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PADI3-201 ,PADI3 ,Q9ULW8
  • Number of Interaction partner in intact: 0
  • Number of Interaction partner in biogrid: 31
  • Number of Interaction partner in hippie: 41
Identifier UniProt Gene UniProt Accession UniProt Name Chromosome Cancer Database Cancer Driver Number of independent pubication Interaction Database Number of missense mutations Number of disordered residues Number of mutations in disordered residues Number of mutations in disordered residues Number of omim mutations
ANXA9-201 ANXA9 O76027 Annexin A9 chr1 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 35 42 5 5 0
ATP5PB-202 ATP5PB P24539 ATP synthase F(0) complex subunit B1, mitochondrial chr1 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 25 2 0 0 0
C1orf127-202 C1orf127 Q8N9H9 Uncharacterized protein C1orf127 chr1 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 0 0 0 0 0
CAPZA2-201 CAPZA2 P47755 F-actin-capping protein subunit alpha-2 chr7 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 21 19 0 0 0
CPLX3-201 CPLX3 Q8WVH0 Complexin-3 chr15 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 19 150 18 18 0
CSGALNACT1-217 CSGALNACT1 Q8TDX6 Chondroitin sulfate N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 1 chr8 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 64 132 22 22 3
DNALI1-206 DNALI1 O14645 Axonemal dynein light intermediate polypeptide 1 chr1 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 18 177 10 10 0
FBXL4-202 FBXL4 Q9UKA2 F-box/LRR-repeat protein 4 chr6 Not Cancer Driver No 2 hippie, biogrid 60 25 1 1 7
FOS-201 FOS P01100 Protein c-Fos chr14 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 37 247 28 28 0
IL31RA-212 IL31RA Q8NI17 Interleukin-31 receptor subunit alpha chr5 Not Cancer Driver No 2 hippie, biogrid 85 162 26 26 1
INCA1-205 INCA1 Q0VD86 Protein INCA1 chr17 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 14 196 11 11 0
KDELR2-201 KDELR2 P33947 ER lumen protein-retaining receptor 2 chr7 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 19 0 0 0 1
KIF3A-202 KIF3A Q9Y496 Kinesin-like protein KIF3A chr5 Not Cancer Driver No 2 hippie, biogrid 49 409 35 35 0
KLF11-201 KLF11 O14901 Krueppel-like factor 11 chr2 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 45 310 32 32 2
MAP1LC3A-201 MAP1LC3A Q9H492 Microtubule-associated proteins 1A/1B light chain 3A chr20 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 19 24 1 1 0
MAPK3-201 MAPK3 P27361 Mitogen-activated protein kinase 3 chr16 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 32 49 3 3 0
MRPL38-201 MRPL38 Q96DV4 Large ribosomal subunit protein mL38 chr17 Not Cancer Driver No 2 hippie, biogrid 36 90 13 13 0
NFKB1-205 NFKB1 P19838 Nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p105 subunit chr4 Not Cancer Driver No 2 hippie, biogrid 62 345 30 30 0
NFKB2-211 NFKB2 Q00653 Nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p100 subunit chr10 Census, Compendium Yes 2 hippie, biogrid 61 513 34 34 0
NPSR1-202 NPSR1 Q6W5P4 Neuropeptide S receptor chr7 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 75 9 0 0 0
NSMAF-201 NSMAF Q92636 Protein FAN chr8 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 84 80 12 12 0
NUP58-202 NUP58 Q9BVL2 Nucleoporin p58/p45 chr13 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 48 379 35 35 0
OAZ3-202 OAZ3 Q9UMX2 Ornithine decarboxylase antizyme 3 chr1 Not Cancer Driver No 2 hippie, biogrid 22 33 1 1 0
PADI1-201 PADI1 Q9ULC6 Protein-arginine deiminase type-1 chr1 Not Cancer Driver No 2 hippie, biogrid 97 43 6 6 0
PADI3-201 PADI3 Q9ULW8 Protein-arginine deiminase type-3 chr1 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 113 25 7 7 3
PADI4-201 PADI4 Q9UM07 Protein-arginine deiminase type-4 chr1 Not Cancer Driver No 2 hippie, biogrid 97 116 19 19 0
PEMT-204 PEMT Q9UBM1 Phosphatidylethanolamine N-methyltransferase chr17 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 14 1 0 0 0
PLD5-208 PLD5 Q8N7P1 Inactive phospholipase D5 chr1 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 124 62 14 14 0
PML-201 PML P29590 Protein PML chr15 Census, Compendium Yes 2 hippie, biogrid 87 312 28 28 0
POLG2-201 POLG2 Q9UHN1 DNA polymerase subunit gamma-2, mitochondrial chr17 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 47 46 3 3 3
PTDSS1-202 PTDSS1 P48651 Phosphatidylserine synthase 1 chr8 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 56 44 4 4 3
PYHIN1-203 PYHIN1 Q6K0P9 Pyrin and HIN domain-containing protein 1 chr1 Not Cancer Driver No 3 hippie, biogrid 139 293 81 81 0
RAB11B-201 RAB11B Q15907 Ras-related protein Rab-11B chr19 Not Cancer Driver No 2 hippie, biogrid 22 39 2 2 2
RAP1B-201 RAP1B P61224 Ras-related protein Rap-1b chr12 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 20 14 2 2 0
REL-201 REL Q04864 Proto-oncogene c-Rel chr2 Census Yes 1 hippie 53 365 35 35 0
RRAS2-201 RRAS2 P62070 Ras-related protein R-Ras2 chr11 Compendium Yes 1 hippie, biogrid 27 37 1 1 3
SGIP1-203 SGIP1 Q9BQI5 SH3-containing GRB2-like protein 3-interacting protein 1 chr1 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 168 563 127 127 0
SGO2-201 SGO2 Q562F6 Shugoshin 2 chr2 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 111 1029 91 91 0
SMARCD1-202 SMARCD1 Q96GM5 SWI/SNF-related matrix-associated actin-dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily D member 1 chr12 Census, Compendium Yes 3 hippie, biogrid 37 216 14 14 2
SPARCL1-201 SPARCL1 Q14515 SPARC-like protein 1 chr4 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 64 422 38 38 0
TEX35-201 TEX35 Q5T0J7 Testis-expressed protein 35 chr1 Not Cancer Driver No 2 hippie, biogrid 44 184 35 35 0