266 266 0
NQO2-205 NQO2 P16083 Ribosyldihydronicotinamide dehydrogenase [quinone] chr6 Not Cancer Driver No 2 intact, hippie 20 10 1 1 0
PKP4-202 PKP4 Q99569 Plakophilin-4 chr2 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 129 760 92 92 0
PPP1R9B-202 PPP1R9B Q96SB3 Neurabin-2 chr17 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 37 698 27 27 0
RNF123-201 RNF123 Q5XPI4 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF123 chr3 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 126 220 23 23 0
TOR1A-201 TOR1A O14656 Torsin-1A chr9 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 26 0 0 0 3