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TGFBR3-201 ,TGFBR3 ,Q03167
  • Number of Interaction partner in intact: 15
  • Number of Interaction partner in biogrid: 29
  • Number of Interaction partner in hippie: 47
Identifier UniProt Gene UniProt Accession UniProt Name Chromosome Cancer Database Cancer Driver Number of independent pubication Interaction Database Number of missense mutations Number of disordered residues Number of mutations in disordered residues Number of mutations in disordered residues Number of omim mutations
ACVR2A-201 ACVR2A P27037 Activin receptor type-2A chr2 Census, Compendium Yes 1 hippie 64 56 4 4 0
ARRB2-201 ARRB2 P32121 Beta-arrestin-2 chr17 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 39 122 19 19 0
ATP1B3-201 ATP1B3 P54709 Sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit beta-3 chr3 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 19 6 0 0 0
ATP1B4-201 ATP1B4 Q9UN42 Protein ATP1B4 chrX Not Cancer Driver No 3 intact, hippie, biogrid 67 80 15 15 0
CAMKV-209 CAMKV Q8NCB2 CaM kinase-like vesicle-associated protein chr3 Not Cancer Driver No 2 intact, hippie, biogrid 67 226 22 22 0
CANT1-202 CANT1 Q8WVQ1 Soluble calcium-activated nucleotidase 1 chr17 Census Yes 2 intact, hippie, biogrid 46 48 4 4 11
CD160-202 CD160 O95971 CD160 antigen chr1 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 16 2 0 0 0
CLEC2B-201 CLEC2B Q92478 C-type lectin domain family 2 member B chr12 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 26 0 0 0 0
DEFA5-201 DEFA5 Q01523 Defensin alpha 5 chr8 Not Cancer Driver No 2 intact, hippie, biogrid 12 17 2 2 0
DKKL1-201 DKKL1 Q9UK85 Dickkopf-like protein 1 chr19 Not Cancer Driver No 2 intact, hippie, biogrid 36 138 24 24 0
ELAVL1-201 ELAVL1 Q15717 ELAV-like protein 1 chr19 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 54 43 5 5 0
ENG-202 ENG P17813 Endoglin chr9 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 47 114 11 11 29
FBXO2-201 FBXO2 Q9UK22 F-box only protein 2 chr1 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 16 76 0 0 0
FGF1-201 FGF1 P05230 Fibroblast growth factor 1 chr5 Not Cancer Driver No 3 hippie, biogrid 21 29 2 2 0
FGF4-201 FGF4 P08620 Fibroblast growth factor 4 chr11 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 15 21 3 3 0
FGFR1-214 FGFR1 P11362 Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 chr8 Census, Compendium Yes 1 hippie 92 231 26 26 69
GIPC1-203 GIPC1 O14908 PDZ domain-containing protein GIPC1 chr19 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 44 140 16 16 0
GPR183-201 GPR183 P32249 G-protein coupled receptor 183 chr13 Not Cancer Driver No 3 intact, hippie, biogrid 35 25 3 3 0
HADHA-201 HADHA P40939 Trifunctional enzyme subunit alpha, mitochondrial chr2 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 52 19 0 0 5
HPN-210 HPN P05981 Serine protease hepsin chr19 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 49 12 2 2 0
INHA-201 INHA P05111 Inhibin alpha chain chr2 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 43 144 13 13 0
INHBA-201 INHBA P08476 Inhibin beta A chain chr7 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 121 154 54 54 0
ITM2B-204 ITM2B Q9Y287 Integral membrane protein 2B chr13 Not Cancer Driver No 3 intact, hippie, biogrid 15 12 0 0 1
KLK11-207 KLK11 Q9UBX7 Kallikrein-11 chr19 Not Cancer Driver No 3 intact, hippie, biogrid 37 47 9 9 0
KLRC1-202 KLRC1 P26715 NKG2-A/NKG2-B type II integral membrane protein chr12 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 33 50 6 6 0
LRRTM3-201 LRRTM3 Q86VH5 Leucine-rich repeat transmembrane neuronal protein 3 chr10 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 110 136 23 23 0
LRRTM4-204 LRRTM4 Q86VH4 Leucine-rich repeat transmembrane neuronal protein 4 chr2 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 193 112 43 43 0
NRP1-206 NRP1 O14786 Neuropilin-1 chr10 Compendium Yes 1 hippie 112 212 25 25 0
PDPK1-202 PDPK1 O15530 3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1 chr16 Not Cancer Driver No 1 intact, hippie, biogrid 23 121 9 9 0
PIP5K1A-202 PIP5K1A Q99755 Phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate 5-kinase type-1 alpha chr1 Not Cancer Driver No 2 intact, hippie, biogrid 53 217 22 22 0
PSCA-201 PSCA O43653 Prostate stem cell antigen chr8 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 5 0 0 0 0
PTCH1-201 PTCH1 Q13635 Protein patched homolog 1 chr9 Census, Compendium Yes 3 intact, hippie, biogrid 156 383 39 39 17
SDC2-201 SDC2 P34741 Syndecan-2 chr8 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 33 130 21 21 0
SDC4-201 SDC4 P31431 Syndecan-4 chr20 Census, Compendium Yes 1 hippie, biogrid 20 111 15 15 0
SHISA3-201 SHISA3 A0PJX4 Protein shisa-3 homolog chr4 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 24 77 8 8 0
SIAE-201 SIAE Q9HAT2 Sialate O-acetylesterase chr11 Not Cancer Driver No 2 hippie, biogrid 31 10 1 1 9
ST14-201 ST14 Q9Y5Y6 Suppressor of tumorigenicity 14 protein chr11 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 86 47 5 5 1
ST8SIA4-201 ST8SIA4 Q92187 CMP-N-acetylneuraminate-poly-alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase chr5 Not Cancer Driver No 2 intact, hippie, biogrid 74 5 1 1 0
TAFA2-201 TAFA2 Q8N3H0 Chemokine-like protein TAFA-2 chr12 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 43 4 1 1 0
TAFA4-201 TAFA4 Q96LR4 Chemokine-like protein TAFA-4 chr3 Not Cancer Driver No 1 intact, hippie 30 4 0 0 0
TGFB1-201 TGFB1 P01137 Transforming growth factor beta-1 proprotein chr19 Not Cancer Driver No 3 intact, hippie 30 44 3 3 8
TGFB2-202 TGFB2 P61812 Transforming growth factor beta-2 proprotein chr1 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 44 47 5 5 4
TGFB3-201 TGFB3 P10600 Transforming growth factor beta-3 proprotein chr14 Not Cancer Driver No 2 intact, hippie 27 97 6 6 1
TGFBR2-201 TGFBR2 P37173 TGF-beta receptor type-2 chr3 Census, Compendium Yes 1 hippie 93 61 15 15 21
TGFBR3-201 TGFBR3 Q03167 Transforming growth factor beta receptor type 3 chr1 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 104 268 36 36 0
TMPRSS13-202 TMPRSS13 Q9BYE2 Transmembrane protease serine 13 chr11 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie, biogrid 56 205 28 28 0
VIRMA-201 VIRMA Q69YN4 Protein virilizer homolog chr8 Not Cancer Driver No 1 hippie 157 634 73 73 0